White man shoots innocent black teen....

What it all means is that not one person on this board has the relevant information to judge this one way or the other.........

We will just have to wait and see what comes out............
We now have 3 stories about why he was suspended.

Teacher says 'tardies', father says he was somewhere he shouldn't have been, ??? says 'behavioral issues'.

You realize of course that all three could be correct. He may have been somewhere on campus he didn't belong, which led him to being tardy, which is certainly a behavioral problem. However, none of these point to any evidence of criminal activity or violence.

behavioral issues would show that he had a problem.
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
I have to agree; I don't see much there that would matter. A few at that age are pretty mature; most are not; adolescent emotions in an adult body.The thing is, that once he knocked Zimmerman down, Trayvon Martin could have easily sprinted to safety; his father's residence was no more than 70 yards away; a distance he could have easily covered with the head start he would have had, while Zimmerman got to his feet. For whatever reason, Martin elected to continue to punch and/or kick Zimmerman, according to at least one witness; a mistake that turned out to have lethal consequences. He just acted like an angry adolescent who had managed to turn the tables; fear gave way to adolescent pride and rage; getting even became more important than getting away. He couldn't have known that he had now put an armed man on the defensive
About a thousand different ways. Especially since only Zimmerman saw it happen....

So did Martin.

Care to speculate? I see one or two scenarios....the blast from the gun knocked Martin backwards. Or it made him fall forward on top Zimmerman. So how did he end up face down with his hands under his body?
This is a sad and unfortunate story. With that said, why is it national news? Black on white crime is 10 times more frequent than white on black crime, yet you never hear a peep from the national media about that. Where was Al Sharpton when 3 black teenagers raped and murdered my neighbor's daughter?
Or Hispanic Man...


Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.

Every day in the US white people are murdered, raped, and beaten from black perpetrators. In almost all cases, there is little to no media coverage. So why is there so much coverage about a neighborhood watch captain shooting a 17-year-old teen. A search on google shows all the major cable news outlets, all the major websites, and hundreds of newspaper aggressively promoting the story from the point of view of the grieving family of the deceased. This is Agitation Propaganda (agitprop) 101.

There is definitely one detail the media is playing fast and loose with. The man fired the gun is universally described as “white.” The media wants him to be white. Having a white shooter fits their political agenda. Most media outlets are not showing his picture, even though a picture is available. All you hear and see is “George Zimmerman, white man!” What they aren’t telling you is the mother of Zimmerman is a Latino immigrant.

Robert Zimmerman, the father, told the Orlando Sentinal “George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family."

Barack Obama also has one white parent. The media never calls him a “white man.”

Family describes George Zimmerman as “Hispanic.” Media caught lying again.
What it all means is that not one person on this board has the relevant information to judge this one way or the other.........

We will just have to wait and see what comes out............

How about charges and public accountabilty?
I don't get how Martin landed on his back after being shot.

Anyone want to speculate?

Ravi, I answered that in some detail in one of these threads; I forget which. The short answer is, he could have fallen either way, depending on which way he was leaning when the bullet hit, neuromuscular effect of the bullet impact (which is highly variable), and other factors. (I had understood Martin fell face down). A person hit by a bullet does not necessarily fall either in the direction of the shot, or away from it. The autopsy findings should enable an accurate reconstruction of the relative positions of Zimmerman and Martin at the moment the shot was fired, in any event.
I don't get how Martin landed on his back after being shot.

Anyone want to speculate?
Martin wasn't on his back, though.

The cop report says the first responding cops found him face down. When they discovered he was non-responsive, they turned him over and tried CPR and when the paramedics arrived, they said he was dead.
This is a sad and unfortunate story. With that said, why is it national news? Black on white crime is 10 times more frequent than white on black crime, yet you never hear a peep from the national media about that. Where was Al Sharpton when 3 black teenagers raped and murdered my neighbor's daughter?

