White OK Cop Uses Body to Shield Black from Raging Pit Bulls

So if it was staged why would the black man participate?

I don't believe it was staged but history is chock full of people who were traitors to their own.

It's women who bound their daughter's feet and force their daughter into fgm. There have even quite a few examples of ethnic groups turning on their own.

And now we have RWNJ traitors siding with Russia against their own country. As you well know, that includes the GOP/Republican candidate for for prez.

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Animal cruelty depriving the animals of a meal.

You know even less about dogs than your other claimed jobs of doctor and lawyer. Seriously, you're just plain stupid. Instead of lying about your education, you could try actually educating yourself.

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Cop fulfills his pledge to serve and protect and ^^ kkk assholes ^^ make it about race.

Good for the cop for doing his job but does not negate the hundreds of times people of color have been killed or screwed over by cops.

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What about all the times blacks have murdered cops? That concern ewe at all?
Now that i think about it this event must have been staged for PR purposes. Now they want Black people to praise the white savior.

"The man, who has not been identified, was running backwards, trying to shield himself from the dogs with his jacket"

Yeah right.

Read more: Oklahoma deputy pulls man on car hood to save him from two pit bulls
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Haters hate.

Cop fulfills his pledge to serve and protect and ^^ kkk assholes ^^ make it about race.

Good for the cop for doing his job but does not negate the hundreds of times people of color have been killed or screwed over by cops.

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They deserved what they got.
Animal cruelty depriving the animals of a meal.

You know even less about dogs than your other claimed jobs of doctor and lawyer. Seriously, you're just plain stupid. Instead of lying about your education, you could try actually educating yourself.

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Well, liar. I've never been a doctor so you might try backing that one up. Black people have been dog food for a couple of hundred years. We need to bring that practice back. The dogs haven't been let out since the 60s.
There are numerous wild animal gloves that go up the forearm, but I am surprised cops do not wear Mechanix gloves or some variation at all times. I always have a pair in my back pocket ready as the situation warrants.
Sounds kind of suspicious to me. Why didnt he just shoot the dogs?

He couldn't shoot the dogs because he was near a school and it was 3 PM and the kids were getting out any minute.

One good officer with a good head on his shoulders and loads common sense.
I do not care to propagate his position as a cop.

Civilians have a much better track record of putting their lives on the lines in selfless acts. We are all humans, but some of us forget that when they put on uniforms.
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Tulsa police officer recounts saving man from dog mauling

here's a couple

oh wait, they are different and don't count b/c they didn't pull anyone on top of a car

Thats a Black officer and its just in the course of a normal days duty.
so it's different b/c he's black.

black cop does his duty where a white cop wouldn't.

fucking bigot.
Why would you call the Black cop a bigot.
you're a bigot, not the cop
Most police officers would do this and more to help a citizen in danger. That's their job, and most do it honestly, bravely, and well.
Amen to this. They know that if they want to keep their badge, they have to be out there doing whatever they can to help whoever they can.

God bless you and our law enforcement officers always!!!


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