White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Slapping a baby.

Does he deserve sympathy for his child? Absolutely.

Should he have slapped a baby?

Are you guys fucking kidding me???

What if it was your kid? Would you say, "Oh well my baby was being annoying. And that guy was in distress. He can go ahead and throw a racial slur at my baby and slap him in the face. That's perfectly reasonable."

Is this really happening? Are you all really defending this???
I don't excuse his actions. I empathize with him. I understand as only the father who has lost a child under similar circumstances can.

I'm sorry. You just don't, and can't understand.

I lost my first child.

There is never an excuse for hitting a child.

There are no extenuating circumstances.

Other people understand loss.

I lost my only child.

There is never an excuse for hitting a child.

There are no extenuating circumstances.

Every person has suffered loss although, truly, I can't imagine anything worse than the death of a child.

Nonetheless, those who have lost a child have no right to go out and hit some other child. Period.

He had a history of violence and now he has a federal felony, no job and he's still an alcoholic. That's a lot to deal with on top of the death of his child.
And what kind of damned sense does "I lost my child, so I'm going to smack YOUR child" make anyway?
Obviously he missed smacking his kid.

Very possibly, he did indeed hit his own child.

I've never hit a child and it just would not occur to me to to. If that's something you accept as normal, then maybe hitting a baby on a plane would be just as acceptable.
Its an emotional thread started by an asswipe. I just know he is laughing his ass off at the havoc I have been reading on this thread. Most of you guys are good people. Just let it go.
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Anger is a normal reaction during grief. You can look that up. There is a plethora of information on it out there. A person who claims to have not experienced it likely is devoid of other emotions as well.

You are making very broad generalizations.

Many people who suffer loss do not feel anger, but that has nothing to do with anything now, does it.

This man had an uncontrollable anger and under no circumstances should hittlng a child be condoned in any way.

Maybe you should explain your credentials so that we are better able to understand your very broad and innaccurate statement.

I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.

Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.
I said I would not come back to this thread, yet...here I am. Just reading. But I do have a question if anyone knows the answer:

Did the man ever apologize for what he did to that baby?

He apologized to the court, but the judge sent him to the slammer anyway.

Not long enough.

I've said this a couple of times before in this thread but -

His sentence is actually a lot more than just the months in a jail cell (in close proximity with a lot of men separated from their children ... ).

He has lost his child, his job, he's still an alcoholic, he has a record of violence and he will be forever known as the jerk who belted a baby on an airplane.

There are a lot of people out of work these days who don't have that list on their resume.

He's in a really crappy place and he brought it on himself. He did it to himself.

And, now he has to take responsibility for his actions.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 months in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.
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You are making very broad generalizations.

Many people who suffer loss do not feel anger, but that has nothing to do with anything now, does it.

This man had an uncontrollable anger and under no circumstances should hittlng a child be condoned in any way.

Maybe you should explain your credentials so that we are better able to understand your very broad and innaccurate statement.

I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.

Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.

Wow. Sunshine is a doctor of psychiatry now? I'm impressed and Jolly Good for her.

She's been very busy since the last time she posted her "credentials".
I said I would not come back to this thread, yet...here I am. Just reading. But I do have a question if anyone knows the answer:

Did the man ever apologize for what he did to that baby?

He apologized to the court, but the judge sent him to the slammer anyway.

Sometimes, an apology just ain't enough.

I don't know about you or the others, but I am for personal responsibility. Saying sorry doesn't get you off the hook, it is only supposed to make you realize and let you signal to others that you fucked up, nothing less and nothing more.

Maybe we should have a list of laws that we can just apologize for breaking.

One list for state level crimes, another for federal felonies -- like assaulting someone on an airplane.
He apologized to the court, but the judge sent him to the slammer anyway.

Not long enough.

I've said this a couple of times before in this thread but -

His sentence is actually a lot more than just the months in a jail cell (in close proximity with a lot of men separated from their children ... ).

He has lost his child, his job, he's still an alcoholic, he has a record of violence and he will be forever known as the jerk who belted a baby on an airplane.

There are a lot of people out of work these days who don't have that list on their resume.

He's in a really crappy place and he brought it on himself. He did it to himself.

And, now he has to take responsibility for his actions

Yes. I read through more than enough pages here before this one I quoted, to just about vomit my lunch. All this righteous indignation and hand wringing and gaggles of fucking idiots hitting the THANKS tab, when what we see here is a travesty of justice.

By all accounts it appears the man was severely distraught and at the end of his rope and had a momentary bad judgment call. He called the kid a ******, not nice but not (yet) a crime in America.

You hand-wringers are a bunch of fucking phonies. You couldn't give two shits for the stupid kid, you just want to see a racist in prison.

Where do you want to see a racist?

The same place I see feminists, atheists, queers, christians and everyone else, free to be who they are no matter what they believe.

Your question is disturbing on a whole other level of fascism.

Hey, you can always go live with your hero, Putin cuz living in the land of the free is obviously just more than you can handle.

Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

Thank you. I was beginning to think I was no longer speaking English. Bless you for reiterating my perceptions clearly.

I O U rep eleventy.

Oh, good. So you were at home, grieving with loved ones? Not flying cross country to pull the plug and shatter your heart?

Lucky you!

