White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????
Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Oh, here is a link....notice the amount of births from illegals squirting out anchor babies compared to 1990 to now......no issue with the southern border being unsecured? Do you even realize that resources that could be used to help blacks in poverty are spent on illegals and their spawn???
Get black parents to attend teacher's conferences, sign report cards, make sure their kids stay in school... Aint no magic "wage fairy" gonna fix gaps like that in education and skills...

Why don't go around looking for slackers and call the truant officer on them and stop bugging US as the "cause of your community issues" ????

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

There's that math problem you have with representative percentages again.. SURE -- there are more unskilled whites, because there is 3 times more whites. But within the GROUPS, there's a higher percentage of unskilled, low educated Blacks.

So if you compare WAGES BY GROUP or STANDARD OF LIVING by GROUP --- you must also compare SKILLS AND EDUCATION as a group percentage or it's meaningless to fixing anything..

(but then again -- you're dead set against fixing anything aintcha? Because that would make your racism act meaningless)

Our southern border is completely open if you support "catch and release" because there is no penalty for not entering thru a customs/immigration checkpoint. Also open if you oppose what the Border Patrol wants which is more physical barriers so they don't have to Macarrena thru the Cactus to catch a 1000 or more crashers a day..

And you just proudly elected a whole clown car load of "open borders" Democrats who dont GIVE A FUCK about Black standard of living in America compared to a MILLION new brown voters that take those sensitive and endangered jobs...
A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????

Why is it that no matter how many times your racist beliefs are debunked do you people ask these stupid ass questions?
You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????

Why is it that no matter how many times your racist beliefs are debunked do you people ask these stupid ass questions?

Ummmm? I just provided a link to back up my assertions. Why does uncomfortable data that could POSSIBLY put some of the responsibility for the lack of upper mobility on blacks cause you such angst?
I am somehow "racist" for pointing out this very salient point? Are you claiming that single black mothers raising children by themselves plays no factor in the poor performance of black kids????
A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE, something you have not read, showed things have progressed little for blacks in the last 50 years. It states that in some cases things are even worse. This study provides a harrowing truth whites like you cannot face.

For example, information from this study shows that blacks are better educated now than 50 years ago. That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today as opposed to 54.4 percent 50 years ago. In 1968 the gap between blacks and whites with a high school diploma was 21 percentage points. That gap has been reduced to 3.3 percentage points. In 1968 9.1 percent of all blacks had a college degree. Now it is 22.8 percent. That’s nearly a 300 percent increase.

So when you have a clue please let me know

You suck because your sources suck. Largely because you seek out marginal or incomplete information that fits your revolution...

The Condition of Education - Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education - High School Completion - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator May (2018)

Public High School Graduation Rates
(Last Updated: May 2018)

In school year 2015–16, the adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 84 percent, the highest it has been since the rate was first measured in 2010–11. In other words, more than four out of five students graduated with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (91 percent), followed by White (88 percent), Hispanic (79 percent), Black (76 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (72 percent) students.

If your worshipped Dept of Ed is lying, fire their asses... Now graduation rates dont equal HS diplomas.. And it's POSSIBLE, not likely, that GEDs make up the diff... But a GED is a cheap do-over compared to dropping out...

With a $15/hour "living wage", you're gonna see HS grad rates sink further. Since WhyTFuck should they stay in school and bad homes when they can "live on their own"??? No one survives in the 21st century without a HS diploma...

My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

There's that math problem you have with representative percentages again.. SURE -- there are more unskilled whites, because there is 3 times more whites. But within the GROUPS, there's a higher percentage of unskilled, low educated Blacks.

So if you compare WAGES BY GROUP or STANDARD OF LIVING by GROUP --- you must also compare SKILLS AND EDUCATION as a group percentage or it's meaningless to fixing anything..

(but then again -- you're dead set against fixing anything aintcha? Because that would make your racism act meaningless)

Our southern border is completely open if you support "catch and release" because there is no penalty for not entering thru a customs/immigration checkpoint. Also open if you oppose what the Border Patrol wants which is more physical barriers so they don't have to Macarrena thru the Cactus to catch a 1000 or more crashers a day..

And you just proudly elected a whole clown car load of "open borders" Democrats who dont GIVE A FUCK about Black standard of living in America compared to a MILLION new brown voters that take those sensitive and endangered jobs...

