White house to working class Americans pay astromical deductibles- or Else...

I never wrote minimum income, I wrote a maximum amount that can be charged.

Also, since BushCo blindly certified acquisitions, most of the hospitals and Doctors, er, healthcare providers are owned by insurance companies bring their costs to effective levels.

Whats the difference? Are you really saying you don;t want to limit revenue, just what they can charge? Seriously?

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

I don't know, how much do you make when you lose money?

We got us a moonbat here!!
Thank you Obozo ..sure anything else you want to force us to pay for?
I thought obozo was for the poor people in america..


For a 40-year-old individual in 2016, the cost of this care would be $3,479 in premiums plus the deductible before the first benefit could be covered For a 40-year-old individual in 2016, the cost of this care would be $3,479 in premiums plus the deductible before the first benefit could be covered – a total of $9,210 out of pocket. Even if subsidies pared premiums all the way down to Barack Obama’s promised $75 per month, it would still require the consumer to spend over $6600 for anything but a basic wellness check, a service that would cost a few hundred dollars at most, before having the first benefit covered. And that situation will only get worse in 2017, as insurers use increases in deductibles to buffer the premium hikes that have already been signaled.check, a service that would cost a few hundred dollars at most, before having the first benefit covered. And that situation will only get worse in 2017, as insurers use increases in deductibles to buffer the premium hikes that have already been signaled.

In an attempt to escape this “craziest system,” some consumers – especially lower-income workers – had tried a workaround authorized by Congress and exempted from insurance-coverage requirements more than a decade before Obamacare appeared on the horizon. Insurers have offered “fixed-benefit indemnity” plans for twenty years, which pay out set amounts for various events regardless of the actual costs incurred.

Related: How Obamacare Execs Broke the Law and Cost Taxpayers Billions

Rather than act as third-party payers that get between the consumer and the provider and therefore hinder price signals, fixed-benefit plans act as financial backstops for consumers who then negotiate on price with the providers directly. A day in the hospital might get $200 coverage, for instance, or a clinic visits $100.

Best of all for consumers with tight budgets, the premiums run around $1000 a year and have no deductibles or coinsurance requirements. That premium pricing is nearly the same as an Obamacare plan with full subsidies on the exchange, and unlike a bronze plan, would pay out immediately rather than wait for the consumer to cough up the first $5731. Younger, healthier, and less financially secure consumers can choose sufficient coverage and pay the mandate tax fee rather than get roped into high deductibles and high premiums, or perhaps use one in tandem with other coverage. Millions of consumers use that option in one form or another to this day.

That has the Obama administration seeing red. In 2014, Health and Human Services issued a rule forbidding the sale of fixed-benefit plans unless used as supplemental insurance for insurance with approved, comprehensive coverage. In essence, the rule stole a lower-cost option from those who could least afford it while allowing wealthier Americans the ability to buffer the skyrocketing deductibles in the ACA exchanges.
What is NOT TRUE in this post, is that you or the writer keeps saying these consumers have to pay the premium amount plus all of the deductibles before the first thing is covered....

And that is not correct, everyone's policy pays for an annual physical, and any tests that are appropriate for your age or condition....like for me, before my deductible has to be paid, they will pay for a mammogram, a colonoscopy...certain drugs are paid in full without a deductible... vaccines are covered in full....BC pills etc...

AND this will vary some but my doctor's visits are $30 a visit, $45 for a specialist....so yes you pay the $30 bucks when you go to see a doctor and it comes out of your deductible, but that is spit change...

you only pay the outrageous deductible for Emergency room visits IF it turns out you did not have a real emergency that they could have admitted you for it....

And by law, you can NOT have a deductible plan with a higher out of pocket expense than the $6k for an individual, $12 a family but most plans do not have an out of pocket expense that high....and if you are hospitalized or have a major illness, $6k is your first full day in Critical care...your insurance pays the rest.

I'm not saying ACA is great, just saying that anyone with insurance can go to the Doctor without it being expensive and in many cases it is covered and free, other than your monthly premiums.
We used to have a choice remember?

The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

No, that choice is still available, so you speaking of it in the past-tense is inaccurate.

It's no longer free.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep. You're wrong, but whatever.

Isn't there a tax? It's nice people have to pay their own way.

For some, not all.
Okay, so you're going with "do they work?". That's a false question, because they are government programs that work only to a certain extent. They are fraught with fraud, not accepted by many providers because they don't pay enough, and are facing financial shortfalls because they keep expanding with little or no new revenue. Thus, a false question.

So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.
That's not the operative question. The question is, could he receive better healthcare? You can say that seniors living in state run rest homes are receiving care, but are they receiving quality care?

State owned, or State run?
Why is that significant?

