White man Shot by Black Man Over Parking Space

Because of inflation. Poor people have to buy gas, food, insurance, internet service. This is just a way to try to get poor people (blacks) not to vote. Racist.
LOl. Your position is ridiculous. 11% of Americans don't have an ID because of inflation? Fuck off with that nonsense.
Of course he was angry with FUX. So was Trump. Once in 2019, twice in 2020 and once in 2021 Trump bashed Fox News. I'm sure this guys views FUX as Fake News, Globalists, RINOS. You know. Don't pretend to be stupid. You know you won't accept this guy as one of yours even if he was wearing a MAGA hat. You would claim he was a BLM person pretending to be a MAGA. Just like you tried saying BLM people started the insurrection. Remember that bullshit? You guys are pathetic liars.

Does this mean you'll no longer be bringing up FUX news all the time?
show me where a repunklican has shot a black man over a parking space? Dude. Gov't's own stats show that white males are the target of black males by a long shot. There's a problem in the black community and it won't be solved anytime soon under this Pissadent.
Actually it shows most crime is intra racial rather than interracial. There's more black on white crime but not by a huge percentage.
Sorry, the guy deserved being shot.
He was yelling, shouting, advancing, obviously belligerent, etc.
I would not have shot him, but the Black man obviously was within his rights to shoot.
He was clearly being deliberately threatened with physical harm.
You do not resolve parking issues by threatening.
You tell the grounds keeper and have them ticket or tow as necessary.
You are making things up that can't bee seen in the video.

Yelling even if he was is not justification for the use of deadly force and he never closed within a range that put the black guy who initiated the confrontation in danger.

In most cases if you initiate a confrontation as he did you have no right to use deadly force unless and until you quit the confrontation or are prevented from doing so at which time you regain your self defense rights.
The judges are right.
Bail is an individual right that should only be waived if the person is a serial criminal.
This shooting was self defense, and perfectly legal, even though I would not have shot anyone.
Horse shit.

Bail is to protect communities from ongoing threats and to ensure the suspect appears for trial.

The video is a clear indication this guy could pose a continuing threat particularly to the wife and baby who live in the same apartment complex.
Stfu, you ignorant piece of shit. The video tells enough of the story to determine who's guilty of attempted murder.
In the state of Texas we have clear limits on when deadly force may be used.

You must be able to articulate that the threat posed a severe risk of grave bodily harm or death and that threat must be imminent and immediate.

That bar isn't close to being reached with what we can see in the video.

Prior history between those involved would be admissible in such a case so if there's any prior history of such threats they could be considered but the video alone cannot show that.

If the shooter can prove to the satisfaction of the prosecutor and grand jury or judge in a pre trial hearing he had legal justification then the case would not even go to trial or shouldn't.

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