CDZ White Nationalism; what it is, what drives it and how to render it harmless

Well, 'self-segregation' is illegal, that's why. Any whites that try and form their own towns and try to prevent minorities from moving in are going to be prosecuted. Meanwhile, blacks and latinos are free to self-segregate by fiat into barrios and Hoods with no government interference at all, by the mere expedient of targeting other races for violent assaults, murder, robberies, and vandalism; the first casualties of black racist riots is most often white, Asian, and Jewish owned stores and businesses, after all. Once people accept that minorities are more violently racist than whites, then the issues can be worked out honestly. Until then, it's all bullshit sophistry at the existential level. Of course the Burb Brats and pseudo-intellectual academics would rather just take Prozac and invent platitudes and fantasy narratives; that way they can absolve themselves of any responsibility for the failures of their idiotic and clueless social experiments and just blame those uppity proles for everything; it's more convenient, and doesn't require the 'intellectuals' to soil themselves by actually going and trying to live in the shitholes racist minorities create for themselves.

If we are to honestly and fairly implement Identity Politics it should be completely legal for white people to self segregate, have white cultural-only radio stations, white newspapers and other media, white colleges, etc.

This, however, would be bad for America though as it balkanizes our nation and then the final argument becomes, 'We need to shed ourselves of the alien population in our midst....'
The sad part is they never make any sense. It would be different if they could at least try to back up their points but the only response is more insults.
Yeah, the Marxist Social justice Warriors dont seem to realize that most of the rest of the world does not accept foreigners as THEM just because they migrate to their country. I could live in Japan for 100 years and the Japanese would never regard me as Japanese.

We need to focus our definition of what it means to be American based on civic nationalism and shun those who attack America as a concept, such as burning the flag that represents us all, or by raising racial templates that over-ride our civic oriented view.

While it is harmless to speak of racial interests to ensure that they are protected as a group, you cannot at the same time say that for whites to do the exact same thing it is inherently White Supremacist to do so but only if white.
I find the nationalism subject interesting. I heard a gentleman named Ben Shapiro make an interesting comment about the old term "american exceptionalism". His point was that "americans" aren't exceptional by being american, the country has been exceptional by virtue of the founding principles that allowed people to reach their potential. Of course the left will see this as racist, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic....
If we are to honestly and fairly implement Identity Politics it should be completely legal for white people to self segregate, have white cultural-only radio stations, white newspapers and other media, white colleges, etc.

If we use the same criteria the faux 'Left' uses re minorities that would have to be the case by their own standards, which is why they can't be taken seriously; they are only interested in tearing it all down in some infantile fit of hate while hiding behind a lot cognitively dissonant pseudo-intellectual gibberish left over form old Cold War propaganda.

This, however, would be bad for America though as it balkanizes our nation and then the final argument becomes, 'We need to shed ourselves of the alien population in our midst....'

I'm all for the sociopath balkanizers being deported. I'm a good Jeffersonian Democrat and Liberal.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained
Stirling S. Newberry

Black racism, the real problem these days, not 'White Nationalism':

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

Jeffersonian solution:

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
I find the nationalism subject interesting. I heard a gentleman named Ben Shapiro make an interesting comment about the old term "american exceptionalism". His point was that "americans" aren't exceptional by being american, the country has been exceptional by virtue of the founding principles that allowed people to reach their potential. Of course the left will see this as racist, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic....
And Ben is correct, of course, in that civic nationalism has been the underlying form of nationalism for the USA from the start.

The problem is that Ben does not agree that white people have any innate right to speak as a group for white interests. Like the reigning strain of conservative would have us all deracinated by default from the womb, Ben is totally AOK with that, but it is somehow essential for blacks to have their group rights respected; WTF, Ben? In fact guys like Ben would probably agree that white people do not even have the right to discuss racial issues whatsoever without being immediately labeled racist.

