White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.

We're not fooled. "Nationalism", in it's current useage, refers to "white nationalism". Trump has dropped the "white" because it makes it easier for him to lie about what he means. He's not going after white people sneaking in from Canada across the longest unprotected border in the world. He's not crying "Build that wall" along the Canadian border.

Trump is far from being a nationalist. Well, maybe a Russian nationalist, but certainly not an American nationalist. He doesn't protect American jobs. His goods are all manufactured offshore. He brings Mexicans in under visa to work in his Florida hotels. He's levied all kinds of import duties on goods coming into the US, none of which have translated into more jobs for low wage Americans, but which have translated into higher prices for imported goods.

And he personally pockets millions in the tax cuts he's signed into law since he was elected.

In order for that to be true, at least we know he's been paying A LOT in taxes.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
It's only embarrassing to morons like you. Trump uses the word in its proper sense. Only commies in our public universities and their brainwashed minions believe there's something shameful about it. If you are against our government placing the interests of Americans above the interests of foreigners, you're a communist.
Naw, I just think it would be nice if the president of the United States didn’t casually announce he was a nationalist in a post WW2 age when white supremasists have been identifying as Nationalists. Especially when millions of people are taking offense of Trumps language and are questioning whether he is a racist. There shouldn’t be any question about that sort of thing with our president. It should be crystal clear, but I guess politics is war now a days. If he is fighting he is winning
Sorry, but the only people who get the vapors over the president using the term nationalist are people who hate his guts anyway.

You can't let others control the language, especially when they are idiots.
That’s not true. The Mooch who is a great friend and supporter of Trump explained it very well. I’ll let you see for yourself:

As if any normal people accept either The Mooch or Cuomo as authorities on anything.

Well when marty says that only trump haters have a problem with the nationalism phrase and I post a video showing a conservative friend of Trump explaining the historical Context and why it’s not an appropriate phrase to use then it pretty much does fly in the face of Marty’s point. How can you disagree with that?

One guy.

One guy on TV expressing the sentiments of many. Did you watch the interview yet or find a transcript to read?


How about you voice your own opinion instead of linking others.
Lol, CNN.

Sorry, videos don't work on my work computer.

There are nationalists who are white nationalists, and there are nationalists who are not.

I went through the same shit during my punk rock days, where there are racist skinheads, and there are non-racist skinheads.
CNN makes zero difference, it is an interview with Trumps buddy. How do videos not work on your computer? Google search “Scaramucci Cuomo interview nationalism” and listen or read a transcript. You might learn something about a different perspective.

I don't care about the opinion of another talking head, Trump's buddy or not.
It doesn’t matter if you care or not, you shouldn’t be make stupid statements proclaiming that only Trump haters oppose him using the phrase nationalism. It’s just not an accurate statement.

It's not about opposing, it's about them caring about it due to them hating ANYTHING Trump does.

Only lefty prog-cucks get the pavlovian effect of nationalism = Hitler.
Some may feel that way, but there is substance behind the criticism that even Trump SUPPORTERS can feel, as I presented with the Scaramucci video

Don't care.

I refuse to let progs dictate the language.
Lol, CNN.

Sorry, videos don't work on my work computer.

There are nationalists who are white nationalists, and there are nationalists who are not.

I went through the same shit during my punk rock days, where there are racist skinheads, and there are non-racist skinheads.

It is times like these when I wish we had an "oi!" Button.

You just received your first oi.
where are your numbers frat boi?

40,000 Blacks killed in the Civil War in 4 years
Partially the fault of Abe Lincoln
4,000 Blacks killed in lynching in 80 years partially the fault of the KKK.

Now I can see why the KKK are disrespected but not why Abe Lincoln is respected.

You are comparing war with murders. What is there to discuss? How dumb that comparison is?

As if wars don't kill?

Any KKK wars?

If not why did up to 300,000 killed in Black on Black thuggery since 1970.

