White man shoots innocent black teen....

did he die on the spot?
If he did he died from the usual gunshot related cause, hydrostatic shock to the heart. Kinetic energy does what it does.

that crap in the movies is exactly that, when someone is shot in the midsection/chest even with a military grade munition, they either drop down in almost a straight line, and depending on how their knees buckle they fall off to the oblique or they crumple forward almost landing on their shoulder in a half crouch, unless they were already moving backwards...
did he die on the spot?
If he did he died from the usual gunshot related cause, hydrostatic shock to the heart. Kinetic energy does what it does.

that crap in the movies is exactly that, when someone is shot in the midsection/chest even with a military grade munition, they either drop down in almost a straight line, and depending on how their knees buckle they fall off to the oblique or they crumple forward almost landing on their shoulder in a half crouch, unless they were already moving backwards...

Military grade ammo would be full metal jacket they tend to penetrate more with less knock down.
It's those hollow point rounds that have more knock down power.
Note the example suggests the person is moving toward the shooter. If moving away, the momentum should continue backwards.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

But, if you would like Wikipedia: "Hollywood depictions of firearm victims being thrown through plate-glass windows are inaccurate. Were this to be the case, the shooter would also be thrown backwards with equal force. Gunshot victims frequently fall or collapse when shot; this is less a result of the momentum of the bullet pushing them over, but is primarily caused by physical damage or psychological effects, perhaps combined with being off-balance. This is not the case if the victim is hit by heavier projectiles such as 20 mm cannon shell, where the momentum effects can be enormous; this is why very few such weapons can be fired without being mounted on a weapons platform or involve a recoilless system (e.g. a recoilless rifle)."

No, if moving away, your motion should continue in that direction. Also, the shooter has some type of recoil Si.
Yes, the shooter DOES have recoil, and it doesn't knock them backwards. Also, the force of the bullet giving rise to the recoil experienced by the shooter is on a surface - the gun metal - that does little to absorb its exit energy - little deformation.

The entrance energy into a body is in a medium that dissipates the energy and absorbs it - lots of deformation. Like foam would.

Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

But, if you would like Wikipedia: "Hollywood depictions of firearm victims being thrown through plate-glass windows are inaccurate. Were this to be the case, the shooter would also be thrown backwards with equal force. Gunshot victims frequently fall or collapse when shot; this is less a result of the momentum of the bullet pushing them over, but is primarily caused by physical damage or psychological effects, perhaps combined with being off-balance. This is not the case if the victim is hit by heavier projectiles such as 20 mm cannon shell, where the momentum effects can be enormous; this is why very few such weapons can be fired without being mounted on a weapons platform or involve a recoilless system (e.g. a recoilless rifle)."

No, if moving away, your motion should continue in that direction. Also, the shooter has some type of recoil Si.
Yes, the shooter DOES have recoil, and it doesn't knock them backwards. Also, the force of the bullet giving rise to the recoil experienced by the shooter is on a surface - the gun metal - that does little to absorb its exit energy - little deformation.

The entrance energy into a body is in a medium that dissipates the energy and absorbs it - lots of deformation. Like foam would.

Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

That's what I just said.
Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.
Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.
Like you, I don't know about the claim that Martin was seen on the top of Zimmerman beating him. I haven't seen that source.

I don't know if Zimmerman shot Martin when Martin was on top of him, if he was on top of him.

But, I do know it's easy for a body to fall forward when shot, especially when the shot instantly kills, if that was the nature of the shot.

So much we don't know.
Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.
Like you, I don't know about the claim that Martin was seen on the top of Zimmerman beating him. I haven't seen that source.

I don't know if Zimmerman shot Martin when Martin was on top of him, if he was on top of him.

But, I do know it's easy for a body to fall forward when shot, especially when the shot instantly kills, if that was the nature of the shot.

So much we don't know.

True. The implication by some out here is that he was shot because he was on top, attacking Zimmerman. I can't see how he'd end up in that position no matter what way he fell. The only way I can envision it happening is if Martin stood up after being shot.

If he wasn't on top attacking Zimmerman, then why the need to shoot him?

This is giving me a headache.
Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.
Like you, I don't know about the claim that Martin was seen on the top of Zimmerman beating him. I haven't seen that source.

Glad tohelp:
Trayvon Martin case: Anonymous witness claims teen attacked killer George Zimmerman before fatal shooting | Mail Online

The witness, known only as John, told Sanford police that he saw Martin on top of George Zimmerman shortly before the fatal shot that has led to a national outcry, including a huge 'hoodie' march in Philadelphia last night. He recounted the details to Fox 35 News in Florida.

  Witness: Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman by Macsmind – Politics, Culture and Breaking News and the 2012 Presidential Election!

“The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.
Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’
“”The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.

Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

The witness only wanted to be identified as “John,” and didn’t not want to be shown on camera.

His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

“When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting. “

Self defense.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.
Like you, I don't know about the claim that Martin was seen on the top of Zimmerman beating him. I haven't seen that source.

I don't know if Zimmerman shot Martin when Martin was on top of him, if he was on top of him.

But, I do know it's easy for a body to fall forward when shot, especially when the shot instantly kills, if that was the nature of the shot.

So much we don't know.

True. The implication by some out here is that he was shot because he was on top, attacking Zimmerman. I can't see how he'd end up in that position no matter what way he fell. The only way I can envision it happening is if Martin stood up after being shot.

If he wasn't on top attacking Zimmerman, then why the need to shoot him?

This is giving me a headache.

Heh, and here I was thinking you were numb from the shoulders up.

Wish I could honestly say I am happy to be proven wrong in that matter.


As to why there was no blood; bullet wouonds dont necesarily cause gushing wounds. Martin had two garments on covering his wound, so it would have taken a little time for it to soak through or run out. Plenty of time for Zimmerman to crawl back up to his feet as Martin crumpled to the ground.

A real tragedy; one life ended and another ruined, as well as his family. Zimmerman will forever be regarded by the public as a vigilante murderer.

But from Zimmermans pov; anything beats being dead.
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Jesus H, might as well join peta or some other organization bound to fail, Romney has the nominee in his pocket along with your vote in November, just give up.
Jesus H, might as well join peta or some other organization bound to fail, Romney has the nominee in his pocket along with your vote in November, just give up.
Crime in the area you say? So a Mexican guy is following you for blocks. Who looks suspicous?
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If you were searching for yourself or someone you know, you probably ought to delete that link.

I posted a link to a map the apartment complex and streets mentioned in the police report. There hasn't been any question that Zimmerman lived there; I don't think it's necessary to post an exact address.
If you were searching for yourself or someone you know, you probably ought to delete that link.

I posted a link to a map the apartment complex and streets mentioned in the police report. There hasn't been any question that Zimmerman lived there; I don't think it's necessary to post an exact address.

Thats not my address or anyone I know of.

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