White House Won't Fire Mueller

Again a refusal to compare.

You refuse, because you know that if you honestly do that you'd have to concede that CLEARLY Obama is but a boy scout compared to the sort of shit Trump does.

Obama was way worse than Trump. Not even close. Obama systematically lied like all leftists do because you'll never get socialism with the truth

More assertion, more refusal to do concrete comparison.

On lying NO ONE out-Trumps Trump.


Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact



Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar


Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:
Last edited:
Obama was way worse than Trump. Not even close. Obama systematically lied like all leftists do because you'll never get socialism with the truth

More assertion, more refusal to do concrete comparison.

On lying NO ONE out-Trumps Trump.


Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact



Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar


Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes
Obama was way worse than Trump. Not even close. Obama systematically lied like all leftists do because you'll never get socialism with the truth

More assertion, more refusal to do concrete comparison.

On lying NO ONE out-Trumps Trump.


Analysis | President Trump made 2,140 false or misleading claims in his first year
Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact



Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar


Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

Yes, Trump has been unendingly investigated with no evidence found. Mueller admitted that by turning his focus to see if he can manufacture an obstruction charge

Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar


Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.
Trump was Unconstitutionally spied on by the government under Obama. It's interesting that you pick something that Trump was right about to prove he's a liar


Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law. The law only matters when you can manipulate it to your favor.

And what a lame argument on that I'd say Flynn is so important. Oh, Flynn doesn't matter. That's pathetic. The law is real or it's not. To you, that flips by the party in question. To me, it doesn't
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

yeah I am afraid trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Trump has access to EVERYTHING and can de-classify ANYTHING he wants to, but to this day has not produced any evidence that ANYONE was tapped illegally.

All surveilance was conducted completely lawfully, with FISA warrants, so when Trump said shit about Obama wiretapping him Nixon style he was as usual, full of shit fucking liar.

Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:
Of course it was illegal wiretapping. When Americans are surveiled incidentally, they are supposed to be hidden and Obama exposed them. Obama was a criminal and a despot who should have gone to a jail cell when he left office

Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear
Incidental surveilance IS LEGAL. And who did "Obama" improperly expose?

If Obama is a criminal how come NO ONE conducted any investigations or filed any criminal charges against him? Not Republicans in control of Congress, Not Comey, Not Sessions.

You sir are full of fabricated bulllshit. You belive whatever the fuck you want to.

But I can tell you who is being investigated criminally right now - Trump.

If Hillary is elected, she will be under protracted criminal investigation likely followed by the trial of a sitting president. This is just what we need.” - Trump during election :21:

General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE - This happened AFTER Obama left the office.
Last edited:
General Flynn. And Democrats run DC even when Republicans are in power. You never face charges for your crimes

General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally.

And double lie, Obama said he wasn't spying on Trump's campaign and he spied on Flynn at Trump Towers. Obama should have had a paddy wagon meet him when he left the White House to take him to jail
General Flynn was PROPERLY unamasked when he became compromised by lying about his conversations with Kylslyak and POS Trump refused to do anything about it for 3 weeks, untill it became public.

Can’t belive you are actually hinging your Obama-is-criminal arguments on defending a criminally lying Flynn getting exposed.

Congressional REPUBLICANS cleared Rice on Nunes’ unmasking claims and yet here you are, still talking about that bullshit.

Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.
Bull shit. Flynn was exposed without a thought to the law.

PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.

I directly addressed that in my post, moron.

Seriously, why do you people want to inflict the terrible government education you got on your children?
PROVE IT, prove "the thoughts!". You sure seem convinced of it, so you should have no problem explaining WHY :rolleyes:

His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.

I directly addressed that in my post, moron.

Seriously, why do you people want to inflict the terrible government education you got on your children?

Moron, nobody was "pretending" anything, Kysliak was being spied on, and Flynn discussing sanctions with him was CAPTURED LEGALY. His identy was then APROPRIATELY unmasked due to NATIONAL SECURITY implications.

Flynn was a piece of shit liar and it caught up with him fair and square. Just like it will with Trump.
...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
  • Thanks
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Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

He DID change the language, dingleberry. investigation to matter, and gross negligence to extremely careless. WTF is wrong with you?
a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day
His identity legally needed to be protected and it was overtly exposed. It's extremely clear

What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.

I directly addressed that in my post, moron.

Seriously, why do you people want to inflict the terrible government education you got on your children?

Moron, nobody was "pretending" anything, Kysliak was being spied on, and Flynn discussing sanctions with him was CAPTURED LEGALY. His identy was then APROPRIATELY unmasked due to NATIONAL SECURITY implications.

Flynn was a piece of shit liar and it caught up with him fair and square. Just like it will with Trump.

your desperate Hillary-love is making you more stupid with each new post.
I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
What the fuck are you talking it? Why the hell does an identy of a compromized top secret clearence holder need be protected? Flynn was a walking, talking, lying his ass off national security liability, public exposure of this was nothing less than a patriotic duty when Trump refused to deal with it.

His guilty plea was a testament to that fact and justice served.

So prove there is reasonable cause and get a warrant. Don't spy on him by pretending to spy on who he's talking to and commit a felony by exposing him illegally

Idiot it was Kyslyak was that was the target of spying (APPROPRIATELY SO), not Flynn.

I directly addressed that in my post, moron.

Seriously, why do you people want to inflict the terrible government education you got on your children?

Moron, nobody was "pretending" anything, Kysliak was being spied on, and Flynn discussing sanctions with him was CAPTURED LEGALY. His identy was then APROPRIATELY unmasked due to NATIONAL SECURITY implications.

Flynn was a piece of shit liar and it caught up with him fair and square. Just like it will with Trump.

your desperate Hillary-love is making you more stupid with each new post.
The Hillary ship has already sailed TRUE desperation is your Republican friends keeping on mentioning her name Dems stopped talking about all time republican loser GWB a long time ago Grow up ! Act your age
Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

LOL, the truth is fantasy to you libtardians. You make me laugh with your inane stupidity.
YES fire Mueller ,,,, Make my day

there is no reason to fire him, there is nothing for him to find, even though his entire witch hunt team is made up of democrats, Hillary supporters, and DNC contributors.

Seriously, do you really think that is a fair investigative team?
COMEY Republican
McCabe Republican
Mueller Republican
Rosenstein Republican ...................................what were you saying RED??

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