White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

No, when Connor died, that was his name, I got a call and said I had better get to the hospital fast. I did, but not in time. His mother came an hour later and I had to tell her. She screamed ane fell to the floor. That was scarey. Then I held him and said "good-bye".
I authorized an autopsy in the hopes it would help other kids someday and asked that all the parts be left to be buried with him.

I then had to console and comort Connor's mother, her parents, my mother (my father was deceased) and arrange for the burial with the help of a very good priest, find a cemetary, pick out a tombstone, have it engraved, and bury my child. it was in April.

My wife's parents decided to take us to Hawaii so we could get our minds of it. I didn't want to go but she couldn't turn them down. I came home three days later. She left me a few months after that. it happens a lot on the death of a child.

I went to the cemetary that December. the kid's section has no raised headstones or groundskeeping purposes. It was flat and a light snow had fallen and there were alot these tiny Chrismas trees in the flower vases and small presents covering with a sprinkiling of snow. The sky was gray. I thought it was the loneliest place in the world.

I fell apart that spring for about two weeks. It had built up.

So no, you are right. I wasn't flying cross country to pull a plug.

I don't believe in angels.

And I would never hit a child under any circumstances, nor will I allow myself to understand why anyone would.

I'm so sorry dreolin. That brought tears to my eyes.
My condolences.:(

Thank you, Gracie. It was a long time ago.

I remember he was in the hospital for a month before I got that call. It was a shock actually because the day before the Doctors said it looked like he was out of the woods.

Good things come from bad things. I remember one day I was catching the bus home from the hospital and a handicapped (slow) kid started talking to me and for some reason I had always felt a little uncomfortable around the handicapped...but I realized Connor might have some difficulties later on in his life...so I talked to the kid. He was such a nice person. I never again felt uncomfortable around disabled people.

Later, I had another son, his little brother, and I ended up working with the special ed kids at his school. They were being mainstreamed. They really needed a volunteer father and I had a lot of free days so there i was. Connor did that, enabled me to do that.

And I remember his little brother when he was about nine and he ran into some women in wheel chairs while we were grocery shopping and he did something to help them and a overheard them say to each other..."What a nice little boy. It was like he didn't even notice we were in wheel chairs, he treated us so normally." Good things happen.

Thank you again, Gracie. i rarely talk about it. The good memories are more important to me than the bad.

I felt the same way. Had to stop reading and walk around a bit before finishing.

I remember when my dad died, my grandmother said that no parent should every have to bury their child. I thought I understood but it took my own daughter's death to make it really clear.

I won't share anything more about my daughter but some wounds never really heal.
If the child had been white the man would have been removed from the plane and that would have been the end of it. His punishment is solely due to the child being black.


If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.
I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

I have every sympathy and empathy for the man and said I disagreed with the eight month sentence.

That does not mean that any extenuating circumstances at all justify, excuse, mitigate, or otherwise condone hitting a child.

We really shouldn't confuse the issues though.

That's pretty much the point.

That the two things are not related.

Unless of course, you're a child hitter.

Then maybe you think that the death of your own child makes it okay to hit another child.

I disagree but then, I've never hit a child and never ever will.
I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.

Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.

I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

Well and now that you're a doctor of psychiatry ...

I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.

Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.

I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

So? What exactly do I need to catch up on? Your credentials? Am I to defer to your elderliness because you believe it confers wisdom or something.

You made an extraordinarily broad statement and some vague diagnostic comment.

I know a guy who worked three decades in international trade and shipping but he doesn't have any expertise at all about the global economy. He was a delivery truck driver.
Where do you want to see a racist?

The same place I see feminists, atheists, queers, christians and everyone else, free to be who they are no matter what they believe.

Your question is disturbing on a whole other level of fascism.

Hey, you can always go live with your hero, Putin cuz living in the land of the free is obviously just more than you can handle.

Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.

Happy Hour started early I see. Try reading again. I said all people are free to think and say what they choose, whether I agree with them or not. It was the asshole I quoted who evidently thinks "racists" should go to prison simply because they have bad thoughts. Fascist.
If you can't do the time, don't hit the shine...

Just kidding. Hitting a child of nineteen months hard enough to scratch him/her that you scratch them could well have resulted in serious neck or head injury. I appreciate that he was under extreme pressure, but that's no excuse when it comes to explaining why you struck such a small and fragile child, for crying, no less.

I agree with that. No matter what you are going through you don't have the right to touch anyone, much less a baby. Second, I don't know about you, but if my son just died and I was going to go bury him, I might take solace in seeing a baby. I might have remembered my son at that tender age.


No one, minus some a-hole trolls, are excusing the guys behavior, but some can understand his distressed mental state.
there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

I have every sympathy and empathy for the man and said I disagreed with the eight month sentence.

That does not mean that any extenuating circumstances at all justify, excuse, mitigate, or otherwise condone hitting a child.

We really shouldn't confuse the issues though.

That's pretty much the point.

That the two things are not related.

Unless of course, you're a child hitter.

Then maybe you think that the death of your own child makes it okay to hit another child.

I disagree but then, I've never hit a child and never ever will.

The man went koo koo bye bye because his kid was going down.And dying. I agree no excuse for his actions, but lord almighty can't we understand when a man who functions well in society loses it for just one second and we as a society have some compassion and then give him a sentence that involves loving other children?
If the child had been white the man would have been removed from the plane and that would have been the end of it. His punishment is solely due to the child being black.


If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.


Here is what happened to me, in the summer of '76. I was raped the last Sunday of boot camp. Apparently, I lost track of time ... For a time. I'd been a virgin, was saving myself for marriage.