It seems the KKK are one of the smallest criminal groups on American soil.

Certainly not as prolific at killing than many others.

KKK wars? Ummm. yep. They were one of the best known of the insurgents fighting Reconstruction. Guess what? Their terrorism campaign against former Slaves and Northern Republican interlopers worked and by 1877 the Feds quit the occupation of the South.

Name the number killed in this KKK insurgency against Reconstruction?

Furthermore, name a valid source showing many were killed.

I'm sure W. Bush the exact opposite of a KKK person, killed much more.

Absolutely W. Bush being a mega-Zionist, who let in millions of Illegals, and many Islamic Refugees too is certainly the exact opposite of the KKK.

With that said, I'm against the KKK, for it's anti-Catholic views of the past, and for it's terroristic activities in the past.

But, to say the KKK is the main culprit of American problems, or American killings, is flat out ridiculous.
And yet, the KKK now claims to be part of the GOP.

Along with:
The American Nazi Party
The Aryan Nation
The Alt White
and White Nationalists.

Imagine that.
It is times like these when I wish we had an "oi!" Button.

You just received your first oi.
40,000 Blacks killed in the Civil War in 4 years
Partially the fault of Abe Lincoln
4,000 Blacks killed in lynching in 80 years partially the fault of the KKK.

Now I can see why the KKK are disrespected but not why Abe Lincoln is respected.

You are comparing war with murders. What is there to discuss? How dumb that comparison is?

As if wars don't kill?

Any KKK wars?

If not why did up to 300,000 killed in Black on Black thuggery since 1970.

It seems the KKK are one of the smallest criminal groups on American soil.

Certainly not as prolific at killing than many others.

KKK wars? Ummm. yep. They were one of the best known of the insurgents fighting Reconstruction. Guess what? Their terrorism campaign against former Slaves and Northern Republican interlopers worked and by 1877 the Feds quit the occupation of the South.

Name the number killed in this KKK insurgency against Reconstruction?

Furthermore, name a valid source showing many were killed.

I'm sure W. Bush the exact opposite of a KKK person, killed much more.

Absolutely W. Bush being a mega-Zionist, who let in millions of Illegals, and many Islamic Refugees too is certainly the exact opposite of the KKK.

With that said, I'm against the KKK, for it's anti-Catholic views of the past, and for it's terroristic activities in the past.

But, to say the KKK is the main culprit of American problems, or American killings, is flat out ridiculous.
And yet, the KKK now claims to be part of the GOP.

Along with:
The American Nazi Party
The Aryan Nation
The Alt White
and White Nationalists.

Imagine that.

They can claim anything they want. They don't matter.
It is times like these when I wish we had an "oi!" Button.

You just received your first oi.
40,000 Blacks killed in the Civil War in 4 years
Partially the fault of Abe Lincoln
4,000 Blacks killed in lynching in 80 years partially the fault of the KKK.

Now I can see why the KKK are disrespected but not why Abe Lincoln is respected.

You are comparing war with murders. What is there to discuss? How dumb that comparison is?

As if wars don't kill?

Any KKK wars?

If not why did up to 300,000 killed in Black on Black thuggery since 1970.

It seems the KKK are one of the smallest criminal groups on American soil.

Certainly not as prolific at killing than many others.

KKK wars? Ummm. yep. They were one of the best known of the insurgents fighting Reconstruction. Guess what? Their terrorism campaign against former Slaves and Northern Republican interlopers worked and by 1877 the Feds quit the occupation of the South.

Name the number killed in this KKK insurgency against Reconstruction?

Furthermore, name a valid source showing many were killed.

I'm sure W. Bush the exact opposite of a KKK person, killed much more.

Absolutely W. Bush being a mega-Zionist, who let in millions of Illegals, and many Islamic Refugees too is certainly the exact opposite of the KKK.

With that said, I'm against the KKK, for it's anti-Catholic views of the past, and for it's terroristic activities in the past.