I have np problem with math. You have pre set excuses for white failure. Whites have access to the most resources that should insure fewer low skilled people not more. But your answer to that will be another excuse trying to tell me how whites don't.

Our southern border is not open. I've seen the southern border and so have you. So just stop lying and recognize that we of all races who are sane know this lie is another white racist ploy. I am used to deaig and talking to high IQ white people. You and many here are a bunch of idiots. Your arguments don't make sense and are generally without merit.

So if you compare WAGES BY GROUP or STANDARD OF LIVING by GROUP --- you must also compare SKILLS AND EDUCATION as a group percentage or it's meaningless to fixing anything..

No you don't. The industry that has made the most money or wealth is sales. And you don't need to be highly educated to sell a vacuum cleaner or many other items.
My sources are just fine. I don't listen to whites like you.

Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2017

Your stats are from 2015-15, mine 2017, And this is why I don't listen to what you have to say.

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????

Why is it that no matter how many times your racist beliefs are debunked do you people ask these stupid ass questions?

Ummmm? I just provided a link to back up my assertions. Why does uncomfortable data that could POSSIBLY put some of the responsibility for the lack of upper mobility on blacks cause you such angst?
I am somehow "racist" for pointing out this very salient point? Are you claiming that single black mothers raising children by themselves plays no factor in the poor performance of black kids????

There is no link.

Opinion | Black Dads Are Doing Best of All

There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Understanding Out-of-Wedlock Births in Black America - The Atlantic

“The drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.” This means that births to unmarried black women are disproportionately represented in the statistics."

"People who are truly concerned about the percentage of out of wedlock births would do well to hector married black women for moral duty to churn out babies in the manner of their glorious foremothers. But no one would do that. Because it would be absurd."

Got nothing to do with "my source".. This is the SAME fumbling govt agency.. Your problem is -- you're not listening to the details I gave you.. Footnote in THIS chart says that THIS chart INCLUDES GEDs or equivalents. Doesn't say WHEN the people chose to GET a GED.. So only 78% make it thru high school and 1/2 of the rest STUMBLE their asses thru maybe a DECADE of life UNTIL they decide to get a GED.. It's STILL inferior "education".. More of a participation trophy.. Represents only the MOST basic competency in the subjects. I know, I tutored GED for many years.

Get real. There are WAY TOO MANY low-skilled, unprepared black kids competing in a workforce with illegal immigrants that live 12 to a house. That's not a standard of living that will EVER have parity with other groups. And it aint nothing about racism or white privilege...

Bet you support all that open borders crap dontcha???

Get real, there are more low skilled whites than anyone else. Illegals are not the concern. And there are no open borders except for he northern one. And it is all about white privilege and racism.

Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????

Why is it that no matter how many times your racist beliefs are debunked do you people ask these stupid ass questions?

Ummmm? I just provided a link to back up my assertions. Why does uncomfortable data that could POSSIBLY put some of the responsibility for the lack of upper mobility on blacks cause you such angst?
I am somehow "racist" for pointing out this very salient point? Are you claiming that single black mothers raising children by themselves plays no factor in the poor performance of black kids????

There is no link.

Opinion | Black Dads Are Doing Best of All

There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Understanding Out-of-Wedlock Births in Black America - The Atlantic

“The drop in the birthrate for unmarried black women is mirrored by an even steeper drop among married black women. Indeed, whereas at one point married black women were having more kids than married white women, they are now having less.” This means that births to unmarried black women are disproportionately represented in the statistics."

"People who are truly concerned about the percentage of out of wedlock births would do well to hector married black women for moral duty to churn out babies in the manner of their glorious foremothers. But no one would do that. Because it would be absurd."
From your article.....

Furthermore, a 2013 C.D.C. report found that black and Hispanic women are far more likely to experience a pregnancy during the first year of cohabitation than white and Asian women.

Second, some of these men have children by more than one woman, but they can only live in one home at a time. This phenomenon means that a father can live with some but not all of his children. Levs calls these men “serial impregnators,” but I think something more than promiscuity and irresponsibility are at play here.

As Forbes reported on Ferguson, Mo.:

“An important but unreported indicator of Ferguson’s dilemma is that half of young African-American men are missing from the community. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, while there are 1,182 African-American women between the ages of 25 and 34 living in Ferguson, there are only 577 African-American men in this age group. In other words there are more than two young black women for each young black man in Ferguson.”

