White males are the biggest whiners in the world!

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Whatever I do I am not whining to have the government to protect me from competition for my job.
I believe in an open market.
I am willing to compete with anyone for my job; may the best man or woman get it.

Oh my god, you mean to tell me that there are people who expect the government to protect the interests of its own people? What kind of nonsense is that!?!
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

Is 'pretentious dbag' the look you were going for here?
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

White Anglo Saxon males are the most productive and influential people in all of human history. White males conquered it, built it, or created it. Including the greatest Constitutional democratic republic on earth. But we have those who want to destroy it. Who do not want to take advantage of the greatest, freest, and fairest society ever seen in the human race. They are the crybabies. They are the Marxist. They are the Democrats, socialist, and Black Lives Matter. The backlash will come. The liberal news media and radical college professors and their mindless automaton students won't be able to stop it.

What "backlash "?
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.
You should have worn the uniform of your nation and defended her. Your fucking international trade work is bullshit. What about American workers? You are a worthless piece of shit simpleton. They were nice to you in order to use you like a tool.
I never wore the uniform but admire, respect and am thankful to all that have. I donate to several vetran charities. Our military is very diverse including non-citizens. They have fought for our great country so all can be free. I see Donald Trump and his followers threatening that.
How? How do they threaten that? These people served their nation in times of war. These people love the U.S.A. And came home to work in steel mills and factories as union members (unions deeply involved in civil rights movement) voted Democrat their whole lives. They come from traditional Democrat households since FDR...only to the party abandon them. Only to have the party take greater concern for gay marraige and Black Lives Matter than their job. Thanks for your service to our country old white man. Now your a racist because you were born white and you were never indoctrinated on a college campus. Personally I find it harder and harder to celebrate the 4th of July.

If you find it hard to celebrate the 4th of July, you should find it easy to get your ass on a boat and leave.
Unfortunately the Supreme Court found no bases in reverse discrimination cases..

All that proves is that the Supreme Court is a gang of political hacks.
There are a shitload of questions relevant to this conversation.

Yes, based on documented studies conducted by private and government agencies, documented discrimination against non-whites and women was found to be widespread. As a remedy to that documented and proven factual discrimination, remedies were instituted to ensure equality and equity. For instance, you cannot get a government contract if your business has a history of discrimination.

I'm betting that you weren't whining when white males had all the advantages .. and what you're whining about is your own lack of self-esteem and confidence to play on a more level field.

You appear more like a beer and nuts kind of guy than a political analyst .. so let me give you the sports analogy :0) White males like you thought themselves to be superior at sports .. before blacks were allowed to play. The quarterback position was just too cerebral for blacks to play. However, once blacks and white people with brains KICKED the fucking doors open to equal access, black quarterbacks are becoming the norm .. and black people dominate many sports and positions .. and white people with brains still support their teams, regardless of how many blacks are on the team. :0)

The name of my song is, "All the sports records of athletes who played before blacks were allowed to play, should have an asterisk by their name. :0) BBP * Before Black People"

They weren't the best, just the best who were allowed to play.

Point is, you may not like a level playing field, but who the fuck cares? :0)
You failed to answer the question, once again. It's not whether anyone ever discriminated against blacks or women. The question is "does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males?"
It's no surprise you don't want to answer it. The answer blows your entire premise out of the water, doesn't it?

I answered your question .. you just don't like the answer, or perhaps can't comprehend it.

The answer to your question is NO, it does not. The law allows for remedies to studied, documented, and proven discrimination .. and if you're talking about white males as a group, they discriminated against all kinds of people not them.

You not liking the remedy is meaningless. Call it discrimination if you choose .. why would I care? :0) You weren't crying about discrimination when white males had all the advantages.
You didn't answer the question. You weaseled. Whining about past discrimination isn't an answer. It requires a simple "yes" or "no." You are obviously afraid to answer it because you know it blows all your petulant whining about white males out of the water.

Calling it a "remedy" is just an admission that the law forces discrimination against white males.

