Zone1 White people don't struggle...because they're white.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Feminist scholar and anti-racism educator Peggy McIntosh famously described white privilege as an “invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.”

"In other words, white people typically move through life unaware of all the head starts, resources and access the color of their skin affords them. They don’t recognize these unearned advantages until they’re pointed out — and even then, some white people will try to deny the existence of their privilege."

I wish someone had told me this sooner. I wouldn't have had to struggle so hard in life. :( Those "unearned advantages" were provide by previous generations of hard-working, visionary white folks.
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People who write such things should take a couple of weeks and interview some WORKING CLASS "white" folks between the ages of, say, 18 and 40, and ask them about how their "white privilege" has enhanced their lives.

I get the impression that those writers get their information about "white" people from watching television.
People who write such things should take a couple of weeks and interview some WORKING CLASS "white" folks between the ages of, say, 18 and 40, and ask them about how their "white privilege" has enhanced their lives.

I get the impression that those writers get their information about "white" people from watching television.
In addition to Patrisse Cullors--the opportunist millionaire black woman that profits from stupidity
People who write such things should take a couple of weeks and interview some WORKING CLASS "white" folks between the ages of, say, 18 and 40, and ask them about how their "white privilege" has enhanced their lives.

I get the impression that those writers get their information about "white" people from watching television.

Thing is the leftist would get punched in the mouth after about a minute of spewing their tripe. ;)
Feminist scholar and anti-racism educator Peggy McIntosh famously described white privilege as an “invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.”

"In other words, white people typically move through life unaware of all the head starts, resources and access the color of their skin affords them. They don’t recognize these unearned advantages until they’re pointed out — and even then, some white people will try to deny the existence of their privilege."

I wish someone had told me this sooner. I wouldn't have had to struggle so hard in life. :( Those "unearned advantages" were provide by previous generations of hard-working, visionary white folks.

With Affirmative Action, whites are starting to lose their white privilege and they are not happy about it.

And with all those high paying blue collar union jobs that Bush sent overseas, those uneducated whites are now drowning in economic despair.

Consider this. One group only is seeming to be doing really really bad right now. Uneducated whites. Both men and women. And they are dying! Drug use, alcohol, suicide, gun violence, diabetes, OD'ing.

How long have whites with economic opportunities and white privilege looked down on blacks? Why are they doing drugs, drinking so much, why don't they go to college? Why are they killing themselves? Well now we are asking these questions about uneducated whites. Why do you think this is happening to them now?

Since 1999, white men and women ages 45 through 54 have endured a sharp increase in “deaths of despair,” Case and Deaton found in their earlier work. These include suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related deaths such as liver failure.

In the paper released Thursday, Case and Deaton draw a clearer relationship between rising death rates and changes in the job market since the 1970s. They find that men without college degrees are less likely to receive rising incomes over time, a trend “consistent with men moving to lower and lower skilled jobs.”

In 1999, the death rate for high school-educated whites ages 50 through 54 was 30 percent lower than the death rate for all African-Americans in that age group. By 2015, it was 30 percent higher.
With Affirmative Action, whites are starting to lose their white privilege and they are not happy about it.

And with all those high paying blue collar union jobs that Bush sent overseas, those uneducated whites are now drowning in economic despair.

Consider this. One group only is seeming to be doing really really bad right now. Uneducated whites. Both men and women. And they are dying! Drug use, alcohol, suicide, gun violence, diabetes, OD'ing.

How long have whites with economic opportunities and white privilege looked down on blacks? Why are they doing drugs, drinking so much, why don't they go to college? Why are they killing themselves? Well now we are asking these questions about uneducated whites. Why do you think this is happening to them now?

Since 1999, white men and women ages 45 through 54 have endured a sharp increase in “deaths of despair,” Case and Deaton found in their earlier work. These include suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related deaths such as liver failure.

In the paper released Thursday, Case and Deaton draw a clearer relationship between rising death rates and changes in the job market since the 1970s. They find that men without college degrees are less likely to receive rising incomes over time, a trend “consistent with men moving to lower and lower skilled jobs.”

