White liberal robbed at gunpoint: " I deserved it...bc of white privilege"!!!!!

This is obviously some guilt-racked gay guy going to Georgetown University, the same place that gave us Sandra Fluke.

How do we, as a nation, manufacture such dingbats?
This is obviously some guilt-racked gay guy going to Georgetown University, the same place that gave us Sandra Fluke.

How do we, as a nation, manufacture such dingbats?
Is that you in your avatar wearing panties?
Actually i take that back. I pretty much assumed you had some latent tendencies
Actually i take that back. I pretty much assumed you had some latent tendencies
Screw this banter. Great jungle bunny civilizations please. Far more amusing stuff from the Rev Al Sharpton School of Jungle Bunny History.
This guy will be a hero to the media and left.

He "gets it". Blacks are owed something by whites. Obama cant legislate it. So...its our duty as guilty whites to allow and tolerate black crime so they can just take what is owed to.them
This guy will be a hero to the media and left.

He "gets it". Blacks are owed something by whites. Obama cant legislate it. So...its our duty as guilty whites to allow and tolerate black crime so they can just take what is owed to.them

Except thats not what the article says at all but dont let the actual words in the link stop you
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
I see reading links is too hard and many chose to go with what they are told is in the article.

Weird that the OP used quotes for language that is no where in the link.

How else would the OP sell his anger tho? Par for the course tho
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
Last edited:
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Don't forget Sandra Fluke.
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Whats Dysons first name. I need to check him out.
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Whats Dysons first name. I need to check him out.
You know his name. He's all over your DeMSNBC propaganda channel.
Here is the guys explanation of the original article.

In Defense of 8220 I Was Mugged 8230 8221 The Hoya

"When I first published my article, “I Was Mugged And I Understand Why,” I could never have predicted the response it would receive. I hope this letter clarifies some of the points that have been wildly misread.

To be perfectly clear, I do not condone violence against anyone, and I certainly did not deserve to be mugged. Understanding why someone might steal from me does not suggest that I deserved it."

As usual the OP is a retarded dimwit.

Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Whats Dysons first name. I need to check him out.
You know his name. He's all over your DeMSNBC propaganda channel.
I dont watch TV much. What is his first name Cletus?
Sorry not buying it. He's shows way too much empathy in the article, and goes beyond simply "understanding".
You dont have to buy it. The OP claimed the guy said he deserved it. The OP is a retarded moron.
The kid goes to all white GU which has a new klux klan for colored people racist 'professor' named Dyson and a basketball team full of self-segregating blacks working toward their grade school diplomas so the story is most definitely true.
Whats Dysons first name. I need to check him out.
You know his name. He's all over your DeMSNBC propaganda channel.
I dont watch TV much. What is his first name Cletus?
I don't know any Cletus, LaDaveon Duke.
The progressives are like rats that are too crowded. All sorts of weird self-destructive behaviors appear seemingly from nowhere. YOU GUYS HAVE THESE URGES BECAUSE THERE ARE TOO MANY OF YOU. It's nature's (and God's) way of eliminating you from the earth. You are compelled to approve of behaviors and actions that will eradicate you. It's why progressives are so obsessed with using their own shit to fertilize their veggies, and it's why they're so adamant that we kill off babies, old people, the disabled....they have some sort of self-destruct device that has been implanted deep into their brains.

It's another sign that the end is coming. At least for them.

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