But, to say the KKK is the main culprit of American problems, or American killings, is flat out ridiculous.
And yet, the KKK now claims to be part of the GOP.

Along with:
The American Nazi Party
The Aryan Nation
The Alt White
and White Nationalists.

Imagine that.

If you go to White powe forums, a lot of people have been disgusted with both Democrats & Republicans.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
Actually whats different now is the depolyment of troops to the border. As explained here, the only reason is to gin up his base.
Trump May Finally Be Getting Too Racist for America.

I'd call that projection. You loons on the Left may do everything to "gin up the base", but most of the rest of us believe in doing our duty-fulfilling our responsibilities. Trump has a duty of care to protect the United States. An invading force (include diseased people and criminals) is headed towards our border. He would be remiss in his duty to not send troops to keep them out.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
It's only embarrassing to morons like you. Trump uses the word in its proper sense. Only commies in our public universities and their brainwashed minions believe there's something shameful about it. If you are against our government placing the interests of Americans above the interests of foreigners, you're a communist.
Naw, I just think it would be nice if the president of the United States didn’t casually announce he was a nationalist in a post WW2 age when white supremasists have been identifying as Nationalists. Especially when millions of people are taking offense of Trumps language and are questioning whether he is a racist. There shouldn’t be any question about that sort of thing with our president. It should be crystal clear, but I guess politics is war now a days. If he is fighting he is winning

Translation: The Left wants Trump to be a Leftie. Anything he does to the contrary is Racist-Sexist-Transphobic-Islamaphobic....
CNN makes zero difference, it is an interview with Trumps buddy. How do videos not work on your computer? Google search “Scaramucci Cuomo interview nationalism” and listen or read a transcript. You might learn something about a different perspective.

I don't care about the opinion of another talking head, Trump's buddy or not.
It doesn’t matter if you care or not, you shouldn’t be make stupid statements proclaiming that only Trump haters oppose him using the phrase nationalism. It’s just not an accurate statement.

It's not about opposing, it's about them caring about it due to them hating ANYTHING Trump does.

Only lefty prog-cucks get the pavlovian effect of nationalism = Hitler.
Some may feel that way, but there is substance behind the criticism that even Trump SUPPORTERS can feel, as I presented with the Scaramucci video

Don't care.

I refuse to let progs dictate the language.

BINGO. It is time to reclaim the English Language.
That’s not true. The Mooch who is a great friend and supporter of Trump explained it very well. I’ll let you see for yourself:

As if any normal people accept either The Mooch or Cuomo as authorities on anything.

Well when marty says that only trump haters have a problem with the nationalism phrase and I post a video showing a conservative friend of Trump explaining the historical Context and why it’s not an appropriate phrase to use then it pretty much does fly in the face of Marty’s point. How can you disagree with that?

One guy.

One guy on TV expressing the sentiments of many. Did you watch the interview yet or find a transcript to read?


How about you voice your own opinion instead of linking others.

I didn’t voice my opinion but I’m a libtard by your standards so I don’t expect my opinion matters much to you. What I will do is call out your false statements and back up my counter arguments with links, videos, and logic which is what I just did. You’re missing a perspective in this conversation, I suggest you open your mind and try to learn something instead of doubling down on inaccurate statements
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".
What you just said doesn’t counter what I said. I didn’t say anything about parties. I just brought up the historical context of the term nationalism
Are you dense it puts the term National Socialist in its proper context. The term National Socialist did not exist until it was invented by the founders of the National Socialist German Workers Party. It is used to associate those it names National Socialist with the National Socialist German Workers Party. In other words those so named are Hitler lovers.

Fascist regimes like Franco's, Mussolini's, and Hitler's all hated Liberal Socialist.
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.

The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.
CNN makes zero difference, it is an interview with Trumps buddy. How do videos not work on your computer? Google search “Scaramucci Cuomo interview nationalism” and listen or read a transcript. You might learn something about a different perspective.