Let me repeat something to you Junior .. If you don't get it, who the fuck cares? :0) Invest in tissues motherfucker .. you've got a lot of whining in your future. :0) Yes, you do.

Consider this, because you hate black people .. you have no shot at winning the White House. :0) The irony is fucking beautiful. NO shot at the White House equates to no shot at affecting the make-up of the Supreme Court. :0) Your ignorance has handed the Supreme Court to .. shudder .. HILLARY CLINTON and the Left .. for years to come. :lol:

I'm not interested in your sob stories of woe. Get yourself a photo album so you can take selfies of your varying declining stages of woe. Call Cleo .. I don't give a fuck about your well-deserved rejection by this society.

Two words .. SOUTHERN STRATEGY .. that's exactly what has brought you idiots to this moment. Not white men .. just white men like you .. republicans. :0)

In your typical form, when you lose the argument, you resort to a blizzard of insults. I'll take that to mean you're admitting that the law requires government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males. You claimed there was no such discrimination.

BTW, I don't hate blacks, but I do despise ignorant loudmouthed racists douche bags like you. I'll be throwing these posts in your face when Trump wins.

Don't pretend YOU have any righteous anger here, wannabe. Do you think everyone has forgotten how many times you've declared your hatred for America on this forum? How you publicly denounced your citizenship? You should both go fuck off.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Whining about other whiners. Makes sense.
The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now.

And how are they going to do that at 1% of the population?

Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

Less, actually.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

And neither do you. Being the janitor at one does not count.
You open a thread calling whites whiners and racists, and are surprised to be called a name?

Fuck you some more.

The city of New Haven refused to promote 17 whites because no blacks scored well enough to be promoted.

That was blatant anti-white discrimination, not whites whining because they had to compete on a level playing field.

The Disparate Impact Theory that drove that, was voted for by every dem appointed judge and is still out there, as is the law that drove the city government to be racist bastards.

That is what is really going on out there.

New Haven is an example of discrimination against white and hispanic fire fighters but there are thousands of examples like new Haven but the discrimination was against non-whites.
Why do you need to call everyone rude, foul names. It makes you look bad.

You are a disgusting human being that no race would want to claim you.

"Why do you need to call everyone rude, foul names. It makes you look bad."

You posted a thread, this thread, which is a White Bashing OP, it's racist and also race-baiting.

Why do you need to call white people names?
I am bashing some whites but I am calling them whiners, not a**hole, f*** you some more and more that are similar. I felt whiner was an accurate discription not just foul language

You didn't just call us whiners.

You dismissed our valid grievances as manifestations of racism and incompetence.

Are you trying to tear this nation apart?
I didn't say racism or incompetence, you did.
But I think that is what behind the whining.
There are too many whites who do not have marketable skills to get jobs in today's economy. I think they should shut up and go get the skills. Looking at Trump for the answer is as bad as someone on welfare who does not need it.

Liberals. They call people racist all day long, but don't even know what the word means.

You accused White males of being unable to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and women and demanding racist and sexist policies from the government to " give them their non-deserved advantage back"

Accusing someone of supporting discriminatory racist polices is calling them racist.

It is pathetic that you needed that explained to you.

All of your arguments are bullshit.

Whites are still being discriminated against BECAUSE non-whites can't compete with US on a level playing field, that is what New Haven was all about, that is what the 300 point sat bonus for blacks skin is about.

Trump? You really want to talk about Trump?

Fine, Trump wants to deport illegals, and bring back manufacturing jobs.

What problem do you have with that?
Except when they did.

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But only by a slim conservative majority.

THe libs are all in favor of anti-white discrimination.
I was doing legal research and law in the early to mid 1980's..and in that time frame there were no cases for reverse discrimination getting anywhere..

Which shows how long it can take for reality to overcome stupid ideas once they get written into law.

DId you read the link?

" Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen of whom were white and one of whom was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management positions and the city declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters scored high enough to be considered for the positions. City officials stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's disproportionate exclusion of certain racial groups from promotion under the controversial "disparate impact" theory of liability."
Correl is proving my point; what a whiner!

