White man shoots innocent black teen....

It does not matter what kind of show the prosecution performs in front of a jury acting out how martin was lured into a murder trap by a racist killer named Zimmerman who chased down & struck Martin first. The case should not go to trial because a jury will never convict Zimmerman. Trying this case & losing will prevent Zimmerman from ever being convicted later even if a clearly detailed video surfaced of the entire incident showing Zimmerman was clearly at fault. Because Zimmerman can't be tried for the same crime twice due to the "Double Jeopardy Law."

There were only 2 eye witnesses who could clearly see & hear who was on top doing the beating & who was on the bottom being beaten while screaming "HELP". These witnesses are un-bias & do not know either of the men who were fighting.

First eye witness (adult male John) saw Martin on top of & beating Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". This is recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within hours.

Second eye witness (black kid walking dog) saw Martin on top of Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". This is also recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within days.

Clearly recorded on 911 tape is a man screaming for help about 20 times so loud it is recorded from inside a home prior to the gunshot.

Police & EMT report confirm injuries on Zimmerman indicating he was struck at least twice.

Zimmerman does not have to testify at the trial.

All the defense attorney has to say is put yourself in Zimmerman's place. You are on your back screaming for help so loud it could clearly be heard over the phone on 911 tape inside a home about 20 times while being beaten by Martin. Martin continued to beat you as you indicated loud & clearly many times you had given up & were begging for help. Would you wait until you had enough damage to your body to show that you had enough? Would you wait until you had enough busted lips, broken teeth, black eyes, busted eyeball, broken nose & busted open head in order to put on a good show before you use your gun? Would you wait to use your gun until you had lost your eyesight from a finger to your eye or a punch that would make you unable to see Martin to shoot him?

It does not matter if half on the jury truly believe Zimmerman could have put up enough of a fight & survived long enough for the police to arrive. At least half of the jury will think I don't want to take a beating until I count enough busted lips, broken teeth, black eyes, busted eyeball, broken nose & busted open head in order to make a good photo and risk losing sight or consciousness thus my ability to shoot my attacker.

It takes all 12 jurors to convict. In cases like this Zimmerman is going to walk free every single time.

Trayvon was such a bad ass..that in one minute (which his cell phone log, 911 log and police log confirm), he had time to attack Zimmerman from behind, which resulted in a "broken" nose (Neat trick), get him to the ground, bash his head against the cement and beat him so badly that in the very SAME minute..Zimmerman..while on the ground and getting his head pounded had the presence of mind to reach into his holster, pull out his automatic (which didn't have the safety on..and a round chambered), shoot Martin dead in the chest and NOT get any blood spatter from that.

Almost super human..on both parts..I tell you what.

One day Zimmerman may get drunk & be recorded telling someone just how he murdered that fucking no limit ****** in a hoodie. If the DA does not charge Zimmerman now they can convict him on that later. If the DA tries him now & loses, Zimmerman can stand on the street corner with a megaphone & shout that to the world & never be convicted for it.
Yup. All the more reason for DAs to be sure they can make a case.
Here, they have to have evidence of lividity ... certain lethal injuries (like decapitation) and ... I forget what else. I don't think they could have just called it like your example (I'd like to know if the doc they were in contact with told them to call it, however).

I helped a paramedic with CPR at an accident I'd witnessed, and it was obvious it was not going to work. With my first compression, blood spurted from her nose and mouth and ears. He still had to take her to the ED to be pronounced.

I've never known a doctor that would have a EMT call the death while in route to the hospital I don't think a gun shot wound would work.
It does not matter what kind of show the prosecution performs in front of a jury acting out how martin was lured into a murder trap by a racist killer named Zimmerman who chased down & struck Martin first. The case should not go to trial because a jury will never convict Zimmerman. Trying this case & losing will prevent Zimmerman from ever being convicted later even if a clearly detailed video surfaced of the entire incident showing Zimmerman was clearly at fault. Because Zimmerman can't be tried for the same crime twice due to the "Double Jeopardy Law."

