White males are the biggest whiners in the world!

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Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.
You should have worn the uniform of your nation and defended her. Your fucking international trade work is bullshit. What about American workers? You are a worthless piece of shit simpleton. They were nice to you in order to use you like a tool.
When you turn your "theys" into "we's" you will be more successful and less angry.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations
Does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate or not? That is the only question relevant to this issue.
Yes, the Supreme Court has decided skin pigmentation is a factor. Many educational systems and hiring practices are now determined by pigment.
Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.
You should have worn the uniform of your nation and defended her. Your fucking international trade work is bullshit. What about American workers? You are a worthless piece of shit simpleton. They were nice to you in order to use you like a tool.
I never wore the uniform but admire, respect and am thankful to all that have. I donate to several vetran charities. Our military is very diverse including non-citizens. They have fought for our great country so all can be free. I see Donald Trump and his followers threatening that.
How? How do they threaten that? These people served their nation in times of war. These people love the U.S.A. And came home to work in steel mills and factories as union members (unions deeply involved in civil rights movement) voted Democrat their whole lives. They come from traditional Democrat households since FDR...only to the party abandon them. Only to have the party take greater concern for gay marraige and Black Lives Matter than their job. Thanks for your service to our country old white man. Now your a racist because you were born white and you were never indoctrinated on a college campus. Personally I find it harder and harder to celebrate the 4th of July.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations

You're a white man, then why are you so down on other white men?

Are you saying that black people don't whine? Black people whine a lot.
Does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate or not? That is the only question relevant to this issue.
Yes, the Supreme Court has decided skin pigmentation is a factor. Many educational systems and hiring practices are now determined by pigment.

Which is the purest form of racism, yet these hypocrites are so much encased in The Bubble, they can't even understand that it's they who are the actual racists.
You failed to answer the question, once again. It's not whether anyone ever discriminated against blacks or women. The question is "does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males?"
It's no surprise you don't want to answer it. The answer blows your entire premise out of the water, doesn't it?
Unfortunately the Supreme Court found no bases in reverse discrimination cases..

All that proves is that the Supreme Court is a gang of political hacks.
Does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate or not? That is the only question relevant to this issue.

There are a shitload of questions relevant to this conversation.

Yes, based on documented studies conducted by private and government agencies, documented discrimination against non-whites and women was found to be widespread. As a remedy to that documented and proven factual discrimination, remedies were instituted to ensure equality and equity. For instance, you cannot get a government contract if your business has a history of discrimination.

I'm betting that you weren't whining when white males had all the advantages .. and what you're whining about is your own lack of self-esteem and confidence to play on a more level field.

You appear more like a beer and nuts kind of guy than a political analyst .. so let me give you the sports analogy :0) White males like you thought themselves to be superior at sports .. before blacks were allowed to play. The quarterback position was just too cerebral for blacks to play. However, once blacks and white people with brains KICKED the fucking doors open to equal access, black quarterbacks are becoming the norm .. and black people dominate many sports and positions .. and white people with brains still support their teams, regardless of how many blacks are on the team. :0)

The name of my song is, "All the sports records of athletes who played before blacks were allowed to play, should have an asterisk by their name. :0) BBP * Before Black People"

They weren't the best, just the best who were allowed to play.

Point is, you may not like a level playing field, but who the fuck cares? :0)
You failed to answer the question, once again. It's not whether anyone ever discriminated against blacks or women. The question is "does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males?"
It's no surprise you don't want to answer it. The answer blows your entire premise out of the water, doesn't it?

I answered your question .. you just don't like the answer, or perhaps can't comprehend it.

The answer to your question is NO, it does not. The law allows for remedies to studied, documented, and proven discrimination .. and if you're talking about white males as a group, they discriminated against all kinds of people not them.

You not liking the remedy is meaningless. Call it discrimination if you choose .. why would I care? :0) You weren't crying about discrimination when white males had all the advantages.
You didn't answer the question. You weaseled. Whining about past discrimination isn't an answer. It requires a simple "yes" or "no." You are obviously afraid to answer it because you know it blows all your petulant whining about white males out of the water.

Calling it a "remedy" is just an admission that the law forces discrimination against white males.

Let me repeat something to you Junior .. If you don't get it, who the fuck cares? :0) Invest in tissues motherfucker .. you've got a lot of whining in your future. :0) Yes, you do.

Consider this, because you hate black people .. you have no shot at winning the White House. :0) The irony is fucking beautiful. NO shot at the White House equates to no shot at affecting the make-up of the Supreme Court. :0) Your ignorance has handed the Supreme Court to .. shudder .. HILLARY CLINTON and the Left .. for years to come. :lol:

I'm not interested in your sob stories of woe. Get yourself a photo album so you can take selfies of your varying declining stages of woe. Call Cleo .. I don't give a fuck about your well-deserved rejection by this society.

