White man shoots innocent black teen....

George Zimmerman, 28, moved into the Retreat in the summer of 2009 with his wife, Shellie. Records show he worked at a pressure-washing company, though neighbors said they never saw a truck.

Right away, he started calling the police. The 911 operators translated his complaints into the bloodless shorthand of law enforcement.

Aug. 26, 2009: "Male driving with no headlights on."
Sept. 22, 2009: "Yellow speed bike doing wheelies."
Oct. 23, 2009: "Aggressive white and brown pit bull."

The transcripts of Zimmerman's 911 calls during the more than two years he lived on Retreat View Circle fill 28 pages. His concerns include everything from the driver of a pickup cutting off people to a neighbor leaving his garage door open.


In September, the Sanford police helped the Retreat start a neighborhood watch program.

"Some residents called me wanting to do a startup," said Dorival, a civilian police employee. About 30 people came to the clubhouse for that first session, she said. "Everyone was enthusiastic." Zimmerman volunteered to be captain.

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."

Trayvon Martin's killing shatters safety within Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford - Tampa Bay Times

"I told them, this is not about being a vigilante police force," Dorival said. "You're not even supposed to patrol on neighborhood watch. And you're certainly not supposed to carry a gun."
It's either total bullshit or the person does not know what in the hell they are talking about.
You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while out walking the neighborhood. It's not much of a community watch if people stay in their homes.
More, from the above link.
The next day, on the other side of the complex, Thomas Ransburg, 20, was outside talking to his girlfriend. Ransburg has lived behind the gate since January, he said, and sees no reason to move now.

A few months ago, he was hanging out with a friend who lives in another townhouse. "But that day, he forgot his key," said Ransburg. So they walked around to the back patio and opened the sliding glass door. Someone saw them and called the police. They spent four hours at the station, trying to convince investigators his friend really lived there. "They thought we were trying to rob it or something," he said.

Ransburg, who is black and wears long dreadlocks, laughed at the memory, swore it didn't make him angry, and said he understood. "I don't think it was racial," he said. "I guess we just looked suspicious. Everyone's always been real friendly back here. People smile and wave. All the little kids run around. There's always laughter."

Just then, three teenage males walked through the unlocked side gate, down the walkway toward Ransburg. T.J. Jones and his twin brother, T.Y., 14, and their cousin James Young, 13, have lived in the complex for two years. Their moms moved here from apartments to give the boys more room and a safe place to play.

The boys, who are black, used to play football with Trayvon Martin "right there on that grass where he died," said T.Y.

He told Ransburg that their mom won't let them outside after dark anymore. She is worried someone might think they are "suspicious or something," said T.J. "She keeps telling us to be careful."

Ransburg nodded, and pointed at the townhouse across the street. "You see that door? That's my door," he told the boys. "If anyone is ever bothering you or following you, if you ever feel scared, that's my door. Knock on it. I'll be there to get your back."

That's what a neighborhood should be.
More, from the above link.
The next day, on the other side of the complex, Thomas Ransburg, 20, was outside talking to his girlfriend. Ransburg has lived behind the gate since January, he said, and sees no reason to move now.

A few months ago, he was hanging out with a friend who lives in another townhouse. "But that day, he forgot his key," said Ransburg. So they walked around to the back patio and opened the sliding glass door. Someone saw them and called the police. They spent four hours at the station, trying to convince investigators his friend really lived there. "They thought we were trying to rob it or something," he said.

Ransburg, who is black and wears long dreadlocks, laughed at the memory, swore it didn't make him angry, and said he understood. "I don't think it was racial," he said. "I guess we just looked suspicious. Everyone's always been real friendly back here. People smile and wave. All the little kids run around. There's always laughter."

Just then, three teenage males walked through the unlocked side gate, down the walkway toward Ransburg. T.J. Jones and his twin brother, T.Y., 14, and their cousin James Young, 13, have lived in the complex for two years. Their moms moved here from apartments to give the boys more room and a safe place to play.

