White house to working class Americans pay astromical deductibles- or Else...

If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Do you feel that way about your auto, life, and home insurance?

All insurance is a necessary evil.

I'm sure that to you,anything you have to pay for is an evil.
Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.
If insurance was to blame, then we would have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance.

Since we don't have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance, then something else is causing skyrocketing HEALTH insurance.

The reason health insurance is skyrocketing is because we don't buy it the same way we buy auto, life, and home insurance. We should be, if we want to get it under control.

We need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI drives up the cost of healthcare, and EVERYONE knows it. So why does ObamaCare more deeply embed ESHI?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

The reason ESHI was more deeply embedded in Obamacare is because it is a labor union boondoggle.

We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. This provides us MAXIMUM leverage.

Instead, you are a total hostage to your employer's insurance. It's a take-it-or-leave-it proposition where you have ZERO leverage.

In turn, your employer is hostage to the insurance company. Small employers have almost no bargaining leverage at all with insurance companies, especially since the government limits the number of insurance companies your employer can buy from.

If you work at a small company, you are in a tiny risk pool. If one employee in your company suffers a catastrophic illness, everyone in the company suffers massive increases in premiums. That's just plain insane and would not happen if you bought your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, life, and home insurance.

In turn, the insurance company is hostage to the medical care providers in your geographical area.

So how come you can buy your auto insurance from ANY auto insurance company in America, thereby providing you with maximum bargaining power, and yet you can't buy health insurance from any health insurance company in America?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

Here's the difference: The US government is the biggest market player in the health insurance market. You don't see that in the auto, life, or home insurance markets, now do you?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

But wait. It's even worse than that. Not only is the US government the biggest player in the health insurance market, IT GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ALL ITS COMPETITION!


How's that working out for you?

Imagine if you were a car maker, and you got to write the rules for your competitors.

Yeah. What would happen to the price and quality of cars? After all, you could be as slapdash and sloppy as you like since you have your competitors hog-tied.

We need LESS government in the market, not more! Jesus, every time the government gets more involved, things get worse. But then the fucking retards think it is because we need MOAR government!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.

Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.
Total baloney. Private insurance companies pay high medical costs because the providers know they will have to provide a certain percentage of care for which they will never be compensated. If they accept Medicare, for example, they will only be paid what Medicare will pay, which often doesn't cover the true cost of care and a large reason why a lot of providers refuse Medicare covered patients. They will also have to provide care for anyone who comes into the ER, regardless of their ability or intention to pay. Thus, the only entities actually paying the bills have to cover the rest.
And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined to help pay for your federal insurance subsidy.

And if you use the federal health insurance exchange, the government is the gatekeeper as to who you are allowed to buy insurance from. You are again hostage.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So you have no choice. You are hostage. You have always been hostage, and always will be.

49 percent of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. That's a lot of hostages.

19 percent are on Medicaid. More hostages.

13 percent are on Medicare. More hostages.

2 percent are military or VA insured.

10 percent are uninsured. They WISH they were hostages.

Only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured. How's that compare to home, auto, or life insurance?

This is the biggest reason health costs are so high.

Why would you NOT take your employers insurance. I provide a fully paid gold PPO to all of my employees and have a 100% enrollment.
And if you don't take your employer's insurance, your employer is fined to help pay for your federal insurance subsidy.

And if you use the federal health insurance exchange, the government is the gatekeeper as to who you are allowed to buy insurance from. You are again hostage.

Even before the mandate, you didn't really have a choice. You either took your employer's insurance or had no insurance. After all, you don't get paid extra if you don't take it. It's an all or nothing proposition.

So you have no choice. You are hostage. You have always been hostage, and always will be.

49 percent of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. That's a lot of hostages.

19 percent are on Medicaid. More hostages.

13 percent are on Medicare. More hostages.

2 percent are military or VA insured.

10 percent are uninsured. They WISH they were hostages.

Only 6 percent of Americans are non-group insured. How's that compare to home, auto, or life insurance?

This is the biggest reason health costs are so high.

Why would you NOT take your employers insurance. I provide a fully paid gold PPO to all of my employees and have a 100% enrollment.

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.
Do you feel that way about your auto, life, and home insurance?

All insurance is a necessary evil.

I'm sure that to you,anything you have to pay for is an evil.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.

Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

One of the central facets of Hillarycare (remember that one?) was a $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail for anyone making a private contract with a doctor. Single payer gets forced on the country by making other options illegal or prohibitive in some way. Even obamadon'tcare used the law to force people to buy into it. Without that, it would have sank into oblivion long ago.
If insurance was to blame, then we would have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance.

Since we don't have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance, then something else is causing skyrocketing HEALTH insurance.

The reason health insurance is skyrocketing is because we don't buy it the same way we buy auto, life, and home insurance. We should be, if we want to get it under control.

We need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI drives up the cost of healthcare, and EVERYONE knows it. So why does ObamaCare more deeply embed ESHI?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

The reason ESHI was more deeply embedded in Obamacare is because it is a labor union boondoggle.

We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. This provides us MAXIMUM leverage.

Instead, you are a total hostage to your employer's insurance. It's a take-it-or-leave-it proposition where you have ZERO leverage.

