White House quiet as a Mouse while Pres Trump Denies any Knowledge of Russian meeting

Why would he have to?

Why aren't you all up in arms about another instance of TREASON since this meeting was officially disclosed and you are only now hearing about it because it was leaked?

A FAKE NEWS Story a day, isn't that your goal?

Every one of them Concocted by THE LEFT in their attempts to stage a Soft Coup against America.

And everyone of them have been debunked.

When are your phucking piece of shit Senators and your so called 'party' going to do something in The Senate?

There are nearly 200 nominees awaiting confirmation processes. Obamacare is falling flat on it's face because it punishes small businesses and The Middle Class. Insurers are running from it like it's a Forest Fire, and People are refusing to sign up for it and pay the fines instead.

Since when has being a DEMOCRAT meant that you are at war with AMERICA?

You should be ashamed of yourselves but you aren't.
Reminds me of Sodom & Gomorrah where wickedness was so pervasive that The People Reveled in it, were proud of their sins, glorified lies, and hated TRUTH.

That pretty much describes you and your party.

1 Samuel 15:23

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 24Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.…

New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

Tell me what it's like to be morally corrupt and to delight in lies, rebellion and subversion. And then tell me again exactly what the charges are here?
Espionage? Yes on whomever leaked this. There seems to be no end to Espionage and Sedition for The Democrat Party.

When you and all the Lefties who engaged in propagating lies, and instigating violence, calling for The Assassination and Impeachment of The President.

Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?

Heil Hitlery.


This makes approximately 175 False Allegations made by The Left in Their War against America, Democray and The Office of the President of the United States.
I wish you pussies would just get on with rioting so we could get this over with. Why don't you start by burning down the Shit Hole that is Chicago?




Why do you continually try to distract from the fact that this email is indeed proof that The Trump campaign was involved with Russia. They lied..period while trying to discredit the democrats for calling them out on it.

Distraction will not work in this case, sorry but the Trumps have been caught in a major lie.
New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?

Why isn't it news that Trump Junior also met with a Nigerian Prince who inherited a fortune, but who needs Trump Jr. to cash a check for him to activate the account and give him access to his millions?

Where is The OUTRAGE? Nigerians...Nigerians...Nigerians!

Evidence Sucka :badgrin:

Why would he have to?

Why aren't you all up in arms about another instance of TREASON since this meeting was officially disclosed and you are only now hearing about it because it was leaked?

A FAKE NEWS Story a day, isn't that your goal?

Every one of them Concocted by THE LEFT in their attempts to stage a Soft Coup against America.

And everyone of them have been debunked.

When are your phucking piece of shit Senators and your so called 'party' going to do something in The Senate?

There are nearly 200 nominees awaiting confirmation processes. Obamacare is falling flat on it's face because it punishes small businesses and The Middle Class. Insurers are running from it like it's a Forest Fire, and People are refusing to sign up for it and pay the fines instead.

Since when has being a DEMOCRAT meant that you are at war with AMERICA?

You should be ashamed of yourselves but you aren't.
Reminds me of Sodom & Gomorrah where wickedness was so pervasive that The People Reveled in it, were proud of their sins, glorified lies, and hated TRUTH.

That pretty much describes you and your party.

1 Samuel 15:23

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 24Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.…

New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

Tell me what it's like to be morally corrupt and to delight in lies, rebellion and subversion. And then tell me again exactly what the charges are here?
Espionage? Yes on whomever leaked this. There seems to be no end to Espionage and Sedition for The Democrat Party.

When you and all the Lefties who engaged in propagating lies, and instigating violence, calling for The Assassination and Impeachment of The President.

Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?

Heil Hitlery.


This makes approximately 175 False Allegations made by The Left in Their War against America, Democray and The Office of the President of the United States.
I wish you pussies would just get on with rioting so we could get this over with. Why don't you start by burning down the Shit Hole that is Chicago?




Why do you continually try to distract from the fact that this email is indeed proof that The Trump campaign was involved with Russia. They lied..period while trying to discredit the democrats for calling them out on it.

Distraction will not work in this case, sorry but the Trumps have been caught in a major lie.
so a major liberal tactic is not allowed in a point where the liberals think FINALLY WE GOT HIM!!!!

bullshit won't fly anymore either.
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
Why would he have to?

Why aren't you all up in arms about another instance of TREASON since this meeting was officially disclosed and you are only now hearing about it because it was leaked?

A FAKE NEWS Story a day, isn't that your goal?

Every one of them Concocted by THE LEFT in their attempts to stage a Soft Coup against America.

And everyone of them have been debunked.

When are your phucking piece of shit Senators and your so called 'party' going to do something in The Senate?