There were only 2 eye witnesses who could clearly see & hear who was on top doing the beating & who was on the bottom being beaten while screaming "HELP". These witnesses are un-bias & do not know either of the men who were fighting.

First eye witness (adult male John) saw Martin on top of & beating Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". This is recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within hours.

Second eye witness (black kid walking dog) saw Martin on top of Zimmerman as Zimmerman yelled "HELP". This is also recorded on 911 tape & news crew interviewed this witness on tape within days.

Clearly recorded on 911 tape is a man screaming for help about 20 times so loud it is recorded from inside a home prior to the gunshot.

Police & EMT report confirm injuries on Zimmerman indicating he was struck at least twice.

Zimmerman does not have to testify at the trial.

All the defense attorney has to say is put yourself in Zimmerman's place. You are on your back screaming for help so loud it could clearly be heard over the phone on 911 tape inside a home about 20 times while being beaten by Martin. Martin continued to beat you as you indicated loud & clearly many times you had given up & were begging for help. Would you wait until you had enough damage to your body to show that you had enough? Would you wait until you had enough busted lips, broken teeth, black eyes, busted eyeball, broken nose & busted open head in order to put on a good show before you use your gun? Would you wait to use your gun until you had lost your eyesight from a finger to your eye or a punch that would make you unable to see Martin to shoot him?

It does not matter if half on the jury truly believe Zimmerman could have put up enough of a fight & survived long enough for the police to arrive. At least half of the jury will think I don't want to take a beating until I count enough busted lips, broken teeth, black eyes, busted eyeball, broken nose & busted open head in order to make a good photo and risk losing sight or consciousness thus my ability to shoot my attacker.

It takes all 12 jurors to convict. In cases like this Zimmerman is going to walk free every single time.

Trayvon was such a bad ass..that in one minute (which his cell phone log, 911 log and police log confirm), he had time to attack Zimmerman from behind, which resulted in a "broken" nose (Neat trick), get him to the ground, bash his head against the cement and beat him so badly that in the very SAME minute..Zimmerman..while on the ground and getting his head pounded had the presence of mind to reach into his holster, pull out his automatic (which didn't have the safety on..and a round chambered), shoot Martin dead in the chest and NOT get any blood spatter from that.

Almost super human..on both parts..I tell you what.

One day Zimmerman may get drunk & be recorded telling someone just how he murdered that fucking no limit ****** in a hoodie. If the DA does not charge Zimmerman now they can convict him on that later. If the DA tries him now & loses, Zimmerman can stand on the street corner with a megaphone & shout that to the world & never be convicted for it.

How long after the shooting did they get to the station? My bet is it's at least an hour or more after the shooting.......


Which would mean..that the swelling and black eyes caused by a broken nose would be more pronounced..as with the gash to the back of the head.

Did he also get his laundry done on the way? His shirt has no blood splatters from either the broken nose..or the shot he fired into Trayvon's chest.

I look at this, and clearly, to me the injuries are consistent with the police report, and the various information given to the media by the Sanford PD.

The Sanford PD never allege Zimmerman was beaten half to death, as some people on this board have alleged. They just said the guy had blood coming out of the back of his head and some blood on his face.

The broken nose was never actually confirmed. It was "leaked" out to the media by someone that Zimmerman alleges that his nose was broken. A broke nose isn't that serious of an injury depending on the force that broke it.

The head "bashing into the cement" was a leak from that same source I believe. The leak says Zimmerman told police that his head was being bashed into the cement. I believe I read somewhere that police have confirmed that this is what Zimmerman said. However there are no witnesses who have come forward to the public that saw anyone's head being "bashed into cement" or "beaten into the sidewalk".

The 13-year-old boy that saw the actual fight while in progress never saw this happen according to his mother.

The video doesn't suggest that that happened either.

The injuries recorded in the police report seem minor and don't suggest that that happened either.

So I think the police report is probably pretty factual, and the police did their job on the scene that night.