Celebrating with his dumb White Liberal buddies and fellow Racist African American Democrats.
We now have 3 stories about why he was suspended.

Teacher says 'tardies', father says he was somewhere he shouldn't have been, ??? says 'behavioral issues'.

You realize of course that all three could be correct. He may have been somewhere on campus he didn't belong, which led him to being tardy, which is certainly a behavioral problem. However, none of these point to any evidence of criminal activity or violence.

behavioral issues would show that he had a problem.
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
behavioral issues would show that he had a problem.
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
When I was in school, school wasn't nearly as strict, so it's comparing apples and oranges. We also didn't have metal detectors and no one had weapons.

Nowadays, it's easy to get a suspension. I would have several on my record, and I was an A student. :eusa_angel:
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
When I was in school, school wasn't nearly as strict, so it's comparing apples and oranges. We also didn't have metal detectors and no one had weapons.

Nowadays, it's easy to get a suspension. I would have several on my record, and I was an A student. :eusa_angel:

Even in this day and age any kid suspended that I know were trouble to begin with. Have you seen his pics of him dress as a hood?
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
When I was in school, school wasn't nearly as strict, so it's comparing apples and oranges. We also didn't have metal detectors and no one had weapons.

Nowadays, it's easy to get a suspension. I would have several on my record, and I was an A student. :eusa_angel:

Lots of Zero-tolerance policies out there today, Si; if we'd had some of those back in the day, they might have gotten me too.
I don't get how Martin landed on his back after being shot.

Anyone want to speculate?

Ravi, I answered that in some detail in one of these threads; I forget which. The short answer is, he could have fallen either way, depending on which way he was leaning when the bullet hit, neuromuscular effect of the bullet impact (which is highly variable), and other factors. (I had understood Martin fell face down). A person hit by a bullet does not necessarily fall either in the direction of the shot, or away from it. The autopsy findings should enable an accurate reconstruction of the relative positions of Zimmerman and Martin at the moment the shot was fired, in any event.
I can see him falling on his side, but not his front, if he was straddling Zimmerman when he was shot. Not to mention, if he was shot in the chest while straddling Zimmerman, why wasn't Zimmerman coverd with his blood?
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Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
When I was in school, school wasn't nearly as strict, so it's comparing apples and oranges. We also didn't have metal detectors and no one had weapons.

Nowadays, it's easy to get a suspension. I would have several on my record, and I was an A student. :eusa_angel:

Lots of Zero-tolerance policies out there today, Si; if we'd had some of those back in the day, they might have gotten me too.

Maybe the school should be held accountable also, if he hadn't been suspended for bullshit he would have never been there in the first place. he would have been in Miami on that day. But I think his suspension was more than bullshit.,
I don't get how Martin landed on his back after being shot.

Anyone want to speculate?
Martin wasn't on his back, though.

The cop report says the first responding cops found him face down. When they discovered he was non-responsive, they turned him over and tried CPR and when the paramedics arrived, they said he was dead.

Yeah, I meant to say, why was he found face down.
He just acted like an angry adolescent who had managed to turn the tables; fear gave way to adolescent pride and rage; getting even became more important than getting away. He couldn't have known that he had now put an armed man on the defensive

What fear? Why would a 6'3" football player be afraid of a pudgy hispanic man? Listen to Zimmerman's 911 call. "He's coming toward me.... he's checking me out... he has a hand in his waistband..." This was the African trying to intimidate Zimmerman. If you're afraid of someone watching you, you keep moving, probably pretending that you didn't see the person you're afraid of. If you're close to where you're going, you probably run. If you're really afraid, you use that cell phone and call the police.

The police told Zimmerman not to follow only because it's dangerous to follow a criminal (not because there's anything sinister about following a suspect), and the African demonstrated this danger.

The African, caught casing the neighborhood, acted more like a punk than anything else. He attacked someone who was no threat to him, and he intended to do extreme bodily harm.

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