White Power: Trump Won Every County In Every State Last Night

It's official! Donald Trump put on a display of white supremacy last night. He endured over his opponents through the power of the White voter. You see my friends, the silent White majority has awakened. Good things are coming. Trump will be our next president. He will return the country back over to the people the founders originally created it for, White people of European heritage.



yes- Donald Trump- the "Great White Hope" of White Supremacists.

Hmmmm, are Ben Carson and Alan West white supremacists? How about Condi Rice? Deneen Borelli?

your white supremacist bullshit doesn't fly, so shove it back up your ass where it belongs.

I leave all of the ass exploration to you Redfish- since you seem to pull stuff out of there so often.

As I have said many times- I do not believe Trump is a racist- or a White Supremacist. Nor do I think all of his supporters are.

But Trump is hands down the candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB- such as Stevie here.
Why is it that they believe Trump is their Great White Hope?
That is the fascinating question.

was Obama the great black hope? why is everything race with you libs?

Why do you think that Trump is the hands down candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB?
As with the OP I suspect that the majority of those "white supremacists" are Liberals in drag. Most of the racist I have met do not spend the amount of energy the fakers on this site do to prove their bigotry.
I am
It's official! Donald Trump put on a display of white supremacy last night. He endured over his opponents through the power of the White voter. You see my friends, the silent White majority has awakened. Good things are coming. Trump will be our next president. He will return the country back over to the people the founders originally created it for, White people of European heritage.

I am no Trump supporter, and all the twaddle he (Trump) spouts amazes me. He has no integrity. The race angle might possibly be an issue, maybe. But it seems more likely that a lot of Americans are tired of being dictated to and led by the nose by liberals and political correctness. I know I am. We need to get past that stuff. Trump hasn't given any hard answers to his policies besides bluster and hostility. Beware Trump. That's all I can say on this.
As I have said many times- I do not believe Trump is a racist- or a White Supremacist. Nor do I think all of his supporters are.

But Trump is hands down the candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB- such as Stevie here.
Why is it that they believe Trump is their Great White Hope?
That is the fascinating question.

You assume that these 'people' are not just sock puppets created by Trump hating retards.

My bet is that Steve is exactly that.

Stevie has been the gold standard White Supremacist here at USMB since long before Trump was raising his flag.
So, he would be a very old sock then.
As I have said many times- I do not believe Trump is a racist- or a White Supremacist. Nor do I think all of his supporters are.

But Trump is hands down the candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB- such as Stevie here.
Why is it that they believe Trump is their Great White Hope?
That is the fascinating question.

You assume that these 'people' are not just sock puppets created by Trump hating retards.

My bet is that Steve is exactly that.

Stevie has been the gold standard White Supremacist here at USMB since long before Trump was raising his flag.
So, he would be a very old sock then.

Oh he is just nothing but an old racist.

He is proudly an anti-semite and white supremacist and starts thread after thread on his anti-black and anti-Jew and anti-gay and anti-Mexican and well- pretty much anti-anybody who is doesn't pass whatever bizarre color test he has in his head.
yes- Donald Trump- the "Great White Hope" of White Supremacists.

Hmmmm, are Ben Carson and Alan West white supremacists? How about Condi Rice? Deneen Borelli?

your white supremacist bullshit doesn't fly, so shove it back up your ass where it belongs.

I leave all of the ass exploration to you Redfish- since you seem to pull stuff out of there so often.

As I have said many times- I do not believe Trump is a racist- or a White Supremacist. Nor do I think all of his supporters are.

But Trump is hands down the candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB- such as Stevie here.
Why is it that they believe Trump is their Great White Hope?
That is the fascinating question.

was Obama the great black hope? why is everything race with you libs?

Why do you think that Trump is the hands down candidate of White Supremacists and racists here at USMB?
As with the OP I suspect that the majority of those "white supremacists" are Liberals in drag. Most of the racist I have met do not spend the amount of energy the fakers on this site do to prove their bigotry.

Yeah.......that is a great rationalization 'I am not going to believe the words he has posted for 2 years- I will just presume he must be a liberal".......LOL.

Whatever rationalizations make you sleep easier at night.
Oh he is just nothing but an old racist.

He is proudly an anti-semite and white supremacist and starts thread after thread on his anti-black and anti-Jew and anti-gay and anti-Mexican and well- pretty much anti-anybody who is doesn't pass whatever bizarre color test he has in his head.

What a sad life.

I have never met a racist like that who was a happy person. Everything that was wrong with their lives they believed was someone elses fault, when it was mostly due to their own niggardliness.

And yes, I did that deliberately.
Oh he is just nothing but an old racist.

He is proudly an anti-semite and white supremacist and starts thread after thread on his anti-black and anti-Jew and anti-gay and anti-Mexican and well- pretty much anti-anybody who is doesn't pass whatever bizarre color test he has in his head.

What a sad life.

I have never met a racist like that who was a happy person. Everything that was wrong with their lives they believed was someone elses fault, when it was mostly due to their own niggardliness.