It was hilarious how Milo baited him by sending him a picture of a black baby when Ben had his child. Ben was all offended, but had Milo used a pic of a red-headed baby or an oriental baby, would he have been offended? If all distinction by race is wrong, an d we should all be racially color blind, then what is the insult in sending him a tweet with the picture of a black baby?

Of course, Ben does indeed have a preference that his child look like him in some respect, and that is exactly what Milo was poking at; the inherent hypocrisy of such conservatives who verbally claim color blindness but privately bristle when compared to blacks.

Ben is your typical cuckservative who cannot take his own prescription for what would solve racial problems in our country.
If we are to honestly and fairly implement Identity Politics it should be completely legal for white people to self segregate, have white cultural-only radio stations, white newspapers and other media, white colleges, etc.

If we use the same criteria the faux 'Left' uses re minorities that would have to be the case by their own standards, which is why they can't be taken seriously; they are only interested in tearing it all down in some infantile fit of hate while hiding behind a lot cognitively dissonant pseudo-intellectual gibberish left over form old Cold War propaganda.

This, however, would be bad for America though as it balkanizes our nation and then the final argument becomes, 'We need to shed ourselves of the alien population in our midst....'

I'm all for the sociopath balkanizers being deported. I'm a good Jeffersonian Democrat and Liberal.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained
Stirling S. Newberry

Black racism, the real problem these days, not 'White Nationalism':

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

Jeffersonian solution:

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

While I agree with most of that, I do think we are a stronger nation if we focus on our civic criteria for what it means to be American and place much less importance on ethnicity if any at all.

I find the nationalism subject interesting. I heard a gentleman named Ben Shapiro make an interesting comment about the old term "american exceptionalism". His point was that "americans" aren't exceptional by being american, the country has been exceptional by virtue of the founding principles that allowed people to reach their potential. Of course the left will see this as racist, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic....
Agreed here, but that idea has been around longer than Ben.

...The problem is that Ben does not agree that white people have any innate right to speak as a group for white interests..... Ben is totally AOK with that, but it is somehow essential for blacks to have their group rights respected; WTF, Ben? .....
I don't know much about Shapiro except he's a conservative and couldn't find evidence he supports blacks having special groups but not whites. Racism is bad for the nation no matter where it comes from. The Left excels at race politics. Having the Right do the same is trying to use two wrongs to make a right. Not good.
If we are to honestly and fairly implement Identity Politics it should be completely legal for white people to self segregate, have white cultural-only radio stations, white newspapers and other media, white colleges, etc.

If we use the same criteria the faux 'Left' uses re minorities that would have to be the case by their own standards, which is why they can't be taken seriously; they are only interested in tearing it all down in some infantile fit of hate while hiding behind a lot cognitively dissonant pseudo-intellectual gibberish left over form old Cold War propaganda.

This, however, would be bad for America though as it balkanizes our nation and then the final argument becomes, 'We need to shed ourselves of the alien population in our midst....'

I'm all for the sociopath balkanizers being deported. I'm a good Jeffersonian Democrat and Liberal.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained
Stirling S. Newberry

Black racism, the real problem these days, not 'White Nationalism':

“ Fun Reconstruction Facts”

Another weak seam in the Republican fabric joined predominately mulatto antebellum free Negroes and the largely black ex-slaves.

In Louisiana and N. Carolina, the early monopolization of black leadership by the mulatto class aroused the color and class tensions never far from the surface in the black community.

A mulatto candidate for the 1868 constitutional convention in South Carolina said: “ If ever there is a ****** government – an unmixed ****** government – established in South Carolina, I shall move.”

On the other side, a black leader said of the mulattoes: “To what race do they belong? … I know that my ancestors trod the burning sands of Africa, but why should men in whose veins run a great preponderance of white blood seek to specially ally themselves with the black man, prate of 'our race', when they are simply mongrels.”

p.560, Ordeal By Fire – The Civil War and Reconstruction - James McPherson, Knopf, 1982.