There are nearly 200 nominees awaiting confirmation processes. Obamacare is falling flat on it's face because it punishes small businesses and The Middle Class. Insurers are running from it like it's a Forest Fire, and People are refusing to sign up for it and pay the fines instead.

Since when has being a DEMOCRAT meant that you are at war with AMERICA?

You should be ashamed of yourselves but you aren't.
Reminds me of Sodom & Gomorrah where wickedness was so pervasive that The People Reveled in it, were proud of their sins, glorified lies, and hated TRUTH.

That pretty much describes you and your party.

1 Samuel 15:23

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 24Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.…

New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

So it was the Times? It has been so frustrating to know that Trump was lying but could not get concrete evidence..I got so frustrated that I had to turn off the news ..
I feel validated by the truth , this is why it is such a big deal.. there is no way to discredit this..or call it fake news..

Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
I was just answering your question. Who do YOU think cared about the "scoop?"
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

So it was the Times? It has been so frustrating to know that Trump was lying but could not get concrete evidence..I got so frustrated that I had to turn off the news ..
I feel validated by the truth , this is why it is such a big deal.. there is no way to discredit this..or call it fake news..

No, it's fact alright. I agree with you it is important but it's not the smoking gun, exactly. It certainly uncovers the mindset of the Trump team. I think Don Jr. just drove a stake through the bottom of the boat and the Trump admin is going to be busy bailing from here on out. But it may well not be anything they will get in trouble for. They will no doubt continue to brazen it out.
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
Are you accusing me of "hating?" Up until this broke, I was fucking defending them, not knowing what I know now. Look at some of my threads from yesterday if you don't believe me. I want everyone to be treated fairly, even them.
Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?
DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
I was just answering your question. Who do YOU think cared about the "scoop?"
dunno. i'm not the one who was claiming someone did - much like i wasn't the one to bring up "moral equ..."

nevermind. :)

just seems people will take any nugget of info that comes along and drama it up to max value. i just question whether or not *everything* is worthy of that. this is like the 6th GOTCHA BOMB that has come along and the previous 5 have been nothing.

like i've said before - i'll wait for the whole story to come out so we can weed out the speculative bullshit that invariably gets to be taken as gospel for no other reason than people WANT it to be true.
DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
Are you accusing me of "hating?" Up until this broke, I was fucking defending them, not knowing what I know now. Look at some of my threads from yesterday if you don't believe me. I want everyone to be treated fairly, even them.
you? no. just the climate in general. and i do believe you and have seen as such. it does seem however when i'm kinda doing the same to the left and saying "good point" it gets over looked. but, that's kinda life.
So still, nobody? knows how the email got to the NYT? Just nosy.

I looked for any info how it was leaked and couldn't find anything..but to me it is almost like the deep throat of the 1970's leaking to The Washington Post. It may not turn out to be illegal,but it is proof that Trumps campaign was lying..

There is no way to call this fake news...
I've been reading articles. There were three anonymous sources for the Times story, so I'm guessing the emails also came from them. They got the whole thing at once, but they were vetting the information before publishing it, so that's why it came out in three parts.

It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.

So it was the Times? It has been so frustrating to know that Trump was lying but could not get concrete evidence..I got so frustrated that I had to turn off the news ..
I feel validated by the truth , this is why it is such a big deal.. there is no way to discredit this..or call it fake news..

No, it's fact alright. I agree with you it is important but it's not the smoking gun, exactly. It certainly uncovers the mindset of the Trump team. I think Don Jr. just drove a stake through the bottom of the boat and the Trump admin is going to be busy bailing from here on out. But it may well not be anything they will get in trouble for. They will no doubt continue to brazen it out.
good to see you waiting for the whole story to be fair about it. :)
It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
RobGoldstone The person he corresponded with who set it up would have those emails and if MSM would do their research
Rob Goldstone was a fake news hound publicist for tabloids aka fake story seller $$$ and it gets more pathetic, he is friends with Gore's publicist and hung around Clinton's WH press team as seen in press room photo. If
Rob Goldstone has Russian ties then Gore and Clinton are tied to the Russians and using these characters as agents for missdirection of their crimes.
Rob Goldstone wh press room.jpeg
Espionage? Yes on whomever leaked this. There seems to be no end to Espionage and Sedition for The Democrat Party.

Don junior is not a part of the government and he released it himself on Twitter.

You have officially gone off the deep end.

I believe the Trump Administration after 18 months of The Left trying to find something to pin on them will finally go down in flames. I expect Impeachment, and perhaps a Treason Trial and Imprisonment for Donald Trump and his entire family after The Washington Post just released this leaked email.

Dear Mr. Donald J Trump.

