White House Reveals New "Red Lines": Assad's Use Of Barrell Bombs Could Lead To More Strikes


Mar 11, 2017
In the latest apparent shift of the White House's official stated position on what could draw a U.S. military response in the Syrian conflict, on Monday afternoon press secretary Sean Spicer warned that the use of either chemical weapons or the use of barrel bombs on civilians could draw fire, literally, from the Trump administration.

Will the US be sending thousands of troops to Syria as suggested by John McCain and Lyndsey Graham?

Read more here: White House Reveals New "Red Lines": Assad's Use Of Barrell Bombs Could Lead To More Strikes | Zero Hedge
There are tens thousands of terrorists from 86 nations fighting government forces in Syria. If Assad falls, they will return to their home nations, and will be using bombs like these to kill the infidels.
Duh. Trump and republicans, as always, will seek any excuse to ramp up our involvement in distant wars for the glory of the empire.
There are tens thousands of terrorists from 86 nations fighting government forces in Syria. If Assad falls, they will return to their home nations, and will be using bombs like these to kill the infidels.

Kinda like a domino theory? Isn't that what was used to justify all those dead boys in Viet Nam?
He's just creating red lines.

This is not well thought out.
Trump's stated policies are often contradicted by the likes of Rex Tillerson, Mad Dog Mattis and Nikki Haley. Nobody seems to be sure about who is calling the shots at the White House.

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