White man Shot by Black Man Over Parking Space

European exploration of the African coast began in the 13th century when Portugal committed itself to discover an alternative route to the silk road that would lead to China. In the 14th and 15th century, Portuguese explorers traveled down the west African Coast, detailing and mapping the coastline and in 1488 they rounded the Cape of Good Hope.The Dutch East India Company established a trading post in Cape Town under the command of Jan van Riebeeck in 1652, European workers who settled at the Cape became known as the Free Burghers and gradually established farms in the Dutch Cape Colony.

Following the Invasion of the Cape Colony in 1795 and 1806, mass migrations collectively known as the Great Trek occurred during which the Voortrekkers established several Boer settlements on the interior of South Africa. The discoveries of diamonds and gold in the nineteenth century had a profound effect on the fortunes of the region, propelling it onto the world stage and introducing a shift away from an exclusively agrarian-based economy towards industrialisation and the development of urban infrastructure. The discoveries also led to new conflicts culminating in open warfare between the Boer settlers and the British Empire, fought essentially for control over the nascent South African mining industry.

Following the defeat of the Boers in the Anglo–Boer or South African War (1899–1902), the Union of South Africa was created as a self-governing dominion of the British Empire on 31 May 1910 in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Colony of Natal, Transvaal Colony, and Orange River Colony. The country became a fully sovereign nation state within the British Empire, in 1934 following enactment of the Status of the Union Act. The monarchy came to an end on 31 May 1961, replaced by a republic as the consequence of a 1960 referendum, which legitimized the country becoming the Republic of South Africa.

From 1948–1994, South African politics was dominated by Afrikaner nationalism. Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning "separateness", was implemented in 1948. On 27 April 1994, after decades of armed struggle, terrorism and international opposition to apartheid, the African National Congress (ANC) achieved victory in the country's first democratic election. Since then, the African National Congress has governed South Africa, in an alliance with the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions.
Did I ask for you to C&P some history? Nope.
The guy said he hates FUX news.

Several reasons. Should it be necessary? I mean, yes everyone who has one should show it. But if you don't, is there another way you can still vote?

You don't show an idea when you mail in vote. Trump mail in voted. It was good enough for him what about everyone else who wants to vote?

I think if I show up to vote, they should take my vote. They know who I am. I have a signature they check against my signature.

Have you ever showed up to vote and someone already voted for you?
You failed to answer my question. Here it is again:
Why not? It's quite easy to obtain one (if you're a legal citizen), and negotiating society is a bitch when you can't prove your identity.
You failed to answer my question. Here it is again:
Why not? It's quite easy to obtain one (if you're a legal citizen), and negotiating society is a bitch when you can't prove your identity.
Because of inflation. Poor people have to buy gas, food, insurance, internet service. This is just a way to try to get poor people (blacks) not to vote. Racist.
That's because we build the best, safest societies. Hence the reason the rest of the world clamors to be a part of them

The reasons why some poor people come to the USA is a function of the system like you demand be kept in place.

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” your stupid migration or replacement fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

You also forget your history because this is how your European ancestors came to the USA.


The winners never get on the boat. The winners stay put (Probably because of that winning)

The people who are living well in Africa and the Caribbean aren't risking life and limb to transport themselves to a country 1000s of miles away.

It's always the people who believe they're losing who leave.

And there's no shame in that.

That's an act of resilience and a willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

But just as there was no shame when your European ancestors who came to the USA did it. So to must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.
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What do you expect?

Most (not all) are fucking savages that need to be shipped back to Africa, locked away, or put 6 feet under. Take your pick.

If we have such a racsim problem in America then let's get rid of the problem.
the shooter is out on bail....well aint that democr-epic.
He should be out on bail. After seeing the video, he felt threatened and he was standing his ground. We've seen many many worst shootings of black men by white guys. The cops show up, and let the white guy go home. So this guy was taken to the station, booked and then released on bail? That's fair. That's what should have happened to those white guys.

This guy could have murdered the white guy. He didn't. I have a feeling he's going to get in a lot of trouble for what he did, as he should. But only because he's black. If he was white he'd be getting a Republican USMB award for bravery and patriotism for shooting a Democrat.
What do you expect?

Most (not all) are fucking savages that need to be shipped back to Africa, locked away, or put 6 feet under. Take your pick.

If we have such a racsim problem in America then let's get rid of the problem.
they commit most of the crime
Wow, the dude is out on bail?

Remember this white guy shot a black man in 2018?

As the Florida man at the center of a fatal "stand your ground" shooting in July was freed on bond Monday, hundreds of pages of sheriff's documents were released — shedding light on his mindset during the tragic encounter.

According to the documents, one witness told a detective that the gunman, Michael Drejka, appeared "more angry" than remorseful and immediately justified the shooting to those who watched what unfolded at the Circle A convenience store in Clearwater.

Bystander Robert Castelly said Drejka was muttering to himself: "'I just shot someone. What'd you think was gonna happen? He shouldn't have ran up on me.'"

Michael Drejka, man in Florida 'stand your ground' shooting, released on bond​

Another witness, Vicki Conrad, said that she didn't hear Drejka say he shot someone, but that after the incident she was struck by his behavior, according to the sheriff's department documents.

"His demeanor was, you know, uh, like, proud," she said in a transcript with a detective.

Authorities have not detailed what words may have been exchanged when Drejka, 48, shot Markeis McGlockton, 28, in the moments after McGlockton pulled into a handicap parking space at the Circle A.

While McGlockton and his 5-year-old son went inside the store, Drejka — unprompted — began examining his car to determine whether it had the correct decal, police said. He then got into an argument with McGlockton's girlfriend, who was inside the car with their two other children.

When McGlockton exited the store, surveillance footage showed him shove Drejka to the ground. Drejka pulled out his gun while still down and paused before shooting McGlockton, although it looked as if McGlockton was backing away.

Drejka was not arrested immediately after the shooting because he was considered to be defending himself when he shot McGlockton, said Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri. But that decision lead to protests over perceived bias, as Drejka is white and McGlockton was black.

Nearly a month later, local prosecutors charged Drejka with manslaughter and a judge set his bond at $100,000. He faces up to 30 years in prison if found guilty.

So don't cry that our guy is out on bond. Your guy wasn't even arrested at first. He murdered someone then went home for dinner.
Of course he was angry with FUX. So was Trump. Once in 2019, twice in 2020 and once in 2021 Trump bashed Fox News. I'm sure this guys views FUX as Fake News, Globalists, RINOS. You know. Don't pretend to be stupid. You know you won't accept this guy as one of yours even if he was wearing a MAGA hat. You would claim he was a BLM person pretending to be a MAGA. Just like you tried saying BLM people started the insurrection. Remember that bullshit? You guys are pathetic liars.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
So are you leftist going to stop bringing up FUX news now?
Just because I agree with every Republican who has ever disagreed with Trump, doesn't mean I am a fan of those Republicans. Fox and Mitt Romney can still suck my dick.

Remember, you voted for Romney and you watch Fox News. Not me.

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