White liberal robbed at gunpoint: " I deserved it...bc of white privilege"!!!!!

This guy is the epitome of what is wrong. The acceptance, the groveling, the ENABLING. And it's just going to get worse because there are many MANY just like him.
Im surprised he even wrote about it.

Maybe he should invite them to his apartment and let them pick a few nice items out to take home.
Im surprised he even wrote about it.

Maybe he should invite them to his apartment and let them pick a few nice items out to take home.

He'd happily oblige them by bending over......it's the least he could do! .

Those poor people.

Non-PC zombies need to bookmark this site...........straight dope not filtered by the msm asshats.:2up:

Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL

Zander bro.....check out some of the mind bloggling shit in here ^^ .........these inner cities in America are becoming small Somalia's by the day. Might be coming close to just walling these places off to the rest of society........its gonna come to something like that eventually.
This guy is the epitome of what is wrong. The acceptance, the groveling, the ENABLING. And it's just going to get worse because there are many MANY just like him.

nah......look at the protests......they are a joke.......these fringe white assholes are losers who don't know shit about shit and looking for something meaningful in an otherwise miserable existence. Hipster assholes who would shrivel up and die without their gay iPhones in half a heartbeat. Limpwristers.........no threat to anybody.

Meanwhile though............write it down........tens of millions are sick and tired of the black grievance industry. No worries.......the pushback is coming!!:rock::rock:And remember...........the media paints a completely different picture than reality.
This guy is the epitome of what is wrong. The acceptance, the groveling, the ENABLING. And it's just going to get worse because there are many MANY just like him.

nah......look at the protests......they are a joke.......these fringe white assholes are losers who don't know shit about shit and looking for something meaningful in an otherwise miserable existence. Hipster assholes who would shrivel up and die without their gay iPhones in half a heartbeat. Limpwristers.........no threat to anybody.

Meanwhile though............write it down........tens of millions are sick and tired of the black grievance industry. No worries.......the pushback is coming!!:rock::rock:And remember...........the media paints a completely different picture than reality.
No monkey. The only thing thats coming is your welfare check at the first of the month.
Makes me wonder just how delusional this generation of guilt ridden hipsters is.

Ahh Bucs........they don't know shit about shit. These are lost souls looking for a place to matter in the world........take their iPhones from them and they die inside of 24 hours. These people, empty inside, are always seeking to find some kind of cause to latch on to because their lives are otherwise ghey........cant cut it in the real world.
This guy is the epitome of what is wrong. The acceptance, the groveling, the ENABLING. And it's just going to get worse because there are many MANY just like him.

nah......look at the protests......they are a joke.......these fringe white assholes are losers who don't know shit about shit and looking for something meaningful in an otherwise miserable existence. Hipster assholes who would shrivel up and die without their gay iPhones in half a heartbeat. Limpwristers.........no threat to anybody.

Meanwhile though............write it down........tens of millions are sick and tired of the black grievance industry. No worries.......the pushback is coming!!:rock::rock:And remember...........the media paints a completely different picture than reality.
No monkey. The only thing thats coming is your welfare check at the first of the month.

ghey s0n..................

This has got to be a bullshit story....
There can't be any person who would feel this way...
I know Libs are out of their mind on things but this is off the charts....

I was half expecting the victim to offer the blow the guy after he took his shit...
Why not give him a happy ending to send him on his way....

This is beyond belief...

Why didn't he give the guy the address of his girl friend if the dumbass even has one.
Hey you and your buddies can pay her a visit.
She keeps a key to the front door under the houseplant....
I'm sure she has a little white guilt that you can cure her of....

This has got to be a bullshit story....
There can't be any person who would feel this way...
I know Libs are out of their mind on things but this is off the charts....

I was half expecting the victim to offer the blow the guy after he took his shit...
Why not give him a happy ending to send him on his way....

This is beyond belief...

Why didn't he give the guy the address of his girl friend if the dumbass even has one.
Hey you and your buddies can pay her a visit.
She keeps a key to the front door under the houseplant....
I'm sure she has a little white guilt that you can cure her of....


That douche has no woman, he IS the woman
I Was Mugged and I Understand Why The Hoya

Its hard to even summarize it.

Motherfucker literally said he deserved to get robbed at gunpoint because of white privilege. ...and he TRUSTED the armed strangers to not harm him.

God damn zombie apocalypse must be near. Fire up the sun cannon...and evacuate us to Mars!
This cant be a true story. This is some bullshit. If true this is a good person but a little out of touch with reality. He doesnt have to call all Black people thugs but I dont get him being ok with being robbed.

Why on earth are you surprised ? There are millions of white Uncle Tom's out there that feel this exact same way.
I was half expecting the victim to offer the blow the guy after he took his shit...
Why not give him a happy ending to send him on his way....

This is beyond belief...

Why didn't he give the guy the address of his girl friend if the dumbass even has one.
Hey you and your buddies can pay her a visit.
She keeps a key to the front door under the houseplant....
I'm sure she has a little white guilt that you can cure her of....

The guy said something about DuPont Circle. If you know anything about DC, then you would know that the guy probably wanted to blow that kid. He's likely the kind who loves butt hurt.
I Was Mugged and I Understand Why The Hoya

Its hard to even summarize it.

Motherfucker literally said he deserved to get robbed at gunpoint because of white privilege. ...and he TRUSTED the armed strangers to not harm him.

God damn zombie apocalypse must be near. Fire up the sun cannon...and evacuate us to Mars!
This cant be a true story. This is some bullshit. If true this is a good person but a little out of touch with reality. He doesnt have to call all Black people thugs but I dont get him being ok with being robbed.

Why on earth are you surprised ? There are millions of white Uncle Tom's out there that feel this exact same way.
I'm surprised because I have only met one other person like that in my life. He is not a white Uncle Tom. If you read his article I posted he explains the first one. Nowhere does he put down the fact he is white.
Awww come on I just read it and he didnt say he "deserved it" or "white privledge".

I knew something was fucking off with something so silly
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

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