White House quiet as a Mouse while Pres Trump Denies any Knowledge of Russian meeting

Why isn't Trump defending his son on twitter ? Where are the Fake News tweets from Trump....
So do you believe Trump when he said that that he had 0 knowledge of the Russian meeting with his own son?

News conference is off camera today...

White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer - CNNPolitics.com


Proving you Dems have selective
Suddenly nobody is allowed to meet Russian people except Dems themselves.
Even the Russian Lawyers motives prove Dems XENOPHOBIA, because she is an activist against the Obama administration refusing Russian children being adopted by Americans and that's the real motive behind her meeting. Ironic since the Dems run not on any policy or solutions, but on the claim of Xenophobia of it's opponent for not wanting criminals drugs and terrorists to set up shop in our country, and here we see Dems protect drugs, murderers, terrorists but refuse Children entrance for adoption.
Using all the Dem arguments on refugees their Xenophobic stance against a country who's orphans never caused terrorist acts makes them exposed as using races and nations as selectice political baiting.
repic fail by Liberals=exposed as hate mongers who use races for political gain and could not care that they hold them down or cause their communities pain in their using them as pawns.
Donald Trump Jr.’s decision to release his emails about his meeting with a Russian lawyer has reportedly caused total chaos to break out at the Trump White House.

During a Tuesday afternoon panel discussion, MSNBC reporter Kristen Welker painted a gruesome picture of an administration scrambling to come up with ways to spin the latest bombshell revelations that confirmed Trump Jr. was explicitly told that his meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

“This is now a White House that is in full damage control,” she said. “This complicates the narrative even further that we have heard consistently — from the president, from the vice president, from his top officials on down — saying that no one from his campaign met with or knew about Russia’s efforts to try to intervene with Russia’s efforts to intervene in the 2016 race, or to try to collude with them.”

Welker went on to state that there was no way that the Trump White House could pretend that Trump’s eldest son was not directly connected to the president.

Your reply has nothing to do with my post nor refutes that using liberal's own arguments:
Dems are Xenophobic, besides being propagandists. Natalia Veselnitskaya exposes corrupt people in Russia not working for the Corrupt gov't.
She is 'a Russian' not "The Russians".
This is about Orphan Children & maybe used the
Podesta's Russian Ties Illustration by Greg Groesch/The
Mrs. Clinton ties, and that of Hillary's husband
who had traveled to Russia, as a means to discuss orphans, a tactic activists do for their agenda. The only story here is
1)why are Clinton campaign people allowed to speak to foreign actors for fake news storys used to manipulate the elections?
2)why are Clinton campaign people allowed to meet with the Russian Ambassador ?
3)are Clinton campaign people allowed to collude with Mexican gov't and organize illegal voters?
4)are Clinton campaign people allowed to commit espionage?
5)why are Dems allowed to exclude a group of people from equal rights in a free country?
6)are Clinton campaign people allowed to illegally spy on opponents and abuse power in doing so including interferance with an investigation?
7)why is Obama allowed to make 4.4 millIon back door deal from HIS dog soaked 200 thousand dollar PERSIAN RUGS that were illegally gifted and favored?
Gosh, those liberals have been trolling all the existing forums with the same BS. They are so happy to jump on all kids of Soros&Co fairy horror tales about Trump and Putin, but when told the truth look frozen and start fighting against it. It's just unbelievable that all this sh*t is taking place in 21 century, when Internet is available with all kinds of evidence against those fairy tales based on ZERO evidence. But liberal sheep still prefer to buy zero evidence fake stories.
Don's email, released by him, is a fairy tale? IMO, it speaks for itself. Maybe it's not criminal, but it speaks volumes about the Trump campaign and its openness to working with the Russian government to win the election. This is going to be important in any future investigation. I'm not saying anyone will be arrested, I don't know anything about the law and probably you don't either. But it still says volumes.
then again - if being open to the russians is bad, where is the rage for obama on mic saying he'll be "more open" to helping after the elections?

it's like people have selective hearing, if you want to keep making analogies. you see, i'm not defending trump nor attacking obama - i'm in search of some elusive ideal that we can call an action bad regardless of who takes it.

but we are so far from that and make up crap like "moral equivalency" to try and say things that are the same are not, or don't matter.

sorry, but if knowing russia is up to something means you need to say something, trumps side is far from the only guilty party here. but the selective rage and/or punishment will continue to divide us all while we pretend the OTHER SIDE is full of dumbasses who just don't get it.

the world is filled with those and both sides have a very vocal supply of these types.
No more of this moral equivalency shit today.
This is exactly what I said. Pointing fingers at someone else is not going to change the facts. I don't care if anyone gets arrested or if the President gets impeached. I'm not that into revenge. However, as far as this investigation goes, Jr. just released a big chunk of evidence that they were WILLING to be involved up to their eyeballs.
i'd hug a rabid monkey is people stopped using that phrase all together. the ONLY time i ever hear it is when i compare to *their* side and they don't like it and have no answer for it.

again - i'm not out to defend or attack either side in as much as just have 1 set of rules *all sides* must follow. not put up some hokey ass excuse as why that law doesn't apply to them nor their cause.

then great. let's see what the evidence does and i'll go along with what the law, not the mob, says. the mob seldom cares about laws anyway.
If you're sick of hearing "moral equivalency," stop using it as an argument. It doesn't make your point. Simple, shrimple, no rabid monkeys necessary.
you 100% totally misread me.

my use of it was completely mocking those who use it as a crutch.

they talk about trumps knowlege of russia ahead of time, i point out obama did too.