No, you are proving my point that you are an asshole.

The linked case was blatant anti-white discrimination, not white males wanting special treatment.

Your op is complete and total bullshit.
Please be more specific on what you mean by asshole?
I have defined whiner is someone who would rather complain about the job market and look to the government to provide them job than to go out and do something about it on their own.
That would be you.

Let me walk you though it very slowly and with small words.

1. You insulted whites by calling them whiners and wanting special discrimination in their favor. THus racists.

2. I linked to a Supreme Court case showing how the law requires anti-white discrimination. And that the whites are being discriminated against.

3. That proved that your view on the subject was completely wrong.

4. Yet instead of addressing that, you just repeated some of your insults.

5. Calling me and mine, whiners and racists and sexist without just cause, makes you an asshole.
Whatever I do I am not whining to have the government to protect me from competition for my job.
I believe in an open market.
I am willing to compete with anyone for my job; may the best man or woman get it.

Oh my god, you mean to tell me that there are people who expect the government to protect the interests of its own people? What kind of nonsense is that!?!
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

A "good school" does not want diversity.

A "liberal school" or a school afraid of being sued wants diversity.

The best schools are giving blacks more points than anyone.

YOur point about Asians is somewhat true.

Whites are NOT getting the same consideration as Blacks.

Your view on this is factually incorrect.

https://www.princeton.edu/~tje/file...on Preferences Espenshade Chung June 2005.pdf

. "Using data from the National Study of College Experience on 124,374 applications for admission during the 1980s and the fall semesters of 1993 and 1997, they found that elite universities give extra weight in admissions to candidates whose SAT scores are above 1500, who are African American, and who are student athletes. A smaller, but nevertheless important, preference is extended to Hispanic and legacy applicants.

African-American applicants receive the equivalent of 230 extra SAT points (on a 1600-point scale), and being Hispanic is worth an additional 185 SAT points. Other things equal, recruited athletes gain an admission bonus worth 200 points, while the preference for legacy candidates is worth 160 points.

Asian-American applicants face a loss equivalent to 50 SAT points. The underrepresented minority advantage is greatest for African-American and Hispanic applicants whose SAT scores are in the 1200–1300 range,"

If you have any intellectual honestly or personal decency, this is where you apologize to all white males in general, and me specifically.

That was a joke.

I didn't say racism or incompetence, you did.
But I think that is what behind the whining.
There are too many whites who do not have marketable skills to get jobs in today's economy. I think they should shut up and go get the skills. Looking at Trump for the answer is as bad as someone on welfare who does not need it.

Are you talking about the illegals and immigrants coming to this country to take our jobs for lower pay? That's what Trump is against.
My contention is the illegals here are taking jobs too most US citizens will not take. To think that eliminating illegals will be the solution to employment issues is not true. Too many Trump supporters think it will be.
My soution is go after the employers.

1. Bullshit. This nation is full of working class whites doing those jobs.

2. Deport illegals and power shifts from employer to employee.

3. NO, your solution is to delay and deflect and muddle, and not do anything. Trump will go after the Employers TOO.
You failed to answer the question, once again. It's not whether anyone ever discriminated against blacks or women. The question is "does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males?"
It's no surprise you don't want to answer it. The answer blows your entire premise out of the water, doesn't it?
Unfortunately the Supreme Court found no bases in reverse discrimination cases..

All that proves is that the Supreme Court is a gang of political hacks.
Does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate or not? That is the only question relevant to this issue.

There are a shitload of questions relevant to this conversation.

Yes, based on documented studies conducted by private and government agencies, documented discrimination against non-whites and women was found to be widespread. As a remedy to that documented and proven factual discrimination, remedies were instituted to ensure equality and equity. For instance, you cannot get a government contract if your business has a history of discrimination.

I'm betting that you weren't whining when white males had all the advantages .. and what you're whining about is your own lack of self-esteem and confidence to play on a more level field.