Because State owned doesn't mean State run.
Single payer would be both.
Total baloney. Private insurance companies pay high medical costs because the providers know they will have to provide a certain percentage of care for which they will never be compensated. If they accept Medicare, for example, they will only be paid what Medicare will pay, which often doesn't cover the true cost of care and a large reason why a lot of providers refuse Medicare covered patients. They will also have to provide care for anyone who comes into the ER, regardless of their ability or intention to pay. Thus, the only entities actually paying the bills have to cover the rest.

The majority of providers in the US ARE the insurance companies.
Incorrect. Insurance companies most emphatically do NOT provide health care. They are payers, not providers.

Then why does UHC own Southwest medical in Vegas? Take the top three healthcare insurers in the US and compare and contrast who owns what.
Link to that?

You can't figure out who the top three health insurance companies are? Sad.
Nope. Want to see where you get your info.
Republicans were completely shut out of the process when Obamacare was passed by a Democrat congress without a single Republican vote.

The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
If the heritage foundation wrote obama care they would have known what was in it and obama wouldn't have had to change it on his own 40 plus times

You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.

The reason costs are high is because Medicare and Medicaid only pay 20 to 30 percent of the charges. And, the fact that anyone going to the emergency room can get FREE care. Even Hospitals have bills to pay.
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.

The reason costs are high is because Medicare and Medicaid only pay 20 to 30 percent of the charges. And, the fact that anyone going to the emergency room can get FREE care. Even Hospitals have bills to pay.

There wasn't any reason for insurance companies to raise premiums.

Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.

What on Earth are you talking about, they didn't "make" anything. Do you mean what were their revenues, then say that. You own a business yet you can't establish the difference between revenue & profit or loss?


More importantly, what is the name of the company?
Really, one company lost 400 million in two years. Watch the Kelly interview with dead fish's brother.

But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.

What on Earth are you talking about, they didn't "make" anything. Do you mean what were their revenues, then say that. You own a business yet you can't establish the difference between revenue & profit or loss?


More importantly, what is the name of the company?

Watch the Kelly interview with Emanuel, she puts up a chart of the companies that are losing big and pulling out of most it not all of the exchanges.
If an employer pays the cost of an accident or health insurance plan for his/her employees, including an employee's spouse and dependents, the employer's payments are not wages and are not subject to Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes, or federal income tax withholding.May 4, 2016
Employee Benefits - IRS.gov
https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small...self.../employee-benefitsInternal Revenue Service

So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!


Prove me wrong. I dare you.

How is the tax applied?
The health reform provision would tax all employers (both those that self-insure and those who don't) 40 percent on the amount of premiums above the thresholds. The goal is twofold: to generate revenue to help pay for covering the uninsured; and to make the most expensive plans -- which some argue encourage overuse of medical care -- less attractive.

The Cadillac Tax: High-cost health insurance plans subject to a huge hit | Insurance.com

My link (IRS) is from May 4, 2016.

"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010), imposes an annual 40% excise tax on plans with annual premiums exceeding $10,200 for individuals or $27,500 for a family starting in 2018, to be paid by insurers."
So what does it say about the cadilliac tax. Oh yeah, the employer gets ripped for providing good benefits.

The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!


Prove me wrong. I dare you.

How is the tax applied?
The health reform provision would tax all employers (both those that self-insure and those who don't) 40 percent on the amount of premiums above the thresholds. The goal is twofold: to generate revenue to help pay for covering the uninsured; and to make the most expensive plans -- which some argue encourage overuse of medical care -- less attractive.

The Cadillac Tax: High-cost health insurance plans subject to a huge hit | Insurance.com

My link (IRS) is from May 4, 2016.

"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010), imposes an annual 40% excise tax on plans with annual premiums exceeding $10,200 for individuals or $27,500 for a family starting in 2018, to be paid by insurers."

And passed directly through to the company plan administrators where they are not allowed to deduct the tax from profits. Like with sales tax, the insurance company acts as a collection agent, the customer actually pays it.
The choice was to have medical insurance or live off taxpayers when you get sick.

No, that choice is still available, so you speaking of it in the past-tense is inaccurate.

It's no longer free.

You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep. You're wrong, but whatever.

Isn't there a tax? It's nice people have to pay their own way.
Oh, man. This is the most hilarious part of the entire ObamaCare debate.

You leftists accused the voluntarily uninsured of being "freeloaders". That is downright Orwellian.

Here's the real deal, dipshit. One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts. One third. People who will be dependent on government their whole lives because of bad choices they made.

And these are the ones receiving government subsidies. THEY are the freeloaders. And their freeloading is paid for by making hard working people pay more for their health insurance than they otherwise would have.

And you are such a dumb fuck, you blame that on "GREED!" You blame it on insurance companies! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Jesus H. Christ, they just doesn't come more retarded than you.

I'm NOT a liberal, I'm a capitalist racketeer.
So a person that has medicaid receives healthcare.
That's not the operative question. The question is, could he receive better healthcare? You can say that seniors living in state run rest homes are receiving care, but are they receiving quality care?

State owned, or State run?
Why is that significant?

Because State owned doesn't mean State run.
Single payer would be both.