And yes, I did that deliberately.

And well played.
Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd.

who exactly is the white power crowd? can you give us names, or is it just something you made up or heard in talking points on Kos or MSNBC?

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?
I am
It's official! Donald Trump put on a display of white supremacy last night. He endured over his opponents through the power of the White voter. You see my friends, the silent White majority has awakened. Good things are coming. Trump will be our next president. He will return the country back over to the people the founders originally created it for, White people of European heritage.

I am no Trump supporter, and all the twaddle he (Trump) spouts amazes me. He has no integrity. The race angle might possibly be an issue, maybe. But it seems more likely that a lot of Americans are tired of being dictated to and led by the nose by liberals and political correctness. I know I am. We need to get past that stuff. Trump hasn't given any hard answers to his policies besides bluster and hostility. Beware Trump. That's all I can say on this.

do you think Hilary has integrity? Trump gave very good answers in his foreign policy speech this week. He also took unscripted questions from the media after his 5 state win in the east, when has the hildebeast ever done that?
Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd.

who exactly is the white power crowd? can you give us names, or is it just something you made up or heard in talking points on Kos or MSNBC?

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

You have a hard time following a discussion- don't you?

Here is the first post:

Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd

Then you jumped in.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

So- what is my point?

I am still waiting for Stevie the racist to explain why he thinks Trump represents his White Supremacists point of view.
Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd.

who exactly is the white power crowd? can you give us names, or is it just something you made up or heard in talking points on Kos or MSNBC?

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

That's a lie.
who exactly is the white power crowd? can you give us names, or is it just something you made up or heard in talking points on Kos or MSNBC?

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

You have a hard time following a discussion- don't you?

Here is the first post:

Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd

Then you jumped in.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

So- what is my point?

I am still waiting for Stevie the racist to explain why he thinks Trump represents his White Supremacists point of view.

So what if he does? Trump will accept votes from anyone who chooses to vote for him, as will any candidate for any political job.

Hillary has been endorsed by the KKK, does that make you want to stop supporting her?

the OP is a red herring and a pile of steaming bullshit.
who exactly is the white power crowd? can you give us names, or is it just something you made up or heard in talking points on Kos or MSNBC?

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

That's a lie.

nope, its true, from huffpuff

Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

That's a lie.

nope, its true, from huffpuff


And what does it say? ONE guy in the kkk, SOME guy in the kkk, endorsed Clinton because he thinks in reality she's a conservative.
Off the top of my head- and I frankly can't keep track of them all
Stevie the racist- the OP

Check out Sharpshooter amazing thread "Why Africa is in the Stone Age"- a virtual Bedlam of racist lunies.

Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

You have a hard time following a discussion- don't you?

Here is the first post:

Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd

Then you jumped in.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

So- what is my point?

I am still waiting for Stevie the racist to explain why he thinks Trump represents his White Supremacists point of view.

So what if he does? .

I am surprised that Stevie hasn't taken up the offer.

What is it about Trump that appeals specifically to a racist anti-semite like Stevie?

That is the question I have asked Stevie many times- he is strangely coy.
the OP is a red herring and a pile of steaming bullshit.

The OP is the opinion of one enthusiastic Trump supporter- who has started dozens of threads expressing his support for Trump.

And yes it is a pile of steaming bullshit- all of Stevie's threads and those of his fellow White Supremacists are.
Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

That's a lie.

nope, its true, from huffpuff


And what does it say? ONE guy in the kkk, SOME guy in the kkk, endorsed Clinton because he thinks in reality she's a conservative.

I gave you one link, do a google search for "KKK endorses Hillary" you will find much more, educate yourself, you might not make such a fool of yourself on this forum.
Ok, I agree. Now shall we list the left wing morons.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

and the KKK endorsed Hillary, what's your point?

You have a hard time following a discussion- don't you?

Here is the first post:

Still waiting for Stevie to explain why Trump is so appealing to the "White Power" crowd

Then you jumped in.

LOL- you asked exactly who is the 'white power crowd' and challenged me to provide names- suggesting I made them up.

Stevie the Racist- White Supremacist- big Trump supporter.
Odium- full on racist- big Trump supporter- and loves Adolf Hitler.
Shootspeeder- the most stupid USMB racist- loves him Trump- and is convinced Trump will tell us all what really happened on 9/11.

You asked for a list- those were off the top of my head.

They all are convinced Trump is their man.

So- what is my point?

I am still waiting for Stevie the racist to explain why he thinks Trump represents his White Supremacists point of view.

So what if he does? .

I am surprised that Stevie hasn't taken up the offer.

What is it about Trump that appeals specifically to a racist anti-semite like Stevie?

That is the question I have asked Stevie many times- he is strangely coy.

I suspect that its mostly because he is not Hillary. face it, Hillary is a very bad candidate, no one is on the fence about her, no one is going to change their mind about her, if anything, the more people see of her the less they will like her. She is just not a likeable human being----------------not to mention being a habitual liar and corrupt.

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