White House Won't Fire Mueller

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

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Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

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First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

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Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument

You having wet dreams about people licking balls is a sexual fantasy discussion to me.

So...how about the topic of the thread...

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Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

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First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

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Kaz won that round, admit it. Show that you are a real person and not a robot

How cute, Kaz has a fellow Trump ass kisser coming to defend his honor. You guys are as loyal to each other as you are to Trump.

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nope, just posting the facts.
Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

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First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

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Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument

ever notice how the dems and libs run from a thread after being defeated with facts and logical thought? Their entire ideology is based on emotion and fantasy.

Someone talking about licking balls is what you consider facts and logic.

Fascinating! But it does help to explain why you are such a Trump zealot

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Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

That is the whole point of the Herr Mewler investigation, isn't it? The deep state is trying everything it can to avoid giving Trump or Republicans anything they want.
Will Mueller investigate this:

..a historical "fake news" embarrassment.

Benghazi and the Matching Serial Numbers

Here is the REAL story.

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi.

Then some of the soldier fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan and were used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile and the Chinook didn't explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams.

It was the State Dept., not the CIA, that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn't approve supplying these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft.

Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK'd the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a YouTube video.

Obama and Hillary committed treason and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of a YouTube video, even though everyone knew it was not.

Further, the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn...everyone KNEW he was a traitor.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at Congressional hearings.

Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers.

Forward this again and again and again until everyone reads the true story.

And just think over half of the US population doesn’t know this.
Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

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First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

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Kaz won that round, admit it. Show that you are a real person and not a robot

How cute, Kaz has a fellow Trump ass kisser coming to defend his honor. You guys are as loyal to each other as you are to Trump.

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The trapped rodent lashes out! You know you're losing, and badly.

And it's classic that you're being called out for ass licking Democrats, so you parrot that back. The Geezing Gator response, you do that all the time.

Geezing Gator: No YOU are!
Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

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Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument

You having wet dreams about people licking balls is a sexual fantasy discussion to me.

So...how about the topic of the thread...

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You're the only one talking about sex, sick fuck. In what possible way do Obama and Trump make you think about sex? That's disgusting
Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

That is the whole point of the Herr Mewler investigation, isn't it? The deep state is trying everything it can to avoid giving Trump or Republicans anything they want.

Pretty much. Taken from the Ken Starr playbook. Muelller is simply following the example set before him

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Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar

Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

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You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

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Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

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We know how snowflakes hate it when you point out their hypocrisy.
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Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument

ever notice how the dems and libs run from a thread after being defeated with facts and logical thought? Their entire ideology is based on emotion and fantasy.

Someone talking about licking balls is what you consider facts and logic.

Fascinating! But it does help to explain why you are such a Trump zealot

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Awww, the poor widdle gator got his feewings huwt.

And notice how I called you a ball licker, and your response, you called me an ass licker!

Again, that's all you can come up with for insults. I'm not, you are!

Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

That is the whole point of the Herr Mewler investigation, isn't it? The deep state is trying everything it can to avoid giving Trump or Republicans anything they want.

Pretty much. Taken from the Ken Starr playbook. Muelller is simply following the example set before him

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Not really. Starr didn't initiate any investigation of Slick Willy's sexual pecadellos. The Monica Lewinski thing started when others came to him.
Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

That is the whole point of the Herr Mewler investigation, isn't it? The deep state is trying everything it can to avoid giving Trump or Republicans anything they want.

Pretty much. Taken from the Ken Starr playbook. Muelller is simply following the example set before him

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Of course as a hack partisan leftist you blame Democrat behavior specifically on Republicans.

But your fundamental point is correct that Mueller is playing by the normal rules of special prosecutors. They are not there to find out the truth, they are there to bring charges.

But again, Ken Starr created that? What are you, twelve? You don't remember back to the Clinton administration? Even when you're basically right, you're an idiot
Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar

Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

No, both are equally vile pieces of shit who have no business in the White House and no clue how to do the job they were elected to do

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Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar

Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

OMG you're a sheep. Obama could shit in your soup and tell you it's peas and you'd believe him
Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar

Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

No, both are equally vile pieces of shit who have no business in the White House and no clue how to do the job they were elected to do

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Are they? Then answer the question you quoted:

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

What has Obama done that came ANYWHERE NEAR the sort of lying, slander, politicization and obstruction this administration is knee deep in on a daily basis?

Give me a single coherent reason to agree with you.
Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar

Well, after eight years of you sucking off Obama, one thing that's certain is that this isn't your problem with Trump

Obama is a saint in comparison, quit equalizing.

I don't recall Obama pressuring or slandering or firing Comey when he was very publicly investigating Clinton - do you?

No, both are equally vile pieces of shit who have no business in the White House and no clue how to do the job they were elected to do

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Better late than never
Well, as I always say, it's a good thing to have 30 or 40 "investigations" going on at any given time. Half from one tribe, half from the other.

This way we can avoid collaborating to address the country's problems indefinitely.

That is the whole point of the Herr Mewler investigation, isn't it? The deep state is trying everything it can to avoid giving Trump or Republicans anything they want.

Pretty much. Taken from the Ken Starr playbook. Muelller is simply following the example set before him

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Not really. Starr didn't initiate any investigation of Slick Willy's sexual pecadellos. The Monica Lewinski thing started when others came to him.

Which is what is happening with Mueller...the original point of the investigation gets lost quickly and they keep going till they have something to justify their salary.

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