White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

So, anyone I bring here, I am liable for? Good to know. And you are quite welcome.

I did not say you are liable. I asked if what he said was uncalled for? That is all.

Why ask me to begin with? What do I have to do with what he says? Am I his mama?


Lonelaugher I wish you'd shut your whining yap you little biotch.

Gracie doesn't agree with more than half of what I say. Now are you happy you fucking moron?
If the child had been white the man would have been removed from the plane and that would have been the end of it. His punishment is solely due to the child being black.


If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.


Knead sum moar Cheez with thayt Whine?
I did not say you are liable. I asked if what he said was uncalled for? That is all.

Why ask me to begin with? What do I have to do with what he says? Am I his mama?

As far as I am concerned, you endorsed him when he came here. You must have thought we needed another Shootspeeder or NovaSteve here. Way to go!

And we need more of what here? Posters like you? :lol:

Quit pissing yourself. It's unseemly.
If the child had been white the man would have been removed from the plane and that would have been the end of it. His punishment is solely due to the child being black.


If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.

I don't think they would be saying that, but they would be making excuses for the killers. It happens every time.

If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.

I don't think they would be saying that, but they would be making excuses for the killers. It happens every time.

Is the need to be liked by that wretched soul so strong that you are compelled to say such a stupid thing?

If the assailant had been black and shot the white baby in the head, the left would be sayng the baby is better off dead.

The hysteria is entirely due to the child being black. While the man was wrong to have given a single slap, the reaction is completely disgusting.

I don't think they would be saying that, but they would be making excuses for the killers. It happens every time.

I must say ... I agree with you about this -

That's pretty much the point.

That the two things are not related.

Unless of course, you're a child hitter.

Then maybe you think that the death of your own child makes it okay to hit another child.

I disagree but then, I've never hit a child and never ever will.

The man went koo koo bye bye because his kid was going down.And dying. I agree no excuse for his actions, but lord almighty can't we understand when a man who functions well in society loses it for just one second and we as a society have some compassion and then give him a sentence that involves loving other children?

When my daughter died, I didn't start hitting babies.

When dreolin's son died, he didn't start hitting babies.

As I posted earlier, maybe we should have a list of events/crimes for which we all have "get out of jail" cards.

And while it may not be germane, according to the article, he did not "function well in society".

You're right. I swear, I have seen so much bad things, but losing your own child is the hardest and there is a certain immediate emptiness of God in it all. it is a betrayal o all reality.

I know other people who have lost children and the reactions are all different, some mourn in a very public and demomstrative way. Some are quiet. I am a quiet person by nature...

But one thing is sure, it gives you a different kind of wisdom and compassion in many cases. You can also Find a strength. You know what I mean.

There is, however, no reason at all to allow for the hitting a child, no matter what. When you begin to excuse or mitigate it for one reason, you can do it for other reasons.
I invited him to a board I enjoy being at. I knew he would like it here, and I knew he would find interesting topics. I endorsed THE BOARD and was pleased he came and am pleased he stayed. He is my friend and has been for a very long time even during bad times. He will stay my friend. If you don't like him, that is not my problem. It is YOUR problem.

I don't do the gangbanging thing, nor do I goosestep to anyone else's beliefs. And I am not responsible for YOUR reaction to whatever another poster says.
Now kindly get off my back about it. Thanks in advance.

Rep added! :lol:

She owned you LL you crying sack of crap. :lol:

Owned me? She brought you here. She took a huge shit on the forum. Now she is upset that someone has told her that you are stinking up the joint.


I'm here and not going anywhere but you're free to continue to shit yourself over the unchangeable.

Moron. :lol:
Your blindness does not negate Ernie's sight.

I worked with dying patients for a year. I learned that year, that if there is ANY dysfunction in a family or individual it will show itself at that time. And the inequity of life and death just cannot be explained away.

Having practiced in psychiatry for 25 years, I do know what passive aggression is. It is entirely possible the woman knew the child was driving the man up the wall and did nothing. Passive aggressive people make most anyone crazy. One time, I asked my PhD mentor how to handle the passive aggressive person. Her response, 'hit him in the nose.' Obviously she was joking, but there ARE behaviors that are crazy making behaviors. Bottom line: We don't know the complete story.

