White man shoots innocent black teen....

Yeah....he's also concerned that he fits the stereotype of the kid that got shot AND he feels bad that he didn't go over to help.

It's just sad all around for this kid, imo. I don't think posters should link to his "testimony" as proof of anything because his "testimony" is very neutral.

wow! Ravi hates kids who rat out there own kind for telling the truth?

what a pitiful excuse fora mom she is. I suspect her run ins with the court system are many

Totally uncalled for. Get a grip.
He hasn't had a grip in years.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.

Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

So what? So what if Trayvon DID have some sort of an upper hand for a split second? The call to his girlfriend was corroborated with the phone company, and that line was active within moments of the shooting. HE felt threatened. HE had every reason to. HE was walking home, minding his own business, in his father's (and thus his own) neighborhood. HE had every right under the contested law to stand HIS ground and question why a grown assed man was following HIM home. WHEN that grown assed man pulled a gun, HE was well within his rights to try to take it away from him before he was KILLED with it. It's a GODDAMNED shame he wasn't successful.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman, who was in EPIC good health before he was released, came back TWENTY FOUR HOURS later with the injuries he claims to have sustained in a momentary scuffle over a gun he should never have pulled in the first place.

WHAT the fuck is WRONG with YOU PEOPLE?

I heard his girlfriend has changed her story, I don't know whats that's about nor do I care. But if Trayvon was in fear for his life why didn't he at least call his father. Why didn't he call 911 either those two would give some doubt to Zimmerman's case for self defense. But no he calls his girlfriend in another city.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.

Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

Absolutely bigreb, but my point was to charging someone with a crime. Under past law, the shooter has to explain it was self defense and last resort.
The evidence that has been submitted is all we keyboard lawyers have to go on. I'm sure all the evidence has not been released. But what has been released is not enough to convict.
The only way zimmerman could be convicted is if he had his firearm out before the fight started, there was no reason for him to pull his firearm, up until Trayvon went after him hitting him. If it can be proven that zimmerman did that, then Trayvon would be defending himself instead of the other way around.

Fear is a reason to have his gun out before hand, so is murderous intent. Again, both are next to impossible to prove at this point. The evidence will have to speak for itself. One side or the other is going to have to accept something they can't at the moment. Time may help with that too.

Zimmerman having his firearm out before the fight has yet to be proven. Nor did any witness mention that in the statement.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.

Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.
Yeah....he's also concerned that he fits the stereotype of the kid that got shot AND he feels bad that he didn't go over to help.

It's just sad all around for this kid, imo. I don't think posters should link to his "testimony" as proof of anything because his "testimony" is very neutral.

wow! Ravi hates kids who rat out there own kind for telling the truth?

what a pitiful excuse fora mom she is. I suspect her run ins with the court system are many

Totally uncalled for. Get a grip.

so you too support attacking 13 year old children for cheap points?

The evidence that has been submitted is all we keyboard lawyers have to go on. I'm sure all the evidence has not been released. But what has been released is not enough to convict.
The only way zimmerman could be convicted is if he had his firearm out before the fight started, there was no reason for him to pull his firearm, up until Trayvon went after him hitting him.If it can be proven that zimmerman did that, then Trayvon would be defending himself instead of the other way around.

Fear is a reason to have his gun out before hand, so is murderous intent. Again, both are next to impossible to prove at this point. The evidence will have to speak for itself. One side or the other is going to have to accept something they can't at the moment. Time may help with that too.

Zimmerman having his firearm out before the fight has yet to be proven. Nor did any witness mention that in the statement.

It was your "what if" bigreb. I just answered your question. Seriously the friendly fire here is amazing.
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So what? So what if Trayvon DID have some sort of an upper hand for a split second? The call to his girlfriend was corroborated with the phone company, and that line was active within moments of the shooting. HE felt threatened. HE had every reason to. HE was walking home, minding his own business, in his father's (and thus his own) neighborhood. HE had every right under the contested law to stand HIS ground and question why a grown assed man was following HIM home. WHEN that grown assed man pulled a gun, HE was well within his rights to try to take it away from him before he was KILLED with it. It's a GODDAMNED shame he wasn't successful.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman, who was in EPIC good health before he was released, came back TWENTY FOUR HOURS later with the injuries he claims to have sustained in a momentary scuffle over a gun he should never have pulled in the first place.

WHAT the fuck is WRONG with YOU PEOPLE?

Your basing all of your assumptions on a bias hearsay phone call. Logical people know the first hand eye witness accounts & 911 tapes evidence trumps everything else. No way can you convince 12 people on a jury your story is true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"All?" The preponderance of evidence made public so far is in my "opinions" favor.
Your opinion is based on emotion
"Trayvon was such a good little boy"
"Trayvon wanted to fix or fly airplanes when he grew up"
"A black unarmed little boy with a can of tea and skeetles was shot and killed by a racist"
You are not using the evidence the Sanford PD has released. Not Guilty
Fear is a reason to have his gun out before hand, so is murderous intent. Again, both are next to impossible to prove at this point. The evidence will have to speak for itself. One side or the other is going to have to accept something they can't at the moment. Time may help with that too.

Zimmerman having his firearm out before the fight has yet to be proven. Nor did any witness mention that in the statement.

It was your "what if" bigreb. I just answered your question. Seriously the friendly fire here is amazing.

True but it has yet to be proven one way or the other. Build a case on that and you will have a conviction.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.

Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.
I can't answer for Sanford PD but with the department I was with if you placed someone suspicious of a crime in the car you handcuffed them. I would suspect all departments are like that. They brought him to the police department to question him more, where they were better set up to do it. Camera's and away from the general public.
The law did set up problems for a situation like this. To me, the burden of proof should be on the shooter and not the dead person. A hold your ground law invites aggressive action.

Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.

There are reports now coming out and witnesses saying that some of the cops actually were pretty skeptical. Including Austin Brown's mother who claimed on MSNBC that the cop that interviewed her son claimed he was convinced Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense. I think it probably was an issue where some of the cops may have been skeptical but the DA didn't want to press charges unless they had enough evidence. We'll see if more evidence comes out in the coming days...
Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.

There are reports now coming out and witnesses saying that some of the cops actually were pretty skeptical. Including Austin Brown's mother who claimed on MSNBC that the cop that interviewed her son claimed he was convinced Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense. I think it probably was an issue where some of the cops may have been skeptical but the DA didn't want to press charges unless they had enough evidence. We'll see if more evidence comes out in the coming days...
Heresy is not generally admissible in court.
Innocent until proven guilty, It's not the defendant's case to prove that he is innocent it's the states case to prove that he is guilty.

And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.

There are reports now coming out and witnesses saying that some of the cops actually were pretty skeptical. Including Austin Brown's mother who claimed on MSNBC that the cop that interviewed her son claimed he was convinced Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense. I think it probably was an issue where some of the cops may have been skeptical but the DA didn't want to press charges unless they had enough evidence. We'll see if more evidence comes out in the coming days...

Here we go, you're doing it again..

"The kid in the video's mom said the cop thought"...

That's like 3x removed from the last piece of evidence you have, which is the kid saying he saw Trayvon on top.

Stick to what you know for sure and let the cops sort it out.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRqLVjOuSWQ&feature=related]Ireland - They did not show this on our news - YouTube[/ame]

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