CDZ White Nationalism; what it is, what drives it and how to render it harmless

You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
The problem is a liberal media and blacks not taking responsibility for the condition of their neighborhoods and social conditions that promote laziness and criminal behavior.
Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.

Socialism fills mass graves with every race, sex and religious are right, they don't discriminate when they murder....
White nationalism commits genocide, rapes women and little girls, gives every one syphilis, steals land, poisons the earth all in a misguided attempt to soothe a fragile inferiority complex.
What a crock. Try reading a little some day. There are books on a subject called history, try reading some.

White people wouldn't be in the top ten for genocides. The lovely religion of peace takes that crown hands down, with the possible exception of the mongols.

Rape? The religion of peace takes that title as well.

Syphilis? By all means grace us with your knowledge of the origins of syphilis.

Steals land? Once again, the religion of peace wins again.

Poisons the earth? Ever been to Asia? Name the western cities where people have to wear gas masks?

Inferiority complex? Yeesh. Europeans suffered invasions from non whites for millennia. When finally driven to strike back they have dominated all comers. You're conversing on a media, the internet, created by white people. You drive in a car invented by white people, you fly in planes created by white people, you receive medical care with equipment created by white people, white people landed on the moon. Inferiority complex? Get a grip.
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.

Socialism fills mass graves with every race, sex and religious are right, they don't discriminate when they murder....
White nationalism commits genocide, rapes women and little girls, gives every one syphilis, steals land, poisons the earth all in a misguided attempt to soothe a fragile inferiority complex.
What a crock. Try reading a little some day. There are books on a subject called history, try reading some.

White people wouldn't be in the top ten for genocides. The lovely religion of peace takes that crown hands down, with the possible exception of the mongols.

Rape? The religion of peace takes that title as well.

Syphilis? By all means grace us with your knowledge of the origins of syphilis.

Steals land? Once again, the religion of peace wins again.

Poisons the earth? Ever been to Asia? Name the western cities where people have to wear gas masks?

Inferiority complex? Yeesh. Europeans suffered invasions from non whites for millennia. When finally driven to strike back they have dominated all comers. You're conversing on a media, the internet, created by white people. You drive in a car invented by white people, you fly in planes created by white people, you receive medical care with equipment created by white people, white people landed on the moon. Inferiority complex? Get a grip.
Cream rises to the top...shit sinks.
If you ignore their voice then people (normal people) dont hear what they are saying and it becomes underground and harder to track. I think they should be spotlighted as much as possible so my people dont get the illusion that all is well.
Yeah but unfortunately that approach also does three other things, helps gain converts, eventually desensitizes people and can be (and has been for a while) used politically as a generalized weapon by some groups and certain people to demonize as a political ploy.
It is better to be aware of and track a larger group than to sit blindly while a smaller group moves unseen.
....Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.
Another definition is simply dividing people by race such as segregationists, Affirmative Action supporters, etc. It's simply discrimination or prejudice based on skin tone.
It is telling that so many want to solve a perceived problem of racism by instituting more racism.

The 'cure' is utterly nonsensical.
The problem is a liberal media and blacks not taking responsibility for the condition of their neighborhoods and social conditions that promote laziness and criminal behavior.
What are your solutions to these problems?
Wow, Milo nails it here in his 12 steps to destroy the Alt-Right

Build the fucking Wall monument to stupidity of man.

....Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.
Another definition is simply dividing people by race such as segregationists, Affirmative Action supporters, etc. It's simply discrimination or prejudice based on skin tone.
It is telling that so many want to solve a perceived problem of racism by instituting more racism.

The 'cure' is utterly nonsensical.
Correct. Liberal philosophy is to push the "Racism is one race being superior to another" definition then they seek to solve racism, as you just posted, by institutionalizing more racism since the Liberal Elite is racist and:
1) believes blacks need help to be equal to whites since they are too inferior to stand on their own.
2) blames all racism on whites.
3) believes a democracy is racist.
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
If you ignore their voice then people (normal people) dont hear what they are saying and it becomes underground and harder to track. I think they should be spotlighted as much as possible so my people dont get the illusion that all is well.
Yeah but unfortunately that approach also does three other things, helps gain converts, eventually desensitizes people and can be (and has been for a while) used politically as a generalized weapon by some groups and certain people to demonize as a political ploy.
It is better to be aware of and track a larger group than to sit blindly while a smaller group moves unseen.
Not quite following what solutions people are offering here. Obviously criminal racism, just like any other crime, must be stopped and offenders punished. OTOH, as Ringel posted, this shit is going to happen. 320M people and one dumbass psycho murders 9 Christians. Certainly a tragedy, but nothing to panic over.

The real problem here can be found in the commonality of all mass shootings: mental health care. All of them were nut jobs allowed to run free.

Mental Illness Common Thread for Mass Shootings
As the nation mourns the tremendous loss of life in Charleston, South Carolina, from another mass shooting, details of what drove someone to commit this terrible act remain elusive. But if history is any indication, the shooter most likely has a history of severe mental health issues that have either gone untreated or undiagnosed....

Charleston: Why didn't anyone help Dylann Roof?
Dylann Roof, who allegedly shot and killed nine people at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., last week, showed all the signs of severe and worsening mental illness.

We know, of course, that Roof expressed hateful white supremacist opinion. But we also know that psychiatrically ill people can channel their paranoia or depression or extreme self-loathing into bizarre beliefs that sometimes lead to the destruction of others. Those beliefs can look just like intense hatred — of a particular person or a whole race of people
Elect conservatives. Get liberals out of teaching and end the campus professoriate indoctrination of the youth.
But not just any conservatives; we need conservatives AND LIBERALS who still believe in individualism, personal freedom and the right of free speech.
Elect conservatives. Get liberals out of teaching and end the campus professoriate indoctrination of the youth.
What is the plan to achieve those goals, because I don't see it happening. Reviewing Presidential elections over the past several elections tell a story of a nation fairly well balanced between conservative and liberal.

The Electoral College votes tell one story, but the popular vote tells a more accurate one.

Electoral College results history
Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2012

Popular vote history
Popular Votes 1940-2012 - Roper Center
Presidential Election History from 1789 to 2012 - 2012 Presidential Election -
Elect conservatives. Get liberals out of teaching and end the campus professoriate indoctrination of the youth.
But not just any conservatives; we need conservatives AND LIBERALS who still believe in individualism, personal freedom and the right of free speech.
Agreed, but what passes for Liberalism these days is more about statism than individuality. They lean heavily toward a socialist hive mentality.
Elect conservatives. Get liberals out of teaching and end the campus professoriate indoctrination of the youth.
What is the plan to achieve those goals, because I don't see it happening. Reviewing Presidential elections over the past several elections tell a story of a nation fairly well balanced between conservative and liberal.

The Electoral College votes tell one story, but the popular vote tells a more accurate one.

Electoral College results history
Historical U.S. Presidential Elections 1789-2012

Popular vote history
Popular Votes 1940-2012 - Roper Center
Presidential Election History from 1789 to 2012 - 2012 Presidential Election -
Get conservatives to go into teaching and crush education unions.
Get conservatives to go into teaching and crush education unions.
Thank you, but I find that to be an impractical answer because asking a conservative to go into liberal arts rarely happens.

Conservatives go into business, industry, the military and an assortment of white and blue-collar jobs. Liberals go into the arts, journalism and, of course, teaching.

IMHO, putting conservatives into liberal arts will result in more liberals. Same goes for putting liberals into business, the military and other right-leaning occupations. They'll become more conservative. That's given they go willingly, of course.

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