White Lives Matter


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
France, the Identity Generations of the extreme Right deploy a banner who says: Justice for the victims of Anti White racism Hey! Hey! to show their anger against leftists on the street in Paris.

We need some of that in America.
This identity group is taking more and more power and what they have done is to make they voice count after all their crazy leftists are constantly attacking the police and also white people, but I think for you the Americans will retaliate against his demonstrations by voting for Trump:) it will calm them down like the last time unfortunately for us the French we are still governed by socialists and that does not change we need someone like Trump:)
We need some of that in America.
This identity group is taking more and more power and what they have done is to make they voice count after all their crazy leftists are constantly attacking the police and also white people, but I think for you the Americans will retaliate against his demonstrations by voting for Trump:) it will calm them down like the last time unfortunately for us the French we are still governed by socialists and that does not change we need someone like Trump:)
We need some of that in America.
This identity group is taking more and more power and what they have done is to make they voice count after all their crazy leftists are constantly attacking the police and also white people, but I think for you the Americans will retaliate against his demonstrations by voting for Trump:) it will calm them down like the last time unfortunately for us the French we are still governed by socialists and that does not change we need someone like Trump:)
We'll send Trump to yous after he is finished in 2021
Americans of European ancestry are being heavily criticized now by the media, academia, and silly politicians who are kneeling and begging forgiveness.

But there are many people (of ALL ethnicities) who know that the current (and rapidly) shrinking majority ethnicity has done everything possible since the1960s to redress grievances and that they have nothing to apologize for.

When European Americans do eventually become a tiny minority, the country will sorely miss them.
The current... majority ethnicity has done everything possible since the1960s to redress grievances and that they have nothing to apologize for.

(and rapidly) shrinking... When European Americans do eventually become a tiny minority, the country will sorely miss them.

The first part was the right, moral thing to do.

The second one is genocide plain and simple... caused by an irrational, schizophrenic, absurd, criminal overreaction to WWII.
White lives have always mattered

Can you show me a single racist, genocidal government that did not claim to be protecting the best interests of the ethnic group they targeted ?

Whites in the Americas, Australia and South Africa, european Jews in Palestine... they all claimed to be "civilizing" and "saving the souls" of the natives still living in the Stone Age or the Middle Ages.

21th century America implements a blatant, overt agenda of genocide, flooding the nation with non-white immigration, heavily indoctrinating the american youth with pro-miscigenation propaganda through the mass media all the while claiming to be just "diversifying" the country.
Without life, nothing matters.
Manipulating verbiage serves nefarious intentions.
When it's Black Lives that they emphasize
We really need to improvise!
We cannot be victims less
That'll just create a big, scary mess!
So holler long and scream real loud
Throwing tantrums is what makes us proud!
Sucks to be us? No, must be them
We never shut up until clogged with phlegm!
Life is cheap to the marxist Dims. Pretending otherwise is a charade.... shameless, political schtick.... kabuki theater.

They kill children as they're born... they govern murder capitals... everything they touch turns to shit..... or dies.

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