In 1999, the death rate for high school-educated whites ages 50 through 54 was 30 percent lower than the death rate for all African-Americans in that age group. By 2015, it was 30 percent higher.
We live off the Fiat Currency printing press now. When it collapses, we will see where we all are at.
My Father would not have had all of us kids with granny picking beans in 100-degree Florida summer weather. Or as an 11-year-old me being a ''grease monkey '' for heavy construction equipment. Or starting at 12 years old spending summers working in construction on framing crews. Or as a young adult picking fruit, watermelons, and peppers. Working on a loading dock at citrus packing plant from 7:am to sometimes midnight for 1.50 an hr. .Working 14 straight days then two days off working at a worm farm in a closed in hot metal building shoveling fresh cow manure to feed worms 12 hrs a day for 2.00 hr. Then spending 20 years in residential construction making just enough to help my mom and dad and living with them because their health wasn't all that great. Then on the side doing landscape ing work and a temp job at a cemetery doing grounds maintenance and finally at the age of 38 getting job that paid well and had benefits like medical and retirement. I could continue. I will add I have never felt privileged in any way no one gave me any special help just the opposite they made road blocks so I had to push and struggle for all that I have.

Yep, life was not easy for this white male. But I found that the privileged some how admired the way my life played out.
White Supremist Liberals (Peggy McIntosh) suffer from dumb white liberal guilt, and they want to make other people to also feel guilty because of it.
The phrase "White Privilege" is a White Supremist Liberal hate mongering tool that they use to make money with and to gain power with.
Wise people don't feel guilty for things that that they didn't do, or that they have no control of.
If "White Privilege" was true, then there would be no poor White people.
But statistics show that although the poverty rate for White people is lower than minority people, the largest percentage of people who are poor in America are White people.

My Father would not have had all of us kids with granny picking beans in 100-degree Florida summer weather. Or as an 11-year-old me being a ''grease monkey '' for heavy construction equipment. Or starting at 12 years old spending summers working in construction on framing crews. Or as a young adult picking fruit, watermelons, and peppers. Working on a loading dock at citrus packing plant from 7:am to sometimes midnight for 1.50 an hr. .Working 14 straight days then two days off working at a worm farm in a closed in hot metal building shoveling fresh cow manure to feed worms 12 hrs a day for 2.00 hr. Then spending 20 years in residential construction making just enough to help my mom and dad and living with them because their health wasn't all that great. Then on the side doing landscape ing work and a temp job at a cemetery doing grounds maintenance and finally at the age of 38 getting job that paid well and had benefits like medical and retirement. I could continue. I will add I have never felt privileged in any way no one gave me any special help just the opposite they made road blocks so I had to push and struggle for all that I have.

Yep, life was not easy for this white male. But I found that the privileged some how admired the way my life played out.
In my early years we didn't work at such jobs, but we all struggled financially. Nobody could afford anything. :(
Feminist scholar and anti-racism educator Peggy McIntosh famously described white privilege as an “invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.”

"In other words, white people typically move through life unaware of all the head starts, resources and access the color of their skin affords them. They don’t recognize these unearned advantages until they’re pointed out — and even then, some white people will try to deny the existence of their privilege."

I wish someone had told me this sooner. I wouldn't have had to struggle so hard in life. :( Those "unearned advantages" were provide by previous generations of hard-working, visionary white folks.
Life is hard, no matter your socioeconomic history.

Such idiocy.
Feminist scholar and anti-racism educator Peggy McIntosh famously described white privilege as an “invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.”

"In other words, white people typically move through life unaware of all the head starts, resources and access the color of their skin affords them. They don’t recognize these unearned advantages until they’re pointed out — and even then, some white people will try to deny the existence of their privilege."

I wish someone had told me this sooner. I wouldn't have had to struggle so hard in life. :( Those "unearned advantages" were provide by previous generations of hard-working, visionary white folks.
Well, I’ll put it to you like this.

At 1st avenue and Main Street there is a purse snatching. If you’re walking down the street on 2nd Avenue at Main Street and you’re black, the cops are going to stop you and look for clues that you snatched the purse. If you’re white, you’re not getting stopped unless you’ have the purse over your shoulder...and then it’s a maybe. This is just the way it is.

Now if you and the black guy both have weed on your person, both have warrants, both have unpaid parking tickets, both are behind on child support... the mere act of stopping the black guy opens him up to all of these other things. The fact that the white guy wasn’t stopped at all doesn’t make him any less guilty..the black guy was just stopped so now he’s going to have to answer for all of these other things.

Personal story...

I remember back when I lived in Houston, I was pulled over and ticketed in the suburb of Bellaire. Google the city of Bellaire and check it out. Wiki has it as being 90+% white and Asian.

Well, I wanted to fight the ticket so I went to the court which was in the evening. The court room was packed full of people there to fight their tickets as well. The racial make up should be about 90+% white and Asian if, on average, those ticketed reflect the racial make-up of the city...right?

