CDZ White Nationalism; what it is, what drives it and how to render it harmless

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
Democratic Socialism is racially neutral, but MARXISM which Ascle is referring to when he says 'socialism' that Marxism is only anti-racial in theory and has long harbored 'pragmatic' racists in its top leadership from the beginning, from Lenin to Chavez.
Agreed, but trolls need to be ignored online in order to disarm them. And white nationalist trolls are the backbone of perceived racism in this country (not to mention, there's a good number of them that are actually leftist, just fueling the flames of the racial divide).
then after 50 years of being ignored racism should be dead.

But it is not, it has simply learned to exploit the lefts rhetoric against them and they are now growing in numbers and influence.
Agreed, but trolls need to be ignored online in order to disarm them. And white nationalist trolls are the backbone of perceived racism in this country (not to mention, there's a good number of them that are actually leftist, just fueling the flames of the racial divide).
then after 50 years of being ignored racism should be dead.

But it is not, it has simply learned to exploit the lefts rhetoric against them and they are now growing in numbers and influence.
Well, before Obamas presidency, the millennial generation was the most color blind (for lack of a better term) generation in US history. So it was on its way to dying. Since Obamas term, what has changed? Because now millenials perceive race as a prevalent problem. My own personal theory is that the left used racism as a straw man to many who disapproved of Obama.

I also don't think racism will ever die, it's sadly in human nature to huddle in tribes, and throw stones at other tribes to gain a sense of security and superiority. It can be severely diminished though, but still will be a small under current in society.
then after 50 years of being ignored racism should be dead.

The faux 'Left' needs identity politics. Without it there would be no quota system and no free rides for the politically connected blacks and their cronies, it would be the merit based system the real liberals tried to implement with Affirmative Action legislation. The quota system is patently illegal and openly racist, and the liberals fought it tooth and nail, only to lose the 1968 election and find Nixon reviving it just weeks after they sent it down in flames, pandering to the Black Congressional caucus, who saw clearly the immense bribes they could take in under a quota system, as did many white politicians as well, including Republicans. The quota system was the foot in the door to the lowering of academic standards that proceeded apace right up to the present day, dumbing down the entire public education system rather than genuinely raising the education level of minorities to the prevailing standards of whites. Black people have been cheated blind by their own politicians and Democratic Party hacks who have zero interest in them as people or raising their education and income prospects, they are only interested in ghetto s and barrios full of captive voters, and the racism of blacks themselves makes them happy to oblige them. The Democrats would have no Party without promoting racism, and of the most violent kind.
Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
Democratic Socialism is racially neutral, but MARXISM which Ascle is referring to when he says 'socialism' that Marxism is only anti-racial in theory and has long harbored 'pragmatic' racists in its top leadership from the beginning, from Lenin to Chavez.

Marx said his theory only applied to educated western societies, and wasn't applicable to barbarian Africans or Asians or backward non-white cultures.

In any case Marx abandoned his theories when Carl Menger and other economists began publishing their much more accurate theories that he couldn't argue against.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
Fallacy of false equivalency
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
Fallacy of false equivalency
You're going to have to explain where the false equivalency is...BC racism is attributing characteristics based on color so where's the false equivalency
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
Fallacy of false equivalency
You're going to have to explain where the false equivalency is...BC racism is attributing characteristics based on color so where's the false equivalency

Don't feed the troll, unless you want the thread locked. Jake doesn't come here to discuss anything, he just plays "I Touched You Last!!!" and then reports everybody to mods, that's all.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.

Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
What a crock. It always cracks me up to hear generalizations that have no basis in reality. The left believes that any white person that doesn't bow and apologize for being white is racist. Typical left wing buzz word crap. Remember, the key to being a leftist is to attack people not ideas.
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.
Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
What a crock. It always cracks me up to hear generalizations that have no basis in reality. The left believes that any white person that doesn't bow and apologize for being white is racist. Typical left wing buzz word crap. Remember, the key to being a leftist is to attack people not ideas.

Social Marxism has absolutely nothing to do with Reality.

When you have an ideology that embraces the concept that people are whatever they prefer to be, a man can be a woman, a Caucasian can be black or Amerindian or any race they want to be, or a philandering narcissist can be a model husband, a dog can be a cat, etc, then you know the Marxist ideologues have left planet Reality a long time ago.
Sure you can...when they commit an illegal act, you arrest them......
Arresting them would be the opposite of ignoring them dont you think?

When they break the law, you arrest them, till ignore them.
When you ignore them they grow bolder and infiltrate the police forces and the military like they have done already. really have no idea what you are talking about......the most dangerous groups in this country....are black lives matter and muslim immigrants.......blows the whole idea of white nationalism as a threat out of the water...
That was amusing.