On the Front Porch, Black Life in Full View

As the Trumps Dodged Taxes, Their Tenants Paid a Price

He Was a Gay Man on Staff at a Catholic Parish. Then the Threats Began Coming In.
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
Last edited:
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
The first post had someone talking about economic equality. My belief and many others, hold that it is the responsibility of the individual, black or white to earn their OWN economic position. This is where the discussions and arguments begin.
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school

I graduated from grad school, you thickheaded dunce, and what you post is of a third grade level.

The auto industry has many different jobs within their labor force, and if you cannot specifically identify what jobs within that industry that you "think" black people are "overrepresented" in, that makes you an idiot who is incapable of even understanding what YOU post.

What field of study are your degrees in?
Last edited:
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school
You can make statistics mean anything without context.

For example more people die in cars than get killed by Crocs (like wayyyyyy more) That's statistical fact. Right ?

So does that mean cars are more dangerous crocs ?

According to you they must be if your just gonna rely on stats to tell you everything
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Do you think the amount of unwed, young black women having to try and raise children in a single parent home over the decades has played ANY role in the under-achievement of black children because mom was too busy trying to support them to make sure that they studied and did their homework????
The American illegitimacy rate by race in 2011

  • 72.3% Blacks
  • 65.8% Natives
  • 52.6% Hispanic
  • 28.7% Whites
  • 16.9% Asians
Now someone like you would think "See !! I told you !! I told you !!!"

But the absolute numbers are considerably different because Blacks are only 11% of country. In 2008 out-of-wedlock births were:

  • 37.6% White
  • 31.7% Hispanic
  • 26.1% Black
  • 4.6% Asians and Other

An unmarried Hispanic woman is more likely to have a child out of wedlock than an unmarried Black woman.

Yet it is still seen as a “Black” issue:

Illegitimacy has been rising across the West. In France and Sweden, for example, most children are no longer born to married women. That is a sea change in Western society that goes way beyond Black America.


Notice that unmarried birth rates are highest in countries such as Iceland…not exactly the first place most people would expect to find a large black population, thus blowing the absurd stereotype of the “illegitimate” black birthrate out of the water.

The birth rate among unmarried Black women has been dropping since 1992 – meaning that they are acting more responsibly, not less. The reason the illegitimacy rate goes up is because the birth rate among married Black women has been dropping even faster, something that has been going on since the 1950s.


An illegitimate birth tells you nothing about whether the mother lives with the father or the father is in the kids life or the women gets married later, just as a legitimate birth tells you nothing about divorce, separation or incarceration.

The Black illegitimacy argument causes way more harm than actual illegitimacy. For example, illegitimate children are way better off in Sweden than in the US. In part because no one in Sweden uses the illegitimacy argument as an excuse to shred the social safety net so that the rich can get big tax cuts.

By your reasoning, Sweden should also be screwed up and pathological. And yet it is not.

I do agree that fatherlessness is a bad thing. But fatherlessness and illegitimacy are not the same thing. And given that half of marriages end in divorce, the legitimacy rate is not a particularly useful number.
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school

I graduated from grad school, you thickheaded dunce, and what you post is of a third grade level.

The auto industry has many different jobs within their labor force, and if you cannot specifically identify what jobs within that industry that you "think" black people are "overrepresented" in, that makes you an idiot who is incapable of even understanding what YOU post.

What field of study are your degrees in?
sorry --you just messed up BIG time
1. the OP states:
things are getting BETTER for black people---so it doesn't matter what jobs they are doing, just as long as they HAVE jobs/better paying jobs than BEFORE/etc
2. it doesn't matter what jobs they have--it matters if MORE are doing better per capita
3. AND blacks are way over represented in the postal jobs--these are some of the BEST
Wage potential: Highest paying jobs you can get without a college degree
blacks are doing great--especially considering they graduate at lower levels
my degree is better than your degree
you sound like you are 10 years old
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school

I graduated from grad school, you thickheaded dunce, and what you post is of a third grade level.

The auto industry has many different jobs within their labor force, and if you cannot specifically identify what jobs within that industry that you "think" black people are "overrepresented" in, that makes you an idiot who is incapable of even understanding what YOU post.

What field of study are your degrees in?

Any white person arguing about blacks being paid in the NBA is an idiot.
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school

I graduated from grad school, you thickheaded dunce, and what you post is of a third grade level.

