White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Compassion is one thing, understanding that bad breaks don't entitle one to assault another person, especially a child, is another.

And what kind of damned sense does "I lost my child, so I'm going to smack YOUR child" make anyway?

Oh good. Here, sign on the Angel's Pledge;

"I, [insert your name here] do solemnly swear that never in my pristine life have I ever said or done anything in the heat of the moment that I later regretted."

Oh wow! where is that coming from? I don't remember saying that I am an angel and have never done anything in the heat of the moment that I later regretted, but I can say that I have never committed a crime, in the heat of the moment, either.

So why all this sarcasm toward those of us that feel this should never have happened? I thought you were on the same side, since you specified that what he did was wrong and he was punished appropriately?

I'm confused....what exactly are you advocating that the rest of us seem to be missing?

Are you accusing us of not having as much compassion for him as you do?

I'm not trying to be catty....I really am confused at your statements.

Yeah. I don't remember your name being "Billy Zane," either.
This is all just insane. I dont give a damn what was on his mind, you dont ever hit someones baby. The racial part of this shows it was not a simple reactionary type thing as well.

If that mother fucker touched my child, I would have put him down. How can anyone....ANYONE support that asshole.

Absolutely! Because why should your child have to tolerate your presence during their formative years? MUCH better daddy be doing time for manslaughter.

I am on a plane. Some guy hits my child. I will put him on the deck. not kill, put him on the deck and subdue until authorities took over. I would have been TOTALLY justified to punch him in his fucking mouth for hitting my infant.


Read the law. YOU don't get to do shit.
We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

My bet is that Natl Sosh bullies and hits his kids. Betcha.

Bet warrior and the other kid haters do, as well.
i like how he said..... A REAL parent would .....like he is an example.....everytime the asshole mentioned his kids look at how he described them.....yea he is a REAL parent....a real shitty one.....

What he said there actually made some sense. I guess even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time.
A parent is responsible for their child and should make every effort to keep their kids from making life unpleasant for others.
My children were surprisingly well behaved, for the most part, but I did miss most of my sister's wedding when my child started balling during the service. I did what I had to, to be considerate of others. My son did not get a pass because he was 18 months old and I did not get a pass because I was an usher in the wedding party. His mother was the Maid of Honor, so caring for my son and my sister's big day had to fall on me.
Being a parent is a huge responsibility and it extends beyond your child.

Ernie you were at a wedding.....did you see how this Gumba describes his kids?.....its like he keeps his 3 "Heathen" (his description not mine) kids hidden as much as possible.....because...."gasp" ...they might make a noise and bother everyone else.... why did this fucker even have kids if he cant handle the fact that little kids can be noisy?.....the guy is one of them....shitty parents....
In the immediate aftermath of my son's death, had I been on a plane with a screaming kid? Perhaps I would. As I remember, there were 2 people I wanted to kill at Ben's funeral.

You just don't understand.

A friend and I were talking about it the other night. She admitted to having no idea what it would be like. She was absolutely right.
All the parents here are saying how they all would be kicking the hell out of the guy for laying his hands on their child. That is entirely understandable Any parent will do whatever he can to defend their child.

But when you lose a child to suicide, there is no one to focus all the rage on, nothing you can do to make it right,. All you have is a profound sense of guilt.

"I should have been there!"

"I must be a shitty dad."

And a hundred more I shoulda's, coulda's go through your head.

And no one, is really to blame. But you NEED to focus the hate. You need to fight back.

Someone pisses you off? Good enough.

Right? Hell no.

I understand.

Not everyone reacts as you do,

I am not sure whether other people exactly understood when my child died but I know they cared.

That was good enough.

I had no hate.

All I had was sorrow.

Understanding why he hit a child is in a way excusing it.

I don't think he deserved 8 months.

Oh, good. So you were at home, grieving with loved ones? Not flying cross country to pull the plug and shatter your heart?

Lucky you!

Please sign the Angel Pledge card.

No, when Connor died, that was his name, I got a call and said I had better get to the hospital fast. I did, but not in time. His mother came an hour later and I had to tell her. She screamed ane fell to the floor. That was scarey. Then I held him and said "good-bye".
I authorized an autopsy in the hopes it would help other kids someday and asked that all the parts be left to be buried with him.

