White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.
Marty, I don’t give a shit if you care or not. You live in your own reality and don’t seem interested in listening to other peoples perspectives . There are places you can go to live in an echo chamber which seems to be more fitting place for you than a forum like this.
His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.

Your logic:

I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.

Translation: a bunch of Obama era holdovers who are part of the Resistance are trashing Trump.

As if that has never happened before.
Actually its this:
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.

Translation: a bunch of Obama era holdovers who are part of the Resistance are trashing Trump.

As if that has never happened before.
Actually its this:

NPC Crowd Trump.jpeg
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.

Translation: a bunch of Obama era holdovers who are part of the Resistance are trashing Trump.

As if that has never happened before.
Actually its this:

View attachment 226289
Thats not funny, you need better material.
I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.

Translation: a bunch of Obama era holdovers who are part of the Resistance are trashing Trump.

As if that has never happened before.
Actually its this:

View attachment 226289
Thats not funny, you need better material.

It is times like these when I wish we had an "oi!" Button.

You just received your first oi.
40,000 Blacks killed in the Civil War in 4 years
Partially the fault of Abe Lincoln
4,000 Blacks killed in lynching in 80 years partially the fault of the KKK.

Now I can see why the KKK are disrespected but not why Abe Lincoln is respected.

You are comparing war with murders. What is there to discuss? How dumb that comparison is?

As if wars don't kill?

Any KKK wars?

If not why did up to 300,000 killed in Black on Black thuggery since 1970.

It seems the KKK are one of the smallest criminal groups on American soil.

Certainly not as prolific at killing than many others.

KKK wars? Ummm. yep. They were one of the best known of the insurgents fighting Reconstruction. Guess what? Their terrorism campaign against former Slaves and Northern Republican interlopers worked and by 1877 the Feds quit the occupation of the South.

Name the number killed in this KKK insurgency against Reconstruction?

Furthermore, name a valid source showing many were killed.

I'm sure W. Bush the exact opposite of a KKK person, killed much more.

Absolutely W. Bush being a mega-Zionist, who let in millions of Illegals, and many Islamic Refugees too is certainly the exact opposite of the KKK.

With that said, I'm against the KKK, for it's anti-Catholic views of the past, and for it's terroristic activities in the past.

But, to say the KKK is the main culprit of American problems, or American killings, is flat out ridiculous.
And yet, the KKK now claims to be part of the GOP.

Along with:
The American Nazi Party
The Aryan Nation
The Alt White
and White Nationalists.

Imagine that.

Antifa, BLM, convicted felons, child molesters, illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters and mass murdering jihadis all claim to be part of the Democrat party
Last edited:
So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.

Your logic:

View attachment 226281
Close... just replace water with the phrase “I’m a nationalist” and you’ll almost be there
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.

Your logic:

View attachment 226281
Close... just replace water with the phrase “I’m a nationalist” and you’ll almost be there
You know what's really funny? It's the fact that you think you posted a good argument.
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.
Nationalism has only existed about 200 years. Prior to that citizens did not have a lot of loyalty to their countries because no one felt particularly loyal to a monarch who considered them to be his property. One thing that has caused mass slaughter on an incredible scale is internationalism.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

You start talking about White Nationalism, and then suddenly switch to talking about Nationalism.

Their is not historical "context" of those to very different IDEAS being connected in any way.

Trump is absolutely right to be a Nationalist. He is a NATIONAL leader.

It is his JOB to work for the NATION's interests.

Your attempt to smear him with "white nationalist, utterly proves the point of the OP.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

You start talking about White Nationalism, and then suddenly switch to talking about Nationalism.

Their is not historical "context" of those to very different IDEAS being connected in any way.

Trump is absolutely right to be a Nationalist. He is a NATIONAL leader.

It is his JOB to work for the NATION's interests.

Your attempt to smear him with "white nationalist, utterly proves the point of the OP.
If we called Andrew Gillum a "black communist," they'd be calling us racists, but it's not racist to point out the race of white people.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.