The auto industry has many different jobs within their labor force, and if you cannot specifically identify what jobs within that industry that you "think" black people are "overrepresented" in, that makes you an idiot who is incapable of even understanding what YOU post.

What field of study are your degrees in?
sorry --you just messed up BIG time
1. the OP states:
things are getting BETTER for black people---so it doesn't matter what jobs they are doing, just as long as they HAVE jobs/better paying jobs than BEFORE/etc
2. it doesn't matter what jobs they have--it matters if MORE are doing better per capita
3. AND blacks are way over represented in the postal jobs--these are some of the BEST
Wage potential: Highest paying jobs you can get without a college degree
blacks are doing great--especially considering they graduate at lower levels
my degree is better than your degree
you sound like you are 10 years old

What do you have? Attention deficit disorder? Or are you just plain stupid? The thread title is "white people are confident that blacks are doing better"

First you start off stating that blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry, which is not true. Then you tried to state the same for the auto industry, but could not identify which jobs this is reflected in. Now you are stating that "it does not matter what jobs", which is another stupid statement on your part.

If blacks are overrepresented in federal jobs, they are not being paid commensurate salaries on the average. In fact, they are not even paid at the average salary rate for federal employees.

"Asians have the largest average salary among the four groups with an average of $93,223. White federal employees have the second highest average salary at $89,759. Hispanic federal employees had an average of $75,412 and African American federal employees had an average of $72,224. The average salary for all federal government employees for fiscal year 2015 was $81,578"

Your degree is better than mine? I did not ask how "good" your degree is. I asked you what your field of study is. And you avoided that question.

Anyone who punctuates sentences like you do, and adds "hahaha" at the end of nearly every paragraph, is either retarded or more likely, never completed middle school.
...blacks are over represented in great paying jobs/etc like the auto industry--and even after graduating at lower levels..they should thank their lucky stars
...blacks make MILLIONS more than whites in the NBA
...blacks are over represented in the entertainment industry --making MILIIONS
..the Obamas are making MILLIONS
Michelle and Barack earned an advance of $65 million
And by the time [ Hillary ] she ran for President in 2016, Forbes estimated her net worth at $45 million.

the Clintons are white

What sector of the auto industry are blacks overrepresented in? Like any other business, there are numerous positions within the field. Blacks are certainly not overrepresented in positions of leadership in that field..

NBA players DO NOT make "millions more" than whites who are affiliated with the league.
Team owners, who collectively, are nearly 100% white, earn the vast majority of the money.

The typical NBA player, over the course of an ENTIRE career, earns on average about 5 million per season, and typically plays for about 4 to 5 seasons, barring injuries.

The average NBA team owner earns between 12 to 15 million in just a single season and in most cases owns a franchise for life, and it usually remains in their family for generations.

The entertainment industry as a whole has quite a few different areas of expertise, acting, movie production, music, and television, just to name a few.

If you actually believe that Blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry as a whole, you are more of a loon than your posts indicate you to be.

Blacks are dominant in some areas of the industry.....but no where near the majority, as you are implying.

The top earning actors and actresses in the movie industry are white. The top earning producers and screenwriters are white. In the music field, there are a few genres where blacks are dominant. But overall, it is a business that is dominated by whites.

As far as the Obamas go, you bat shit crazy wingnuts hated them when they were in office, and now that they are gone, you still can't let them be.

If they got a 65 million dollar advance, for whatever it is that bothers you so much, they obviously negotiated intelligently and made their best deal.

It is obvious that just like many of these nutjobs here, you believe that ANY presence of ANY blacks in ANY field had to come at the expense of a poor, maligned, discriminated against "white victim", somewhere.

For someone who incessantly points out what they post, you are
abysmally poor at articulating that you even clearly understand what you do post.

Lastly, when you post, it would be much easier to sort through your drivel, if you would properly punctuate your sentences and identify who you are actually responding to.
auto industry/assemblers/etc--what does it matter?? these are cream of the crop jobs
--hahahha---they are 13% of the population and they are more than 13% represented
...it would be much saner if you would've graduated from grade school math
...if would've been easier for you to understand my posts if you would've graduated grade school

I graduated from grad school, you thickheaded dunce, and what you post is of a third grade level.

The auto industry has many different jobs within their labor force, and if you cannot specifically identify what jobs within that industry that you "think" black people are "overrepresented" in, that makes you an idiot who is incapable of even understanding what YOU post.

