White libs more racist than white supremacists


Oct 30, 2012
White liberal bigotry is an insidious form of racism that disguises itself as good intentions and sympathy when in reality it is based on a mentality of superiority. The white liberals believe themselves to be the plus ultra pursuant to knowing what is best for blacks, women and children.

White liberals do not hold blacks in any form of esteem in the least – quite the opposite. They begin all associations with blacks, such as they have, viewing them as intellectually and socially malnourished. They hold the mindset that blacks must be angry and aggrieved for past ills perpetrated upon their ancestors and carried on today at the hands of evil conservatives. And believe me when I tell you, one of the greatest affronts to white liberals is for a black person to have better grammatical skills than they have and to not be angry and filled with resentment.
White libs more racist than white supremacists

In my life experience, complete opposite.

For the ones who supported the civil rights movement, they absolutely deserve to be honored.

Truth be told, black people who were around during that era can recognize condescending behavior when they see it without any help from anyone.

This current right wing, reverse psychology strategy, with white conservatives using black pawns as script reciting mouth pieces to wage their war against white liberals to "get blacks off of the plantation" is nothing but a ploy to entice gullible registered black voters to switch parties. In actuality, black voters have good reason to have no allegiance to either side.

The joke is on the pawns, because when the day arrives that the same conservatives are back in power, they will kick the pawns to the curb.
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Not an Ann Coulter fan (she likes moderates), but she has the liberals pegged. They ARE racists, and blacks are so consumed by their hatred for whitey, that they follow in lockstep with the very people who have them enslaved (white Democrats). They have blacks wrapped around their finger. Why? Because they give them free shit. That always seems to be the deciding factor.
i am not going to agree that white libbs are more racist ,but they have done a lot more damage in the last 40 yrs than any white supremacist group have to the black community .
Actually blacks started voting almost exclusively Dem after Republicans thought the "Southern Strategy" was a good idea. Then it blew up in their faces
In my life experience, complete opposite.

For the ones who supported the civil rights movement, they absolutely deserve to be honored.

Truth be told, black people who were around during that era can recognize condescending behavior when they see it without any help from anyone.

This current right wing, reverse psychology strategy, with white conservatives using black pawns as script reciting mouth pieces to wage their war against white liberals to "get blacks off of the plantation" is nothing but a ploy to entice gullible registered black voters to switch parties. In actuality, black voters have good reason to have no allegiance to either side.

The joke is on the pawns, because when the day arrives that the same conservatives are back in power, they will kick the pawns to the curb.

Amen! If it wasn't for White Liberals who fought against White conservatives, slavery wouldn't have ended, the "Black Codes", Jim Crow, and an oppressive White power structure of White conservatives who denied Black people the right to vote , discriminate against them, and treat them worse than second class citizens in a de jure and de factor manner, would still exist.
White Liberals died helping Black people in the Civil Rights Movement, where were the White conservatives? Oh, that's right;they were the ones fighting against and at times killing them.
Some libs are racists, but the more vicious and more dangerous are the far right reactionaries.
There is racism on both sides, Progressives tried to use eugenics, to control minorities, they also formed the KKK. All that said, there are extreme racists on the right.

I also know liberals who hate Obama, and it's not his policies they hate.
There is racism on both sides, Progressives tried to use eugenics, to control minorities, they also formed the KKK. All that said, there are extreme racists on the right.

I also know liberals who hate Obama, and it's not his policies they hate.

Moron. Progressives have historically come from all sides of the aisle as do populists.

Eugenics was back and pushed by well meaning Christians who were out to save people.

White Conservatives down South started the KKK
i am not going to agree that white libbs are more racist ,but they have done a lot more damage in the last 40 yrs than any white supremacist group have to the black community .

as condescending as it gets when one is using false talking points

without social programs to assist blacks and other minorities there is nothing conservatives would have stepped in with except bullshit trickle down economics and a new slave status
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:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::dance::dance::party::party:Yes thats why Asians Blacks White Brown poeple and 70 of the Jews voted for him because they are racists :cuckoo:

Watching the republican convention was like watching a white out with pasty faced jesusland crackers vrs the Democratic Convention and victory celebrations

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White libs are more concerned with other races than their own - race trading dumb fucks! No other race gives a shit about the white race. I think each race should take care of their own, and many do.
Koreans only patronise Koreans, but you never hear the dip shit left call them racist, and they are not!
They have pride in their race, and they want to support it - that is cool!
The libs really only use the black, and hispanic races for power - fuck the liberals!
There is racism on both sides, Progressives tried to use eugenics, to control minorities, they also formed the KKK. All that said, there are extreme racists on the right.

I also know liberals who hate Obama, and it's not his policies they hate.

Moron. Progressives have historically come from all sides of the aisle as do populists.

Eugenics was back and pushed by well meaning Christians who were out to save people.

White Conservatives down South started the KKK

Great denial. Woodrow Wilson, Progressive Democrat Racist.

The link below claims it was formed by Democrats to fight blacks and Republicans.
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Dr Benjamin Carson.
Subjected to volumes of racist rhetoric by the fanatical liberal totalitarians of the obamacult!

How dare that boy disagree!
He even tried to leave the plantation!!
White liberals need to make some black friends, real friends mind, not just a token to show off to their chums, perhaps if they knew a black person he might explain it to them!!

Most of the people today spouting the "plantation" crap are White republican conservatives and their Black "conservative" republican stooge counterparts..............
Dr Benjamin Carson.
Subjected to volumes of racist rhetoric by the fanatical liberal totalitarians of the obamacult!

How dare that boy disagree!
He even tried to leave the plantation!!
White liberals need to make some black friends, real friends mind, not just a token to show off to their chums, perhaps if they knew a black person he might explain it to them!!

Most of the people today spouting the "plantation" crap are White republican conservatives and their Black "conservative" republican stooge counterparts..............
All black Republicans are Uncle Toms, right, racist?
Dr Benjamin Carson.
Subjected to volumes of racist rhetoric by the fanatical liberal totalitarians of the obamacult!

How dare that boy disagree!
He even tried to leave the plantation!!
White liberals need to make some black friends, real friends mind, not just a token to show off to their chums, perhaps if they knew a black person he might explain it to them!!

Most of the people today spouting the "plantation" crap are White republican conservatives and their Black "conservative" republican stooge counterparts..............
All black Republicans are Uncle Toms, right, racist?

Is that what you think of Black Republicans, racist? Are you incorrectly implying that I am saying that in the post you quoted? The problem with you people, is that you like to make your own ignorant narrative out of something that wasn't said. I like Michael Steele and Colin Powell.

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