White house to working class Americans pay astromical deductibles- or Else...

If insurance was to blame, then we would have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance.

Since we don't have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance, then something else is causing skyrocketing HEALTH insurance.

The reason health insurance is skyrocketing is because we don't buy it the same way we buy auto, life, and home insurance. We should be, if we want to get it under control.

We need to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI). ESHI drives up the cost of healthcare, and EVERYONE knows it. So why does ObamaCare more deeply embed ESHI?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

The reason ESHI was more deeply embedded in Obamacare is because it is a labor union boondoggle.

We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, life, and home insurance. This provides us MAXIMUM leverage.

Instead, you are a total hostage to your employer's insurance. It's a take-it-or-leave-it proposition where you have ZERO leverage.

In turn, your employer is hostage to the insurance company. Small employers have almost no bargaining leverage at all with insurance companies, especially since the government limits the number of insurance companies your employer can buy from.

If you work at a small company, you are in a tiny risk pool. If one employee in your company suffers a catastrophic illness, everyone in the company suffers massive increases in premiums. That's just plain insane and would not happen if you bought your health insurance the same way you buy your auto, life, and home insurance.

In turn, the insurance company is hostage to the medical care providers in your geographical area.

So how come you can buy your auto insurance from ANY auto insurance company in America, thereby providing you with maximum bargaining power, and yet you can't buy health insurance from any health insurance company in America?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

Here's the difference: The US government is the biggest market player in the health insurance market. You don't see that in the auto, life, or home insurance markets, now do you?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

But wait. It's even worse than that. Not only is the US government the biggest player in the health insurance market, IT GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ALL ITS COMPETITION!


How's that working out for you?

Imagine if you were a car maker, and you got to write the rules for your competitors.

Yeah. What would happen to the price and quality of cars? After all, you could be as slapdash and sloppy as you like since you have your competitors hog-tied.

We need LESS government in the market, not more! Jesus, every time the government gets more involved, things get worse. But then the fucking retards think it is because we need MOAR government!

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Really? I just buried you, and that's all you got?

If insurance was to blame, then we would have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance.

Since we don't have skyrocketing auto, life, and home insurance, then something else is causing skyrocketing HEALTH insurance.


I'll prove my point.

A friend of mine that owns a business in Vegas related an issue he was having.

He provides UHC HMO insurance for his employees. His employees are forced to obtain medical care from Southwest Medical which is owned by UHC. When the employee obtains healthcare he/she pays a co-pay, and is also charged a co-pay for each additional service such as x-ray which is also owned by UHC.

UHC charges for insurance to provide urgent care, and charges for operation costs for the urgent care.

Any wonder why UHC makes double-digit billions in profit?


I say again. Auto, fire, home, and life insurance are not skyrocketing. Only health insurance is.

Clearly, there is another cause behind the skyrocketing of HEALTH care costs than insurance, since we are not seeing a commensurate skyrocketing in any other form of insurance.

It clearly is not insurance causing it. Insurance is rising because the cost of health care is rising. If health care costs go up, then insurance HAS to charge you more to pay for it.

You have to be a really stupid person not to realize that.

You have the cart before the horse.

Oh yeah, price controls, that's the ticket. Like I said, you need an econ 101 class kid.

It wouldn't have worked?

No... let's say premiums are limited to say $300/month. Guess what? Your OOP will now be $50,000 and lifetime max will be half. You can't mandate an insurance company be liable for unlimited exposure but limit them to minimum income. It is untenable.

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.
It wouldn't have worked?

No... let's say premiums are limited to say $300/month. Guess what? Your OOP will now be $50,000 and lifetime max will be half. You can't mandate an insurance company be liable for unlimited exposure but limit them to minimum income. It is untenable.

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?
Blaming ACA because your insurance company is screwing you is stupid.

We used to have a choice remember?

The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

No, that choice is still available, so you speaking of it in the past-tense is inaccurate.

It's no longer free.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep. You're wrong, but whatever.
No... let's say premiums are limited to say $300/month. Guess what? Your OOP will now be $50,000 and lifetime max will be half. You can't mandate an insurance company be liable for unlimited exposure but limit them to minimum income. It is untenable.

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000
No... let's say premiums are limited to say $300/month. Guess what? Your OOP will now be $50,000 and lifetime max will be half. You can't mandate an insurance company be liable for unlimited exposure but limit them to minimum income. It is untenable.

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

I don't know, how much do you make when you lose money?
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!

Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

They will be... there is no other reason for having to report the $$ amount of employer paid premiums which is a new requirement under the ACA..

The sky is falling!!!!

No, premiums are going UP as much as 62%, your dear leader did a good job pushing off the worse effects till he was out the door. What do you think the people would have said if they told the truth about this crap? You can't keep your doctor, you can't keep your plan and your cost will increase $4,100.

Insurance company GREED!!!!!
So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.
That's not the operative question. The question is, could he receive better healthcare? You can say that seniors living in state run rest homes are receiving care, but are they receiving quality care?

State owned, or State run?
Why is that significant?

Because State owned doesn't mean State run.

Wait, so I'm trying to understand this.... state takes over a previously privately run business and then farms out the operations to a private firm?

What the hell?

Are there any?
Blaming ACA because your insurance company is screwing you is stupid.

We used to have a choice remember?

The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

No, that choice is still available, so you speaking of it in the past-tense is inaccurate.

It's no longer free.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep. You're wrong, but whatever.

Isn't there a tax? It's nice people have to pay their own way.
I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!

Employers will pay the 40% excise tax.
I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

I don't know, how much do you make when you lose money?

Before, or after the deduction?
Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!


Prove me wrong. I dare you.
Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.

What on Earth are you talking about, they didn't "make" anything. Do you mean what were their revenues, then say that. You own a business yet you can't establish the difference between revenue & profit or loss?

Not to mention we're now going to be taxed on employer provided insurance. You people are fucking worthless scum.

If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!


Prove me wrong. I dare you.

How is the tax applied?
The health reform provision would tax all employers (both those that self-insure and those who don't) 40 percent on the amount of premiums above the thresholds. The goal is twofold: to generate revenue to help pay for covering the uninsured; and to make the most expensive plans -- which some argue encourage overuse of medical care -- less attractive.

The Cadillac Tax: High-cost health insurance plans subject to a huge hit | Insurance.com
We used to have a choice remember?

The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

No, that choice is still available, so you speaking of it in the past-tense is inaccurate.

It's no longer free.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep. You're wrong, but whatever.

Isn't there a tax? It's nice people have to pay their own way.
Oh, man. This is the most hilarious part of the entire ObamaCare debate.

You leftists accused the voluntarily uninsured of being "freeloaders". That is downright Orwellian.

Here's the real deal, dipshit. One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. One third. People who will be dependent on government their whole lives because of bad choices they made.

And these are the ones receiving government subsidies. THEY are the freeloaders. And their freeloading is paid for by making hard working people pay more for their health insurance than they otherwise would have.

And you are such a dumb fuck, you blame that on "GREED!" You blame it on insurance companies! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Jesus H. Christ, they just doesn't come more retarded than you.

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