White House Website: English Only

They took down everything maobama had up and are repopulating the site. Nothing strange or unusual about that. I guarantee the new site won't come close to resembling the old one. If someone wants to read it in another language they can use their browser translator.
They shouldn't have top

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Who shouldn't have to what?
They shouldn't need to use a web translator to read the US Government website

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
So we should pay for a translator for a second website just for them? Piss off.
Doesn't it cost manufacturers of ordinary appliances to print an instruction manual in Spanish as well as English? Are they afraid of litigation sponsored by the ACLU if an illegal alien who doesn't speak English sticks his tongue in a spinning exhaust fan?
Doesn't it cost manufacturers of ordinary appliances to print an instruction manual in Spanish as well as English? Are they afraid of litigation sponsored by the ACLU if an illegal alien who doesn't speak English sticks his tongue in a spinning exhaust fan?
I just commented about this very thing
in a post a couple days ago!

Everything is in English and Spanish,
yet, not all products, items, made in Mexico,
include English translations
Doesn't it cost manufacturers of ordinary appliances to print an instruction manual in Spanish as well as English?

In an absolute sense, sure, it does. Almost nothing is free. Whatever the cost, it is surely so minimal as to be not much worth considering it material. Why? Because the incremental increase in cost of producing such documents in additional languages, though it's baked into the final selling price of the item, will not, were it omitted, decrease the cost to the point that it would alter customer's price-based buying decisions.

Additionally, producing multilingual user documentation obviates the manufacturer's needing to concern themselves with knowing in advance to what country a given item will be shipped for sale. As for the translation costs, well, that is by and large automated; thus the incremental cost of adding multilingual text is just that of paper and ink, neither of which comprise a material cost element on a per-unit basis -- the basis that matters because consumers buy, generally, on a per unit basis. You can view a case study of the above in play here.

Are there situations in which the incremental cost of producing and issuing a single manual in all languages spoken by a producer's potential customers becomes impractical? Yes. Such items are ones for which the actual production cycle and/or sales and distribution processes of the good are country specific. Cars are one such example. Look the size and durability an automobile's owner's manual must have.

Are they afraid of litigation sponsored by the ACLU if an illegal alien who doesn't speak English sticks his tongue in a spinning exhaust fan?

No. They protective attachments and/or warnings affixed to the user accessible sides of items themselves are what they manufacturer includes to stave off culpability for some nitwit sticking his tongue in the, as you say, the exhaust fan. Human body parts are not the only things the producers aim to keep out of, say, exhaust fans. Things like birds, squirrels, children's fingers, leaves and branches, are other objects they intend to keep from entering the fans. They do that so as to minimize for their customers the incidence of myriad objects getting inside the fan and mucking up the works -- damaging the blades and/or blocking the airflow -- and reducing the thing's effectiveness.





The producers of goods that need instructions have the profit motive and customer service in mind, and that is why they print/offer instructions in multiple languages, including Spanish. They anticipate selling the items, not only to non-English speakers in the U.S. but also non-English speakers in countries other than the U.S.

Sample appliance owner's manuals:
Given the observed variety in user manual content, for both "dangerous" and innocuous appliances, it's safe to say that concerns about misuse and accidents aren't why producers deliver multilingual instructions and safety documentation and that production and content delivery efficiency are. Were warding against potential lawsuits the issue, all manuals would be multilingual for no producer wants to be sued and be found liable over something as silly as mere language insufficiency.
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I respectfully disagree. Now I am multi lingual. But others are not and English is really a desperately hard language. I want someone from Nigeria to be able to read our most wonderful documents and news. Right? I would want some soul from Somalia to be able to go America rocks.

See where I am coming from on this?
I, too, am multilingual and I have no problem with someone using a translation app to access my English language. It's time the newcomers assimilated to their adopted country.

So you would you are willing to speak a Native Indian Language...
What is 'English'? It is a wonderful language made up of every other language with nothing in it to exclude others. Sayonara, arrivaderci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, just for quick examples, are all used commonly. There are thousands of originally French words in English. It is an insult to our linguistic history to constrain our tongue. It should also be noted that the First Amendment does limit freedom of expression to any one language. We are hardly threatened by providing accessibility of important information in a language many people in this nation depend upon. It demonstrates magnanimity, generosity and self assurance.
I respectfully disagree. Now I am multi lingual. But others are not and English is really a desperately hard language. I want someone from Nigeria to be able to read our most wonderful documents and news. Right? I would want some soul from Somalia to be able to go America rocks.

See where I am coming from on this?
I, too, am multilingual and I have no problem with someone using a translation app to access my English language. It's time the newcomers assimilated to their adopted country.

So you would you are willing to speak a Native Indian Language...
Which country was that, Cowpoke? The European settlers and immigrants built a country. The "natives" were still living a stone age culture in tribes after immigrating many generations ago.
What is 'English'? It is a wonderful language made up of every other language with nothing in it to exclude others. Sayonara, arrivaderci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, just for quick examples, are all used commonly. There are thousands of originally French words in English. It is an insult to our linguistic history to constrain our tongue. It should also be noted that the First Amendment does limit freedom of expression to any one language. We are hardly threatened by providing accessibility of important information in a language many people in this nation depend upon. It demonstrates magnanimity, generosity and self assurance.
The constitution says nothing about accommodating every swinging dick either. We have to pay for it and it makes it more complex for English speakers. I wouldn't move to Germany and demand they speak English.
They took down everything maobama had up and are repopulating the site. Nothing strange or unusual about that. I guarantee the new site won't come close to resembling the old one. If someone wants to read it in another language they can use their browser translator.
They shouldn't have top

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Who shouldn't have to what?
They shouldn't need to use a web translator to read the US Government website

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

So you want every language put on the website?
They took down everything maobama had up and are repopulating the site. Nothing strange or unusual about that. I guarantee the new site won't come close to resembling the old one. If someone wants to read it in another language they can use their browser translator.
They shouldn't have top

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
Who shouldn't have to what?
They shouldn't need to use a web translator to read the US Government website

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

Of course they should

The key is


That's English, not slang wetback Spanish

Yeah. Right.
All comes from the same liberal tree.

Sent from my Z981 using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
This is essentially like forcing someone to convert religions, it's saying speak English or you aren't welcome here.

We are the land of the free

Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk

You compare language to religion? No one is forcing anyone to do anything. You have apps that translate. I have been to foreign countries, using their or attempting to use their language is not like converting religions. Quit with the nonsensical drama.
Language to "multiculturalists" who seek to destroy the USA and the Western World by supporting illegal alien invasion is a device for conquest. Spanish at a government website for example inspires the invaders and undermines the citizens. Illegal aliens and "multiculturalists" who don't think English should be the universal language of the USA do so because it represents Whitey and they hate Whitey. By encouraging and supporting division, democrats can more easily retain political power and the ability to manipulate the culture so as to undermine it and complete the transformation into a 3rd world mess. That is why they hate The Donald. He is trying to put a stop to the destruction of the USA.
What is 'English'? It is a wonderful language made up of every other language with nothing in it to exclude others. Sayonara, arrivaderci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, just for quick examples, are all used commonly. There are thousands of originally French words in English. It is an insult to our linguistic history to constrain our tongue. It should also be noted that the First Amendment does limit freedom of expression to any one language. We are hardly threatened by providing accessibility of important information in a language many people in this nation depend upon. It demonstrates magnanimity, generosity and self assurance.

Thank you for making a rational argument for a multilingual website. I don't see an issue or an overbearing expense to furnish the site in more than one language.

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