White House quiet as a Mouse while Pres Trump Denies any Knowledge of Russian meeting

It seems unlikely that Donald Trump Jr. would have been doing anything related to the campaign without his father being aware of it.

Seems every other key player in the campaign knew about the meeting
it really doesn't matter what trump does, does it?

to so many, it's wrong regardless.

No. If he didn't do anything wrong there wouldn't be anything there. Unfortunately for him and you, there is something here. Lots more than we thought. Don't be sore that you got caught.

And why doesn't Trump stop being an idiot? Is it our fault that:

a. He said Obama wiretapped him?
b. Flynn got caught?
c. Conflicts of interest and ethics violations
d. Tom Price’s Dubious Stock Trading
Inciting Violence
Who: Donald Trump

The dirt: The president faces a lawsuit from three people who allege they were roughed up at a campaign rally in Louisville, Kentucky, in March 2016. They blame Trump for inciting violence by saying, “Get ’em out of here.” He has also been sued in Alabama in a similar case.

nciting Violence
ho: Donald Trump

F. Obstruction of justice

Statement From Nancy Pelosi On Russian Influence In The 2016 Election - Following Don Jr. Emails

It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.
Gosh, those liberals have been trolling all the existing forums with the same BS. They are so happy to jump on all kids of Soros&Co fairy horror tales about Trump and Putin, but when told the truth look frozen and start fighting against it. It's just unbelievable that all this sh*t is taking place in 21 century, when Internet is available with all kinds of evidence against those fairy tales based on ZERO evidence. But liberal sheep still prefer to buy zero evidence fake stories.
Don's email, released by him, is a fairy tale? IMO, it speaks for itself. Maybe it's not criminal, but it speaks volumes about the Trump campaign and its openness to working with the Russian government to win the election. This is going to be important in any future investigation. I'm not saying anyone will be arrested, I don't know anything about the law and probably you don't either. But it still says volumes.
then again - if being open to the russians is bad, where is the rage for obama on mic saying he'll be "more open" to helping after the elections?

it's like people have selective hearing, if you want to keep making analogies. you see, i'm not defending trump nor attacking obama - i'm in search of some elusive ideal that we can call an action bad regardless of who takes it.

but we are so far from that and make up crap like "moral equivalency" to try and say things that are the same are not, or don't matter.

sorry, but if knowing russia is up to something means you need to say something, trumps side is far from the only guilty party here. but the selective rage and/or punishment will continue to divide us all while we pretend the OTHER SIDE is full of dumbasses who just don't get it.

the world is filled with those and both sides have a very vocal supply of these types.
No more of this moral equivalency shit today.
This is exactly what I said. Pointing fingers at someone else is not going to change the facts. I don't care if anyone gets arrested or if the President gets impeached. I'm not that into revenge. However, as far as this investigation goes, Jr. just released a big chunk of evidence that they were WILLING to be involved up to their eyeballs.
i'd hug a rabid monkey is people stopped using that phrase all together. the ONLY time i ever hear it is when i compare to *their* side and they don't like it and have no answer for it.

again - i'm not out to defend or attack either side in as much as just have 1 set of rules *all sides* must follow. not put up some hokey ass excuse as why that law doesn't apply to them nor their cause.

then great. let's see what the evidence does and i'll go along with what the law, not the mob, says. the mob seldom cares about laws anyway.

It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World

It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.
Why would he have to?

Why aren't you all up in arms about another instance of TREASON since this meeting was officially disclosed and you are only now hearing about it because it was leaked?

A FAKE NEWS Story a day, isn't that your goal?

Every one of them Concocted by THE LEFT in their attempts to stage a Soft Coup against America.

And everyone of them have been debunked.

When are your phucking piece of shit Senators and your so called 'party' going to do something in The Senate?

There are nearly 200 nominees awaiting confirmation processes. Obamacare is falling flat on it's face because it punishes small businesses and The Middle Class. Insurers are running from it like it's a Forest Fire, and People are refusing to sign up for it and pay the fines instead.

Since when has being a DEMOCRAT meant that you are at war with AMERICA?

You should be ashamed of yourselves but you aren't.
Reminds me of Sodom & Gomorrah where wickedness was so pervasive that The People Reveled in it, were proud of their sins, glorified lies, and hated TRUTH.

That pretty much describes you and your party.