I don't care about the opinion of another talking head, Trump's buddy or not.
It doesn’t matter if you care or not, you shouldn’t be make stupid statements proclaiming that only Trump haters oppose him using the phrase nationalism. It’s just not an accurate statement.

It's not about opposing, it's about them caring about it due to them hating ANYTHING Trump does.

Only lefty prog-cucks get the pavlovian effect of nationalism = Hitler.
Some may feel that way, but there is substance behind the criticism that even Trump SUPPORTERS can feel, as I presented with the Scaramucci video

Don't care.

I refuse to let progs dictate the language.
How are progs dictating the language? If you could get out of your own way for a minute, educate yourself about history, and also see what’s happening in our modern society you might see that the type of people who are identifying themselves as nationalists. It isn’t a Lefty Label, it’s a term that white supremasists and Nazi identify themselves by.
You have put your ignorance on display for everyone to see. The National Socialist German Workers Party was so named to differentiate German National socialism from Soviet global socialism. Study some history before you parrot the line of ignorance and let your "alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass".
What you just said doesn’t counter what I said. I didn’t say anything about parties. I just brought up the historical context of the term nationalism
Are you dense it puts the term National Socialist in its proper context. The term National Socialist did not exist until it was invented by the founders of the National Socialist German Workers Party. It is used to associate those it names National Socialist with the National Socialist German Workers Party. In other words those so named are Hitler lovers.

Fascist regimes like Franco's, Mussolini's, and Hitler's all hated Liberal Socialist.
The National Socialist German Workers Party were socialists and they hated communists with every cell of their being. How long will you deny the truth? Socialists are so frightened of being associated with the National Socialist German Workers Party through socialism they go to extraordinary lengths trying to deny that association. As far as Franco and Mussolini hating socialists I was never interested enough in those bit players find out.

The Nazi's were fascist and hated all others including Socialist and Communist. Franco was Hitler's testing ground. Any discussion about the Nazi/Fascist that ignores their alliance is bound to as fruitless as talking to someone who thinks today's Democratic Socialist are somehow linked to the German Nazis.

That's the Prog Spin. Communism-Socialist-Fascism and their offshoots are all Authoritarian-Totalitarian Ideology. The Left has desperately spun the propaganda that Fascism is righwing. It's not. It is totalitarian and part of your ideological universe.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
It's only embarrassing to morons like you. Trump uses the word in its proper sense. Only commies in our public universities and their brainwashed minions believe there's something shameful about it. If you are against our government placing the interests of Americans above the interests of foreigners, you're a communist.
Naw, I just think it would be nice if the president of the United States didn’t casually announce he was a nationalist in a post WW2 age when white supremasists have been identifying as Nationalists. Especially when millions of people are taking offense of Trumps language and are questioning whether he is a racist. There shouldn’t be any question about that sort of thing with our president. It should be crystal clear, but I guess politics is war now a days. If he is fighting he is winning

Translation: The Left wants Trump to be a Leftie. Anything he does to the contrary is Racist-Sexist-Transphobic-Islamaphobic....
Incorrect. My statement doesn’t need your distorted translation, it speaks for itself. Stop injecting your bullshit to try and make others look wrong. It’s a petty and ineffective tactic
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
It's only embarrassing to morons like you. Trump uses the word in its proper sense. Only commies in our public universities and their brainwashed minions believe there's something shameful about it. If you are against our government placing the interests of Americans above the interests of foreigners, you're a communist.
Naw, I just think it would be nice if the president of the United States didn’t casually announce he was a nationalist in a post WW2 age when white supremasists have been identifying as Nationalists. Especially when millions of people are taking offense of Trumps language and are questioning whether he is a racist. There shouldn’t be any question about that sort of thing with our president. It should be crystal clear, but I guess politics is war now a days. If he is fighting he is winning

Translation: The Left wants Trump to be a Leftie. Anything he does to the contrary is Racist-Sexist-Transphobic-Islamaphobic....
Incorrect. My statement doesn’t need your distorted translation, it speaks for itself. Stop injecting your bullshit to try and make others look wrong. It’s a petty and ineffective tactic

Here's a little story about that: No.