What field of study are your degrees in?
sorry --you just messed up BIG time
1. the OP states:
things are getting BETTER for black people---so it doesn't matter what jobs they are doing, just as long as they HAVE jobs/better paying jobs than BEFORE/etc
2. it doesn't matter what jobs they have--it matters if MORE are doing better per capita
3. AND blacks are way over represented in the postal jobs--these are some of the BEST
Wage potential: Highest paying jobs you can get without a college degree
blacks are doing great--especially considering they graduate at lower levels
my degree is better than your degree
you sound like you are 10 years old

What do you have? Attention deficit disorder? Or are you just plain stupid? The thread title is "white people are confident that blacks are doing better"

First you start off stating that blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry, which is not true. Then you tried to state the same for the auto industry, but could not identify which jobs this is reflected in. Now you are stating that "it does not matter what jobs", which is another stupid statement on your part.

If blacks are overrepresented in federal jobs, they are not being paid commensurate salaries on the average. In fact, they are not even paid at the average salary rate for federal employees.

"Asians have the largest average salary among the four groups with an average of $93,223. White federal employees have the second highest average salary at $89,759. Hispanic federal employees had an average of $75,412 and African American federal employees had an average of $72,224. The average salary for all federal government employees for fiscal year 2015 was $81,578"

Your degree is better than mine? I did not ask how "good" your degree is. I asked you what your field of study is. And you avoided that question.

Anyone who punctuates sentences like you do, and adds "hahaha" at the end of nearly every paragraph, is either retarded or more likely, never completed middle school.

Who is this white rag to determine who is overrepresented? Whites have been overrepresented in everything since this nation started.

the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

According to what your link says, Asians make more than whites. Why is that?


the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest:

Why do whites think they can speak to how things are for blacks?

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people
By Tracy Jan

September 18, 2017

Americans, especially wealthy whites, vastly overestimate progress toward racial economic equality despite evidence of persistent gaps between black and white workers when it comes to hourly wages, annual income and household wealth, according to a new paper by Yale University researchers published Monday.

The study’s results are especially stunning in the wake of census data released last week that showed that African Americans were the only racial group still making less than they did in 2000.

The average black household made 60 percent of what white households made in 2016 and less than half of what Asians made, according to census data. For every $100 of wealth accumulated by a white family, a black family has little more than $5 -- a gap just as wide as it was 50 years ago, according to federal statistics cited by the Yale researchers.

[African Americans are the only racial group in U.S. still making less than they did in 2000]

Yet both black and white Americans of all income levels remain profoundly unaware of the economic inequality between the two groups, said the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The misperceptions could negatively affect public policy as the country grows more diverse, researchers said, with politicians championing misguided legislation rooted in false impressions.

“This is evidence that our beliefs about racial progress and economic equality are fairly inconsistent with reality,” said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale psychology professor who co-wrote the study. “The magnitude of the misperception is shocking, and it’s an obstacle to actually achieving the progress that everyone seems to be celebrating.”

White people are really confident that things are getting better for black people

According to what your link says, Asians make more than whites. Why is that?


Study: Asians displace blacks as most economically divided group

Income inequality has been growing steadily among all Americans since the 1970s. But within racial groups, the gap between rich and poor is growing most rapidly among Asians in the U.S., according to a new study.

Asians continue to rank as the highest-earning racial and ethnic group in the U.S. on average, but the distribution of income among Asians has gone from being one of the most equal to being the most unequal among all major groups, according to new analysis by the Pew Research Center.

From 1970 to 2016, the gap between higher-earning Asians and lower-earning Asians has nearly doubled and Asians have displaced blacks as the most economically divided racial group in America.

The report found that the income gap between Americans near the top of income distribution (the 90th percentile, or those earning more than 90 percent of all Americans) and those closer to the bottom (the 10th percentile) grew 27 percent from 1970 to 2016. Those higher-earning Americans had 8.7 times as much income as lower-earning Americans in 2016.

But just among Asians in the U.S., that income gap grew 77 percent in the same time period as higher-earning Asians had 10.7 times the income of lower-earning Asians in 2016.

That is now higher than the income gap among blacks: Higher-earning blacks had 9.8 times the income of lower-earning blacks in 2016.

Study: Asians displace blacks as most economically divided group


The H-1B Visa Program: A Primer on the Program and Its Impact on Jobs, Wages, and the Economy

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