White House Won't Fire Mueller

Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

so now you are claiming direct payments from Putin to the Trump campaign? I cant wait for your proof of that.
The proof is right there with your proof of payments to Lynch'es swiss bank account- matter of fact Trump's swiss bank account number is one digit off from Lynch's.

Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

Nope. Nothing to gain from doing that.
Will Mueller investigate this:



No idiot, Mueller will not investigate Benghazi.

Republicans did that 8 times over ALREADY.

yes, and those investigations uncovered incompetence, conspiracy, and treason. Its not over, eventually Hillary Clinton will be brought to justice.

Quote to me findings of "conspiracy"(to commit what?), and "treason" from Obama specifically or his admin.
Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

OMG you're a sheep. Obama could shit in your soup and tell you it's peas and you'd believe him

Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

No, dumb ass. Loretta Lynch was his minion. How can you possibly be that stupid?

kaz refers to meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton and unspecific ally calls one Obama's minion.

tutu: OMG, you said Bill Clinton is Obama's minion!?!?!?!?!

What a completely brainless douche. Another airhead where Blamery was right. Let your husband do your thinking for you, sweet heart sheesh
No, both are equally vile pieces of shit who have no business in the White House and no clue how to do the job they were elected to do

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Are they? Then answer the question you quoted:

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

What has Obama done that came ANYWHERE NEAR the sort of lying, slander, politization and obstruction this administration is knee deep in on a daily basis?

Using the IRS to get conservatives

REALLY? Obama used IRS to get conservatives?

Where is the evidence of Obama's or anyone else at the WH being involved? Where is Obama behaving like a piece of shit when these issues came up? Where is him going after people looking into the matter?

I'm just laughing at you. You don't know about Lois Lerner?

Keep laughing moron, it's not helping your case though.

Yes I do know of LL. What about her and how does it connect to Obama.

Seriously? Lois Lerner was Obama's IRS commissioner. You seriously didn't know that?

For you for Trump, any accusation is fact.

When it's a Democrat, suddenly you are the three monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

You think Obama is immortal since he's your God, don't you?
Are they? Then answer the question you quoted:

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

What has Obama done that came ANYWHERE NEAR the sort of lying, slander, politization and obstruction this administration is knee deep in on a daily basis?

Using the IRS to get conservatives

REALLY? Obama used IRS to get conservatives?

Where is the evidence of Obama's or anyone else at the WH being involved? Where is Obama behaving like a piece of shit when these issues came up? Where is him going after people looking into the matter?

I'm just laughing at you. You don't know about Lois Lerner?

Keep laughing moron, it's not helping your case though.

Yes I do know of LL. What about her and how does it connect to Obama.

Seriously? Lois Lerner was Obama's IRS commissioner. You seriously didn't know that?

For you for Trump, any accusation is fact.

When it's a Democrat, suddenly you are the three monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

You think Obama is immortal since he's your God, don't you?

OK, so what about her? Whats the case? That she pled the 5th and was cleared by Justice Department? That's your proof that Obama was a corrupt piece of shit like Trump who interfered in an on going investigation, fired FBI director and admited publicly to lying about the official reason for doing so??

How the fuck are two even close to being comparable. NOTHING Obama did comes even close to the chaos Donnie is unleashing.
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OMG you're a sheep. Obama could shit in your soup and tell you it's peas and you'd believe him

Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary
Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

so now you are claiming direct payments from Putin to the Trump campaign? I cant wait for your proof of that.

You're going to have to because you'll never get it
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

I think this is a TERRIFIC idea. And after a second special council begins investigating the first special council, appoint a third special council to investigate the second special council!

By the by - Ty Cobb has no clout and is soon to be ushered out .. Dowd is the man with Joe diGenova in hot pursuit! :rolleyes-41:

“I pray that Acting Attorney General Rosenstein will … bring an end to the alleged Russia Collusion investigation … based upon a fraudulent and corrupt Dossier,” Dowd said, adding he was speaking on the president's behalf.
Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.
Using the IRS to get conservatives

REALLY? Obama used IRS to get conservatives?

Where is the evidence of Obama's or anyone else at the WH being involved? Where is Obama behaving like a piece of shit when these issues came up? Where is him going after people looking into the matter?

I'm just laughing at you. You don't know about Lois Lerner?

Keep laughing moron, it's not helping your case though.

Yes I do know of LL. What about her and how does it connect to Obama.

Seriously? Lois Lerner was Obama's IRS commissioner. You seriously didn't know that?

For you for Trump, any accusation is fact.

When it's a Democrat, suddenly you are the three monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

You think Obama is immortal since he's your God, don't you?

OK, so what about her? Whats the case? That she pled the 5th and was cleared by Justice Department? That's your proof that Obama was a corrupt piece of shit like Trump who interfered in an on going investigation, fired FBI director and admited publicly to lying about the official reason for doing so??

How the fuck are two even close to being comparable. NOTHING Obama did comes even close to the chaos Donnie is unleashing.

Tutu: What did Obama do that proves he's a piece of shit

kaz: Gives a list of about 10 things

Tutu: Picks one, argues that incompetently, then says that's your only proof?

