White nationalists look to take over the GOP

...and here is whitey afraid of 12% of the population.
Has any one ever counted up the number of people dead because of Obama? How many are dead because he....

...gave thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in hopes of running up a body count high enough to allow a realistic run at taking away American's rights to own guns....

...ran/gave guns / weapons to terrorists - ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood...

...allowed terrorists into the country to kill Americans, like the 7 in California...after mocking Americans by saying they were afraid of 'widows and orphans'...

...allowed terrorists to kill Americans, failing to stop attacks / prevent American deaths when he KNEW the attacks were coming (Benghazi) and / or knew the identities of the terrorists in advance (Boston Marathon attack)...

As has been said, being in positions of power make extremists 'threats'.

Case in point:

Antifa, who admitted they showed up intent on INSTIGATING VIOLENCE, was more of a threat in Charlottesville than were a bunch of white supremacists exercising their right to peacefully assemble and right of free speech, who had legal permits to do so.

You actually saw / see Democrat politicians SUPPORT Antifa. The GOP supported the white supremacists' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. There's a big difference between the 2: The Left's violent intolerance vs actual tolerance and respect for the Constitution and Rule of law.


Let's give the GOP to the White Nationalists and the Democratic Party to the Regressives.

Then we can start three NEW parties for people who haven't completely lost their shit.
'Give'? You mean surrender the party to them as the Democrats did to the Socialists ... Or Hillary in 2016?

Ummm, no thanks.
Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?

When he was a Democrat. And he thought of Oprah as his running mate.
I am going to unwatch this thread so you will be talking to each other.


Let's give the GOP to the White Nationalists and the Democratic Party to the Regressives.

Then we can start three NEW parties for people who haven't completely lost their shit.
'Give'? You mean surrender the party to them as the Democrats did to the Socialists ... Or Hillary in 2016?

Ummm, no thanks.
Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?

When he was a Democrat. And he thought of Oprah as his running mate.

I don't see how that is an answer to my question. Or has anything to do with anything I posted.

Here it is again.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?


Let's give the GOP to the White Nationalists and the Democratic Party to the Regressives.

Then we can start three NEW parties for people who haven't completely lost their shit.
'Give'? You mean surrender the party to them as the Democrats did to the Socialists ... Or Hillary in 2016?

Ummm, no thanks.
Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?
You could stay with the GOP in my scenario, that's fine.

Your scenario is nonsense. The white nationalists are a irrelevant fringe.

Meanwhile you know the last Dem Candidate was a Regressive on steroids.

And you know the next one will be even worse.
This is what I (try to) point out when you and I discuss race.

That Trump meme tears into the very core of millions of people and who they are. What they are, beneath politics or religion. And to see the beloved standard-bearer of a party do something that blatant only reinforces what they already think.

Your response? Meh, who cares. It doesn't matter. It's nothing. Move on. Nothing to see here. Their opinions don't matter.

Okay. Now we understand each other.
Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.
You mean Hillary lost to Trump ... With the help of votes from Democrats...like some of Bernie's supporters after Hillary and the DNC screwed him...
'Give'? You mean surrender the party to them as the Democrats did to the Socialists ... Or Hillary in 2016?

Ummm, no thanks.
Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?
You could stay with the GOP in my scenario, that's fine.

Your scenario is nonsense. The white nationalists are a irrelevant fringe.

Meanwhile you know the last Dem Candidate was a Regressive on steroids.

And you know the next one will be even worse.
This is what I (try to) point out when you and I discuss race.

That Trump meme tears into the very core of millions of people and who they are. What they are, beneath politics or religion. And to see the beloved standard-bearer of a party do something that blatant only reinforces what they already think.

Your response? Meh, who cares. It doesn't matter. It's nothing. Move on. Nothing to see here. Their opinions don't matter.

Okay. Now we understand each other.

He blew off an asshole question. He did not state support for Duke. That that blow off has been spun into "evidence" of support for white supremacy is on those who have done and are still doing the spin.

If that is all it takes to "convince" you that he is a white supremacist supporter, then there is nothing that anyone can do about that.

There will always be a lie that you can choose to believe, ignoring the vastly greater amount of real proof of the opposing truth.
Yes, he's the GOP standard-bearer. He represents the GOP.
He's the President of every American who voted him into office and those who did not.

He was the 'lesser of evils', and he has delivered more success for the US in 2 years than Obama did in 8 and more than Felon Hillary ever would have...more success than seen in DECADES, in some cases EVER...and that is driving you snowflakes literally insane.

Hell, you've already surrendered it to Trump.

I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?
You could stay with the GOP in my scenario, that's fine.

Your scenario is nonsense. The white nationalists are a irrelevant fringe.

Meanwhile you know the last Dem Candidate was a Regressive on steroids.