White nationalism without a doubt is the single greatest threat the human race and even the planet has ever experienced.
Where do you come up with this crap? The sins of Europeans pale in comparison to past horrors. From the muslim slaughter throughout Asia and North Africa to the Mongols slaughtering peoples and cultures throughout Asia and Europe, Europeans seldom obliterated native populations as did others. The Americas being the obvious exception and keep in mind the majority of indigenous people in the Americas died of unforeseen disease transmission not having their their heads cut off.
Where do you come up with this crap? The sins of Europeans pale in comparison to past horrors. From the muslim slaughter throughout Asia and North Africa to the Mongols slaughtering peoples and cultures throughout Asia and Europe, Europeans seldom obliterated native populations as did others. The Americas being the obvious exception and keep in mind the majority of indigenous people in the Americas died of unforeseen disease transmission not having their their heads cut off.
The left has to demonize whites in order to justify their complete take over of everything.
Here Milo demolishes a moron who accuses him of being a White Supremacist, and it is the same old nonsense where nationalism and patriotism are conflated with racism.

You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Says one of USMB's resident militant racists.
....We’d all be better off living separately, or at least acknowledging racial differences and allowing for them in public policy. ....

Even though racists like Asclepias, Steve_McGarrett and others favor such a segregationist policy, most Americans know it's bullshit, divisive and unworkable. It's also a fringe idea as many others on this forum have already noted time and time again.

While some label the election results "white lash", those that do are invested in keeping racial divisions alive. The election wasn't about race, it was primarily about a strong concern from a majority of Americans about the direction of the nation. Given only two choices, Americans voted for the more desirable of two deplorable candidates; Ms. More-of-the-same and Mr. Off-the-wall.
....We’d all be better off living separately, or at least acknowledging racial differences and allowing for them in public policy. ....

Even though racists like Asclepias, Steve_McGarrett and others favor such a segregationist policy, most Americans know it's bullshit, divisive and unworkable. It's also a fringe idea as many others on this forum have already noted time and time again.

While some label the election results "white lash", those that do are invested in keeping racial divisions alive. The election wasn't about race, it was primarily about a strong concern from a majority of Americans about the direction of the nation. Given only two choices, Americans voted for the more desirable of two deplorable candidates; Ms. More-of-the-same and Mr. Off-the-wall.
It's not 'unworkable'. Everyone was just fine during the Jim Crow period up until 1965, then everything went to shit.
Where do you come up with this crap? The sins of Europeans pale in comparison to past horrors. From the muslim slaughter throughout Asia and North Africa to the Mongols slaughtering peoples and cultures throughout Asia and Europe, Europeans seldom obliterated native populations as did others. The Americas being the obvious exception and keep in mind the majority of indigenous people in the Americas died of unforeseen disease transmission not having their their heads cut off.
The left has to demonize whites in order to justify their complete take over of everything.
The sad part is they never make any sense. It would be different if they could at least try to back up their points but the only response is more insults.
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It's not 'unworkable'. Everyone was just fine during the Jim Crow period up until 1965, then everything went to shit.
Disagreed. Instead of forcing segregation on everyone else, why don't you try self-segregation? The former is unAmerican, but the latter is pure Americana.
Instead of forcing segregation on everyone else, why don't you try self-segregation? The former is unAmerican, but the latter is pure Americana.

Well, 'self-segregation' is illegal, that's why. Any whites that try and form their own towns and try to prevent minorities from moving in are going to be prosecuted. Meanwhile, blacks and latinos are free to self-segregate by fiat into barrios and Hoods with no government interference at all, by the mere expedient of targeting other races for violent assaults, murder, robberies, and vandalism; the first casualties of black racist riots is most often white, Asian, and Jewish owned stores and businesses, after all. Once people accept that minorities are more violently racist than whites, then the issues can be worked out honestly. Until then, it's all bullshit sophistry at the existential level. Of course the Burb Brats and pseudo-intellectual academics would rather just take Prozac and invent platitudes and fantasy narratives; that way they can absolve themselves of any responsibility for the failures of their idiotic and clueless social experiments and just blame those uppity proles for everything; it's more convenient, and doesn't require the 'intellectuals' to soil themselves by actually going and trying to live in the shitholes racist minorities create for themselves.
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The sad part is they never make any sense. It would be different if they could at least try to back up their points but the only response is more insults.
Yeah, the Marxist Social justice Warriors dont seem to realize that most of the rest of the world does not accept foreigners as THEM just because they migrate to their country. I could live in Japan for 100 years and the Japanese would never regard me as Japanese.

We need to focus our definition of what it means to be American based on civic nationalism and shun those who attack America as a concept, such as burning the flag that represents us all, or by raising racial templates that over-ride our civic oriented view.

While it is harmless to speak of racial interests to ensure that they are protected as a group, you cannot at the same time say that for whites to do the exact same thing it is inherently White Supremacist to do so but only if white.

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