White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

What the op inferred is that it was okay to hit a baby because the baby is black and the hitter is white.

Yes. I know.

But several others have found it necessary to qualify their objection to the act with the caveat "I don't care about the race of the child, you don't hit a child"

I could be wrong....wouldn't be the first time....but it seems to me hat someone who would use such a qualifier.....might just have some issues regarding race to resolve.

Feel me?

I honestly don't know how you came to this conclusion based on my post. :eusa_eh:
I have every sympathy and empathy for the man and said I disagreed with the eight month sentence.

That does not mean that any extenuating circumstances at all justify, excuse, mitigate, or otherwise condone hitting a child.

We really shouldn't confuse the issues though.

That's pretty much the point.

That the two things are not related.

Unless of course, you're a child hitter.

Then maybe you think that the death of your own child makes it okay to hit another child.

I disagree but then, I've never hit a child and never ever will.

The man went koo koo bye bye because his kid was going down.And dying. I agree no excuse for his actions, but lord almighty can't we understand when a man who functions well in society loses it for just one second and we as a society have some compassion and then give him a sentence that involves loving other children?[

Obviously you haven't read all about him. He had been arrested and charged before for assault. He was a President of a Company, surely not an idiot, so, no, he obviously doesn't function well in society if he has to call a baby by a racial slur and then slap him. And who is willing to trust their children to him? You?
He assaulted a toddler for crying. Fuck that guy.

His time in gaol may well see your wish cumming true. :eusa_whistle:

Basically, the OP is disgusted because a fully grown adult assaulted a baby and was sent to prison for his crime.
One wonders what else the OP supports or even gets up to.
I worked with dying patients for a year. I learned that year, that if there is ANY dysfunction in a family or individual it will show itself at that time. And the inequity of life and death just cannot be explained away.

Having practiced in psychiatry for 25 years, I do know what passive aggression is. It is entirely possible the woman knew the child was driving the man up the wall and did nothing. Passive aggressive people make most anyone crazy. One time, I asked my PhD mentor how to handle the passive aggressive person. Her response, 'hit him in the nose.' Obviously she was joking, but there ARE behaviors that are crazy making behaviors. Bottom line: We don't know the complete story.

This guy got less than a year. It is likely that he will be out much sooner.

I agree we do not know the complete story. Further, your experience in the field of psychiatry serves you well when assessing situations such as the one in the OP.

Possibly, but Sunshine is assessing a person (the mother), whom she has never seen in her life and also has no idea how that woman acted in the time before this crazy man slugged her kid. She is also accusing the mother of making that already crazy man crazy, which is totally crazy in and of itself. Using Sunshine's logic/methodology, I could accuse any innocent bystander at any crime site of being passive-aggressive and therefore of having caused the crime himself.

That has nothing in the world to do with Sunshine's credentials. I am pretty sure she has the credentials she claims to have and assume that she is very good at what she does, but even so, armchair-coaching is probably not the best thing in this case.

Think about it.

I had before I commented. This is a message board and the poster gave her point of view. A very good thing to do....
There is, however, no reason at all to allow for the hitting a child, no matter what. When you begin to excuse or mitigate it for one reason, you can do it for other reasons.

Are people supposed to just let their kids run wild, no matter how much they are irritating others.? This mother should have slapped the brat but she didn't so this stranger did. He was wrong but he didn't deserve 8 months in the can.

No, he deserved a couple of years...
Why was this man forced to be in a position that he paid for a ticket and was around a crying kid in the first place? There should be child free sections.

Should there be asshole-free sections where no one is forced to sit next to people like you?

If he wanted a private plane he should have chartered one.
30 pages and it's still inconclusive as to whether or not it's wrong to slap a baby and call it a ******.

Bravo interweb

Everyone but you and the idiots who thanked your post know it's wrong, dipshit. The right/wrong element is whether or not a grieving man be forgiven for a momentary lapse in judgment, from which no bodily injury was derived, or whether sending him to prison is just punishment for a slap.
I don't care if the kid was black, white, or polka-dotted. You don't slap a baby. :mad:

I did not add the bold.

I was referring to the " I don't care if the kid was black, white......." part.

To me...that goes without saying. If someone feels the need to say that.....I find it interesting.

I know I am being vague....but It just strikes me as odd.

What the op inferred is that it was okay to hit a baby because the baby is black and the hitter is white.

This. My post was aimed at the OP and people who think like him. Since you're going to pick it apart, though, LoneLaugher, I'll repeat it without any distinction: You don't slap a baby. :mad:

How's that?

I was wrong to say the OP "inferred" that hitting a black baby was okay. Actually, what the brainless KKK jackass actually said was,

White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison
More affirmative action BS. If the races were reversed, the slapper would have been a hero.

In a ass-backward kind of way, this is pretty funny -

"affirmative action" ... Apparently, he's against equal opportunity child abuse.

My kids have always been good travellers. When they were babies, at the end of a flight people would always comment on how good they were. I knew that this was more 'thank goodness' than compliments. I always feel sorry for people who have kids that are making a fuss on a plane, if they could stop them, they would.
30 pages and it's still inconclusive as to whether or not it's wrong to slap a baby and call it a ******.

Bravo interweb

Everyone but you and the idiots who thanked your post know it's wrong, dipshit. The right/wrong element is whether or not a grieving man be forgiven for a momentary lapse in judgment, from which no bodily injury was derived, or whether sending him to prison is just punishment for a slap.

Hitting a baby and calling it a ****** is more than a lapse in judgement, it comes from pure hatred.
My kids have always been good travellers. When they were babies, at the end of a flight people would always comment on how good they were. I knew that this was more 'thank goodness' than compliments. I always feel sorry for people who have kids that are making a fuss on a plane, if they could stop them, they would.

Reality does not jive with that thought. There are many people who don't give a shit. We've all seen it in restaurants and stores, even church. Most children can be calmed unless they are ill or in pain.
30 pages and it's still inconclusive as to whether or not it's wrong to slap a baby and call it a ******.

Bravo interweb

Everyone but you and the idiots who thanked your post know it's wrong, dipshit. The right/wrong element is whether or not a grieving man be forgiven for a momentary lapse in judgment, from which no bodily injury was derived, or whether sending him to prison is just punishment for a slap.

Hitting a baby and calling it a ****** is more than a lapse in judgement, it comes from pure hatred.

So what? It's not against the law to hate. Not yet anyway.

When you are flying to take your kid off life support, you can tell us what is or is not within reasonable bounds of mentality, and whether or not you can keep it together. There is not a single person who is not prejudiced, the only questions are who do you despise, and can you control yourself under extreme duress.
Everyone but you and the idiots who thanked your post know it's wrong, dipshit. The right/wrong element is whether or not a grieving man be forgiven for a momentary lapse in judgment, from which no bodily injury was derived, or whether sending him to prison is just punishment for a slap.

Hitting a baby and calling it a ****** is more than a lapse in judgement, it comes from pure hatred.

So what? It's not against the law to hate. Not yet anyway..

It's against the law to assault a baby, you idiot.
So what? It's not against the law to hate. Not yet anyway..

It's against the law to assault a baby, you idiot.

Evidently it's worth prison time if the kid is black. Justice.

Don't forget to wipe your ass after poopy.

So if someone commits felony assault on a white baby, he should get jail time but the same felony assault on a black baby should get a walk? Seems like we've seen that sentiment on this board before.
There's not enough racial consideration in this thread. What if the kid's mom was a full blooded Slapaho?

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