You Progs have bastardized our language, history and culture. I will continue to call you on as long as I decide to do so.
To say that modern day democrats hold the same values as those from nearly 100 years ago is just stupid. It’s not true of either party. Also White Supremasists and Nazis have adopted the Nationalist term going back to the Germans and WW2 and other commie societies. It is part of an effort to normalize white supremacy in our modern times. When we have a president calling himself a nationalist it is absolutely embarassing. He is either clueless about the historical context of the phrase or he is rallying a base of really ugly people.
It's only embarrassing to morons like you. Trump uses the word in its proper sense. Only commies in our public universities and their brainwashed minions believe there's something shameful about it. If you are against our government placing the interests of Americans above the interests of foreigners, you're a communist.
Naw, I just think it would be nice if the president of the United States didn’t casually announce he was a nationalist in a post WW2 age when white supremasists have been identifying as Nationalists. Especially when millions of people are taking offense of Trumps language and are questioning whether he is a racist. There shouldn’t be any question about that sort of thing with our president. It should be crystal clear, but I guess politics is war now a days. If he is fighting he is winning

Translation: The Left wants Trump to be a Leftie. Anything he does to the contrary is Racist-Sexist-Transphobic-Islamaphobic....
Incorrect. My statement doesn’t need your distorted translation, it speaks for itself. Stop injecting your bullshit to try and make others look wrong. It’s a petty and ineffective tactic

Here's a little story about that: No.

You Progs have bastardized our language, history and culture. I will continue to call you on as long as I decide to do so.
I’m sure you will do whatever the hell you want. It’s just amusing that you need make shit up and distort my statements because you are obviously not equipped with the smarts to use facts, intellect and honest arguments.

Answer this... how have progressives bastardized the term Nationalists?
As if any normal people accept either The Mooch or Cuomo as authorities on anything.
Well when marty says that only trump haters have a problem with the nationalism phrase and I post a video showing a conservative friend of Trump explaining the historical Context and why it’s not an appropriate phrase to use then it pretty much does fly in the face of Marty’s point. How can you disagree with that?

One guy.
One guy on TV expressing the sentiments of many. Did you watch the interview yet or find a transcript to read?


How about you voice your own opinion instead of linking others.
I didn’t voice my opinion but I’m a libtard by your standards so I don’t expect my opinion matters much to you. What I will do is call out your false statements and back up my counter arguments with links, videos, and logic which is what I just did. You’re missing a perspective in this conversation, I suggest you open your mind and try to learn something instead of doubling down on inaccurate statements

What false statement? I stated my view that only people who already hate Trump will really care about all this.
I don't care about the opinion of another talking head, Trump's buddy or not.
It doesn’t matter if you care or not, you shouldn’t be make stupid statements proclaiming that only Trump haters oppose him using the phrase nationalism. It’s just not an accurate statement.

It's not about opposing, it's about them caring about it due to them hating ANYTHING Trump does.

Only lefty prog-cucks get the pavlovian effect of nationalism = Hitler.
Some may feel that way, but there is substance behind the criticism that even Trump SUPPORTERS can feel, as I presented with the Scaramucci video

Don't care.

I refuse to let progs dictate the language.
How are progs dictating the language? If you could get out of your own way for a minute, educate yourself about history, and also see what’s happening in our modern society you might see that the type of people who are identifying themselves as nationalists. It isn’t a Lefty Label, it’s a term that white supremasists and Nazi identify themselves by.

They identify themselves as WHITE NATIONALISTS. Again I gave the example of racist punk/skinhead culture vs. non-racist punk/skinhead culture.

And when the left tries to remove terms like illegal alien from polite discussion, you have a perfect example of them trying to control the language.

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