The boys, who are black, used to play football with Trayvon Martin "right there on that grass where he died," said T.Y.

He told Ransburg that their mom won't let them outside after dark anymore. She is worried someone might think they are "suspicious or something," said T.J. "She keeps telling us to be careful."

Ransburg nodded, and pointed at the townhouse across the street. "You see that door? That's my door," he told the boys. "If anyone is ever bothering you or following you, if you ever feel scared, that's my door. Knock on it. I'll be there to get your back."

That's what a neighborhood should be.

I tell ya, if I had a teenage boy (regardless of his race) and lived in Florida right now, we would have some very, very long talks about what he could and couldn't do out in public.
You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while out walking the neighborhood. It's not much of a community watch if people stay in their homes.
What she said echoes the national group.

I don't give a damn what it echos. You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while walking your neighborhood? That makes absolutely no sense at all.
You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while out walking the neighborhood. It's not much of a community watch if people stay in their homes.
What she said echoes the national group.

I don't give a damn what it echos. You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while walking your neighborhood? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

Its simple bigreb, you want to be on neighborhood watch? Don't carry the gun. You want to carry your gun? Don't be on nieghborhood watch.
What she said echoes the national group.

I don't give a damn what it echos. You have a permit to carry a firearm but you can't carry it while walking your neighborhood? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

Its simple bigreb, you want to be on neighborhood watch? Don't carry the gun. You want to carry your gun? Don't be on nieghborhood watch.

Oh so you're at take your evening walk but you can't doing with a gun? Permit gives him the right according to Fl. state law to conceal carry his firearm in public.

New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman

Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance
It doesn't seem relevant at all. I have to ask what 17 yo doesn't have emotional problems of some sort at some level. It's normal for that age. Emotionally immature in an almost mature body..........it's a given.
Were you as a teenager suspended from school because you had behavioral issues? I wasn't and I don't know anyone who was suspended unless they were trouble to begin with in the first place.
When I was in school, school wasn't nearly as strict, so it's comparing apples and oranges. We also didn't have metal detectors and no one had weapons.

Nowadays, it's easy to get a suspension. I would have several on my record, and I was an A student. :eusa_angel:

Yes, schools are much more strict re weapons, etc.; also in denying students the ability to express their religious faith. Much less so in expecting and requiring simple courtesies that tend to make society more pleasant and encourage civility.

In my day, student expressed religion was not restricted, the civility was mandatory, and a lot of the kids carried weapons to school--almost every boy had a jackknife in his pocket and more than a few a shotgun in the gun rack if they were one of the few who drove a vehicle to school. But in all those years, first grade through my senior year, in two different highschools, there was never an incident of a knifing or shooting in our school or anywhere else that we were aware of. Schools were safe places and nobody even thought about some nut coming in and randomly shooting people.

Whatever is creating a more violent society now--I have my theories but those are best expressed on another thread--it is different times now.

And evenso, the inappropriate, even deadly actions of one rogue or deranged individual does not reflect anybody's values but that individuals.

The reaction to him often does reflect the new realities of our times now.
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New’ Witness Claims Trayvon Martin Attacked Zimmerman

Apparently, now there’s a new witness who claims that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman:

The witness told FOX 35 in Orlando that he saw evidence of a fight between Martin and Zimmerman, which could lend credence to the gunman’s claim that he was acting in self-defence.

‘The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: “Help, help… and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,’ he said.

Zimmerman was wearing a red sweater; Martin was in a grey hoodie.

He added: ‘When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.’

This account is drastically different from the portrait painted of Martin by his friends and acquaintance
Thing is, he is not a new witness. The local affiliate reported about him the next day - 2/27/2012.

Funny how the national press missed that, huh?
This actually is new....don't know if it is true or not as it isn't sourced that I can see.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel
Yeah. I'm wondering where that reporter got that. The reporter doesn't say he interviewed Zimmerman and that info is not in the cop report, either. I mean, what's in the cop report sort of corroborates that, but the reporter doesn't source that info at all.

