White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

You have perverted the term to be equated with Racism.

That's what you do. Turn decent American values and concepts into ugly things.
How have I done that?

By supporting and promoting the Progressive new vocabulary and agenda.
How is it a progressive new vocabulary? The term has been used by Nazis for decades and more recently by White Supremisist groups to self identify. Are you calling these groups progressives?

I suggest you actually read up on how the meaning of words has been twisted by the Left over the past century.
What I see when I read up is a long history of Nazi and communist disctaors using that label and ideology to rally support for their oppressive regimes. I also see white supremasist groups in this country adopting the term for their own ideology as well. Are you denying that these things actually happened?

Most communist movements, are internationalist, not nationalist.
And I just showed a video of a Trump supporter, Not a Hater, that has a problem with Trump using the Nationalist term and then he laid out the history and reasoning behind his opinion. It’s called logic and having an understanding of history. Try it

he's wrong. Being on TV doesn't make you right.

He's playing right into their hands.
Did you watch the interview? What specifically is he wrong about?

I don't have to. It's surrender pure and simple.
Haha. Just what I thought. You are arguing from a position of ignorance. How in the word can you make a judgement that somebody is wrong if you haven’t even heard what they said. You are a complete joke. How is anybody supposed to take anything you say seriously.

You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.
Fascist regimes like Franco's, Mussolini's, and Hitler's all hated Liberal Socialist.
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.

The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.
he's wrong. Being on TV doesn't make you right.

He's playing right into their hands.
Did you watch the interview? What specifically is he wrong about?

I don't have to. It's surrender pure and simple.
Haha. Just what I thought. You are arguing from a position of ignorance. How in the word can you make a judgement that somebody is wrong if you haven’t even heard what they said. You are a complete joke. How is anybody supposed to take anything you say seriously.

You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I'm not going back to find a transcript but the question is not difficult. Nationalism by definition does not mean one embraces the identity of the body politic of an entire nation: for example, "Scottish nationalism."

nationalism | Definition of nationalism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Scottish nationalism is separate and apart, and perhaps not reconcilable, with British nationalism.

One question about Trump - and his supporters - is whether they view Latino, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh (hey Nikki Haley that's you too) as being equally capable of Patriotism or supporting ALL of American ideals as to generations of previous immigrants. MOST Americans have concluded either Trump cannot, or there is a question about his being able to.

If Trump and/or supporters do not, then the question is whether making the race/religion distinction is based in fact or prejudice.

Thus,The second question is outright racism.

Given Trump's difficulties in accepting Obama as the President, illegal discrimination renting to blacks, his statements regarding the central park five, his statements regarding black crime ( The most glaring inaccuracies have to do with white homicide victims. Trump cast blacks as the primary killers of whites, but the exact opposite is true. By overwhelming percentages, whites tend to kill other whites. Similarly, blacks tend to kill other blacks. These trends have been observed for decades) is HE A RACIST?

I don't see any basis to doubt he's a died in the wool racist.
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.

The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.
Well, you see boedicca has to separate some from the body politic. And that is the sin of nationalism.
Did you watch the interview? What specifically is he wrong about?

I don't have to. It's surrender pure and simple.
Haha. Just what I thought. You are arguing from a position of ignorance. How in the word can you make a judgement that somebody is wrong if you haven’t even heard what they said. You are a complete joke. How is anybody supposed to take anything you say seriously.

You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.

The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.
The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.
I could call you a bitch and a pussy and by definition be wrong because you are neither a dog nor a cat. But everybody would know what I mean. And probably most would agree :boobies:
That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.
I could call you a bitch and a pussy and by definition be wrong because you are neither a dog nor a cat. But everybody would know what I mean. And probably most would agree :boobies:

Normal people understand that Progs mangle the English Language.
In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.
I could call you a bitch and a pussy and by definition be wrong because you are neither a dog nor a cat. But everybody would know what I mean. And probably most would agree :boobies:

Normal people understand that Progs mangle the English Language.
Oh great arguement. I guess you win with that one. Go get yourself a cookie
The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.

