White house to working class Americans pay astromical deductibles- or Else...

We used to have a choice remember?

The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

So now us who had insurance are getting fucked. Whats the difference? Now I'm as a taxpayer still funding people who don't have insurance and getting fucked on premiums and coverage.

You people are dumber than a bag of broken doorknobs.

Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.
And Republicans need to again rescue clueless democrats who wrote obamadon'tcare and rammed it through on straight party line support.

Except Republicans wrote ACA.

They wrote it and not a single one of them voted for it. Do you really believe that?
Oh yeah, price controls, that's the ticket. Like I said, you need an econ 101 class kid.

It wouldn't have worked?

No... let's say premiums are limited to say $300/month. Guess what? Your OOP will now be $50,000 and lifetime max will be half. You can't mandate an insurance company be liable for unlimited exposure but limit them to minimum income. It is untenable.

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.
Well, except for all the new requirements and the flood of new people demanding more services.
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

They will be... there is no other reason for having to report the $$ amount of employer paid premiums which is a new requirement under the ACA..
That's to ensure the employer is meeting the minimum requirements. The tax exemption is not going away, fool.

How can you tell from the $$ amount what the coverage is? Are you this dumb in real life?
I saw a report that they want a big increase in the penalty because young adults still aren't buying it.

Pure extortion

Obamacare is so awesome, people have to be punished into participating.

This entire scheme is funded on the backs of young healthy adults who are forced to buy WAY more coverage than they need to subsidize the welfare sponges and sick people. Without young healthy adults paying the bills of the welfare sponges this thing goes bankrupt.
Congrats young people, not only can't you find a decent job after college now you have to fork over what little money you have for an Obamacare plan you don't need, that for most of you won't ever pay a dime with the sky high deductibles. So basically just give a big chunk of your money to Obama so he can dole out the freebies to the welfare moochers and sick people. You get to pay their bills, congrats!
The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

So now us who had insurance are getting fucked. Whats the difference? Now I'm as a taxpayer still funding people who don't have insurance and getting fucked on premiums and coverage.

You people are dumber than a bag of broken doorknobs.

Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
I saw a report that they want a big increase in the penalty because young adults still aren't buying it.

Pure extortion

Obamacare is so awesome, people have to be punished into participating.

This entire scheme is funded on the backs of young healthy adults who are forced to buy WAY more coverage than they need to subsidize the welfare sponges and sick people. Without young healthy adults paying the bills of the welfare sponges this thing goes bankrupt.

And God forbid you have really good insurance, then they fuck you further and penalize you for being over-insured.
Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.

Does single payer mean there will be no more insurance companies?

Healthcare insurance companies, but there will be administrators.
So now us who had insurance are getting fucked. Whats the difference? Now I'm as a taxpayer still funding people who don't have insurance and getting fucked on premiums and coverage.

You people are dumber than a bag of broken doorknobs.

Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.




Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Does single payer mean there will be no more insurance companies?

There will still be insurance companies, just like there are in other single payer countries. Those insurance companies offer supplemental health insurance for the wealthy.

Go to 3:30 in this video. The National Health:

So now us who had insurance are getting fucked. Whats the difference? Now I'm as a taxpayer still funding people who don't have insurance and getting fucked on premiums and coverage.

You people are dumber than a bag of broken doorknobs.

Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.
Congrats young people, not only can't you find a decent job after college now you have to fork over what little money you have for an Obamacare plan you don't need, that for most of you won't ever pay a dime with the sky high deductibles. So basically just give a big chunk of your money to Obama so he can dole out the freebies to the welfare moochers and sick people. You get to pay their bills, congrats!

That's because the old retired folks voted for Republicans. After all, it's all about THEM!!!!!
So now us who had insurance are getting fucked. Whats the difference? Now I'm as a taxpayer still funding people who don't have insurance and getting fucked on premiums and coverage.

You people are dumber than a bag of broken doorknobs.

Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Do you feel that way about your auto, life, and home insurance?
Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.
Or Republicans could have put a cost maximum on policies when they had a chance. But that's not their plan.

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.
And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined to help pay for your federal insurance subsidy.

And if you use the federal health insurance exchange, the government is the gatekeeper as to who you are allowed to buy insurance from. You are again hostage.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So you have no choice. You are hostage. You have always been hostage, and always will be.

49 percent of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. That's a lot of hostages.

19 percent are on Medicaid. More hostages.

13 percent are on Medicare. More hostages.

2 percent are military or VA insured.

10 percent are uninsured. They WISH they were hostages.

Only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured. How's that compare to home, auto, or life insurance?

This is the biggest reason health costs are so high.
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Do you feel that way about your auto, life, and home insurance?

All insurance is a necessary evil.

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