White House Won't Fire Mueller

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

Swish. No none is calling for that and Trump said he isn't going to do it
Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

He DID change the language, dingleberry. investigation to matter, and gross negligence to extremely careless. WTF is wrong with you?

You are confused as usual, THAT language change had nothing to do with Lynch, it came from FBI internally. The only language change Lynch asked for was to refer publicly to investigation as "matter".
It is both COMICAL and PATHETIC watching the Liberal media and snowflakes predicting and asking the same thing over and over EVERY day, no matter how many times the WH has declared Trump is NOT going to fire Mueller.

'Trump is going to fire Mueller.'

'When is Trump going to fire Mueller'.

Trump is going to leave Mueller out there to continue to publicly disintegrate, never producing any evidence of crimes of 'Trump-Russia' collusion.....
Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

Swish. No none is calling for that and Trump said he isn't going to do it
Trump said???? are you fn kidding me ???? Said he wasn't firing Tillerson too Trump is the countries biggest liar

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
COMEY Republican
McCabe Republican
Mueller Republican
Rosenstein Republican ...................................what were you saying RED??

Seriously, if Democrats were in charge of investigating Democrat President, Republicans would be screaming about injustice from the top of the rooftops.
So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.

I directly addressed that in my post, moron.

Seriously, why do you people want to inflict the terrible government education you got on your children?

Moron, nobody was "pretending" anything, Kysliak was being spied on, and Flynn discussing sanctions with him was CAPTURED LEGALY. His identy was then APROPRIATELY unmasked due to NATIONAL SECURITY implications.

Flynn was a piece of shit liar and it caught up with him fair and square. Just like it will with Trump.

your desperate Hillary-love is making you more stupid with each new post.
The Hillary ship has already sailed TRUE desperation is your Republican friends keeping on mentioning her name Dems stopped talking about all time republican loser GWB a long time ago Grow up ! Act your age

WTF. Hillary is running around the world engaged in politics. She is putting herself in the news.

And for God sakes, the hypocrisy. You people went on about W through Obama's entire administration.

And you've never hesitated a heart beat to rag on whatever Republican you want.

Stop arguing like an eight year old. A standard is one that you do, not one that you don't and apply to others. That's just a partisan political attack

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
COMEY Republican
McCabe Republican
Mueller Republican
Rosenstein Republican ...................................what were you saying RED??

You don't know that Comey and Mueller are Republicans and they are the main two
True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
COMEY Republican
McCabe Republican
Mueller Republican
Rosenstein Republican ...................................what were you saying RED??

You don't know that Comey and Mueller are Republicans and they are the main two
personally I don't know BUT enough of those people who do know have spoken out , and no repub refutes their comments
Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

He DID change the language, dingleberry. investigation to matter, and gross negligence to extremely careless. WTF is wrong with you?

You are confused as usual, THAT language change had nothing to do with Lynch, it came from FBI internally. The only language change Lynch asked for was to refer publicly to investigation as "matter".

If we were talking about a Republican, you would suddenly get that Lynch is Comey's boss and that the timing was after she met with Slick
Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

He DID change the language, dingleberry. investigation to matter, and gross negligence to extremely careless. WTF is wrong with you?

You are confused as usual, THAT language change had nothing to do with Lynch, it came from FBI internally. The only language change Lynch asked for was to refer publicly to investigation as "matter".

If we were talking about a Republican, you would suddenly get that Lynch is Comey's boss and that the timing was after she met with Slick

I don't give a shit how investigation is refereed to publicly - it has no substantive bearing on it.

If this would be the caliber of "undue influence" Trump was exerting I wouldn't care either. They are politicos, doing politics, but there is a line past which it becomes not just nudging around the edges and putting bows on packages, but serious obstruction. Trump has long ago crossed that line.
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We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

Swish. No none is calling for that and Trump said he isn't going to do it
Trump said???? are you fn kidding me ???? Said he wasn't firing Tillerson too Trump is the countries biggest liar

No, you are
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.
The only folks who are talking about firing Mueller are all the pearl clutching, left wing conspiracy theorists and propagandist trying to drive a false narrative. It gets harder and harder to take any of them serious when they continually cry the sky is falling and it doesn't.
True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

Swish. No none is calling for that and Trump said he isn't going to do it
Trump said???? are you fn kidding me ???? Said he wasn't firing Tillerson too Trump is the countries biggest liar

No, you are

He is 100% right - Trump is not credible, he says one thing and does another all the time.

"I would NEVER mock disabled. Shame!" - Trump


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What the fuck? Where did I " blame Trump for the actions of his subordinates"???

Trump asked Comey for loyaltty, not subordinates.
Trump asked Comey to squash investigation, not his subordinates,
Trump lied about why he fired Comey, not his subordinates.

They only one blaming presdient for actions of subordinates is YOU.

You blame Obama for Lynch meeting with Bill
You blame Obama for Lynch asking Comey to change public language
You blame Obama for Louis Lerner
You blame Obama for IRS handling 503s
You blame Obama for Fast and Furious

What you post is straight fucking upside-down crazy.