Jeffersonian solution:

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.
Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

While I agree with most of that, I do think we are a stronger nation if we focus on our civic criteria for what it means to be American and place much less importance on ethnicity if any at all.

I agree, and the problems black people and other minorities are facing at this point are largely self-inflicted and white nationalists aren't the problem, it's their own cultural preferences and lame excuses at the root.
I find the nationalism subject interesting. I heard a gentleman named Ben Shapiro make an interesting comment about the old term "american exceptionalism". His point was that "americans" aren't exceptional by being american, the country has been exceptional by virtue of the founding principles that allowed people to reach their potential. Of course the left will see this as racist, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic....
And Ben is correct, of course, in that civic nationalism has been the underlying form of nationalism for the USA from the start.

The problem is that Ben does not agree that white people have any innate right to speak as a group for white interests. Like the reigning strain of conservative would have us all deracinated by default from the womb, Ben is totally AOK with that, but it is somehow essential for blacks to have their group rights respected; WTF, Ben? In fact guys like Ben would probably agree that white people do not even have the right to discuss racial issues whatsoever without being immediately labeled racist.

It was hilarious how Milo baited him by sending him a picture of a black baby when Ben had his child. Ben was all offended, but had Milo used a pic of a red-headed baby or an oriental baby, would he have been offended? If all distinction by race is wrong, an d we should all be racially color blind, then what is the insult in sending him a tweet with the picture of a black baby?

Of course, Ben does indeed have a preference that his child look like him in some respect, and that is exactly what Milo was poking at; the inherent hypocrisy of such conservatives who verbally claim color blindness but privately bristle when compared to blacks.

Ben is your typical cuckservative who cannot take his own prescription for what would solve racial problems in our country.
I have to admit I don't know Ben particularly well. I must say I'm a bit surprised to hear such things, the only times I've heard him speak he impressed me with his level head on most subjects, his citation of his claims and usually laughed at his utter destruction of leftists.

I am curious, I've only heard mention of people trying to get Ben and Milo to debate, are you aware if that has taken place?
I find the nationalism subject interesting. I heard a gentleman named Ben Shapiro make an interesting comment about the old term "american exceptionalism". His point was that "americans" aren't exceptional by being american, the country has been exceptional by virtue of the founding principles that allowed people to reach their potential. Of course the left will see this as racist, patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic....
And Ben is correct, of course, in that civic nationalism has been the underlying form of nationalism for the USA from the start.

The problem is that Ben does not agree that white people have any innate right to speak as a group for white interests. Like the reigning strain of conservative would have us all deracinated by default from the womb, Ben is totally AOK with that, but it is somehow essential for blacks to have their group rights respected; WTF, Ben? In fact guys like Ben would probably agree that white people do not even have the right to discuss racial issues whatsoever without being immediately labeled racist.

It was hilarious how Milo baited him by sending him a picture of a black baby when Ben had his child. Ben was all offended, but had Milo used a pic of a red-headed baby or an oriental baby, would he have been offended? If all distinction by race is wrong, an d we should all be racially color blind, then what is the insult in sending him a tweet with the picture of a black baby?

Of course, Ben does indeed have a preference that his child look like him in some respect, and that is exactly what Milo was poking at; the inherent hypocrisy of such conservatives who verbally claim color blindness but privately bristle when compared to blacks.

Ben is your typical cuckservative who cannot take his own prescription for what would solve racial problems in our country.
I have to admit I don't know Ben particularly well. I must say I'm a bit surprised to hear such things, the only times I've heard him speak he impressed me with his level head on most subjects, his citation of his claims and usually laughed at his utter destruction of leftists.

I am curious, I've only heard mention of people trying to get Ben and Milo to debate, are you aware if that has taken place?
Check this out at the 2:00 mark, where Shapiro says that David Duke is horrible fore being a race tribalist, which is not Dukes root problem. Dukes root problem is that he advocates stripping people of their civil rights based on race.