1 Samuel 15:23

Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23"For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king." 24Then Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.…

New York times told Trump junior that they had the emails, he was cornered and had to put out these emails.
This meeting was not disclosed.. The Trumps have denied that there were any meetings with Russia..

There is no way to call this Fake News..silly

They got busted with their pants down, just like a cheat.

Denying and distracting is not going to work on this one..;)
It's interesting to watch the reactions, isn't it? Like watching a bunch of bugs in a jar when you've just added the Raid.

Do you know yet how the NYT got the email?

DonDon himself released it.

They're all idiots.
Jr. released it AFTER the NYT called and told him they were about to release them and asked for "comment." He said "hold on a sec" and released it himself to steal the "scoop" from the Times.

So The New York Times "HACKED THE ELECTION"?

Is that your claim?

This was already disclosed and in fact was considered classified information.

2nd question:

What exactly is the crime you are accusing Trump Jr. of?
This was already disclosed and in fact was considered classified information.
If you have more information about Jr.'s email, share it with us, please!
I'm guessing it got "leaked" to the press, but I'm only guessing, which is why I asked.
Who had it already been disclosed to?
Your information would be much appreciated.

I already said I'm not a lawyer or particularly interested in whether this is "criminal" or not. Maybe that was in another thread, though--there's a few.

It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
...I guess the OP means the legal meeting that did not include anyone from the Kremlin and had nothing to do with Russian Spying...?


It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.
It's another nothing burger and you loons will be disappointed again.

Also I'm not your sweetie pie ya perverted old fuck
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
Gosh, those liberals have been trolling all the existing forums with the same BS. They are so happy to jump on all kids of Soros&Co fairy horror tales about Trump and Putin, but when told the truth look frozen and start fighting against it. It's just unbelievable that all this sh*t is taking place in 21 century, when Internet is available with all kinds of evidence against those fairy tales based on ZERO evidence. But liberal sheep still prefer to buy zero evidence fake stories.
Don's email, released by him, is a fairy tale? IMO, it speaks for itself. Maybe it's not criminal, but it speaks volumes about the Trump campaign and its openness to working with the Russian government to win the election. This is going to be important in any future investigation. I'm not saying anyone will be arrested, I don't know anything about the law and probably you don't either. But it still says volumes.
then again - if being open to the russians is bad, where is the rage for obama on mic saying he'll be "more open" to helping after the elections?

it's like people have selective hearing, if you want to keep making analogies. you see, i'm not defending trump nor attacking obama - i'm in search of some elusive ideal that we can call an action bad regardless of who takes it.

but we are so far from that and make up crap like "moral equivalency" to try and say things that are the same are not, or don't matter.

sorry, but if knowing russia is up to something means you need to say something, trumps side is far from the only guilty party here. but the selective rage and/or punishment will continue to divide us all while we pretend the OTHER SIDE is full of dumbasses who just don't get it.

the world is filled with those and both sides have a very vocal supply of these types.
No more of this moral equivalency shit today.
This is exactly what I said. Pointing fingers at someone else is not going to change the facts. I don't care if anyone gets arrested or if the President gets impeached. I'm not that into revenge. However, as far as this investigation goes, Jr. just released a big chunk of evidence that they were WILLING to be involved up to their eyeballs.
i'd hug a rabid monkey is people stopped using that phrase all together. the ONLY time i ever hear it is when i compare to *their* side and they don't like it and have no answer for it.

again - i'm not out to defend or attack either side in as much as just have 1 set of rules *all sides* must follow. not put up some hokey ass excuse as why that law doesn't apply to them nor their cause.

then great. let's see what the evidence does and i'll go along with what the law, not the mob, says. the mob seldom cares about laws anyway.
If you're sick of hearing "moral equivalency," stop using it as an argument. It doesn't make your point. Simple, shrimple, no rabid monkeys necessary.
Even Fox News is predicting the fall of the house of trump. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people, honey bunch.

A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
As you wish, sweet pee.
A Fox News guest you freaking moron. Kessler is some moonbat from some think tank called Third World
You are right, Fox only presents guests who represent the left wing fringe, never a conservative.

Brit Hume says it's nothing, shit for brains. What say you now?

This is another nothing you loons are so sure will get it done....it won't, Bank it
Does anyone other than you really care what a right wing ideologue like Hume has to say? Its all about what the prosecutors have to say, sweetie pie.

It goes to refute your statement Fox says this is something, you insufferable stupid fuck
As you wish, sweet pee.

Good gawd you're ignorant and a waste of bytes

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