You're such a hypocrite. You refuse to see any responsibility from Obama over Lynch or Lynch over Comey. Grow a pair, Nancy

I specifically called what Lynch requested from Comey as OBAMA INTERFERENCE.

I'm saying SURE, GO AHEAD AND BLAME OBAMA FOR THAT. But compare that to what Trump did.

You are posting absolute fucking nonsense, while you REFUSE to even comment on what Trump did.

And now we go full circle. "Compare that to what Trump did." I did, and neither looks good.

Wow REALLY? Neither looks good?

That's like saying that jaywalking and a murder "both do not look good" :bs1:

How about you ACTUALLY compare the two.

You have no sense of proportion. You believe when a guy tells you that his four inches are ten, don't you?

Proportion is a terrible argument when your conclusion is totally self serving. Obama was lying racist scum. Yes, trashing white people is racist too. Didn't know that, did ja?

Well by that standard- certainly Trump is a lying racist scum.

But you knew that.
a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.

Facts to you are inane stupidity, and Trump's lies to you are pearls of wisdom.

You contards have you head buried so firmly up Trump's ass that he can get away with anything and you will applaud it.
Wow REALLY? Neither looks good?

That's like saying that jaywalking and a murder "both do not look good" :bs1:

How about you ACTUALLY compare the two.

You have no sense of proportion. You believe when a guy tells you that his four inches are ten, don't you?

Proportion is a terrible argument when your conclusion is totally self serving. Obama was lying racist scum. Yes, trashing white people is racist too. Didn't know that, did ja?

Again a refusal to compare.

You refuse, because you know that if you honestly do that you'd have to concede that CLEARLY Obama is but a boy scout compared to the sort of shit Trump does.

Obama was way worse than Trump. Not even close. Obama systematically lied like all leftists do because you'll never get socialism with the truth

More assertion, more refusal to do concrete comparison.

On lying NO ONE out-Trumps Trump.


Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact



Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar

Trump was never spied on by the government.

Funny you would parrot Trump's lies by lying yourself.
I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.

Facts to you are inane stupidity, and Trump's lies to you are pearls of wisdom.

You contards have you head buried so firmly up Trump's ass that he can get away with anything and you will applaud it.

totally wrong, if he does anything illegal, or has done anything illegal, I will be first in line to say he should be held accountable. UNDERSTAND?

Now, will you say the same about Hillary, Comey, Lynch, and Barry Soetoro Obama?

If not, then you are a disingenuous fraud and a serial liar.
You have no sense of proportion. You believe when a guy tells you that his four inches are ten, don't you?

Proportion is a terrible argument when your conclusion is totally self serving. Obama was lying racist scum. Yes, trashing white people is racist too. Didn't know that, did ja?

Again a refusal to compare.

You refuse, because you know that if you honestly do that you'd have to concede that CLEARLY Obama is but a boy scout compared to the sort of shit Trump does.

Obama was way worse than Trump. Not even close. Obama systematically lied like all leftists do because you'll never get socialism with the truth

More assertion, more refusal to do concrete comparison.

On lying NO ONE out-Trumps Trump.


Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact



Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar

Trump was never spied on by the government.

Funny you would parrot Trump's lies by lying yourself.

Trump tower was wiretapped. That has been clearly established. Whether it extended to him personally is doubtful.
LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
COMEY Republican
McCabe Republican
Mueller Republican
Rosenstein Republican ...................................what were you saying RED??

You don't know that Comey and Mueller are Republicans and they are the main two
personally I don't know BUT enough of those people who do know have spoken out , and no repub refutes their comments

Well, just so you know, it's a fake news talking point. Particularly for Mueller. Their argument for him is that W appointed him in 2001, so he's a Republican even though it's a non-political position. Then Obama re-appointed him in 2011 and that did not make him a Democrat.

You see any holes in that?

As for Comey, he has no clear connection to the Republican party either. Particularly he has no recent connection.

McCabe probably is a Republican, but he's a Deep State establishment Republican who committed numerous felonies to bring down Trump.

I don't get the Rosenstein at all. He only appointed Mueller. So the fuck what?
Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?

Except of course that isn't true at all- just another Trump lie.

First of all- it is illegal for the FBI to base any assignments based upon an agents political party or political donations- but hey- but the law really doesn't apply when it comes to protecting Trump from investigation- does it?
How many special counsel lawyers have donated to Democrats?
Federal regulations prohibit the Justice Department from considering the political affiliation or political contributions of career appointees, including those appointed to the Special Counsel’s Office. So the implication that Mueller is making politically motivated hires is quite a stretch, as he is legally prohibited from considering their political affiliations.

Second- of course your claim is a baldfaced lie- parroting Trump's baldfaced lies. How many are Democrats? We don't know- see above- we do know that Mueller is a life long Republican- and he is part of the team.

Six of the 15 lawyers who have been publicly identified have not made campaign contributions to any political campaigns at the federal level. But among the lawyers who did make contributions, a total of $62,043 went to Democrats and $2,750 to Republicans, according to the special counsel’s office.

So to recap: as usual you lie to protect Trump, you parrot Trump's lies to protect Trump- and you will do anything to protect Trump.

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