White leftists in Oakland pretend to be upset about the violent crime they vote for over and over again

Any time you vote for a DemoKKKrat, it's a vote for crime. Just look at the places run by you people. You LOVE it.

Remember when the national media lit their collective hair on fire over all those Asian hate crimes?

Well, that is, until it turned out who was committing those hate crimes.

Then it was time to throw it down the ole' memory hole, and move on to the next psyop to lead their idiot sheeple around by the nose with.
Remember when the national media lit their collective hair on fire over all those Asian hate crimes?

Well, that is, until it turned out who was committing those hate crimes.

Then it was time to throw it down the ole' memory hole, and move on to the next psyop to lead their idiot sheeple around by the nose with.

These are people (and I'm sure Moonglow is one of them) who still believe Jussie Smollett was attacked by MAGA hat-wearing rednecks at 3 am in the winter in Chicago. Sheeple is too generous a term.
I have ZERO sympathy for these creatures. Lie in the bed you made, "ladies".

Oh, and the DemoKKKrats you put in office LOVE this.

Question, "what is the solution and how would a Republican make it better"? I learned to break out of idealogue and even personal experience (I've been "rolled" many times since I was a kid). Just look at Detroit, once a booming place, industries now gone, poverty sets in, crime goes up. Ditto for so many other Rustbelt locations where the unemployed are hooked on junk.
Maybe these women shouldn't have voted with abortion on their minds and instead voted with safety on their minds...
Also memo to these women... you live in Oakland CA... its a hell hole.... get the fuck out....
I received a video in my email showing Beverly Hills and Brentwood residents in a board meeting crying that they can't go out at night for fear of being robbed... All I could do was to laugh....
Defund the cops you say libtards?....

Show us a ballot that has the ballot initiative for crime to be okay.
Low IQ blues today? The hypocrisy of the left is so blatant. Now that crime has become an election issue that Democrats may lose control of California, they now claim they are for tougher laws on criminals? No, ye are a hypocrite. Lie in the bed you made! Has nothing to do with ballot initiatives. Has everything to do with voting in Democrats who are soft on crime and criminals. Stop voting for the very people that have caused the problems, Democrats!

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