I then had to console and comort Connor's mother, her parents, my mother (my father was deceased) and arrange for the burial with the help of a very good priest, find a cemetary, pick out a tombstone, have it engraved, and bury my child. it was in April.

My wife's parents decided to take us to Hawaii so we could get our minds of it. I didn't want to go but she couldn't turn them down. I came home three days later. She left me a few months after that. it happens a lot on the death of a child.

I went to the cemetary that December. the kid's section has no raised headstones or groundskeeping purposes. It was flat and a light snow had fallen and there were alot these tiny Chrismas trees in the flower vases and small presents covering with a sprinkiling of snow. The sky was gray. I thought it was the loneliest place in the world.

I fell apart that spring for about two weeks. It had built up.

So no, you are right. I wasn't flying cross country to pull a plug.

I don't believe in angels.

And I would never hit a child under any circumstances, nor will I allow myself to understand why anyone would.
Mudsharks are even lower than blacks, you white-hater.

Ah so it was a coal burner and her half breed...even more disgusting.Low class white trash bitch.


Their son is adopted. You fucking morons.

Ah they are extremely fucking retarded parents. Lets not adopt a white kid...no that would be smart. Lets adopt something that looks like a bad mixture of chocolate milk.

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Should have drove then. I know damn well other people don't want to listen to my 3 heathens in a eatery or the store so I try and do as much as possible without taking them. Like tomorrow gonna get groceries gonna be just me and the wife.

No, the intolerant person should have driven.....or worn ear plugs....you, calling your children heathens just explains a lot....:eusa_whistle:
Yep sure does. You obviously do not have kids. I don't need to explain to anyone especially you.
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Sounds like you need some parenting classes.
Someone like you obviously has no children.
He could have gotten far worse. With good time he will probably be out in 6 months.

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Should have drove then. I know damn well other people don't want to listen to my 3 heathens in a eatery or the store so I try and do as much as possible without taking them. Like tomorrow gonna get groceries gonna be just me and the wife.

so assholes like you do everything possible not to be with their kids......you must be one hell of a dad....
Well darn I guess I will yank them out of school just to take them to the store you worthless ******. Fuck off.Oh damn that's right tonight is oldest's girl scout meeting and cookie sales! Fucking retard.

:lol: He actually thinks he's better than somebody. National Socialist couldn't even scrounge up enough money to pay for a plane ticket.

I can't even imagine what I'd do in that situation. If someone ever touched my child, I just don't know.

See RW is still derailing threads with his trolling. Good thing I have his ignorant ass on ignore. Retard can't come back with legit arguments so he trolls those superior to him.

if you have him on ignore,how do you know he is derailing this thread?....
Idiots actually quote the retard.
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

if your kids bother you so much.....why did you have them?....you must be a great dad....
Kids don't "bother" me they get into things and break things and according to my kids (their opinion is the only one that matters) I am the best dad in the world.
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Why am I not surprised that West Virginia is involved with your story
Fuck you white trash ******.

I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

Didn't even bother to read the garbage that spewed forth from you...just more ignorant white trash ******* to put on ignore.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

My bet is that Natl Sosh bullies and hits his kids. Betcha.

Bet warrior and the other kid haters do, as well.
i like how he said..... A REAL parent would .....like he is an example.....everytime the asshole mentioned his kids look at how he described them.....yea he is a REAL parent....a real shitty one.....

And fuck you as well white trash. My kids are heathens. See I am an Atheist they were described by one of you oh so tolerant xtians as heathen children once and it stuck they think its fucking hilarious but you keep that high and mighty attitude white trash its fucking hilarious. Set foot in WV we have a special way of dealing with uppity fucks like you.
Your blindness does not negate Ernie's sight.

People suffer no greater loss than that of a child.

That does not excuse inflicting pain on others.

If anything, it should prompt a greater understanding.

Should prompt a greater understanding. Oh, but no! Not the understanding I exhibited. Good heavens, no.

I can understand Ernie's grief. I cannot understand his excusing someone who hits a child.