This guy got less than a year. It is likely that he will be out much sooner.

I agree we do not know the complete story. Further, your experience in the field of psychiatry serves you well when assessing situations such as the one in the OP.

Possibly, but Sunshine is assessing a person (the mother), whom she has never seen in her life and also has no idea how that woman acted in the time before this crazy man slugged her kid. She is also accusing the mother of making that already crazy man crazy, which is totally crazy in and of itself. Using Sunshine's logic/methodology, I could accuse any innocent bystander at any crime site of being passive-aggressive and therefore of having caused the crime himself.

That has nothing in the world to do with Sunshine's credentials. I am pretty sure she has the credentials she claims to have and assume that she is very good at what she does, but even so, armchair-coaching is probably not the best thing in this case.

Think about it.
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He lost it. I am not going to give the guy a pass. What I really hate though is this whole black and white shit again.

Guy just lost it.

But maybe that had nothing in the world to do with anything. Maybe he, in his condition, would have just as easily struck a white or yellow or brown or red baby on that day, just this one was in his reach.

Of course, what he said was virulently racist. But no one but himself was inside his head when it happened. And that in no way excuses his behaviour.

But I agree in one way: I am sick and tired of hearing about black on white or white on black. Crime is crime. The law is supposed to be the law. Sounds pretty cut and dried to me.

I agree. Race is dragged into it far too often when many times it has nothing to do with race.

The guy was probably a racist. He hit a child. That does not mean they are at all connected.
Rep added! :lol:

She owned you LL you crying sack of crap. :lol:

Owned me? She brought you here. She took a huge shit on the forum. Now she is upset that someone has told her that you are stinking up the joint.


The only shit I see being left on the carpet is you having a fit that I invited a friend to this board. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the mods and admins. When they tell me I cannot invite friends, then I will cease to do so. Don't hold your breath they will tell me that, though.

On the contrary. Invite them all! Introduce them as smart and interesting people. But if they suck like this one, expect to hear aout it.
Owned me? She brought you here. She took a huge shit on the forum. Now she is upset that someone has told her that you are stinking up the joint.


The only shit I see being left on the carpet is you having a fit that I invited a friend to this board. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the mods and admins. When they tell me I cannot invite friends, then I will cease to do so. Don't hold your breath they will tell me that, though.

On the contrary. Invite them all! Introduce them as smart and interesting people. But if they suck like this one, expect to hear aout it.

All we hear is your sobbing like a little bitch.
Owned me? She brought you here. She took a huge shit on the forum. Now she is upset that someone has told her that you are stinking up the joint.


The only shit I see being left on the carpet is you having a fit that I invited a friend to this board. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the mods and admins. When they tell me I cannot invite friends, then I will cease to do so. Don't hold your breath they will tell me that, though.

On the contrary. Invite them all! Introduce them as smart and interesting people. But if they suck like this one, expect to hear aout it.

I'm shakin' in my boots. Need a tissue now and for later on when you have your tantrum?
I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

8 months.

You're right, 8 months. I guess with this crowd I should be pleased I didn't get the death penalty for that mistake.
there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

8 months.

You're right, 8 months. I guess with this crowd I should be pleased I didn't get the death penalty for that mistake.

Misguided sympathy is odd to observe. I wonder what happened to you?
You're right, 8 months. I guess with this crowd I should be pleased I didn't get the death penalty for that mistake.

Misguided sympathy is odd to observe. I wonder what happened to you?

I've lost my little brother, both my parents, my mother in law, several good friends and I have two autistic children. I have empathy, that's what happened to me.

Empathy? Have you ever slapped a stranger's infant? Can you empathize with that?

Have you empathy for the infant? The mother?
Misguided sympathy is odd to observe. I wonder what happened to you?

I've lost my little brother, both my parents, my mother in law, several good friends and I have two autistic children. I have empathy, that's what happened to me.

Empathy? Have you ever slapped a stranger's infant? Can you empathize with that?

Have you empathy for the infant? The mother?

Really? In your world, that's how it works?

So in my case, the drill Sargent deserved the empathy, because he certainly didn't deserve to be slapped, right?

By the way, if HE hadn't had empathy, here is what would have happened to me.

Striking or assalting superior noncommissioned or petty officer. Dishonorable discharge, for-feiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years.

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