Yeah, tutu. Sure.

Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation. And it was dropped shortly after that. If it was Trump, you'd be setting yourself on fire in Lafayette park with Fake News.

And all the other examples where Obama being a piece of shit too.

See, you have to argue this way because you can't back up your failed ubiquitous government philosophy with actual evidence and arguments. So you have to personally attack Trump because you have nothing else. The problem is your politicians are pieces of shit too, so that doesn't work either
Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

See, this is how you argue.

Tutu: Trump is guilty, I don't care about the issue or the evidence

Tutu: What does Lorretta Lynch have to do with Obama when she was his attorney general?

Tutu: What does Russian money going to Hillary through a Canadian who's part of the deal have to do with Hillary and the Russians?

You're too stupid, ask your husband to explain it to you like Blamery said. Then ask him to let you know what you think so you can think it
Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

OMG you're a sheep. Obama could shit in your soup and tell you it's peas and you'd believe him

Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

No, dumb ass. Loretta Lynch was his minion. How can you possibly be that stupid?

kaz refers to meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton and unspecific ally calls one Obama's minion.

tutu: OMG, you said Bill Clinton is Obama's minion!?!?!?!?!

What a completely brainless douche. Another airhead where Blamery was right. Let your husband do your thinking for you, sweet heart sheesh

Idiot - WHAT DID THEY DISCUSS AND HOW DID THIS DISCUSSION "ENSURED" ANYTHING FOR ANYONE, especially considering that Comey, who ultimately made the call went totally rogue, making public statemetns that circumvented DoJ and refusing to even SPEAK about the investigation in a different way, let alone change it's substance.
OMG you're a sheep. Obama could shit in your soup and tell you it's peas and you'd believe him

Why do you refuse to answer a simple question?

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

No, dumb ass. Loretta Lynch was his minion. How can you possibly be that stupid?

kaz refers to meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton and unspecific ally calls one Obama's minion.

tutu: OMG, you said Bill Clinton is Obama's minion!?!?!?!?!

What a completely brainless douche. Another airhead where Blamery was right. Let your husband do your thinking for you, sweet heart sheesh

Idiot - WHAT DID THEY DISCUSS AND HOW DID THIS DISCUSSION "ENSURED" ANYTHING FOR ANYONE, especially considering that Comey, who ultimately made the call went totally rogue, making public statemetns that circumvented DoJ and refusing to even SPEAK about the investigation in a different way, let alone change it's substance.

Right, for Democrats, it doesn't matter that Obama is LL's boss and LL is Comey's boss. It's not like your boss has authority over you.

That's what you say for Republicans, right tutu? Trump isn't responsible for his administration?

You're such a smoldering shit lying hypocrite. You take every standard and make it a double!
Are you serious? His minion had a flagrantly unethical tarmac meeting and ensured no charges were filed. Obama made the FBI investigation irrelevant at a higher level. And you say that wasn't slimy? You're delusional

...wtf? Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States of America...was "Obama minion"? Retard, Bill is no one's "minion" and you have ZERO evidence of Obama having anything to do with the meeting.

Bill did meet with Lynch, about what, no one knows and yes that includes you.

a secret meeting at a remote airport, and a few days later Comey changes "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" and "investigation" to "matter". Don't be so fricken naïve.

I wonder how much money went from the Clinton foundation to Lynch's swiss bank account.

I know- I know!

Less than the amount that Putin gave the Trump campaign in order to defeat Hillary.

Which is less than the $145 million Putin gave to Hillary

We've been over this many many many times now - pure fantasy with no connection to reality.

True- everything that Redfish posts is pure fantasy with no connection to reality.
Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are FACTS, not opinion. And those facts point to guilty, corrupt behavior and quite obvious Obstruction of Justice, as Mueller's investigation I'm sure will confirm (unless Trump fires him first).
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Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat
Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.
Yes, Obama's administration was directly interfering into an ongoing investigation.

Bullshit there not a single claim of interference.

Comey stated that Lynch asked him to change language of how he publicly talks about investigation and to instead call it "matter". Comey refused.

YEP, that's what Obama interference looks like. :rolleyes:

Now again lets compare that to the crazy shit Trump has pulled. Not an OPINION of what he did, FACTS of what he did:,

Invited FBI Director for a dinner, asked him to halt investigation into Flynn, then fired this FBI director and ADMITTED PUBLICLY to lying about official reasons for doing so.

Again these are all FACTS, not opinion.

Comey REPORTED to Loretta Lynch you stupid twat

Fucktard, Comey reported to Lynch like he reported to Trump.

Yes they could fire him, no they could not MAKE HIM do anything, he felt was improper.

Comey specifically testified that he went around Obama's DoJ in his public statements, specifically declined Lynch's request to change language when referring to Clinton investigation in public.

Comey DID change the language, dumb ass
Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.
Trump thought that he could run the nation as he runs his business. But he ran his business using shady financing, money laundering and underhanded and misleading tactics.

It ain't a conspiracy. It's incompetence.

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