White Lives Matter More in Ukraine

supply a few examples of white Americans being denied Constitutional rights on the basis of race.
You first--cite a few examples of black Americans being denied constitutional rights in the last 50 years or so--you know your entire life. I can show numerous examples of POC receiving extra-constitutional rights during that period. BTW, do you know who Patricia Cullors is? You should, your dollars that were sent to advance the black cause advanced hers to the tune of a few million dollar estates. Run along troll.
Because for centuries in the US Blacks were enslaved, lynched, massacred by whites, deprived of educational opportunities, and denied the Constitutional rights by timid bigots who inspired fascists on the opposite side of the planet.
Before you get too hung up in your anti-American tirade, maybe you should educate yourself.
History shows us that isolationism and appeasement do not work when faced with linatics like putin.
Its far cheaper to fight him in Ukraine than it would be in Germany or serbia or Poland.
Im happy to see my taxes fund Ukraine resistance than to send my kids to fight in Europe. My family lost too many members fighting other despots over there.

Putin cant be allowed to succeed.
He is slowly realiing that.

The US meddles in overseas affairs for American interests, or supposed American interests. The idea that they have plotted against Russia is risible. Russia is a backward state that would be a burden to any power crazy enough to take it on.
You’d think all would know the following by now, and refuse to accept war propaganda promoted by the empire.

In short, war is inseparable from propaganda, lies, hatred, impoverishment, cultural degradation, and moral corruption. It is the most horrific outcome of the moral and political legitimacy people are taught to grant the state. Wrapped in the trappings of patriotism, home, songs, and flags, the state deludes people into despising a leader and a country that until that point they had barely even heard of, much less had an informed opinion about, and it teaches its subjects to cheer the maiming and death of fellow human beings who have never done them any harm. - Murray Rothbard
Sure, impartial jurors. Jurors who were more than aware of the riots outside the courthouse and the threats to jurors that were being made public by the media and rioters. There was no way in HELL, that Derek Chauvin got a fair trial in Mnpls. A change of venue should have been the first order of business.

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin Sentenced to More Than 20 Years in Prison for Depriving George Floyd and a Minor Victim of their Constitutional Rights
Yes there are.

Have you considered moving there?
Sounds more like your kind of assholes:

Is Ukraine a Hub for International White Supremacist Fighters? | Russia Matters

"Magnet for Foreign White Supremacist Fighters​

"Since the start of armed conflict in eastern Ukraine in the spring of 2014, some Ukrainian pro-government paramilitary battalions, as well as pro-Russian separatist units, attracted foreign white supremacists and other far-right-wingers to their ranks.

"The main destinations for these fighters included several Ukrainian pro-government volunteer battalions openly espousing far-right ideologies, such as Azov, Right Sector1 and OUN battalions (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists).

"Foreign fighters also joined international battalions such as the Georgian National Legion, which called itself neither far right nor white supremacist but gave foreigners entrée onto the battlefield and a chance for combat experience—which is, in my view, what foreign fighters traveling to Ukraine wanted."
Got a link?
While you're at it, supply a few examples of white Americans being denied Constitutional rights on the basis of race.
When affirmative action, diversity, quotas, and feminism was mandated from the 1960's federal legislations and enforce in the early 1970's when high school graduate white men applied for employment for half decent jobs, they were put last on the list. At the time though college was not infected totally with radicalism. Those who went to college still found employment easier than those who did not.
History shows us that isolationism and appeasement do not work when faced with linatics like putin.
Its far cheaper to fight him in Ukraine than it would be in Germany or serbia or Poland.
Im happy to see my taxes fund Ukraine resistance than to send my kids to fight in Europe. My family lost too many members fighting other despots over there.

Putin cant be allowed to succeed.
He is slowly realiing that.

The US meddles in overseas affairs for American interests, or supposed American interests. The idea that they have plotted against Russia is risible. Russia is a backward state that would be a burden to any power crazy enough to take it on.
Where did you get the idea that fighting Russia would be cheaper in Ukraine than any other location on this planet? The cost of such a conflict could be another mass extermination event.

Nuclear Winter May Bring a Decade of Destruction - Eos
The US meddles in overseas affairs for American interests, or supposed American interests. The idea that they have plotted against Russia is risible. Russia is a backward state that would be a burden to any power crazy enough to take it on.
The US meddles everywhere for economic gain.
Russia is the largest country in the world, and it's rich in natural resources, so naturally US capitalists want to steal them

You first--cite a few examples of black Americans being denied constitutional rights in the last 50 years or so--you know your entire life. I can show numerous examples of POC receiving extra-constitutional rights during that period. BTW, do you know who Patricia Cullors is? You should, your dollars that were sent to advance the black cause advanced hers to the tune of a few million dollar estates. Run along troll.
Your ignorance extends to state-sponsored racial discrimination in the "Land of the Free"?

How Redlining Continues To Shape Racial Segregation In Milwaukee
Before you get too hung up in your anti-American tirade, maybe you should educate yourself.
Your link:

"The Middle Passage was dangerous and horrific. The sexes were separated; men, women, and children were kept naked, packed close together; and the men were chained for long periods. About 12 percent of those who embarked did not survive the voyage."

What do we know for sure about anyone who would profit from such a business?
Aren't Russians considered to be "white"? How about Afghans who helped the U.S. and were abandoned? Maybe only certain white lives matter.
Why would you expect anything different? Ukraine was not settled by immigrants. They are not multicultural. They have no history of black slavery. No non white neighboring countries. They are perfectly normal.
"Reports of foreign white supremacists and far-right activists fighting among the Ukrainian pro-government paramilitary battalions date back to the summer of 2014, and the volunteer battalions—some of them accused of robbery, torture and other questionable practices—soon emerged on the radar of U.S. policymakers.

"Members of Congress tried and failed for three years to ban U.S. funding from going to the Azov battalion before finally passing the necessary legislation in 2018, according to reporting by The Hill.

"More recently, on Oct. 16,2019, a group of 40 Democratic lawmakers led by Rep. Max Rose signed a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanding to know why the Ukrainian National Guard regiment Azov had not yet been designated a terrorist organization.

"Echoing a 2017 warning from the FBI, the letter claimed that Azov has a history of collaborating with and training white supremacists from the U.S. and other Western states, including the Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter, Brenton Tarrant."

Is Ukraine a Hub for International White Supremacist Fighters? | Russia Matters
Your link:

"The Middle Passage was dangerous and horrific. The sexes were separated; men, women, and children were kept naked, packed close together; and the men were chained for long periods. About 12 percent of those who embarked did not survive the voyage."

What do we know for sure about anyone who would profit from such a business?
STFU and read the article. Black people were sold into slavery by black people. It is not the first group of people that were sold into slavery and definitely is not the last as current events tell us. Buck up, little boy. Its a big bad world and whining about the past changes nothing. You live in a first world country (for a little while) and you enjoy luxuries the majority of the world only dream about--and still you whine.

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