White Men Don't Catcall, They Harass In Other Ways

Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:

White guys catcall but not much from my experience unless they have a crowd of other guys supporting them. Like most guys that cat call they usually sound lame.

I compare it to the movie theater equivalent, where blacks are more likely to yell at the movie, and whites are more likely to whisper snide comments to their friends.

I also compare it to pot smoking between the two groups. Whites tend to toke inside, with all sorts of contraptions to hide the pot smoke. In black neighborhoods its puffed out on the stoop.

I equate it to a certain level of brazenness in the black community.
white men don't cat call? guess none of you asshats have ever worked construction or played any team sports...
Yes, ive done both. Ive seen guys quietly commenting to each other about how a girl looks, but ive NEVER seen a construction worker yell some stupid shit at a woman walking by. That only happens in the movies.
bullshit....most everything construction workers say is stupid shit...
That may be, but they aren't yelling it at every hot woman that walks by. Your ass would be fired immediately if you were sexually harassing women on the job site like that. Customers don't like it, therefore the employers REALLY don't like it. Like I said, that shit only happens in the movies.
false! my uncle owns a construction company in Vegas ,don't know about elsewhere but there in the 70's it was common place..
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:

White guys catcall but not much from my experience unless they have a crowd of other guys supporting them. Like most guys that cat call they usually sound lame.

I compare it to the movie theater equivalent, where blacks are more likely to yell at the movie, and whites are more likely to whisper snide comments to their friends.

I also compare it to pot smoking between the two groups. Whites tend to toke inside, with all sorts of contraptions to hide the pot smoke. In black neighborhoods its puffed out on the stoop.

I equate it to a certain level of brazenness in the black community.
it's has dick to do with white vs. black neighborhoods....it's regional, besides the only way you've seen a black neighborhood is driving by very fast or on TV.
white men don't cat call? guess none of you asshats have ever worked construction or played any team sports...
Yes, ive done both. Ive seen guys quietly commenting to each other about how a girl looks, but ive NEVER seen a construction worker yell some stupid shit at a woman walking by. That only happens in the movies.
bullshit....most everything construction workers say is stupid shit...
Another work hating welfare slug????
been employed ever since.
how's that burger king gig workin' out?
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:

White guys catcall but not much from my experience unless they have a crowd of other guys supporting them. Like most guys that cat call they usually sound lame.

I compare it to the movie theater equivalent, where blacks are more likely to yell at the movie, and whites are more likely to whisper snide comments to their friends.

I also compare it to pot smoking between the two groups. Whites tend to toke inside, with all sorts of contraptions to hide the pot smoke. In black neighborhoods its puffed out on the stoop.

I equate it to a certain level of brazenness in the black community.
it's has dick to do with white vs. black neighborhoods....it's regional, besides the only way you've seen a black neighborhood is driving by very fast or on TV.
True, black neighborhoods are bad places that good people should avoid. I guess we can all agree on that much.
Black men do tend to spit better game then white men.

They also tend to dance better.

They also tend to have bigger cocks.

While we are perpetuating stereotypes, they also tend to not eat pussy. Is that worth it to you?

Don't forget also , they are TWENTY TWO times more likely to kill a female acquaintance than a white male.

Yeah I tend to prefer the bad boys so that works for me.

Cut the shit. You're just trying to start a shit storm
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:
She didn't even notice you.
Bullshit. ALL women notice when a guy is looking.
I have had many female friends and still have a few I call friends. I ask them questions which in the answers are an education.
One thing these friends all told me was they know when a guy is noticing them. When I ask how, they laughingly say "can't tell you."....
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:
She didn't even notice you.

I wasn't trying to be noticed.
I should have said DAYUUUMMM!!! Hey mama...whats happeninnnn"....one thing for sure, she would have "noticed" me.
Could she have shot you if she noticed you and felt threatened? She could in my state. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I will have to rethink my opposition to stand your ground laws.
That is just ridiculous. How does a "look" translate to the threat?
I think you are going off the lefty feminazi deep end.
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:
She didn't even notice you.
Bullshit. ALL women notice when a guy is looking.
I have had many female friends and still have a few I call friends. I ask them questions which in the answers are an education.
One thing these friends all told me was they know when a guy is noticing them. When I ask how, they laughingly say "can't tell you."....