Your logic:

View attachment 226281
Close... just replace water with the phrase “I’m a nationalist” and you’ll almost be there

Without nationalism what force holds this nation together?
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

You start talking about White Nationalism, and then suddenly switch to talking about Nationalism.

Their is not historical "context" of those to very different IDEAS being connected in any way.

Trump is absolutely right to be a Nationalist. He is a NATIONAL leader.

It is his JOB to work for the NATION's interests.

Your attempt to smear him with "white nationalist, utterly proves the point of the OP.
If we called Andrew Gillum a "black communist," they'd be calling us racists, but it's not racist to point out the race of white people.

There is no logic to their logic.

All they have is a lot of loud voices thanks to their dominance of media and pop culture, and stonewalling.

YOu can point out the fact that what they say is bullshit, over and over again, and they don't care.

They still pretend to believe it.
You are comparing war with murders. What is there to discuss? How dumb that comparison is?

As if wars don't kill?

Any KKK wars?

If not why did up to 300,000 killed in Black on Black thuggery since 1970.

It seems the KKK are one of the smallest criminal groups on American soil.

Certainly not as prolific at killing than many others.

KKK wars? Ummm. yep. They were one of the best known of the insurgents fighting Reconstruction. Guess what? Their terrorism campaign against former Slaves and Northern Republican interlopers worked and by 1877 the Feds quit the occupation of the South.

Name the number killed in this KKK insurgency against Reconstruction?

Furthermore, name a valid source showing many were killed.

I'm sure W. Bush the exact opposite of a KKK person, killed much more.

Absolutely W. Bush being a mega-Zionist, who let in millions of Illegals, and many Islamic Refugees too is certainly the exact opposite of the KKK.

With that said, I'm against the KKK, for it's anti-Catholic views of the past, and for it's terroristic activities in the past.

But, to say the KKK is the main culprit of American problems, or American killings, is flat out ridiculous.
And yet, the KKK now claims to be part of the GOP.

Along with:
The American Nazi Party
The Aryan Nation
The Alt White
and White Nationalists.

Imagine that.

Antifa, BLM, convicted felons, child molesters, illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters and mass murdering jihadis all claim to be part of the Democrat party
So what? There are whackos that claim to be part of all political parties and religions for that matter. What point are you trying to make?
That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.

Your logic:

View attachment 226281
Close... just replace water with the phrase “I’m a nationalist” and you’ll almost be there
You know what's really funny? It's the fact that you think you posted a good argument.
Well you didn’t post anything to counter it so again you are just wasting space.
So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

Indeed. As I noted, now that Racism is becoming meaningless, the Progs need a new way to attack white people as racists, hence the amplification of the term "White Nationalist". They use the bogus logic:

1. Some white people are racists.
2. Some white people believe in nationalism instead of globalism.
3. Therefore white people who believe in nationalism are racists.
Like it or not Nationalism has been used by dictators dating back over a hundred years and has been a contributing factor in two world wars. It has been clinged onto and used by Nazis and white supremasists. You can’t deny that history.

Just as commie has been branded by its history, nationalism has been tarnished as well. You can play the definition game bit communication is about understanding and perspective. It’s been explained how the term Nationalism is perceived around the world.

You are obviously dig into defending it. I’m sure you have your reasons. I disagree. Don’t know if there is more to say.
Nationalism has only existed about 200 years. Prior to that citizens did not have a lot of loyalty to their countries because no one felt particularly loyal to a monarch who considered them to be his property. One thing that has caused mass slaughter on an incredible scale is internationalism.
How so?
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.

You start talking about White Nationalism, and then suddenly switch to talking about Nationalism.

Their is not historical "context" of those to very different IDEAS being connected in any way.

Trump is absolutely right to be a Nationalist. He is a NATIONAL leader.

It is his JOB to work for the NATION's interests.

Your attempt to smear him with "white nationalist, utterly proves the point of the OP.
Did you listen to scaramuccis explanation that I posted? Doesn’t sound like you’ve been paying attention. Go listen to it and let me know what you disagree with


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