I dont know how whites can defend their own interests in this day of Identity Politics if not able to actually defend their own interests openly. So Ben's prescription is to continue the ongoing disaster for whites that we have had for the last 50 years.

The debate between Ben Shapiro and Milo never happened. Milo claims that he simply did not see or catch the invitation to debate and Ben says that he gave Milo over a week to respond then figured Milo was ducking him.
Agreed, but trolls need to be ignored online in order to disarm them. And white nationalist trolls are the backbone of perceived racism in this country (not to mention, there's a good number of them that are actually leftist, just fueling the flames of the racial divide).
then after 50 years of being ignored racism should be dead.

But it is not, it has simply learned to exploit the lefts rhetoric against them and they are now growing in numbers and influence.
Well, before Obamas presidency, the millennial generation was the most color blind (for lack of a better term) generation in US history. So it was on its way to dying. Since Obamas term, what has changed? Because now millenials perceive race as a prevalent problem. My own personal theory is that the left used racism as a straw man to many who disapproved of Obama.

I also don't think racism will ever die, it's sadly in human nature to huddle in tribes, and throw stones at other tribes to gain a sense of security and superiority. It can be severely diminished though, but still will be a small under current in society.
A Deadweight Burden on Society

Some races are more useful to the human species than others. Because of the behavior of the less evolved races,, a logical conclusion could be made that the less evolved races came from different primate species. Only survival of the fittest will help them catch up.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.
Ok but as this article points out, there are those in other minority groups who are guilty of the same type of thinking. So my question to you is, does this type of thought need to have the word white in front of it for it to be bad?
True and White Nationalists, as the New York Times article points out very clearly, are not racial supremacists, so Ascle's entire point is just delusional.

ANY racial discrimination is bad or else it is ALL good. You cant have it one way for one race and another way for other races.

Either we ditch tolerance for the anti-white racism or we will end up with the worst and most virile forms of pro-white Supremacism that will rival Hitler and the Nazis, no exaggeration, but they will use different symbolism.
Fallacy of false equivalency
You're going to have to explain where the false equivalency is...BC racism is attributing characteristics based on color so where's the false equivalency
In America, Blacks Have Never Been Treated Worse Than They Deserved

If "racism" is based on something trivial like color, why don't Whites discriminate against Whites who get a tan? Your dishonest cliché is like claiming that midgets don't get to play in the NBA only because of their Munchkin voices. But you've had that silly explanation about skin color drummed into you so much by the Whiteys Hating Whitey Establishment that you take it as true without ever thinking about it.
....We’d all be better off living separately, or at least acknowledging racial differences and allowing for them in public policy. ....

Even though racists like Asclepias, Steve_McGarrett and others favor such a segregationist policy, most Americans know it's bullshit, divisive and unworkable. It's also a fringe idea as many others on this forum have already noted time and time again.

While some label the election results "white lash", those that do are invested in keeping racial divisions alive. The election wasn't about race, it was primarily about a strong concern from a majority of Americans about the direction of the nation. Given only two choices, Americans voted for the more desirable of two deplorable candidates; Ms. More-of-the-same and Mr. Off-the-wall.
It's not 'unworkable'. Everyone was just fine during the Jim Crow period up until 1965, then everything went to shit.
Jemima Crow

Twenty trillion dollars wasted on unfit people. It's like telling the football coach to neglect his team and spend all his time trying to improve the athletic skills of the students he had to cut in tryouts.
Roof was a white nationalist. You cant just ignore them.
My roof is unbiased.......... :dunno:

Who is Roof?
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
If you ignore their voice then people (normal people) dont hear what they are saying and it becomes underground and harder to track. I think they should be spotlighted as much as possible so my people dont get the illusion that all is well.
You cant render white nationalism harmless. Its sole purpose for existing is to promote the white race over other races. Its the reason this world is so messed up today. There is no way to coexist with white nationalism. Its a virus. An emotional virus brought on by the debilitating fear of being recessive.

Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.
My roof is unbiased.......... :dunno:

Who is Roof?
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
If you ignore their voice then people (normal people) dont hear what they are saying and it becomes underground and harder to track. I think they should be spotlighted as much as possible so my people dont get the illusion that all is well.
Yeah but unfortunately that approach also does three other things, helps gain converts, eventually desensitizes people and can be (and has been for a while) used politically as a generalized weapon by some groups and certain people to demonize as a political ploy.
Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.

Socialism fills mass graves with every race, sex and religious are right, they don't discriminate when they murder....
Yeah......tell that to the 70 million Chinese murdered by their Chinese government.....the left wants to create a boogeyman.......white nationalism didn't murder close to 100 million people around the world...socialism did......but you guys don't care about that........of the two, the national socialists in Germany and their focus of race in their brand of socialism killed fewer people than the Chinese socialists to revise your post?
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.

No...actually. Socialists are more than happy to use racism as a weapon to attack their enemies....and as a shield to protect themselves against the criticism of their failed policies.......and then, when they are in power, they are more than happy to make all races miserable...
One question. What does socialism have to do with a discussion about white nationalism?

Because you claimed you can't ignore these guys and then claimed they cause the world to be screwed up....I showed you that socialism was the real threat, not white nationalism........since the white national socialists murdered fewer people than the Chinese socialists did....and socialism is the biggest problem the world faces, not a few guys living in their basements.....
No. White nationalism is the the threat. Socialism at its purest form is anti racist.

Its more than just a few guys. Its most whites. Not all of them openly admit to it but they cant hide.
Doesn't socialism need the ability to distinguish between different social groups to exist?
What does that have to do with racism? Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.

Socialism fills mass graves with every race, sex and religious are right, they don't discriminate when they murder....
White nationalism commits genocide, rapes women and little girls, gives every one syphilis, steals land, poisons the earth all in a misguided attempt to soothe a fragile inferiority complex.
The guy that was a coward and shot 9 Black church goers while they were praying instead of going to the hood and dealing with the people he feared the most.
That kinda shit's gonna happen, lone wolf terrorism. There's really not a whole lot one can do about it.
Obviously I forgot his name the second he committed that atrocity. Apparently he thinks he's going to be a "martyr to the cause" and for a very, very few he will, for all the rest of us if he's remembered at all it will be as a sick bastard that killed a bunch of innocent people.
You can do a lot if you dont ignore them. Of course it wont stop them but it will give them pause. Back when everyone ignored them they felt they had carte blanche and lynched, raped, sexually molested and bombed Black people with impunity.
That's not what I mean, monitor the hate groups (of all stripes), but ignore their "rhetoric and propaganda" from a media standpoint. Doesn't mean be aware, doesn't mean ignore their potential for violence just means ignore their "voice".
If you ignore their voice then people (normal people) dont hear what they are saying and it becomes underground and harder to track. I think they should be spotlighted as much as possible so my people dont get the illusion that all is well.
Yeah but unfortunately that approach also does three other things, helps gain converts, eventually desensitizes people and can be (and has been for a while) used politically as a generalized weapon by some groups and certain people to demonize as a political ploy.
The converts are going to come one way or the other. If you get desensitized to this sort of stuff then thats more of a priorities issue. I'm not desensitized to it because it has a bearing on my life. If a party attracts these types then it should be used as a political weapon. It should be pointed out that the party has the support of such people so others can take a closer look at the policies to determine why they are so attractive to white nationalists.
....Socialism is trying to get rid of all social classes while racism is based on one race being considered the rightful owners of all opportunity and resources.
Another definition is simply dividing people by race such as segregationists, Affirmative Action supporters, etc. It's simply discrimination or prejudice based on skin tone.

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