White People Cannot Compliment Minority People Without Being Racist Today


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
I know. I once said " wowza that ones gonna be a big buck when he grows up". It was taken with offence.
I know. I once said " wowza that ones gonna be a big buck when he grows up". It was taken with offence.
I have heard people say that about some of my my cousins growing up.

But it is racism to say that about black people now.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Carry on being a dickhead then, Nobody cares sbout a tone deaf buffoon like yourself.
Huffington Post is marxist propaganda.
Most of their writers are too brainwashed to realize that.
Like saying “cotton picking” is somehow racist. Poor white cotton picking share croppers far outnumbered blacks post Civil War.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Just remember this is a form of oppression.

Next time white nationalists make that point don’t even attempt to dismiss them.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Carry on being a dickhead then, Nobody cares sbout a tone deaf buffoon like yourself.
Funny how the supposed genius left is too stupid to actually have a real discussion about race and their theory of “white privilege”.

Carry on being a dumbass child.
Is there some unknown quota of posts you guys have to adhere to? The "outrage" is becoming comical.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Carry on being a dickhead then, Nobody cares sbout a tone deaf buffoon like yourself.
Funny how the supposed genius left is too stupid to actually have a real discussion about race and their theory of “white privilege”.

Carry on being a dumbass child.
When you post up shit like the OP there is no discussion to be had. Certainly not with racist trash like yourself.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Carry on being a dickhead then, Nobody cares sbout a tone deaf buffoon like yourself.
Buffoon? You have a picture of a Donald Trump in diapers balloon to represent you on this board? Speaks highly of your childishness.

So why bother?

In some groups there is absolutely nothing a white person can say that is not to be interpreted in the way the white person likely meant it. No, the only thing important is how a minority might take offense because of history, presumption, whatever.

Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying | HuffPost
  1. Do not use the word “exotic” to refer to humans who do not look like you. We are not fruit, and it is not a compliment. The longer you insist on assuring us that it is a compliment, the stupider you look. Just give it up.
  2. Do not use the word “ethnic” as though it were a distinct race or nationality.
  3. Do not ask people where they are from more than once. Trust them the first time. No need for “Where are you really from?” or “Where are your parents from?”
  4. Avoid statements like, “Wouldn’t it be great to live during [insert any era during which the person you’re talking to couldn’t vote or own property]?”
  5. Resist the urge to ever say, “I have a lot of [fill in the blank with the racial, religious or ethnic group with which you are least familiar] friends.”
  6. Remember that reverse racism isn’t a thing. Racism is about the abuse of power and privilege. If your race denies you power and privilege, then you can’t be racist. Certainly, you can still be an asshole. Just not a racist.
Lol, what gives these fools the right to tell anyone what kind of language they can use? Lol, people say what you want, its a free country. If some stupid ass hole wants to take a compliment as an insult because of whatever, that is THEIR PROBLEM.

At least some white people are waking up to the con.

Why not 'well-spoken?'

We've now reached the point where people who are not of color can no longer use complimentary language when referring to black Americans. It took me aback to read her relate overhearing a manager where she works describing a job candidate (racial identity unknown) as "smart," "experienced," and "well-spoken." She goes on to say that "Instantly, I knew that this candidate is African-American."

She writes that "in all my many years of living in Baltimore and working for global corporations, I have never heard the term 'well-spoken' used to describe a person of any other ethnicity. 'Well-spoken' is code for black in America." All I can say is Ms. Murphy must have lived a very cloistered life. I have worked throughout the United States my entire life in organizations of all ethnicities, and have used terms such as "articulate" and "well-spoken" frequently and have heard many others do so.

Those compliments were used regardless of the ethnicity of the object of our discussions. They were well-intended and meant to convey a positive perception and observation, regardless of color. They are universal. While she may be correct in the context of a Baltimore-centered environment, she is assuredly wrong in a national or global context.​

Oh wow, a white guy that is getting all uppity and talking back to a journalist trying to assplain to himn why he needs to permission to use English the way he wants to.

But of course, even FOX News abandons these fights, many of their own journalists declaring that there is no justification for a white person ever calling a black person 'articulate'. lol

Even whites that think minorities are in general better at some things than whites as a group, they are be3ing racist.
Whites See Blacks as Superhuman


Your 'thing' for Asian girls is not a compliment

So i say whatever I want as long as it is sincere, not insulting and exactly what I mean.

I am fortunate enough to work with some great people of all ethnicities and colors at work, but maybe I am just lucky.
Carry on being a dickhead then, Nobody cares sbout a tone deaf buffoon like yourself.
Funny how the supposed genius left is too stupid to actually have a real discussion about race and their theory of “white privilege”.

Carry on being a dumbass child.
When you post up shit like the OP there is no discussion to be had. Certainly not with racist trash like yourself.
Ahh. So you can’t actually articulate what is upsetting you.
You’re just knee jerking, as usual.
Thanks for the clarification.

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