STOP IT MORAL EQUIV and crap comes shooting out as a defense. why? cause they know it's the same thing so they invented this phrase to try and keep people from noticing the crap they do is the same as the crap the other side does.

so yea - re-read what i've been saying and how i've been saying it. i mock just about anyone using that as a defense or to blow off a valid point of both sides following the same law.
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
As you wish, sweet pee.

Good gawd you're ignorant and a waste of bytes
Stick your bytes where the sun don't shine, honey bunch.
Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
As you wish, sweet pee.

Good gawd you're ignorant and a waste of bytes
Stick your bytes where the sun don't shine, honey bunch.

Why don't you cease trying to be condescending , I've kicked better than you in the dentures and never blinked

Mark it down, two weeks from now this will be ANOTHER nothing.
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
As you wish, sweet pee.

Good gawd you're ignorant and a waste of bytes
Stick your bytes where the sun don't shine, honey bunch.

Why don't you cease trying to be condescending , I've kicked better than you in the dentures and never blinked

Mark it down, two weeks from now this will be ANOTHER nothing.
Two weeks from now this may seem petty considering all the shyte that still waits to hit the fan. Lets look at this from another perspective. Had this been Obamas people would you still be defending him, honey bunch?
It's another nothing burger.

74% of Americans disagree with you~
Poll on Twitter....

Donald Trump Jr's emails asking for dirt about Hillary, which were offered by a Russian government official to help the Trump campaign, is:
74%Proof of collusion
14%A nothing-burger
12%Unsure at this point
how about waiting until the entire story is out before making up minds?

adults used to be known for such things.
It's another nothing burger.

74% of Americans disagree with you~
Poll on Twitter....

Donald Trump Jr's emails asking for dirt about Hillary, which were offered by a Russian government official to help the Trump campaign, is:
74%Proof of collusion
14%A nothing-burger
12%Unsure at this point

Your fucking polls told you Cankles would win. How'd that work out?

Take your Twitter poll and scram
It seems unlikely that Donald Trump Jr. would have been doing anything related to the campaign without his father being aware of it.
Especially something involving both Kushner, and Manafort.
Exactly, we are supposed to swallow that Tramp Jr pulled Kushner AND Manafote away from the campaign to a meeting without Don THE Con's knowledge and permission. :cuckoo:
The White House is not in bedlam, full damage control:
‘Full damage control mode’: MSNBC reporter paints picture of chaos unleashed by Trump Jr.’s emails

It seems unlikely that Donald Trump Jr. would have been doing anything related to the campaign without his father being aware of it.
Especially something involving both Kushner, and Manafort.
Exactly, we are supposed to swallow that Tramp Jr pulled Kushner AND Manafote away from the campaign to a meeting without Don THE Con's knowledge and permission. :cuckoo:
The White House is not in bedlam, full damage control:
‘Full damage control mode’: MSNBC reporter paints picture of chaos unleashed by Trump Jr.’s emails


Childish...like most demoquacks
It seems unlikely that Donald Trump Jr. would have been doing anything related to the campaign without his father being aware of it.
Especially something involving both Kushner, and Manafort.
Exactly, we are supposed to swallow that Tramp Jr pulled Kushner AND Manafote away from the campaign to a meeting without Don THE Con's knowledge and permission. :cuckoo:
The White House is not in bedlam, full damage control:
‘Full damage control mode’: MSNBC reporter paints picture of chaos unleashed by Trump Jr.’s emails

perfect picture to describe liberal reactions today.
It seems unlikely that Donald Trump Jr. would have been doing anything related to the campaign without his father being aware of it.
Especially something involving both Kushner, and Manafort.
Exactly, we are supposed to swallow that Tramp Jr pulled Kushner AND Manafote away from the campaign to a meeting without Don THE Con's knowledge and permission. :cuckoo:
The White House is not in bedlam, full damage control:
‘Full damage control mode’: MSNBC reporter paints picture of chaos unleashed by Trump Jr.’s emails


Childish...like most demoquacks
Reports of the White House hunkering down, in full damage control mode, just enforces the fact that this is no big deal. Trump Jr. admits he broke US laws, but its no big deal.
Gosh, those liberals have been trolling all the existing forums with the same BS. They are so happy to jump on all kids of Soros&Co horror fairy tales about Trump and Putin, but when told the truth look frozen and start fighting against it. It's just unbelievable that all this sh*t is taking place in 21 century, when Internet is available with all kinds of evidence against those fairy tales based on ZERO evidence. But liberal sheep still prefer to buy zero evidence fake stories.

Don junior admitted what the intended purpose of the meeting was.

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