Of course you are. No it's not.
That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.

In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.

Of course you are. No it's not.

Yes, my definition is accurate. If you had actually learned anything about philosophy, history, economics and political systems, you'd agree. But as you are a brainwashed Prog, you believe that:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.
In reality, it wasn't until Goldberg's twisted history came out that spun the Nazi-Fascism into liberals.

Perspective | There is nothing liberal about fascism

There's nothing Liberal about present day Liberal-Progressive Democrats.

You can spin all you want. What Nazism is is Totalitarianism. Just like your Progressivism.

Forgive me if I don't accept your Goldberg like definition of Liberal/Progressive Democrats.

I'm perfectly copacetic with the definition I provided. It's true.

Of course you are. No it's not.

Yes, my definition is accurate. If you had actually learned anything about philosophy, history, economics and political systems, you'd agree. But as you are a brainwashed Prog, you believe that:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

No, in reality it's not. Your definition betrays you.

from War is Kind ['Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind'] by Stephen Crane
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
The Trump administration’s plan to deploy thousands of troops to the U.S. border took officials by surprise, with many senior-level Defense Department officers saying they believed the move was politically motivated and a waste of money, multiple Pentagon sources with knowledge of the directive told Newsweek.

There is no threat, its just a paranoid fantasy.
His parade on the southern border.

Translation: a bunch of Obama era holdovers who are part of the Resistance are trashing Trump.

As if that has never happened before.
I don't have to. It's surrender pure and simple.
Haha. Just what I thought. You are arguing from a position of ignorance. How in the word can you make a judgement that somebody is wrong if you haven’t even heard what they said. You are a complete joke. How is anybody supposed to take anything you say seriously.

You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
Trump is simply not a Nationalist. A real Nationalist would not say:

“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Trump said. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”

What he is, is a con-man. A racist for sure but not a nationalist or a patriot. He's in it for him.

The real con-man said: If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

Just sayin'.

No one ever accused President Obama of being a zealous Nationalist either. Just sayin........

"Those opposed to the ACA like to think that Obama was somehow being duplicitous when he made this statement. The fact of the matter is he made this statement early on in the process and after much debate, hearings, amendments, etc. it eventually got dropped. The ACA took over a year to complete and took a lot of work by a lot of people. It may not have been perfect but it was a sight better than what was available prior."


I don't accept nationalist as the epithet you intend.

"Trump promised healthcare which would be more comprehensive and with better coverage at a cheaper cost."

So, he's a liar....like Obama.

Why is health care a federal issue when we can't do anything about it.
Haha. Just what I thought. You are arguing from a position of ignorance. How in the word can you make a judgement that somebody is wrong if you haven’t even heard what they said. You are a complete joke. How is anybody supposed to take anything you say seriously.

You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.
You explained his position, it's wrong on it's face. Being a Nationalist is closer to being patriotic than being a white nationalist.

But then people let the left control the language and you get apologists like that asshat giving up the ghost.
No I didn’t explain his position, I posted a video so you could hear it from his mouth and now you’ve wasted all this time and space arguing about something that you literally know nothing about because you are too lazy to take a few minutes to watch it. You’re a joke man. Do better.

His position is "Trump is wrong about using the word nationalism in a positive way".

The rest is just talking heads talking.

How about you speak for yourself and stop posting the opinions of fellow cucks?
I have spoken for myself but partisan boneheads like yourself don’t take the time to listen and respond with respect and consideration to libtards like me, so my words fall on deaf ears. So instead I use your own against you. You can dismiss me all day cause I’m a libtard, but when a Trump friend makes the same argument you can’t fall back to theTypical libtard excuse that you like to hide behind. Sorry your little tactics don’t work. Do better and try to educate yourself before passing judgement. You didn’t even watch the video... what a joke

So congrats, he has a friend as retarded as you are.
You are in no position to call anybody retarded. You didn’t even listen to his argument yet you think he is regarded. So ignorant.

He was defending Trump the whole time too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that.

That won't make me care either.

Nationalist is not White Nationalist.

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