Of course they all notice.

And what's more, the ones who complain about guys looking at them or saying something to them, they are only complaining because they don't like the guy who was doing the looking or who hit on them.

Poor ugly guys just trying to get some play and some snooty bitch is all "oh my God he's a creeper" its stupid, and pathetic
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:

White guys catcall but not much from my experience unless they have a crowd of other guys supporting them. Like most guys that cat call they usually sound lame.

I compare it to the movie theater equivalent, where blacks are more likely to yell at the movie, and whites are more likely to whisper snide comments to their friends.

I also compare it to pot smoking between the two groups. Whites tend to toke inside, with all sorts of contraptions to hide the pot smoke. In black neighborhoods its puffed out on the stoop.

I equate it to a certain level of brazenness in the black community.
it's has dick to do with white vs. black neighborhoods....it's regional, besides the only way you've seen a black neighborhood is driving by very fast or on TV.
True, black neighborhoods are bad places that good people should avoid. I guess we can all agree on that much.
I would never consider moving my son to a black neighborhood or have him attend a black-majority school.I am a conservative, but I know that most "progressives" understand completely although they would never admit to it.

At a certain point, idealism falls apart.
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:
She didn't even notice you.

I wasn't trying to be noticed.
I should have said DAYUUUMMM!!! Hey mama...whats happeninnnn"....one thing for sure, she would have "noticed" me.
Could she have shot you if she noticed you and felt threatened? She could in my state. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I will have to rethink my opposition to stand your ground laws.
That is just ridiculous. How does a "look" translate to the threat?
I think you are going off the lefty feminazi deep end.
You yelling out to her is not a look.
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:

White guys catcall but not much from my experience unless they have a crowd of other guys supporting them. Like most guys that cat call they usually sound lame.

I compare it to the movie theater equivalent, where blacks are more likely to yell at the movie, and whites are more likely to whisper snide comments to their friends.

I also compare it to pot smoking between the two groups. Whites tend to toke inside, with all sorts of contraptions to hide the pot smoke. In black neighborhoods its puffed out on the stoop.

I equate it to a certain level of brazenness in the black community.
it's has dick to do with white vs. black neighborhoods....it's regional, besides the only way you've seen a black neighborhood is driving by very fast or on TV.

I've worked in East New York, I grew up in Flushing. I had to go once a week to a plumbing supply store in the heart of Bed-Stuy. I've been to bars in Alphabet city and other manhattan neighborhoods.

My black co-worker always joked about how paranoid white pot smokers were, and how quiet a white movie theater was. The only time they didn't toke up on the stoop was on T&T, (Tuesdays and Thursdays), the days cops did drug sweeps.
Oh - and to that lady across from me pumping gas the other day, the one that I couldn't help glancing at a several times...I didn't do so because I think you are beautiful, and therefore I was mesmerized by you..it was to exude my male dominance over you to make you feel small....:doubt:
She didn't even notice you.

I wasn't trying to be noticed.
I should have said DAYUUUMMM!!! Hey mama...whats happeninnnn"....one thing for sure, she would have "noticed" me.
Could she have shot you if she noticed you and felt threatened? She could in my state. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I will have to rethink my opposition to stand your ground laws.
That is just ridiculous. How does a "look" translate to the threat?
I think you are going off the lefty feminazi deep end.
Threats dont have to be voiced dummy. I can look at you and I know for a fact I can threaten and intimidate you.

I really don't get the thinking here from the right. They're always claiming good guys with guns prevent crime so why shouldn't women all be armed and shoot anyone they feel threatened by?
I really don't get the thinking here from the right. They're always claiming good guys with guns prevent crime so why shouldn't women all be armed and shoot anyone they feel threatened by?
That right is only reserved for weak men. They dont want women to do it because it would make them feel as if they were no stronger than a woman.
I really don't get the thinking here from the right. They're always claiming good guys with guns prevent crime so why shouldn't women all be armed and shoot anyone they feel threatened by?

You forget the term reasonably before the term "feel threatened"

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