White man shoots innocent black teen....

Okay, so a Mexican guy follow you for blocks, confronts you and tries to detain you. You break free and the guy comes at you again. At this point you swing and knock the guy down. Then he pulls a gun and shoots you.
And before anyone ask yes this is near the area where Zimmerman LIVED
159 Edgewater Circle, Sanford, FL - Google Maps

He didn't live there, either.

But that is the gated community where the shooting took place isn't it?

The addresses given in the police report are ...

1111 Retreat View Circle (where Zimmerman made the call, next to clubhouse)

The shooting took place in the grassy courtyard between the row of buildings, specifically behind 2831 Retreat View Circle and 1231 Twin Trees Lane.

I did have the name of the complex; it escapes me now. Not hard to find on the google.
And before anyone ask yes this is near the area where Zimmerman LIVED
159 Edgewater Circle, Sanford, FL - Google Maps

He didn't live there, either.

But that is the gated community where the shooting took place isn't it?
It's a different neighborhood. IIRC, though, there was a news report a few days ago that said that Zimmerman moved into his parents' home once this hit the press.

I don't know if that's his parents' home, though.

I also recall that same news report said that his parents had to move, too, because of all the press.

I don't recall the report. I'll look to see if I can find it again.
"Oliver said the headlines have taken a toll on Zimmerman, his wife, and his family.

"He's moved, they've disconnected their phone numbers, they're in hiding, they're fearful," Oliver said. "

George Zimmerman's Attorney and Friend Speak About Trayvon Martin Incident - ABC News

"The Sanford Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, did not instigate the encounter but has received death threats and moved out of his home, his father told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. "

George Zimmerman's father: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin -- Society's Child -- Sott.net
George Zimmerman, 28, moved into the Retreat in the summer of 2009 with his wife, Shellie. Records show he worked at a pressure-washing company, though neighbors said they never saw a truck.

Right away, he started calling the police. The 911 operators translated his complaints into the bloodless shorthand of law enforcement.

Aug. 26, 2009: "Male driving with no headlights on."
Sept. 22, 2009: "Yellow speed bike doing wheelies."
Oct. 23, 2009: "Aggressive white and brown pit bull."

The transcripts of Zimmerman's 911 calls during the more than two years he lived on Retreat View Circle fill 28 pages. His concerns include everything from the driver of a pickup cutting off people to a neighbor leaving his garage door open.


In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain.

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford - Tampa Bay Times
He didn't live there, either.

But that is the gated community where the shooting took place isn't it?
It's a different neighborhood. IIRC, though, there was a news report a few days ago that said that Zimmerman moved into his parents' home once this hit the press.

I don't know if that's his parents' home, though.

I also recall that same news report said that his parents had to move, too, because of all the press.

I don't recall the report. I'll look to see if I can find it again.
I know I corrected it.
Well, that's the correct zip code but it's impossible to tell from your link if that's the complex specifically.

Zimmerman's 911 calls logged over 2 years took up 28 pages. He called 911 46 times in just the last year.

Maybe HE is the reason why statistics show an increase in reported crimes in the area.
George Zimmerman, 28, moved into the Retreat in the summer of 2009 with his wife, Shellie. Records show he worked at a pressure-washing company, though neighbors said they never saw a truck.

Right away, he started calling the police. The 911 operators translated his complaints into the bloodless shorthand of law enforcement.

Aug. 26, 2009: "Male driving with no headlights on."
Sept. 22, 2009: "Yellow speed bike doing wheelies."
Oct. 23, 2009: "Aggressive white and brown pit bull."

The transcripts of Zimmerman's 911 calls during the more than two years he lived on Retreat View Circle fill 28 pages. His concerns include everything from the driver of a pickup cutting off people to a neighbor leaving his garage door open.


In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain.

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford - Tampa Bay Times
Thanks for finding that.

I was starting to think, "WTF? This guy was doing neighborhood watch in a neighborhood where he didn't live?"

But, he did live there.

I hope this case causes that Florida law to change AND now I'm hoping that there is a law to prevent endangering another when they are practicing their right to due process.
Some of those calls don't rise to the level of requiring the use of 911. I wonder if Sanford police ever warned him about abusing the system?
I wonder, too.

I also know that folks doing neighborhood watch make a lot more calls to 911 about suspicious persons than your average Jane and Joe, do.
Some of those calls don't rise to the level of requiring the use of 911. I wonder if Sanford police ever warned him about abusing the system?
I wonder, too.

I also know that folks doing neighborhood watch make a lot more calls to 911 about suspicious persons than your average Jane and Joe, do.

Perhaps, but bikes doing wheelies? No headlights? This isn't the sort of stuff 911 is for.

There have been some audio recordings released as well, and IIRC it was the same kind of thing.

It seems the press has got their hands on those records. I'd like to see a list of complaints, all 28 pages worth.
Some of those calls don't rise to the level of requiring the use of 911. I wonder if Sanford police ever warned him about abusing the system?
I wonder, too.

I also know that folks doing neighborhood watch make a lot more calls to 911 about suspicious persons than your average Jane and Joe, do.

Perhaps, but bikes doing wheelies? No headlights? This isn't the sort of stuff 911 is for.

There have been some audio recordings released as well, and IIRC it was the same kind of thing.

It seems the press has got their hands on those records. I'd like to see a list of complaints, all 28 pages worth.
Yeah, that's pretty over the top.

Once, when living in a townhouse community, we had an idiot (known simply as "The Bitch") call the cops because some kids were climbing a tree that she liked. And, she didn't call because she was worried about the kids hurting themselves, she was worried about the tree. It was a very solid tree.

The horror, huh?
I have to wonder if, with so many calls to 911 for inane incidents, the police were slower to respond to the initial call by Zimmerman ... and it was the subsequent calls by the other residents that got them moving. Ya know, George always crying wolf. I have to believe that with such a record of calls, the dispatchers and local officers knew him well and their initial reaction was, "oh shit, not HIM again". His call came in at 7pm; the officer arrived at the clubhouse area at 7:17, and on scene of the shooting at 7:19, reported to be within a minute of the shooting.
I wonder, too.

I also know that folks doing neighborhood watch make a lot more calls to 911 about suspicious persons than your average Jane and Joe, do.

Perhaps, but bikes doing wheelies? No headlights? This isn't the sort of stuff 911 is for.

There have been some audio recordings released as well, and IIRC it was the same kind of thing.

It seems the press has got their hands on those records. I'd like to see a list of complaints, all 28 pages worth.
Yeah, that's pretty over the top.

Once, when living in a townhouse community, we had an idiot (known simply as "The Bitch") call the cops because some kids were climbing a tree that she liked. And, she didn't call because she was worried about the kids hurting themselves, she was worried about the tree. It was a very solid tree.

The horror, huh?

yeah, I think there may be one in every neighborhood lol

George seemed to be ... overzealous, at the very least. I'm betting the dispatchers and police considered him a pain in the ass. Or maybe they just have the patience of a saint.

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