You appear more like a beer and nuts kind of guy than a political analyst .. so let me give you the sports analogy :0) White males like you thought themselves to be superior at sports .. before blacks were allowed to play. The quarterback position was just too cerebral for blacks to play. However, once blacks and white people with brains KICKED the fucking doors open to equal access, black quarterbacks are becoming the norm .. and black people dominate many sports and positions .. and white people with brains still support their teams, regardless of how many blacks are on the team. :0)

The name of my song is, "All the sports records of athletes who played before blacks were allowed to play, should have an asterisk by their name. :0) BBP * Before Black People"

They weren't the best, just the best who were allowed to play.

Point is, you may not like a level playing field, but who the fuck cares? :0)
You failed to answer the question, once again. It's not whether anyone ever discriminated against blacks or women. The question is "does the law require government, universities and corporations to discriminate against white males?"
It's no surprise you don't want to answer it. The answer blows your entire premise out of the water, doesn't it?

I answered your question .. you just don't like the answer, or perhaps can't comprehend it.

The answer to your question is NO, it does not. The law allows for remedies to studied, documented, and proven discrimination .. and if you're talking about white males as a group, they discriminated against all kinds of people not them.

You not liking the remedy is meaningless. Call it discrimination if you choose .. why would I care? :0) You weren't crying about discrimination when white males had all the advantages.
You didn't answer the question. You weaseled. Whining about past discrimination isn't an answer. It requires a simple "yes" or "no." You are obviously afraid to answer it because you know it blows all your petulant whining about white males out of the water.

Calling it a "remedy" is just an admission that the law forces discrimination against white males.

Let me repeat something to you Junior .. If you don't get it, who the fuck cares? :0) Invest in tissues motherfucker .. you've got a lot of whining in your future. :0) Yes, you do.

Consider this, because you hate black people .. you have no shot at winning the White House. :0) The irony is fucking beautiful. NO shot at the White House equates to no shot at affecting the make-up of the Supreme Court. :0) Your ignorance has handed the Supreme Court to .. shudder .. HILLARY CLINTON and the Left .. for years to come. :lol:

I'm not interested in your sob stories of woe. Get yourself a photo album so you can take selfies of your varying declining stages of woe. Call Cleo .. I don't give a fuck about your well-deserved rejection by this society.

Two words .. SOUTHERN STRATEGY .. that's exactly what has brought you idiots to this moment. Not white men .. just white men like you .. republicans. :0)

The southern strategy is a made up myth.

You disagree?

Post the polices that Nixon used to pander to the white dem racists of the SOuth.

Hint: if you go looking you won't find shit. Cause it is a big fucking lie.

AND code words is code for bullshit, so don't even go there.

I can not agree with the OP

Because there are white and black men out there that are heroes!

That's reality.
I will agree that there are white, black, brown, etc. men out there that are heros. They are working hard in a tough economy to stay employed and to advance themselves through their own efforts.
My simplistic OP should say that there are too many white men who feels they should have the advantages of the 1950's. They are blindly following Trump who works on peoples fears and worst characteristics.

The accusation that "oo many white men who feels they should have the advantages of the 1950's." is bullshit designed to protect the left's policy of anti-white discrimination.

Your bullshit about Trump is noted.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

White Anglo Saxon males are the most productive and influential people in all of human history. White males conquered it, built it, or created it. Including the greatest Constitutional democratic republic on earth. But we have those who want to destroy it. Who do not want to take advantage of the greatest, freest, and fairest society ever seen in the human race. They are the crybabies. They are the Marxist. They are the Democrats, socialist, and Black Lives Matter. The backlash will come. The liberal news media and radical college professors and their mindless automaton students won't be able to stop it.
I do not like socialism. But I feel there aspects of Trump's message and followers that is putting the focus on government to provide jobs. Is that not what socialism is about? government provides jobs.
I do not feel you are entitled to anything because of what your father or grandfather did. I see many people of all races being very successful in our economy. I see others who do not have marketable skills who look to the government instead of going out and getting the skills.