I missed final formation. My drill sargent hauled me into his office for a good talking to. He said something directly to me - a question, I think. I started shaking my head. Told him I'd been raped. He said "Are you sure?" ... I slapped him. Pretty hard. We were both just shocked, and then I burst into tears.

He held me while I cried. Took me to the hospital when I was ready. Brought me back to the barracks, and then we had a chat about not hitting NCO's.

He could have undone my life right there. He should have, by rights. But he didn't, for which I have always been grateful.

So, as I understand it? Apparently it is very important that I relay this. The rapist was Hispanic, I am white, and my drill Sargent was black.

And apparently we don't include the rape in possibly explaining why I came undone.
He lost it. I am not going to give the guy a pass. What I really hate though is this whole black and white shit again.

Guy just lost it.
Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.

I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

Well and now that you're a doctor of psychiatry ...


I though TDM was the dumbest poster on here, but she doesn't hold a candle to you. I have never claimed to have a doctorate in psychiatry. My MSN is in psychiatry and my doctorate is in law. I posted that I had a PhD mentor. I have had many mentors, the PhDs, NPs, JDs and MDs. You should get off your ass an accomplish with you life. It's not too late, but likely you are too lazy.
Damn you are dumb.

If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.


Here is what happened to me, in the summer of '76. I was raped the last Sunday of boot camp. Apparently, I lost track of time ... For a time. I'd been a virgin, was saving myself for marriage.

I missed final formation. My drill sargent hauled me into his office for a good talking to. He said something directly to me - a question, I think. I started shaking my head. Told him I'd been raped. He said "Are you sure?" ... I slapped him. Pretty hard. We were both just shocked, and then I burst into tears.

He held me while I cried. Took me to the hospital when I was ready. Brought me back to the barracks, and then we had a chat about not hitting NCO's.

He could have undone my life right there. He should have, by rights. But he didn't, for which I have always been grateful.

So, as I understand it? Apparently it is very important that I relay this. The rapist was Hispanic, I am white, and my drill Sargent was black.

And apparently we don't include the rape in possibly explaining why I came undone.

I don't even know what to say. I have to compose myself. Why didn't you let us know earlier. Oh my.
I have every sympathy and empathy for the man and said I disagreed with the eight month sentence.

That does not mean that any extenuating circumstances at all justify, excuse, mitigate, or otherwise condone hitting a child.

We really shouldn't confuse the issues though.

That's pretty much the point.

That the two things are not related.

Unless of course, you're a child hitter.

Then maybe you think that the death of your own child makes it okay to hit another child.

I disagree but then, I've never hit a child and never ever will.

The man went koo koo bye bye because his kid was going down.And dying. I agree no excuse for his actions, but lord almighty can't we understand when a man who functions well in society loses it for just one second and we as a society have some compassion and then give him a sentence that involves loving other children?

When my daughter died, I didn't start hitting babies.

When dreolin's son died, he didn't start hitting babies.

As I posted earlier, maybe we should have a list of events/crimes for which we all have "get out of jail" cards.

And while it may not be germane, according to the article, he did not "function well in society".
I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

Well and now that you're a doctor of psychiatry ...


I though TDM was the dumbest poster on here, but she doesn't hold a candle to you. I have never claimed to have a doctorate in psychiatry. My MSN is in psychiatry and my doctorate is in law. I posted that I had a PhD mentor. I have had many mentors, the PhDs, NPs, JDs and MDs. You should get off your ass an accomplish with you life. It's not too late, but likely you are too lazy.
Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but your story changes way too often.

I'm quite pleased with what I've accomplished but thanks ever so much for caring.
I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

Well and now that you're a doctor of psychiatry ...


I though TDM was the dumbest poster on here, but she doesn't hold a candle to you. I have never claimed to have a doctorate in psychiatry. My MSN is in psychiatry and my doctorate is in law. I posted that I had a PhD mentor. I have had many mentors, the PhDs, NPs, JDs and MDs. You should get off your ass an accomplish with you life. It's not too late, but likely you are too lazy.
Damn you are dumb.

A Doctorate in Law. Well that certainly explains your misleading comments.
Well and now that you're a doctor of psychiatry ...


I though TDM was the dumbest poster on here, but she doesn't hold a candle to you. I have never claimed to have a doctorate in psychiatry. My MSN is in psychiatry and my doctorate is in law. I posted that I had a PhD mentor. I have had many mentors, the PhDs, NPs, JDs and MDs. You should get off your ass an accomplish with you life. It's not too late, but likely you are too lazy.
Damn you are dumb.

Sorry but your story changes way too often.

I'm quite pleased with what I've accomplished but thanks ever so much for caring.

I have never changed my credentials. Because they haven't changed. BSN, MSN, NP, JD. Now go register for school, so you can learn to read.
You know, Luddley, in your small minded little world everyone is either underprivileged or a liar. You can't deal with someone who has actually made the effort to do some important things in life. A person like that doesn't need little inept you to do their bidding. And you just can't stand that. Because you are codependent and you have to be needed. Well, here's a flash: I don't need you.
He lost it. I am not going to give the guy a pass. What I really hate though is this whole black and white shit again.

Guy just lost it.

But maybe that had nothing in the world to do with anything. Maybe he, in his condition, would have just as easily struck a white or yellow or brown or red baby on that day, just this one was in his reach.

Of course, what he said was virulently racist. But no one but himself was inside his head when it happened. And that in no way excuses his behaviour.

But I agree in one way: I am sick and tired of hearing about black on white or white on black. Crime is crime. The law is supposed to be the law. Sounds pretty cut and dried to me.

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