That would explain why Zimmerman was not arrested.
This actually is new....don't know if it is true or not as it isn't sourced that I can see.

Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman's account to police of the Trayvon Martin shooting. - Orlando Sentinel
Yeah. I'm wondering where that reporter got that. The reporter doesn't say he interviewed Zimmerman and that info is not in the cop report, either. I mean, what's in the cop report sort of corroborates that, but the reporter doesn't source that info at all.

That would explain why Zimmerman was not arrested.
If that were his statement to the cops that night, and taking into consideration other witnesses and his wounds, and the law, yes, it would explain it.

Still, there is a lot we don't know.

It will be interesting if the newly assigned states attorney reaches the same conclusion.
Yeah. I'm wondering where that reporter got that. The reporter doesn't say he interviewed Zimmerman and that info is not in the cop report, either. I mean, what's in the cop report sort of corroborates that, but the reporter doesn't source that info at all.

That would explain why Zimmerman was not arrested.
If that were his statement to the cops that night, and taking into consideration other witnesses and his wounds, and the law, yes, it would explain it.

Still, there is a lot we don't know.

It will be interesting if the newly assigned states attorney reaches the same conclusion.

It would also be interesting to know that if all this is true, why didn't the police say so to begin with? Especially before the police chief stepped down. Just not making sense.
Yeah. I'm wondering where that reporter got that. The reporter doesn't say he interviewed Zimmerman and that info is not in the cop report, either. I mean, what's in the cop report sort of corroborates that, but the reporter doesn't source that info at all.

That would explain why Zimmerman was not arrested.
If that were his statement to the cops that night, and taking into consideration other witnesses and his wounds, and the law, yes, it would explain it.

Still, there is a lot we don't know.

It will be interesting if the newly assigned states attorney reaches the same conclusion.
There is a video at the bottom of the page within the link.
Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman allies say 'it was a life and death struggle' | Mail Online
That would explain why Zimmerman was not arrested.
If that were his statement to the cops that night, and taking into consideration other witnesses and his wounds, and the law, yes, it would explain it.

Still, there is a lot we don't know.

It will be interesting if the newly assigned states attorney reaches the same conclusion.

It would also be interesting to know that if all this is true, why didn't the police say so to begin with? Especially before the police chief stepped down. Just not making sense.
It might make sense if the police didn't expect all this national uproar. They usually keep their cards close to their chests.

My first thought when I read that from the Sentinal is that they are reporting it to try to diffuse the public anger, which is just as irresponsible as reporting to the public anger, IMO.

The press needs to just report the facts, when they report. The can editorialize in an editorial.
Bullets drop bodies - if an instant kill, like to the heart - they don't knock them forward or backwards, unless there is already an imbalance in the position of the body at the time of death.

I do have a problem with the position Martin's body was found if, as we are led to believe, he was shot while he was on top beating the snot out of Zimmerman. And that there was no mention by the officer of blood on Zimmerman other than from his nose and back of the head.


Any number of factors could account for that. The witness statement says he saw Zimmerman on the ground, with Martin on top of him and kicking him. Now It's pretty hard to kick someone if you're punching him while kneeling over him; you'd have to stand up to do that. The witness lost sight of the two during the crucial last seconds before the shot- he ran inside to call police-how long did that take: ten seconds? Twenty? Thirty? we don't know, when he next saw the two, Martin had been shot and was on the ground.. Did Martin stand up? Did Zimmerman manage to push him hp, before the shot? Did Martin get to his feet, AFTER he was shot, before falling-that would be possible, even with a fatal wound from a 9mm, in my experience. We don't know any of that; no one saw it, (that we know of), except Zimmerman. As for the blood, there's not always a lot of immediate arterial blood spray or gushing, from a gunshot wound.

Now, after all that, the good news is that the autopsy findings will show the entry point and path of the bullet, and from that, it should be possible to reconstruct the relative positions of Zimmerman and Martin, at the moment the shot was fired, which is what REALLY matters. All the rest of this of this questioning of where Martin's body hit the ground, where the blood was, and what that might imply, is useless speculation at this point. The autopsy and ballistic reconstruction will furnish the best evidence available.
Zimmerman has not been arrested because the police found no evidence at all that he was not acting in self defense.

