White leftists in Oakland pretend to be upset about the violent crime they vote for over and over again

LOL. When you don't lock up criminals or you repeatedly let them out to commit more crimes then your policies are for crime, especially when you let them out with zero bail.

Moonglow is exactly like the sad sacks in that clip. He votes for DemoKKKrats' pro-crime policies, then whines about it, then votes for it again. Fucking idiots.

And their masks on outside, like the good little "Resistance" media casualties they are.

Some of us still remember when the "News" and the "Science!" informed us that while MAGA rallies were too dangerous because of COVID, BLM riots were OK because racism was just as dangerous.

I mean, how much gaslighting can even the most foolish of imbeciles on the Left take?

As we have witnessed, far more than any remotely sane individual.
How is a black a red-neck?
An interesting read:

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