The video doesn't conflict with the cops, they had it right this whole time, it conflicts with idiot pundits and bloggers online that tried to paint a picture of a merciless beating of a defenseless Zimmerman that they have no evidence ever happened.
oh well, deaf dumb and blind some people

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video


poor Ravi

even NPR has a Bloomberg news reporter agreeing with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:
How long after the shooting did they get to the station? My bet is it's at least an hour or more after the shooting.......


Which would mean..that the swelling and black eyes caused by a broken nose would be more pronounced..as with the gash to the back of the head.

Did he also get his laundry done on the way? His shirt has no blood splatters from either the broken nose..or the shot he fired into Trayvon's chest.

I look at this, and clearly, to me the injuries are consistent with the police report, and the various information given to the media by the Sanford PD.

The Sanford PD never allege Zimmerman was beaten half to death, as some people on this board have alleged. They just said the guy had blood coming out of the back of his head and some blood on his face.

The broken nose was never actually confirmed. It was "leaked" out to the media by someone that Zimmerman alleges that his nose was broken. A broke nose isn't that serious of an injury depending on the force that broke it.

The head "bashing into the cement" was a leak from that same source I believe. The leak says Zimmerman told police that his head was being bashed into the cement. I believe I read somewhere that police have confirmed that this is what Zimmerman said. However there are no witnesses who have come forward to the public that saw anyone's head being "bashed into cement" or "beaten into the sidewalk".

The 13-year-old boy that saw the actual fight while in progress never saw this happen according to his mother.

The video doesn't suggest that that happened either.

The injuries recorded in the police report seem minor and don't suggest that that happened either.

So I think the police report is probably pretty factual, and the police did their job on the scene that night.

The video doesn't conflict with the cops, they had it right this whole time, it conflicts with idiot pundits and bloggers online that tried to paint a picture of a merciless beating of a defenseless Zimmerman that they have no evidence ever happened.

Too many folks trust the press and they should not.

Maybe that is some good that will come from this, because it is soooooo obvious in this topic.
Trayvon was such a bad ass..that in one minute (which his cell phone log, 911 log and police log confirm), he had time to attack Zimmerman from behind, which resulted in a "broken" nose (Neat trick), get him to the ground, bash his head against the cement and beat him so badly that in the very SAME minute..Zimmerman..while on the ground and getting his head pounded had the presence of mind to reach into his holster, pull out his automatic (which didn't have the safety on..and a round chambered), shoot Martin dead in the chest and NOT get any blood spatter from that.

Almost super human..on both parts..I tell you what.

One day Zimmerman may get drunk & be recorded telling someone just how he murdered that fucking no limit ****** in a hoodie. If the DA does not charge Zimmerman now they can convict him on that later. If the DA tries him now & loses, Zimmerman can stand on the street corner with a megaphone & shout that to the world & never be convicted for it.


Nobody should jump to charge this man with anything. I'm starting to believe more and more personally that Zimmy wasn't acting in self-defense, but we have to be honest and say there's not a lot of evidence. There very well never be. We don't know who approached who, who threw the first punch, etc. We might not ever know... I'm glad though I live in a justice system where we can't throw someone in prison when there's still even a shadow of doubt.
One day Zimmerman may get drunk & be recorded telling someone just how he murdered that fucking no limit ****** in a hoodie. If the DA does not charge Zimmerman now they can convict him on that later. If the DA tries him now & loses, Zimmerman can stand on the street corner with a megaphone & shout that to the world & never be convicted for it.


Nobody should jump to charge this man with anything. I'm starting to believe more and more personally that Zimmy wasn't acting in self-defense, but we have to be honest and say there's not a lot of evidence. There very well never be. We don't know who approached who, who threw the first punch, etc. We might not ever know... I'm glad though I live in a justice system where we can't throw someone in prison when there's still even a shadow of doubt.