Please sign the Angel Pledge card.

No, when Connor died, that was his name, I got a call and said I had better get to the hospital fast. I did, but not in time. His mother came an hour later and I had to tell her. She screamed ane fell to the floor. That was scarey. Then I held him and said "good-bye".
I authorized an autopsy in the hopes it would help other kids someday and asked that all the parts be left to be buried with him.

I then had to console and comort Connor's mother, her parents, my mother (my father was deceased) and arrange for the burial with the help of a very good priest, find a cemetary, pick out a tombstone, have it engraved, and bury my child. it was in April.

My wife's parents decided to take us to Hawaii so we could get our minds of it. I didn't want to go but she couldn't turn them down. I came home three days later. She left me a few months after that. it happens a lot on the death of a child.

I went to the cemetary that December. the kid's section has no raised headstones or groundskeeping purposes. It was flat and a light snow had fallen and there were alot these tiny Chrismas trees in the flower vases and small presents covering with a sprinkiling of snow. The sky was gray. I thought it was the loneliest place in the world.

I fell apart that spring for about two weeks. It had built up.

So no, you are right. I wasn't flying cross country to pull a plug.

I don't believe in angels.

And I would never hit a child under any circumstances, nor will I allow myself to understand why anyone would.

I'm so sorry dreolin. That brought tears to my eyes.
My condolences.:(

Thank you, Gracie. It was a long time ago.

I remember he was in the hospital for a month before I got that call. It was a shock actually because the day before the Doctors said it looked like he was out of the woods.

Good things come from bad things. I remember one day I was catching the bus home from the hospital and a handicapped (slow) kid started talking to me and for some reason I had always felt a little uncomfortable around the handicapped...but I realized Connor might have some difficulties later on in his life...so I talked to the kid. He was such a nice person. I never again felt uncomfortable around disabled people.

Later, I had another son, his little brother, and I ended up working with the special ed kids at his school. They were being mainstreamed. They really needed a volunteer father and I had a lot of free days so there i was. Connor did that, enabled me to do that.

And I remember his little brother when he was about nine and he ran into some women in wheel chairs while we were grocery shopping and he did something to help them and a overheard them say to each other..."What a nice little boy. It was like he didn't even notice we were in wheel chairs, he treated us so normally." Good things happen.

Thank you again, Gracie. i rarely talk about it. The good memories are more important to me than the bad.
I lost my first child.

There is never an excuse for hitting a child.

There are no extenuating circumstances.

Other people understand loss.

Your blindness does not negate Ernie's sight.

I worked with dying patients for a year. I learned that year, that if there is ANY dysfunction in a family or individual it will show itself at that time. And the inequity of life and death just cannot be explained away.

Having practiced in psychiatry for 25 years, I do know what passive aggression is. It is entirely possible the woman knew the child was driving the man up the wall and did nothing. Passive aggressive people make most anyone crazy. One time, I asked my PhD mentor how to handle the passive aggressive person. Her response, 'hit him in the nose.' Obviously she was joking, but there ARE behaviors that are crazy making behaviors. Bottom line: We don't know the complete story.

This guy got less than a year. It is likely that he will be out much sooner.

I agree we do not know the complete story. Further, your experience in the field of psychiatry serves you well when assessing situations such as the one in the OP.
Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life.
He got eight months and he didn't get sentenced for losing his temper or for having a bad day. He fucked up and was lucky enough to survive it. For now.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

8 months.
If you can't do the time, don't hit the shine...

Just kidding. Hitting a child of nineteen months hard enough to scratch him/her that you scratch them could well have resulted in serious neck or head injury. I appreciate that he was under extreme pressure, but that's no excuse when it comes to explaining why you struck such a small and fragile child, for crying, no less.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

there are a lot of ugly people in this thread. Most of them have no sympathy at all for man who's child was dying. He got 8 years in jail for losing his temper and slapping a screaming baby on the worst day of his life. I would think that would be more than sufficient but apparently not according to some of the people on this board. I'm sure they are all perfect and have never lost their tempers or gotten upset when losing someone dear to them.

I have every sympathy and empathy for the man and said I disagreed with the eight month sentence.

That does not mean that any extenuating circumstances at all justify, excuse, mitigate, or otherwise condone hitting a child.

We really shouldn't confuse the issues though.
You are making very broad generalizations.

Many people who suffer loss do not feel anger, but that has nothing to do with anything now, does it.

This man had an uncontrollable anger and under no circumstances should hittlng a child be condoned in any way.

Maybe you should explain your credentials so that we are better able to understand your very broad and innaccurate statement.

I have explained my credentials. Trolls like you don't bother to read.

Saying "having practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years" and having "asked a PhD mentor" do not exactly qualify as credentials.

I think an actual Psychiatrist would not make sucah a broad generalization nor offer such a diagnosis, or what might be considered a diagnosis, to someone on a mesasage board.

People process loss and tragedy in different ways.

You may also want to define "troll" because it appears as though the sole criterium you have for such a designation is that it is a person who disagrees with you.

I haven't practiced in Psychiatry for 25 years so I have no compunction at all to hold my tongue and i suggest that you appear to be pretty insecure when someone disagrees with you, Doctor.

I have been on here a few years. You a few weeks. You have some catching up to do.

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