1. What Trump polices are about the government providing jobs?

2. Your "go out and get skills" argument is bullshit if there are not enough decent paying jobs.
One caveat to White males are the biggest whiners in the world .. make that OLD white males are the biggest whiners.

That truth is also true in the UK.

I bet the girls of Rotherham "whined" when they were raped and enslaved.
Are you a socialist? I believe in a free market. I will compete with anyone.
You are a whiny socialist white male. Grow a couple and go out and compete.

Blacks get a 300 point bonus in Ivy League University admissions.

Fuck you.
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.

In other words, no tangible benefits. How did rubbing shoulders with black people help you in your business?

I've managed diverse work forces.

"Diversity" is never a plus.

YOu never get someone coming to you and saying, "because of my culture, I want to worker harder and better."

What you get is "because of my culture I dated in the office and now she is threatening to set me on fire."
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

White Anglo Saxon males are the most productive and influential people in all of human history. White males conquered it, built it, or created it. Including the greatest Constitutional democratic republic on earth. But we have those who want to destroy it. Who do not want to take advantage of the greatest, freest, and fairest society ever seen in the human race. They are the crybabies. They are the Marxist. They are the Democrats, socialist, and Black Lives Matter. The backlash will come. The liberal news media and radical college professors and their mindless automaton students won't be able to stop it.

What "backlash "?
Donald J Trump
A good school wants diversity. The best schools are giving whites points. Based strictly on grades and test scores Asians would be dominating the best schools must more than they are now. Whites are getting the same consideration as blacks.

You would not know this because you have no connections with the best colleges in the US.

The value of so-called "diversity" is totally imaginary. No one has ever demonstrated any of its claimed benefits.
Are you kidding me. I have 2 college degrees. Besides my own discipline the biggest benefit was meeting and learning about people of differnt races, different religions, different parts of the USA, different countries. I also have lived in europe. All of that has helped me as a person and my business. We work with many international companies.
You should have worn the uniform of your nation and defended her. Your fucking international trade work is bullshit. What about American workers? You are a worthless piece of shit simpleton. They were nice to you in order to use you like a tool.
I never wore the uniform but admire, respect and am thankful to all that have. I donate to several vetran charities. Our military is very diverse including non-citizens. They have fought for our great country so all can be free. I see Donald Trump and his followers threatening that.
How? How do they threaten that? These people served their nation in times of war. These people love the U.S.A. And came home to work in steel mills and factories as union members (unions deeply involved in civil rights movement) voted Democrat their whole lives. They come from traditional Democrat households since FDR...only to the party abandon them. Only to have the party take greater concern for gay marraige and Black Lives Matter than their job. Thanks for your service to our country old white man. Now your a racist because you were born white and you were never indoctrinated on a college campus. Personally I find it harder and harder to celebrate the 4th of July.
I understand your frustration of good American jobs going away. That is compounded by the fact that those put out of work are good hard working Americans. It is even worse if they are veterans. The majority have gone away because there is not demand for those jobs.
The answer is to retrain the displaced workers with the new skills.
Every minority has an advocate group in our society.
White men have never needed an advocate. Maybe they do now but that person is not Donald Trump.
White males are the biggest whiners in the world.

The global economy created an open market for jobs. The white male had to compete with females and males from many different races for the first time.

Non-white males and females were beating out white males in the job market based on skills and wages. The open market working at it's best.

Now the white males started yelling it is not fair that we have to compete on a level playing field with non-whites and females.

They want the government to give them their non-deserved advantage back. That has given us Trump and Brexit.

Race and age please. Also, please post sources.
white, 63, my own observations

You're a white man, then why are you so down on other white men?

Are you saying that black people don't whine? Black people whine a lot.

Agree....it's human nature to whine!:dunno:
No doubt that people of all races whine.
But in a general sense the white man is like the kid who has all the toys and wants more. I know that is changing but the white man definitely has advantages in our society. I know, I am a white man.
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