Two words .. SOUTHERN STRATEGY .. that's exactly what has brought you idiots to this moment. Not white men .. just white men like you .. republicans. :0)

In your typical form, when you lose the argument, you resort to a blizzard of insults. I'll take that to mean you're admitting that the law requires government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. You claimed there was no such discrimination.

BTW, I don't hate blacks, but I do despise ignorant loudmouthed racists douche bags like you. I'll be throwing these posts in your face when Trump wins.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations

You're a white man, then why are you so down on other white men?

Are you saying that black people don't whine? Black people whine a lot.

Agree....it's human nature to whine!:dunno:
Donald Trump is representative of all the white male whining. Big ass babies.

When Trump gets trounced in the election .. and he will .. what then babies?

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, douche bag.
There are no contenders of women in my field, or blacks or Asians...
What is your field?

Lots of good Hispanics in your field. :0)
Sure, but my quality beats them every time...

:0) I'm not suggesting that it isn't good brother. Just sayin' .. there is competition in your field. :0)

Competition is a good thing, right?

There's also plenty of competition in your field, that of being a completely useless waste of space.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.


HAHA for the first time in Human History White males have had to do something...... whatever dude you sound like a real Idiot. Never mind that in this country White males have trained many other peoples in workplace skills, technology etc... you sound like a very narrow minded person with a very narrow scope of vision. A lot of statistics are BS anyways, in many cases men and women on the same opposing lists might be married for all you know, or white males could be married with kids taking care of a family ... God forbid with a "woman" included... are you anti family as well I wonder....

Now if you were to tell me Charlie Sheen was the Biggest Winner, I might believe you

somehow in your mind all white males are connected to each other, just like Nazi racists feel All black males are connected your really an amazing piece of work.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations

You're a white man, then why are you so down on other white men?

Are you saying that black people don't whine? Black people whine a lot.

He's the typical self-hating liberal. denigrating your race and your achievements is a badge of honor with these imbeciles.
Oh my god, you mean to tell me that there are people who expect the government to protect the interests of its own people? What kind of nonsense is that!?!
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.

Oh oh, another genius. The college of fork lift operating is probably where you got your two degrees.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations

You're a white man, then why are you so down on other white men?

Are you saying that black people don't whine? Black people whine a lot.

He's the typical self-hating liberal. denigrating your race and your achievements is a badge of honor with these imbeciles.

Liberals just love seperating people with their God damned statistics to make people hate and envy each other, -
seem like 5 year olds fighting over candy that fell out of the birthday party pinata to me
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.

Oh oh, another genius. The college of fork lift operating is probably where you got your two degrees.

thats an insult to forklift drivers
Oh my god, you mean to tell me that there are people who expect the government to protect the interests of its own people? What kind of nonsense is that!?!
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.

In other words, no tangible benefits. How did rubbing shoulders with black people help you in your business?
Only that nothing in your stupid ass post addressed my point.

That you didn't endure shit, whiner.

ANd that today the playing field is slanted for assholes like you, not for whites.

So fuck off.

Fuck you Twinky. :0) Whiny bitches like you shouldn't post to me.

You don't have a point .. just tears, :0)

I grew up in the 60's .. you don't have a fucking clue about what I endured.

You, like all the other whiny white male babies on this board are whining because your hate has come home to bite you in the ass. :0)

Your IGNORANT political strategy is the best thing going for democrats. :lol: Yes it is. .. and the evolution of this country puts republicans on the path to becoming the Whigs. :lol: Your pain won't change that. :0)

Fuck you twinky boy. :0)

I know you didn't endure slavery, asshole.

No I didn't, Nutsack.

Obviously your stupid ass believes that discrimination and oppression ended with slavery.

The remedies weren't for slaves. They were for the oppression taking place at the time.

ONLY a moron doesn't know that.

What you are calling "remedies" is official government enforced discrimination against white males which you claim doesn't exist.

Let's play your game .. even if what you suggest was true .. you call that an impediment to opportunity while you call racial discrimination against everybody else .. what?

Exactly what are you crying about? A roadblock to opportunity .. while you call discrimination against everyone else what? What have you ever said or done about discxrimination against everyone else not you?

I don't call discrimination against anything. Racial discrimination should be against the law. It is, in fact, a violation of the 14th Amendment. But the government is discriminating against white males. That is beyond dispute. That needs to end.
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