Aside from the Judge, an attorney some Mexican lady brought with her, and another defendant, nearly every defendant in the room was black or Hispanic (very few Hispanics by the way). We're talking about 150 defendants and one of them was white, in Bellaire, where 74% of the town is white.
Anyone who thinks white privilege doesn’t exist is fooling themselves. But what is not often said is that all races have some privilege. The footprint of white privilege is that of a grizzly bear. The footprint of other forms of racial or ethnic privilege (such as growing up in a bilingual household) are about the size of the footprint of a flamingo.
We live off the Fiat Currency printing press now. When it collapses, we will see where we all are at.
It almost seems like Republicans want it to happen. The rich republicans liked the Great Recession Bush created. They purchased your home cheap and now you rent from them for more than what your mortgage was.

And Trump's base, uneducated white people, have nothing to lose.

But I'm assuming most of you USMB Republicans aren't losers and don't really want to trash the system. I assumed you benefited from the status quo. Perhaps the Republicans I argued with in the 2000's are not the same as you Republicans now. Those uneducated whites voted GOP but they got pensions because they were in unions. Boomers. Now their dead and who replaced them? White uneducated losers living in despair. Maybe the Rock was right.

In a controversial twist, The Rock referred to nearby Phoenix as the top city in America for meth and cocaine use. Despite this, fans continued to cheer him. The Rock intensified his confrontational stance by calling fans “cactus-loving crackheads”

According to American Addiction Centers, Phoenix has the highest percentage of its population using cocaine and meth. With a population of 1.5 million, the report indicates that 15.1% have used meth, and 23.3% have used cocaine. Mesa, Arizona, ranks second in both categories.
Now if you and the black guy both have weed on your person, both have warrants, both have unpaid parking tickets, both are behind on child support... the mere act of stopping the black guy opens him up to all of these other things. The fact that the white guy wasn’t stopped at all doesn’t make him any less guilty..the black guy was just stopped so now he’s going to have to answer for all of these other things.
Of course, you left out the part that the victim identified the perp as being black. Also, the way to NOT be investigated for weed, warrants and unpaid tickets is "be responsible and don't put yourself into those positions. Quit trying to play the bbbut, bbbut, bbbut he did too" game. You should have abandoned those tactics in first grade.
It almost seems like Republicans want it to happen. The rich republicans liked the Great Recession Bush created. They purchased your home cheap and now you rent from them for more than what your mortgage was.

And Trump's base, uneducated white people, have nothing to lose.

But I'm assuming most of you USMB Republicans aren't losers and don't really want to trash the system. I assumed you benefited from the status quo. Perhaps the Republicans I argued with in the 2000's are not the same as you Republicans now. Those uneducated whites voted GOP but they got pensions because they were in unions. Boomers. Now their dead and who replaced them? White uneducated losers living in despair. Maybe the Rock was right.

In a controversial twist, The Rock referred to nearby Phoenix as the top city in America for meth and cocaine use. Despite this, fans continued to cheer him. The Rock intensified his confrontational stance by calling fans “cactus-loving crackheads”

According to American Addiction Centers, Phoenix has the highest percentage of its population using cocaine and meth. With a population of 1.5 million, the report indicates that 15.1% have used meth, and 23.3% have used cocaine. Mesa, Arizona, ranks second in both categories.
Trump comes into the reality you typed. It is just a simple adjustment that we need, and you fight against.
Of course, you left out the part that the victim identified the perp as being black. Also, the way to NOT be investigated for weed, warrants and unpaid tickets is "be responsible and don't put yourself into those positions. Quit trying to play the bbbut, bbbut, bbbut he did too" game. You should have abandoned those tactics in first grade.
Wanda Sykes did a great stand up bit on that. She watched white women shop lift and the employees in the store didn't follow, watch or catch the white woman shop lifting.

So it may look like only black people steal but the truth is only blacks get caught.

Now, I know that's entirely not true. My friend works at LuLu Lemon and she has to deal with hood rats who constantly steal and try to return stuff without a receipt. And I guess the store policy is to not chase people who grab and dash so they get away with it. Eventually they get caught but like the Taliban, kill one and another 2 replace him.
Wanda Sykes did a great stand up bit on that. She watched white women shop lift and the employees in the store didn't follow, watch or catch the white woman shop lifting.

So it may look like only black people steal but the truth is only blacks get caught.

Now, I know that's entirely not true. My friend works at LuLu Lemon and she has to deal with hood rats who constantly steal and try to return stuff without a receipt. And I guess the store policy is to not chase people who grab and dash so they get away with it. Eventually they get caught but like the Taliban, kill one and another 2 replace him.
When you go to a Wal Mart and use the self check the black shopper using it. The machine will magically malfunction and the attendant will have to come over to see what went “wrong”. In truth, they are doing a spot check to go through their bags.

Again...if they are stealing something that doesn’t make them not guilty---it just means the the white lady two registers over isn’t being flagged or profiled.

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