I thought we were discussing State owned nursing homes?
The majority of providers in the US ARE the insurance companies.
Incorrect. Insurance companies most emphatically do NOT provide health care. They are payers, not providers.

Then why does UHC own Southwest medical in Vegas? Take the top three healthcare insurers in the US and compare and contrast who owns what.
Link to that?

You can't figure out who the top three health insurance companies are? Sad.
Nope. Want to see where you get your info.

Google will tell you.
The Heritage Foundation wrote ACA, of which Hatch, Grassley, and Gingrich were proponents.

Nixon had his own version of ACA.

What we really need to do is go single payer.
You do know, don't you, that obamadon'tcare is designed to accomplish exactly that? Cause enough confusion and stress and put healthcare out of reach of enough people that everyone becomes convinced that the only solution is to give the same people who brought you the DMV and the Postal Service control of your healthcare. Yeah, that'll work real good.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Medi-Cal don't work?

I know nothing of Medi-Cal, but I can tell you this... the federal programs are marching towards total insolvency.
You would think, or did the Republicans put up a false front?

Democrats have wanted single payer since the 70's, now we know that the Republican idea won't work.
Republicans have been putting up a false front. They sold us down the single payer river decades ago.

We should have been moving toward LESS government in healthcare, and if the Republican Party was actually a conservative party, they would have offered up a plan to do that. Instead, they went radio silent on healthcare, which signaled to me a very long time ago they were in collusion with the Democrats to ultimately take us to single payer. And when Bush and the GOP Congress enacted Medicare Part D, that was confirmation.

And that is exactly what is happening. Part D and ObamaCare are just stepping stones to single payer healthcare.

All this whining and screaming and renting of their shirts over ObamaCare by the GOP Establishment is just theater for the rubes.

LESS government means more capitalist racketeering.

You should move to Venezuela, you'd love it there. Gubmint Utopia... food a plenty, free money for everyone...

The reason that 'government programs are marching toward insolvency' are the high costs that insurance companies that own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers are charging. ie; Capitalist racketeering.

The reason costs are high is because Medicare and Medicaid only pay 20 to 30 percent of the charges. And, the fact that anyone going to the emergency room can get FREE care. Even Hospitals have bills to pay.

The reason costs are so high is GREED!

Again, healthcare insurers own the majority of hospitals and healthcare providers in the US.
But how much did they make?

He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.

What on Earth are you talking about, they didn't "make" anything. Do you mean what were their revenues, then say that. You own a business yet you can't establish the difference between revenue & profit or loss?


More importantly, what is the name of the company?

Watch the Kelly interview with Emanuel, she puts up a chart of the companies that are losing big and pulling out of most it not all of the exchanges.

Which companies are those, and what is their loss? Also, is their loss directly related to being in the exchange, or is the loss due to immediate and future acquisitions, but placing the blame on exchanges?

You've got to watch these capitalist racketeers, they're sneaky!
I saw a report that they want a big increase in the penalty because young adults still aren't buying it.

Pure extortion
yep, this is highway robbery. When I was contracting I had to pay $800/mo in premiums for a policy with a $6500/ per person deductible. It covered almost zero of my drug costs. I had to pay $500/mo just for my monthly insulin dose. How can any middleclass family afford this piece of shit?
The insurer pays the tax. GREED!!!


Prove me wrong. I dare you.

How is the tax applied?
The health reform provision would tax all employers (both those that self-insure and those who don't) 40 percent on the amount of premiums above the thresholds. The goal is twofold: to generate revenue to help pay for covering the uninsured; and to make the most expensive plans -- which some argue encourage overuse of medical care -- less attractive.

The Cadillac Tax: High-cost health insurance plans subject to a huge hit | Insurance.com

My link (IRS) is from May 4, 2016.

"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010), imposes an annual 40% excise tax on plans with annual premiums exceeding $10,200 for individuals or $27,500 for a family starting in 2018, to be paid by insurers."

And passed directly through to the company plan administrators where they are not allowed to deduct the tax from profits. Like with sales tax, the insurance company acts as a collection agent, the customer actually pays it.

Are insurance companies going to 'stick it' to the consumer? Sure they are. Probably twice or more the amount it actually costs them.
He just told you, they lost $400,000,000

How much did they make? And while were at it, the name of the company.

What on Earth are you talking about, they didn't "make" anything. Do you mean what were their revenues, then say that. You own a business yet you can't establish the difference between revenue & profit or loss?


More importantly, what is the name of the company?

Watch the Kelly interview with Emanuel, she puts up a chart of the companies that are losing big and pulling out of most it not all of the exchanges.

Which companies are those, and what is their loss? Also, is their loss directly related to being in the exchange, or is the loss due to immediate and future acquisitions, but placing the blame on exchanges?

You've got to watch these capitalist racketeers, they're sneaky!

Like I said, watch the fucking video, I didn't take notes when I saw it.
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