In turn, your employer is hostage to the insurance company. Small employers have almost no bargaining leverage at all with insurance companies, especially since the government limits the number of insurance companies your employer can buy from.

If you work at a small company, you are in a tiny risk pool. If one employee in your company suffers a catastrophic illness, everyone in the company suffers massive increases in premiums. That's just plain insane and would not happen if you bought your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, life, and home insurance.

In turn, the insurance company is hostage to the medical care providers in your geographical area.

So how come you can buy your auto insurance from ANY auto insurance company in America, thereby providing you with maximum bargaining power, and yet you can't buy health insurance from any health insurance company in America?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

Here's the difference: The US government is the biggest market player in the health insurance market. You don't see that in the auto, life, or home insurance markets, now do you?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

But wait. It's even worse than that. Not only is the US government the biggest player in the health insurance market, IT GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ALL ITS COMPETITION!


How's that working out for you?

Imagine if you were a car maker, and you got to write the rules for your competitors.

Yeah. What would happen to the price and quality of cars? After all, you could be as slapdash and sloppy as you like since you have your competitors hog-tied.

We need LESS government in the market, not more! Jesus, every time the government gets more involved, things get worse. But then the fucking retards think it is because we need MOAR government!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.

Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

Unless the Doctor accepts only cash there is nothing else.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.
That's not the operative question. The question is, could he receive better healthcare? You can say that seniors living in state run rest homes are receiving care, but are they receiving quality care?
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.
Total baloney. Private insurance companies pay high medical costs because the providers know they will have to provide a certain percentage of care for which they will never be compensated. If they accept Medicare, for example, they will only be paid what Medicare will pay, which often doesn't cover the true cost of care and a large reason why a lot of providers refuse Medicare covered patients. They will also have to provide care for anyone who comes into the ER, regardless of their ability or intention to pay. Thus, the only entities actually paying the bills have to cover the rest.

The majority of providers in the US ARE the insurance companies.
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.

Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

Unless the Doctor accepts only cash there is nothing else.
And many are willing to make a private contract with a doctor to pay him a certain amount of money each year for which he will do examinations and provide certain services. It is something that single payer advocates would like to prevent.
Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

All of them. They would not have a choice. You see, that's what SINGLE payer means. :D
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.
Total baloney. Private insurance companies pay high medical costs because the providers know they will have to provide a certain percentage of care for which they will never be compensated. If they accept Medicare, for example, they will only be paid what Medicare will pay, which often doesn't cover the true cost of care and a large reason why a lot of providers refuse Medicare covered patients. They will also have to provide care for anyone who comes into the ER, regardless of their ability or intention to pay. Thus, the only entities actually paying the bills have to cover the rest.

The majority of providers in the US ARE the insurance companies.
Incorrect. Insurance companies most emphatically do NOT provide health care. They are payers, not providers.
Don't work or don't work as well as private insurance? Clarify what you're really talking about.

Asked and answered.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.

Lets see if you can find a doctor that accepts it this reminds how many doctors would accept single payer???

One of the central facets of Hillarycare (remember that one?) was a $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail for anyone making a private contract with a doctor. Single payer gets forced on the country by making other options illegal or prohibitive in some way. Even obamadon'tcare used the law to force people to buy into it. Without that, it would have sank into oblivion long ago.

A private contract with a Doctor for what?
If insurance was to blame, then we would have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance.

Since we don't have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance, then something else is causing skyrocketing HEALTH insurance.

The reason health insurance is skyrocketing is because we don't buy it the same way we buy auto, life, and home insurance. We should be, if we want to get it under control.

We need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI drives up the cost of healthcare, and EVERYONE knows it. So why does ObamaCare more deeply embed ESHI?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

The reason ESHI was more deeply embedded in Obamacare is because it is a labor union boondoggle.

We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. This provides us MAXIMUM leverage.

Instead, you are a total hostage to your employer's insurance. It's a take-it-or-leave-it proposition where you have ZERO leverage.

In turn, your employer is hostage to the insurance company. Small employers have almost no bargaining leverage at all with insurance companies, especially since the government limits the number of insurance companies your employer can buy from.

If you work at a small company, you are in a tiny risk pool. If one employee in your company suffers a catastrophic illness, everyone in the company suffers massive increases in premiums. That's just plain insane and would not happen if you bought your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, life, and home insurance.

In turn, the insurance company is hostage to the medical care providers in your geographical area.

So how come you can buy your auto insurance from ANY auto insurance company in America, thereby providing you with maximum bargaining power, and yet you can't buy health insurance from any health insurance company in America?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

Here's the difference: The US government is the biggest market player in the health insurance market. You don't see that in the auto, life, or home insurance markets, now do you?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

But wait. It's even worse than that. Not only is the US government the biggest player in the health insurance market, IT GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ALL ITS COMPETITION!


How's that working out for you?

Imagine if you were a car maker, and you got to write the rules for your competitors.

Yeah. What would happen to the price and quality of cars? After all, you could be as slapdash and sloppy as you like since you have your competitors hog-tied.

We need LESS government in the market, not more! Jesus, every time the government gets more involved, things get worse. But then the fucking retards think it is because we need MOAR government!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Really? I just buried you, and that's all you got?
This idiot now claims to be a business owner? The same idiot t hat claimed limiting premiums won't limit revenue?


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