The evidence that has been submitted is all we keyboard lawyers have to go on. I'm sure all the evidence has not been released. But what has been released is not enough to convict.
The only way zimmerman could be convicted is if he had his firearm out before the fight started, there was no reason for him to pull his firearm, up until Trayvon went after him hitting him. If it can be proven that zimmerman did that, then Trayvon would be defending himself instead of the other way around.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZVMZs4X90Q&feature=player_embedded]Second witness confirms Trayvon was attacker - YouTube[/ame]

So what? So what if Trayvon DID have some sort of an upper hand for a split second? The call to his girlfriend was corroborated with the phone company, and that line was active within moments of the shooting. HE felt threatened. HE had every reason to. HE was walking home, minding his own business, in his father's (and thus his own) neighborhood. HE had every right under the contested law to stand HIS ground and question why a grown assed man was following HIM home. WHEN that grown assed man pulled a gun, HE was well within his rights to try to take it away from him before he was KILLED with it. It's a GODDAMNED shame he wasn't successful.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman, who was in EPIC good health before he was released, came back TWENTY FOUR HOURS later with the injuries he claims to have sustained in a momentary scuffle over a gun he should never have pulled in the first place.

WHAT the fuck is WRONG with YOU PEOPLE?
We think due process is necessary prior to conviction. Sue us. Now grab your torch and grab a few friends...that kid is probably still at his old address, maybe you can get him before he does any more damage...
The evidence that has been submitted is all we keyboard lawyers have to go on. I'm sure all the evidence has not been released. But what has been released is not enough to convict.
The only way zimmerman could be convicted is if he had his firearm out before the fight started, there was no reason for him to pull his firearm, up until Trayvon went after him hitting him. If it can be proven that zimmerman did that, then Trayvon would be defending himself instead of the other way around.

Fear is a reason to have his gun out before hand, so is murderous intent. Again, both are next to impossible to prove at this point. The evidence will have to speak for itself. One side or the other is going to have to accept something they can't at the moment. Time may help with that too.

So what? So what if Trayvon DID have some sort of an upper hand for a split second? The call to his girlfriend was corroborated with the phone company, and that line was active within moments of the shooting. HE felt threatened. HE had every reason to. HE was walking home, minding his own business, in his father's (and thus his own) neighborhood. HE had every right under the contested law to stand HIS ground and question why a grown assed man was following HIM home. WHEN that grown assed man pulled a gun, HE was well within his rights to try to take it away from him before he was KILLED with it. It's a GODDAMNED shame he wasn't successful.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman, who was in EPIC good health before he was released, came back TWENTY FOUR HOURS later with the injuries he claims to have sustained in a momentary scuffle over a gun he should never have pulled in the first place.

WHAT the fuck is WRONG with YOU PEOPLE?

Your basing all of your assumptions on a bias hearsay phone call. Logical people know the first hand eye witness accounts & 911 tapes evidence trumps everything else. No way can you convince 12 people on a jury your story is true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

If you are asking if I think that Zimmerman may have been able to stay alive defending himself against the attacker? I think he probably could. If you ask if I can beyond a shadow of a doubt think Martin could not get Zimmerman's gun away from him, poke out his eyes or knock him out before the cops arrived? I would have to say NO!
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I had a friend that had a seizure rendering him catatonic. I was able to get him to an emergency room but there was nothing they could do. He was to be transferred to a psych hospital. I could not sign anything to get him admitted to the hospital for care. There was no one else so the police resolved it by taking him into custody on a 5150 HS. He was transported by ambulance but in police custody so he was handcuffed. He was completely unresponsive, handcuffed because anyone under transport in police custody is transported in handcuffs.
We think due process is necessary prior to conviction. Sue us. Now grab your torch and grab a few friends...that kid is probably still at his old address, maybe you can get him before he does any more damage...

that is the same kid who put out the you tube vid explaining that HE fit the same description as Trayvon, and how UNSAFE he feels now.

You truly are a graceless cow. Congratulations.
We think due process is necessary prior to conviction. Sue us. Now grab your torch and grab a few friends...that kid is probably still at his old address, maybe you can get him before he does any more damage...

that is the same kid who put out the you tube vid explaining that HE fit the same description as Trayvon, and how UNSAFE he feels now.

You truly are a graceless cow. Congratulations.
Actually, if I were a witness who made a statement to the cops about the shooting, and based on the mob-mentality of so many, I would be concerned for my safety.

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