As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe everyone will die someday.

My name is Peter Lawson, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E.I have been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer which was discovered very late,due to my laxity in carrying for my health. It has defiled all forms of medicine, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.

I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focus on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.

Now that God ! has called me, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets to my immediate and extended family members and as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul and so, I have decided to give arms to charity organizations and give succour and confort to the less priviledged in our societies, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth.

So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization and to the less priviledged in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them.

The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of twenty four million dollars that I have with a Security Company in Europe for safe keeping. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and disburse it to some charity organizations and to the less priviledged.

Please send me a mail to indicate if you will assist me in this disbursement.

I have set aside 10% for you for your time and patience.

You can e-mail me at [email protected]

While I await to hear from you, may God be with you and your entire family.

Remain blessed.

Mr.Peter Lawson
Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
I was just answering your question. Who do YOU think cared about the "scoop?"
dunno. i'm not the one who was claiming someone did - much like i wasn't the one to bring up "moral equ..."

nevermind. :)

just seems people will take any nugget of info that comes along and drama it up to max value. i just question whether or not *everything* is worthy of that. this is like the 6th GOTCHA BOMB that has come along and the previous 5 have been nothing.

like i've said before - i'll wait for the whole story to come out so we can weed out the speculative bullshit that invariably gets to be taken as gospel for no other reason than people WANT it to be true.

Kushner and Manafort were also in that meeting. The Trump team collectively denied meeting with Russians let alone with the express purpose if obtaining information to use against Clinton.

Trump team issued at least 20 denials of contacts with Russia
Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
I was just answering your question. Who do YOU think cared about the "scoop?"
dunno. i'm not the one who was claiming someone did - much like i wasn't the one to bring up "moral equ..."

nevermind. :)

just seems people will take any nugget of info that comes along and drama it up to max value. i just question whether or not *everything* is worthy of that. this is like the 6th GOTCHA BOMB that has come along and the previous 5 have been nothing.

like i've said before - i'll wait for the whole story to come out so we can weed out the speculative bullshit that invariably gets to be taken as gospel for no other reason than people WANT it to be true.
This one is different. Matter of fact, this is the first bombshell as far as I'm concerned since the Access Hollywood tape came out. I haven't followed all this Russian collusion stuff because it seemed too hyped. A lot of people I respect tended to differ, but I just can't trust that much spin.
This is different. You may be so good at dismissing EVERYTHING that's come down the pike that you don't even recognize it anymore, but this one is important.
It's interesting. Who would have access to Don Jr.'s email? This gets better and better.
RobGoldstone The person he corresponded with who set it up would have those emails and if MSM would do their research
Rob Goldstone was a fake news hound publicist for tabloids aka fake story seller $$$ and it gets more pathetic, he is friends with Gore's publicist and hung around Clinton's WH press team as seen in press room photo. If
Rob Goldstone has Russian ties then Gore and Clinton are tied to the Russians and using these characters as agents for missdirection of their crimes.
View attachment 138243
True Goldstone would. Do you think he is one of the three sources the NYT referred to? A journalist hanging out with other journalists isn't exactly a stop the presses event, though. Somehow you guys want to twist everything into being about Clinton, but I think you'd better get busy figuring out how to defend Trump instead. He's gonna need it.
Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Well lets see, Manafort, Kushner and Jr were all there, what do you think?

Nothing from the Trumpcamp during the daily briefing.. They know that they are busted, and shows the doubting Americans the truth..

I am curious about how this will go down with Kushner and Manafort , what do you think..?
if the e-mail itself is the issue (as it should be) who cares about a "scoop"?
Apparently Don Jr?
of course. never the other guy when hate is strong. :)
I was just answering your question. Who do YOU think cared about the "scoop?"
dunno. i'm not the one who was claiming someone did - much like i wasn't the one to bring up "moral equ..."

nevermind. :)

just seems people will take any nugget of info that comes along and drama it up to max value. i just question whether or not *everything* is worthy of that. this is like the 6th GOTCHA BOMB that has come along and the previous 5 have been nothing.

like i've said before - i'll wait for the whole story to come out so we can weed out the speculative bullshit that invariably gets to be taken as gospel for no other reason than people WANT it to be true.
This one is different. Matter of fact, this is the first bombshell as far as I'm concerned since the Access Hollywood tape came out. I haven't followed all this Russian collusion stuff because it seemed too hyped. A lot of people I respect tended to differ, but I just can't trust that much spin.
This is different. You may be so good at dismissing EVERYTHING that's come down the pike that you don't even recognize it anymore, but this one is important.
where does "ill wait for all the facts" jump to dismissing anything?

this should be interesting.

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