Nevertheless, the victim's family is planning to file civil suit; the Black Panthers have a contract out on Zimmerman--where is the outrage from the media about THAT??????--and the Justice Dept. is going to hold hearings. And a Grand Jury is being called. Where are the hearings in the Jusice Dept. when a black person kills a white person???????

If Zimmerman is guilty of any wrong doing, that will eventually come out. Until then it just makes you want to SCREAM at how racist and ideological this country has become, and faux outrage wins the day to perpetuate that.

Is ABC a neutral enough source for everybody?

After fatally shooting Trayvon Martin, Florida community watch captain George Zimmerman "couldn't stop crying,'' according to a family friend who spoke with him Saturday.

"After this started – the reports I got – [Zimmerman] "couldn't stop crying,'' Joe Oliver told "Good Morning America" on Sunday.

Oliver, who said he is a close friend of the family, said Zimmerman has gone into hiding, fears for his life, and is "just now becoming aware of how big this has gotten."

Oliver, who has known Zimmerman for six years, said he has been in regular contact with members of Zimmerman's family, who have briefed him on Zimmerman's day-to-day reactions as the case has grown into a national referendum on race, gun laws and criminal justice.

On Saturday, the militant New Black Panther Party offered a $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman's "capture."

Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events

On Friday, members of the Miami Heat basketball team dispatched Twitter pictures showing team members wearing "hoodies," apparently in solidarity with the family of Martin, who was wearing the popular hooded jacket when he was shot. Last week, President Obama weighed in on the controversial case, saying that if he had a son he would "look like" Trayvon Martin.

Craig Sonner, an attorney advising Zimmerman who appeared on "GMA" alongside Oliver, confirmed Oliver's relationship to the family.

On Saturday, Oliver said that in recent days Zimmerman has contacted a number of his friends, asking them to speak publicly in his defense, but that each of them declined his request, fearing for their own safety.

Zimmerman has not been charged with any crime.

The Justice Department and the FBI are investigating Zimmerman for possible civil rights violations, and a Seminole County grand jury will begin hearing evidence in the case on April 10.

Police who investigated the shooting said they found no evidence to refute Zimmerman's claims that he shot Martin in self-defense.

The investigation included a re-enactment of the shooting the following day, according to authorities. Florida law allows licensed gun owners to use deadly force if they fear their lives are in danger.

In the course of speaking with ABC News over the weekend, the emotional toll the case has taken on Oliver himself became evident when he stopped talking to remove his glasses and wipe his eyes.

He said he considers Zimmerman as close "as a son," and he's deeply frustrated by his inability to protect the 28-year- old from such searing public censure.

While increasingly concerned for his safety, Zimmerman nonetheless believes that in time he will be exonerated in the court of public opinion, Oliver said.

"Up until this point, because he was there and he knows what happened, and because he's not in jail, he's been very confident – naively – that this will all blow over,'' Oliver said on GMA.

"I think when the other 911 tapes are released, and the other evidence comes out, I think it will show clearly that George Zimmerman was acting in self defense,'' Oliver said. "The question is: how far did he pursue? Who made the initial contact? What started the confrontation in the first place? The fact that the investigation so far has come out the way it has – because of Sanford's history – I find it hard to believe that the Sanford Police Department wouldn't have George in jail now if they had one…piece [of evidence] to support that fact. George Zimmerman is not in jail because…they don't have the evidence to arrest him."

Florida's increasingly controversial "stand your ground" law was passed in 2005, eliminating the requirement that a person seek an alternative – like fleeing – before using force if they felt they were in physical danger. . . . .
Trayvon Martin Shooter 'Couldn't Stop Crying' After Shooting - Yahoo! News
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Obama's son wouldn't look anything like Traynor.

Michelle and Obama aren't going to throw baby-faced boys. Just sayin.

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