And you know the next one will be even worse.
This is what I (try to) point out when you and I discuss race.

That Trump meme tears into the very core of millions of people and who they are. What they are, beneath politics or religion. And to see the beloved standard-bearer of a party do something that blatant only reinforces what they already think.

Your response? Meh, who cares. It doesn't matter. It's nothing. Move on. Nothing to see here. Their opinions don't matter.

Okay. Now we understand each other.

He blew off an asshole question. He did not state support for Duke. That that blow off has been spun into "evidence" of support for white supremacy is on those who have done and are still doing the spin.

If that is all it takes to "convince" you that he is a white supremacist supporter, then there is nothing that anyone can do about that.

There will always be a lie that you can choose to believe, ignoring the vastly greater amount of real proof of the opposing truth.
Perfect, thanks.
I didn't surrender anything to Trump. His polices are trade and immigration are my policies on trade and immigration. We took over the Party from the Fat Cats together.

And you can see that he disavowed Duke back in 2000. So what's the problem? Why are you pretending that it is still a valid question, 16 years later?
You could stay with the GOP in my scenario, that's fine.

Your scenario is nonsense. The white nationalists are a irrelevant fringe.

Meanwhile you know the last Dem Candidate was a Regressive on steroids.

And you know the next one will be even worse.
This is what I (try to) point out when you and I discuss race.

That Trump meme tears into the very core of millions of people and who they are. What they are, beneath politics or religion. And to see the beloved standard-bearer of a party do something that blatant only reinforces what they already think.

Your response? Meh, who cares. It doesn't matter. It's nothing. Move on. Nothing to see here. Their opinions don't matter.

Okay. Now we understand each other.

He blew off an asshole question. He did not state support for Duke. That that blow off has been spun into "evidence" of support for white supremacy is on those who have done and are still doing the spin.

If that is all it takes to "convince" you that he is a white supremacist supporter, then there is nothing that anyone can do about that.

There will always be a lie that you can choose to believe, ignoring the vastly greater amount of real proof of the opposing truth.
Perfect, thanks.

It is good. Might not be perfect yet. This is the deepest Truth on the subject I've developed yet.

But so few libs are even capable of discussion. It is increasingly difficult to get any further insight.
There will always be a lie that you can choose to believe, ignoring the vastly greater amount of real proof of the opposing truth.
Again, you just described the Democratic party and snowflakes....who actually continue to call someone a 'rapist' despite no evidence against him was ever presented...who continue an investigation of an exposed lie / conspiracy against the President because they are still pissed he beat Hillary and refuse to accept the 2016 election results.
There will always be a lie that you can choose to believe, ignoring the vastly greater amount of real proof of the opposing truth.
Again, you just described the Democratic party and snowflakes....who actually continue to call someone a 'rapist' despite no evidence against him was ever presented...who continue an investigation of an exposed lie / conspiracy against the President because they are still pissed he beat Hillary and refuse to accept the 2016 election results.

I don't know what can be done about it. There will always be a new lie. Or they can just refuse to admit that the old lie was refuted.

What can be done to something like that?
shouldn't be too hard, I mean take a look at the GOP, they have become disgusting, just like their leader. I mean not one stands up for anything and if they do they get attacked. What do they even stand for anymore?
What- hatred of those unlike themselves. That is all I can think of. Also fear!!

Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference held outside Washington D.C. earlier this year.

His boyish face was clean-shaven. His brown hair was close-cropped. And he shuffled between the networking breakfasts and panel discussions wearing a maroon sweater, matching collared shirt and crisp khaki pants.

But despite all outward appearances, Casey, 29, wasn't like all of the other Republicans at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the U.S.

He wasn't there only to champion conservative causes. Casey had ulterior motives: to covertly spread the message of the white nationalist group he leads.

White nationalist leader wants to 'take over the GOP'

I remember when the far right and evangelicals started to take over the republican party. People like Barry Goldwater tried to warn republicans about the evangelicals but the evangelicals won and took over the republican party.

The question is will the evangelicals keep control of the Republican Party or will the white supremacists take over?

If you look at the leaders of the evangelicals, there are white supremacists among them so it won't be hard for the supremacists to take over.

I'm not a member of the republican party so there isn't anything I can do about it except to not vote for a republican. It's the republicans who are the people who can stop the white supremacists from taking over their party. The problem with that is that republicans know they are the minority registered voters in this nation and they need all the votes they can get. White supremacists have been voting for republicans all of my life so republicans have either already embraced them or already resigned to the fact that they need the votes and reluctantly accept them.

We will see what happens.
shouldn't be too hard, I mean take a look at the GOP, they have become disgusting, just like their leader. I mean not one stands up for anything and if they do they get attacked. What do they even stand for anymore?
What- hatred of those unlike themselves. That is all I can think of.

Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference held outside Washington D.C. earlier this year.

His boyish face was clean-shaven. His brown hair was close-cropped. And he shuffled between the networking breakfasts and panel discussions wearing a maroon sweater, matching collared shirt and crisp khaki pants.

But despite all outward appearances, Casey, 29, wasn't like all of the other Republicans at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the U.S.

He wasn't there only to champion conservative causes. Casey had ulterior motives: to covertly spread the message of the white nationalist group he leads.

White nationalist leader wants to 'take over the GOP'

AWESOME...I pray to God you’re right. There is nothing this country needs more than good, proud, real Americans willing to fight to take their SUPERIOR nation back from Mexico and the filthy fucking LefTards.

noun: nationalist; plural noun: nationalists
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
    "a Scottish nationalist"
    • a person with strong patriotic feelings, especially one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.
adjective: nationalist
  1. 1.
    relating to nationalists or nationalism.
    "a nationalist movement"

Thanks loser. Everytime someone says, what do you mean 'White Nationalist'? I'll just point to your "Superior Posts"
you guys cant even answer basic questions. it's hilarious
shouldn't be too hard, I mean take a look at the GOP, they have become disgusting, just like their leader. I mean not one stands up for anything and if they do they get attacked. What do they even stand for anymore?
What- hatred of those unlike themselves. That is all I can think of.

LOL, speaking of "hatred of those unlike themselves"

… it would appear that's the one thing we have "bipartisan" agreement on.

"Got Hypocrisy?"

Take a look at the Democratic Senate and compare it to the GOP Senate, I doubt I need to say more.

I think most of whites are fearful, that they wont be the majority anymore and slowly are not going to be. Me I could careless I like diversity.
corey booker black sexual harrasser? hahaahahahaaha
shouldn't be too hard, I mean take a look at the GOP, they have become disgusting, just like their leader. I mean not one stands up for anything and if they do they get attacked. What do they even stand for anymore?
What- hatred of those unlike themselves. That is all I can think of. Also fear!!

Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference held outside Washington D.C. earlier this year.

His boyish face was clean-shaven. His brown hair was close-cropped. And he shuffled between the networking breakfasts and panel discussions wearing a maroon sweater, matching collared shirt and crisp khaki pants.

But despite all outward appearances, Casey, 29, wasn't like all of the other Republicans at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the U.S.

He wasn't there only to champion conservative causes. Casey had ulterior motives: to covertly spread the message of the white nationalist group he leads.

White nationalist leader wants to 'take over the GOP'
I don't really like the KKK or other Nazi's(Democrat Socialist Party) who reside in the US, but after 8 years of Obama and HIS open borders policies of allowing diseased brown kids in with our own black and white kids, getting them infected, but also brown people from the middle east who would yell "Allah-ooh-Akbar" while shooting up black and white Christians at a San Bernardino Christmas party, and black and white Gays at an Orlando Gay Club, do you wonder why more angry people hate you worthless fucking liberals?
She doesn't even believe that.......it wasn't some crazy Muslim gay that did it....it was a secret Klan member...who tanned himself and then altered his face to look middle eastern!!!!!!!!!!! White supremacists have that kind of cash, pull and tech to do that.......the CIA is jealous!
shouldn't be too hard, I mean take a look at the GOP, they have become disgusting, just like their leader. I mean not one stands up for anything and if they do they get attacked. What do they even stand for anymore?
What- hatred of those unlike themselves. That is all I can think of. Also fear!!

Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference held outside Washington D.C. earlier this year.

His boyish face was clean-shaven. His brown hair was close-cropped. And he shuffled between the networking breakfasts and panel discussions wearing a maroon sweater, matching collared shirt and crisp khaki pants.

But despite all outward appearances, Casey, 29, wasn't like all of the other Republicans at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the U.S.

He wasn't there only to champion conservative causes. Casey had ulterior motives: to covertly spread the message of the white nationalist group he leads.

White nationalist leader wants to 'take over the GOP'

I remember when the far right and evangelicals started to take over the republican party. People like Barry Goldwater tried to warn republicans about the evangelicals but the evangelicals won and took over the republican party.

The question is will the evangelicals keep control of the Republican Party or will the white supremacists take over?

If you look at the leaders of the evangelicals, there are white supremacists among them so it won't be hard for the supremacists to take over.

I'm not a member of the republican party so there isn't anything I can do about it except to not vote for a republican. It's the republicans who are the people who can stop the white supremacists from taking over their party. The problem with that is that republicans know they are the minority registered voters in this nation and they need all the votes they can get. White supremacists have been voting for republicans all of my life so republicans have either already embraced them or already resigned to the fact that they need the votes and reluctantly accept them.

We will see what happens.
a fifty year old post.

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