White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Where do you want to see a racist?
I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Where do you want to see a racist?

You see one round every corner.
I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Where do you want to see a racist?

The same place I see feminists, atheists, queers, christians and everyone else, free to be who they are no matter what they believe.

Your question is disturbing on a whole other level of fascism.
Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Where do you want to see a racist?

You see one round every corner.

Well....you are not far off, considering where I live.

You suck, by the way. Really bad. In just about every way.
In the immediate aftermath of my son's death, had I been on a plane with a screaming kid? Perhaps I would. As I remember, there were 2 people I wanted to kill at Ben's funeral.

You just don't understand.

A friend and I were talking about it the other night. She admitted to having no idea what it would be like. She was absolutely right.
All the parents here are saying how they all would be kicking the hell out of the guy for laying his hands on their child. That is entirely understandable Any parent will do whatever he can to defend their child.

But when you lose a child to suicide, there is no one to focus all the rage on, nothing you can do to make it right,. All you have is a profound sense of guilt.

"I should have been there!"

"I must be a shitty dad."

And a hundred more I shoulda's, coulda's go through your head.

And no one, is really to blame. But you NEED to focus the hate. You need to fight back.

Someone pisses you off? Good enough.

Right? Hell no.

I understand.

Not everyone reacts as you do,

I am not sure whether other people exactly understood when my child died but I know they cared.

That was good enough.

I had no hate.

All I had was sorrow.

Understanding why he hit a child is in a way excusing it.

I don't think he deserved 8 months.

Anger is a normal reaction during grief. You can look that up. There is a plethora of information on it out there. A person who claims to have not experienced it likely is devoid of other emotions as well.

You are making very broad generalizations.

Many people who suffer loss do not feel anger, but that has nothing to do with anything now, does it.

This man had an uncontrollable anger and under no circumstances should hittlng a child be condoned in any way.

Maybe you should explain your credentials so that we are better able to understand your very broad and innaccurate statement.
Not everyone reacts as you do,

I am not sure whether other people exactly understood when my child died but I know they cared.

That was good enough.

I had no hate.

All I had was sorrow.

Understanding why he hit a child is in a way excusing it.

I don't think he deserved 8 months.

Anger is a normal reaction during grief. You can look that up. There is a plethora of information on it out there. A person who claims to have not experienced it likely is devoid of other emotions as well.

You are making very broad generalizations.

Many people who suffer loss do not feel anger, but that has nothing to do with anything now, does it.

This man had an uncontrollable anger and under no circumstances should hittlng a child be condoned in any way.

Maybe you should explain your credentials so that we are better able to understand your very broad and innaccurate statement.

I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.
Not everyone reacts as you do,

I am not sure whether other people exactly understood when my child died but I know they cared.

That was good enough.

I had no hate.

All I had was sorrow.

Understanding why he hit a child is in a way excusing it.

I don't think he deserved 8 months.

Oh, good. So you were at home, grieving with loved ones? Not flying cross country to pull the plug and shatter your heart?

Lucky you!

Please sign the Angel Pledge card.

No, when Connor died, that was his name, I got a call and said I had better get to the hospital fast. I did, but not in time. His mother came an hour later and I had to tell her. She screamed ane fell to the floor. That was scarey. Then I held him and said "good-bye".
I authorized an autopsy in the hopes it would help other kids someday and asked that all the parts be left to be buried with him.

I then had to console and comort Connor's mother, her parents, my mother (my father was deceased) and arrange for the burial with the help of a very good priest, find a cemetary, pick out a tombstone, have it engraved, and bury my child. it was in April.

My wife's parents decided to take us to Hawaii so we could get our minds of it. I didn't want to go but she couldn't turn them down. I came home three days later. She left me a few months after that. it happens a lot on the death of a child.

I went to the cemetary that December. the kid's section has no raised headstones or groundskeeping purposes. It was flat and a light snow had fallen and there were alot these tiny Chrismas trees in the flower vases and small presents covering with a sprinkiling of snow. The sky was gray. I thought it was the loneliest place in the world.

I fell apart that spring for about two weeks. It had built up.

So no, you are right. I wasn't flying cross country to pull a plug.

I don't believe in angels.

And I would never hit a child under any circumstances, nor will I allow myself to understand why anyone would.

I'm so sorry dreolin. That brought tears to my eyes.
My condolences.:(
WHOA! Turns out the baby slapping racist is a muslim!!!! Didn't see that coming!

White Muslim Attacks Baby Mid-Flight

[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] [MENTION=37134]ShootSpeeders[/MENTION] [MENTION=35136]National Socialist[/MENTION]

I know there's probably something wrong with my perceptions, here. but the fact that he was going to take his child off life support ... I have a tough time feeling like that shouldn't be included in the equation at all.

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Well, then, go vomit somewhere else and leave the adults in the room alone.

Amazing how easily you can write the N word - tells me all I need to know about you, you racist fuckwad.

And no 18-month old kid is "stupid". Only a totally moronic asswipe writes shit like that.
I said I would not come back to this thread, yet...here I am. Just reading. But I do have a question if anyone knows the answer:

Did the man ever apologize for what he did to that baby?
I said I would not come back to this thread, yet...here I am. Just reading. But I do have a question if anyone knows the answer:

Did the man ever apologize for what he did to that baby?

He apologized to the court, but the judge sent him to the slammer anyway.
I said I would not come back to this thread, yet...here I am. Just reading. But I do have a question if anyone knows the answer:

Did the man ever apologize for what he did to that baby?

He apologized to the court, but the judge sent him to the slammer anyway.

Sometimes, an apology just ain't enough.

I don't know about you or the others, but I am for personal responsibility. Saying sorry doesn't get you off the hook, it is only supposed to make you realize and let you signal to others that you fucked up, nothing less and nothing more.
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