White man shoots innocent black teen....

I live in Orlando which is about 5 miles south of Sanford. I have been following this story almost from the beginning. I don't know what the real story is, and I will let the courts decide if it gets there.

What I don't like is the lynch mob demanding an arrest, as if we live in a country that arrests first and determines if a crime has been committed, second.
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I live in Orlando which is about 5 miles south of Sanford. I have been following this story almost from the beginning. I don't know what the real story is, and I will let the courts decide if it gets there.

What I don't like is the lynch mob demanding an arrest, as if we live in a country that arrests first and determines if a crime has been committed, second.
An interesting (and disturbing) dynamic here is the huge role the prosecutor plays in this whole drama. I have no idea what the situation is like in Florida, but I'm told by some of my friends around here that assistant DA's in this neck of the woods with a 95% conviction rate are out the door. Here, prosecutors are paid for convictions and guilty pleas. Period. Assuming that the prosecutor here is under similar pressure (which, again, is a complete and total assumption on my part), what probably happened is that when he got the file, he looked at it and said to himself that there's not enough evidence to clearly convict Zimmerman of a crime, so he passed on putting together a case for a grand jury.

That's really the whole problem with this incident, in my opinion. There's a whole lot of circumstantial evidence, but the only people who could possibly testify to witnessing the event are Martin and Zimmerman, and both of them are unavailable for testimony. If I'm a prosecutor in this case, I too would shelve this pending more and better evidence that Zimmerman acted contrary to the law.
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I realize it's politically incorrect and all, but still:

is it possible that Zimmerman isn't guilty of any crime?

I only ask because I believe that, collectively, we know pretty much jack shit about what transpired.

It is certainly possible that he over-reacted. But given how little any of us actually know, it is also possible that there was more to this story than we have seen, and the difference between the way we have gotten the "story" and reality could mean that the neighborhood watch guy is not guilty of anything.

The death of that kid is a tragedy either way. But a tragic outcome is not, alone, proof of guilt.
I realize it's politically incorrect and all, but still:

is it possible that Zimmerman isn't guilty of any crime?

I only ask because I believe that, collectively, we know pretty much jack shit about what transpired.

It is certainly possible that he over-reacted. But given how little any of us actually know, it is also possible that there was more to this story than we have seen, and the difference between the way we have gotten the "story" and reality could mean that the neighborhood watch guy is not guilty of anything.

The death of that kid is a tragedy either way. But a tragic outcome is not, alone, proof of guilt.

Living in Orlando I have been following this story a lot longer than most people. I have heard absolutely nothing in any 9-11 tape or any witnesses that have stated ANYTHING that contradicts Zimmerman's story. he lynch mob is acting purely on emotion.

We were not there, we did not see what happened. The Sanford police already questioned Zimmerman at length and did not arrest him. Probably because they know there is no evidence that contradicts his story. All the speeches from Al Sharpton cannot change the evidence.

It is entirely possible that it happened in the exact way that Zimmerman claims. Thus, no crime.
I realize it's politically incorrect and all, but still:

is it possible that Zimmerman isn't guilty of any crime?

I only ask because I believe that, collectively, we know pretty much jack shit about what transpired.

It is certainly possible that he over-reacted. But given how little any of us actually know, it is also possible that there was more to this story than we have seen, and the difference between the way we have gotten the "story" and reality could mean that the neighborhood watch guy is not guilty of anything.

The death of that kid is a tragedy either way. But a tragic outcome is not, alone, proof of guilt.

Do you have a link that supports your claim that Martin was screaming for help? I've seen reports that there were screams for help, but they don't say who it was who was screaming, and some say it was Zimmerman. So, if you have something different, I would like to see it.

The guy who followed, stalked and caught up to a kid 100 pounds lighter than him and he was armed, was screaming for help?

Are you fucking serious here or is this a far far right wing meltdown?
Yes, fuckwit. I'm fucking serious. There is a fucking eyewitness report that saw Zimmerman on the fucking ground before the shooting. The fucking cop report indicates that fucking Zimmerman was calling for fucking help, fuckwit. The fucking cop report also indicates that fucking Zimmerman had fucking grass stains on his fucking back and that his fucking head was treated by fucking EMTs at the fucking scene for fucking wounds to his fucking head, fuckwit.

Anything else?

Wow - he had GRASS STAINS on his pants - CLEARLY this must have been SELF DEFENSE
I realize it's politically incorrect and all, but still:

is it possible that Zimmerman isn't guilty of any crime?

I only ask because I believe that, collectively, we know pretty much jack shit about what transpired.

It is certainly possible that he over-reacted. But given how little any of us actually know, it is also possible that there was more to this story than we have seen, and the difference between the way we have gotten the "story" and reality could mean that the neighborhood watch guy is not guilty of anything.

The death of that kid is a tragedy either way. But a tragic outcome is not, alone, proof of guilt.

No, that isn't possible. He had the gun and a kid is dead, we know he pursued the kid even after he was told not to and he made some comment on the 911 call. He said something like, they always get away and he was in hot pursuit, he was on a mission.

The kid was doing nothing wrong. He was on the phone with his girlfriend walking fast and telling her someone was following him. It isn't a guilty verdict, they haven't even arrested him yet but we know enough to wonder why he is still on the streets.
No, that isn't possible. He had the gun and a kid is dead,

The thought process of a Liberal:
1) White-looking guy vs. a black, ergo, the black is innocent.
2) Make up some stupid crap to support #1.
2a) white guy won, that proves #1.

we know he pursued the kid even after he was told not to and he made some comment on the 911 call. He said something like, they always get away and he was in hot pursuit, he was on a mission.

If you're going buy what Zimmerman said, he said okay to not following the black. Stop being a stupid, racist hypocrite.

The kid was doing nothing wrong.

Other than assaulting Zimmerman.
No, that isn't possible. He had the gun and a kid is dead,

The thought process of a Liberal:
1) White-looking guy vs. a black, ergo, the black is innocent.
2) Make up some stupid crap to support #1.
2a) white guy won, that proves #1.

we know he pursued the kid even after he was told not to and he made some comment on the 911 call. He said something like, they always get away and he was in hot pursuit, he was on a mission.

If you're going buy what Zimmerman said, he said okay to not following the black. Stop being a stupid, racist hypocrite.

The kid was doing nothing wrong.

Other than assaulting Zimmerman.

Motherfucker you are a racist pig who is on the side of the shooter no matter what, everything you say is irrevelant regarding this matter.
Well I fucking should. Fucking interwebs keep me up all fucking night. Fuck that. I'm going to get some fucking sleep. Good fucking night, and sleep tight, don't let those fucking bedbugs bite!


Glad you're fucking back on the fucking board, Em. :lol:

So am I :)

Fucking good to fucking see you again, fucker *hugs*
Emma is fucking back! :woohoo: Fucking-A, it's a fucking awesome day, and it's a fucking Friday!



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