If that is my blindness and his sight, so be it.
Mudsharks are even lower than blacks, you white-hater.


Their son is adopted. You fucking morons.

Ah they are extremely fucking retarded parents. Lets not adopt a white kid...no that would be smart. Lets adopt something that looks like a bad mixture of chocolate milk.

Yep sure does. You obviously do not have kids. I don't need to explain to anyone especially you.

Someone like you obviously has no children.

Well darn I guess I will yank them out of school just to take them to the store you worthless ******. Fuck off.Oh damn that's right tonight is oldest's girl scout meeting and cookie sales! Fucking retard.

Idiots actually quote the retard.

Kids don't "bother" me they get into things and break things and according to my kids (their opinion is the only one that matters) I am the best dad in the world.

Fuck you white trash ******.

Didn't even bother to read the garbage that spewed forth from you...just more ignorant white trash ******* to put on ignore.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

My bet is that Natl Sosh bullies and hits his kids. Betcha.

Bet warrior and the other kid haters do, as well.
i like how he said..... A REAL parent would .....like he is an example.....everytime the asshole mentioned his kids look at how he described them.....yea he is a REAL parent....a real shitty one.....

And fuck you as well white trash. My kids are heathens. See I am an Atheist they were described by one of you oh so tolerant xtians as heathen children once and it stuck they think its fucking hilarious but you keep that high and mighty attitude white trash its fucking hilarious. Set foot in WV we have a special way of dealing with uppity fucks like you.

another Keyboard tough guy.....hey dipshit....blow me....i will only pull out 6 inches so you dont choke....
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Oh good. Here, sign on the Angel's Pledge;

"I, [insert your name here] do solemnly swear that never in my pristine life have I ever said or done anything in the heat of the moment that I later regretted."

Oh wow! where is that coming from? I don't remember saying that I am an angel and have never done anything in the heat of the moment that I later regretted, but I can say that I have never committed a crime, in the heat of the moment, either.

So why all this sarcasm toward those of us that feel this should never have happened? I thought you were on the same side, since you specified that what he did was wrong and he was punished appropriately?

I'm confused....what exactly are you advocating that the rest of us seem to be missing?

Are you accusing us of not having as much compassion for him as you do?

I'm not trying to be catty....I really am confused at your statements.

Yeah. I don't remember your name being "Billy Zane," either.

No, but you directed this at me.

I am so happy for you though. So strong. Lost a child, comported yourself with perfect grace and fineness all the days that followed. I'm impressed. No, really. You set the standard this gentleman should ascribe to. Maybe if he'd known about you, he would not have come undone.

When did I ever say those things about myself? And insinuating that I set the standard for this "gentleman" - really....gentleman? And if he had known about me he would not have come undone? That's pretty damn sarcastic....Was I attacking you for you to say that to me? I don't think I was....do you know this man personally? Because that would be understandable ...that you would be defensive toward him.
You really gotta wonder about society when the same people who encourage tolerance for pedophiles recommend assault and rape of a man who slapped a child.

Frankly I don't know too many people who would slap an 18 month old for crying. I do know several including myself who would not tolerate some asshole speaking like that, and then hitting the baby.
Absolutely! Because why should your child have to tolerate your presence during their formative years? MUCH better daddy be doing time for manslaughter.

I am on a plane. Some guy hits my child. I will put him on the deck. not kill, put him on the deck and subdue until authorities took over. I would have been TOTALLY justified to punch him in his fucking mouth for hitting my infant.


Read the law. YOU don't get to do shit.

Bullshit. If someone is hitting an infant in your arms, you can defend that child. Give me a fucking break.

In Arizona, if someone strikes my child, I will be in the "I was in fear of my childs life" mode. I carry. Guess what would have happened.
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.
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There is no need to denigrate the great state of West Virginia just because of that asshole.

It was a joke. Chill out. Besides, I once dated a really hot girl from WV, used to drive there from Ohio every weekend. :)

Is that like saying you once dated a black girl so now you have a 'pass' to use the N-word?

I will try again:


No one has a pass to use the "N" Word. I had never once used it, ever.

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